by Christine Marais

Although involved in many wars, there is no indication that Greece, Persia, Rome or the Ottoman Empire ever had or needed national anthems.  When we look at their history, they conquered countries and overtook people but once settled, they pretty much allowed them to go on with their lives with little interference.  They conquered the land but not the nations.

The mere concept of national anthem appears to coincide with the fairly recent creation of artificial borders through slicing and dicing of existing land worldwide and through arbitrary partitioning of existing ethnic groups by the Occident, either as a result of wars of conquests, colonization and cultural obliteration or, much more recently, as a result of revolutions, wars of independence and the reclaiming of their identity.

It is as though the concept of national anthem (which originated in the West) served to fill an identity vacuum and create some sense a unity among people who, otherwise, might historically and geographically have had very little in common other than being trapped together within artificial borders they never chose for themselves and which were imposed on them by sheer force and violence.  Attack, conquer, divide, obliterate, partition, reshape and remold.

In today’s geopolitical climate, lyrics of national anthems give a very good indication of countries’ psychology and mindset.  As an example, France’s, Turkey’s and the US’ are among the most violent, jingoist and goriest ones. France’s actions in Africa in the past 40 years are appalling: Chad, Ivory Coast, Libya, Central Africa, Mali, the list is almost endless.  Turkey’s involvement with ISIS, Syria, Iraq and Iran have been fully documented and the US have been involved in more wars in 235 years and killed and destroyed more populations than all other countries combined.  Violence is a means to an end and it is in their psyche.

Remarkably, the lyrics of the national anthems of the countries currently most ostracized and demonized (Russia, China and Iran) are nowhere as aggressive and belligerent.  Russia’s praise its people, its country, its history, its heritage, its resilience and its moral strength.  So do those of Iran and China with one caveat: their country is theirs and they will defend it to death if necessary.

People’s mind is formed by language. Children learn to express themselves by using the vocabulary they hear and even though they may not fully understand their meaning, singing along a very descriptive anthem loaded with images of blood, sacrifice, martyrdom, killings, bombs and such is bound to leave an imprint and negatively affect their perception of other populations.

Likewise, I expect that depicting determination, steadfastness and courage without undue belligerence or hostility will teach children those same qualities.

Had the US considered what nations such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Syria, Iraq and many other countries stood for prior to attempting to destroy them (the US have not won a single war since WWI), millions of lives would have been spared.

The Soviet National Anthem / Гимн СССР
mp3(1944)  mp3(1977)  mp3(English)  midi
Video (subtitles)

The mere concept of national an

1944 (mp3)
Союз нерушимый республик свободных
Сплотила навеки Великая Русь.
Да здравствует созданный волей народов
Единый, могучий Советский Союз!Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Дружбы, народов надежный оплот!
Знамя советское, знамя народное
Пусть от победы, к победе ведет!
Soiuz nerushimyj respublik svobodnykh
Splotila naveki Velikaia Rus.
Da zdravstvuet sozdannyj volej narodov
Edinyj, moguchij Sovetskij Soiuz!
Slavsia, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoe,
Druzhby, narodov nadezhnyj oplot!
Znamia sovetskoe, znamia narodnoe
Pust ot pobedy, k pobede vedet!
Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы,
И Ленин великий нам путь озарил.
Нас вырастил Сталин – на верность народу
На труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил.Славься, Отечество чаше свободное,
Счастья народов надежный оплот!
Знамя советское, знамя народное
Пусть от победы к победе ведет!
Skvoz grozy siialo nam solntse svobody,
I Lenin velikij nam put ozaril.
Nas vyrastil Stalin – na vernost narodu
Na trud i na podvigi nas vdokhnovil.
Slavsia, Otechestvo chashe svobodnoe,
Schastia narodov nadezhnyj oplot!
Znamia sovetskoe, znamia narodnoe
Pust ot pobedy k pobede vedet!
Мы армию нашу растили в сраженьях,
Захватчиков подлых с дороги сметем!
Мы в битвах решаем судьбу поколений,
Мы к славе Отчизну свою поведем!Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Славы народов надежный оплот!
Знамя советское, знамя народное
Пусть от победы к победе ведет!  
My armiiu nashu rastili v srazheniakh,
Zakhvatchikov podlykh s dorogi smetem!
My v bitvakh reshaem sudbu pokolenij,
My k slave Otchiznu svoiu povedem!
Slavsia, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoe,
Slavy narodov nadezhnyj oplot!
Znamia sovetskoe, znamia narodnoe
Pust ot pobedy k pobede vedet!
1977 (mp3)
Союз нерушимый республик свободных
Сплотила навеки Великая Русь.
Да здравствует созданный волей народов
Единый, могучий Советский Союз!Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Дружбы народов надёжный оплот!
Партия Ленина – сила народная
Нас к торжеству коммунизма ведёт!
Soiuz nerushimyj respublik svobodnykh
Splotila naveki Velikaia Rus.
Da zdravstvuet sozdannyj volej narodov
Edinyj, moguchij Sovetskij Soiuz!
Slavsia, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoe,
Druzhby narodov nadiozhnyj oplot!
Partiia Lenina – sila narodnaia
Nas k torzhestvu kommunizma vediot!
Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы,
И Ленин великий нам путь озарил,
На правое дело он поднял народы,
На труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил.Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Дружбы народов надёжный оплот!
Партия Ленина – сила народная
Нас к торжеству коммунизма ведёт!
Skvoz grozy siialo nam solntse svobody,
I Lenin velikij nam put ozaril,
Na pravoe delo on podnial narody,
Na trud i na podvigi nas vdokhnovil.
Slavsia, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoe,
Druzhby narodov nadiozhnyj oplot!
Partiia Lenina – sila narodnaia
Nas k torzhestvu kommunizma vediot!
В победе бессмертных идей коммунизма
Мы видим грядущее нашей страны
И Красному знамени славной Отчизны
Мы будем всегда беззаветно верны!Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Дружбы народов надёжный оплот!
Партия Ленина – сила народная
Нас к торжеству коммунизма ведёт!  
V pobede bessmertnykh idej kommunizma
My vidim griadushchee nashej strany
I Krasnomu znameni slavnoj Otchizny
My budem vsegda bezzavetno verny!
Slavsia, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoe,
Druzhby narodov nadiozhnyj oplot!
Partiia Lenina – sila narodnaia
Nas k torzhestvu kommunizma vediot!
English translation (of the 1944 version) (mp3)
United forever in friendship and labour,
Our mighty republics will ever endure.
The Great Soviet Union will live through the ages.
The dream of a people their fortress secure.
Long live our Soviet motherland,
Built by the people’s mighty hand.
Long live our people, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.

Through days dark and stormy where Great Lenin lead us
Our eyes saw the bright sun of freedom above
And Stalin our leader with faith in the people,
Inspired us to build up the land that we love.

Long live our Soviet motherland,
Built by the people’s mighty hand.
Long live our people, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.

We fought for the future, destroyed the invaders,
And brought to our homeland the laurels of fame.
Our glory will live in the memory of nations
And all generations will honour her name.

Long live our Soviet motherland,
Built by the people’s mighty hand.
Long live our people, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.


English translation (of the 1977 version)
Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics,
Great Russia has welded forever to stand.
Created in struggle by will of the people,
United and mighty, our Soviet land!
Sing to the Motherland, home of the free,
Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.
O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people,
To Communism’s triumph lead us on!

Through tempests the sunrays of freedom have cheered us,
Along the new path where great Lenin did lead.
To a righteous cause he raised up the peoples,
Inspired them to labour and valourous deed.

Sing to the Motherland, home of the free,
Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.
O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people,
To Communism’s triumph lead us on!

In the victory of Communism’s immortal ideal,
We see the future of our dear land.
And to her fluttering scarlet banner,
Selflessly true we always shall stand!

Sing to the Motherland, home of the free,
Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.
O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people,
To Communism’s triumph lead us on!


Official lyrics

Russian Transliteration English translation
Россия — священная наша держава,
Россия — любимая наша страна.
Могучая воля, великая слава —
Твоё достоянье на все времена!Припев:
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная мудрость народная!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся тобой!
От южных морей до полярного края
Раскинулись наши леса и поля.
Одна ты на свете! Одна ты такая —
Хранимая Богом родная земля!ПрипевШирокий простор для мечты и для жизни
Грядущие нам открывают года.
Нам силу даёт наша верность Отчизне.
Так было, так есть и так будет всегда!Припев
Rossiya — svyashchennaya nasha derzhava,
Rossiya — lyubimaya nasha strana.
Moguchaya volya, velikaya slava —
Tvoyo dostoyanye na vse vremena!Chorus:
Slavsya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Bratskikh narodov soyuz vekovoy,
Predkami dannaya mudrost narodnaya!
Slavsya, strana! My gordimsya toboy!
Ot yuzhnykh morey do polyarnogo kraya
Raskinulis nashi lesa i polya.
Odna ty na svete! Odna ty takaya —
Khranimaya Bogom rodnaya zemlya!ChorusShirokiy prostor dlya mechty i dlya zhizni.
Gryadushchiye nam otkryvayut goda.
Nam silu dayot nasha vernost Otchizne.
Tak bylo, tak yest i tak budet vsegda!Chorus
Russia—our sacred state,
Russia—our beloved country.
A mighty will, a great glory
Are yours forever for all time!Chorus:
Be glorious, our free Fatherland,
Ancient union of brotherly people,
Wisdom of the ancestors of the given people!
Be glorious, country! We are proud of you!
From the southern seas to the polar region
Lay our forests and our fields.
You are one in the world! You are one of a kind,
Native land protected by God!ChorusWide spaces for dreams and for living
Are open to us by the coming years.
Our faith in our Fatherland gives us strength.
So it was, so it is, and so it will always be!Chorus



O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the star-spangled banner, O long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion,
A home and a country, should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

O thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war’s desolation.
Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the Heav’n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: ‘In God is our trust.’
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave![26]

Cover of sheet music for “The Star-Spangled Banner”, transcribed for piano by Ch. Voss, Philadelphia: G. Andre & Co., 1862

Additional Civil War period lyrics

In indignation over the start of the American Civil WarOliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.[27] added a fifth stanza to the song in 1861, which appeared in songbooks of the era.[28]

When our land is illumined with Liberty’s smile,
If a foe from within strike a blow at her glory,
Down, down with the traitor that dares to defile
The flag of her stars and the page of her story!
By the millions unchained who our birthright have gained,
We will keep her bright blazon forever unstained!
And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave
While the land of the free is the home of the brave.


Lyrics and translation[edit]

The following provides the lyrics of the “Lied der Deutschen” as written by Hoffmann von Fallersleben.

Only the third stanza is currently the Federal Republic of Germany’s national anthem.[7]

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze
Brüderlich zusammenhält.
Von der Maas bis an die Memel,
Von der Etsch bis an den Belt,
|: Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,
Über alles in der Welt! :|
Germany, Germany above all else,
Above all else in the world,
when, for protection and defense,
it always stands brotherly together.
From the Meuse to the Memel,
From the Adige to the Belt,
|: Germany, Germany above all else,
Above all else in the world! :|
Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang
Sollen in der Welt behalten
Ihren alten schönen Klang,
Uns zu edler Tat begeistern
Unser ganzes Leben lang.
|: Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang! :|
German women, German loyalty,
German wine and German song
Shall retain in the world
Their old beautiful chime
And inspire us to noble deeds
During all of our life.
|: German women, German loyalty,
German wine and German song! :|
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Für das deutsche Vaterland!
Danach lasst uns alle streben
Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Sind des Glückes Unterpfand;
|: Blüh’ im Glanze dieses Glückes,
Blühe, deutsches Vaterland! :|
Unity and justice and freedom
For the German fatherland!
Towards these let us all strive
Brotherly with heart and hand!
Unity and justice and liberty
Are the foundation of happiness;
|: Flourish in the radiance of this happiness,
Flourish, German fatherland! :|


William Hickson’s alternative version[edit]

William Hickson’s alternative (1836) version includes the following verses, of which the first, third, and fourth have some currency as they are appended to the National Anthem in the English Hymnal. The fourth verse was sung after the traditional first verse at the Queen’s Golden Jubilee National Service of Thanksgiving in 2002 and during the raising of the Union Flag during the closing ceremonies of the 2008 Summer Olympics.

God bless our native land!
May heaven’s protecting hand
Still guard our shore:
May peace her power extend,
Foe be transformed to friend,
And Britain’s rights depend
On war no more.

O Lord, our monarch bless
With strength and righteousness:
Long may she reign:
Her heart inspire and move
With wisdom from above;
And in a nation’s love
Her throne maintain

May just and righteous laws
Uphold the public cause,
And bless our isle:
Home of the brave and free,
Thou land of liberty,
We pray that still on thee
Kind heaven may smile.

Not in this land alone,
But be God’s mercies known
From shore to shore:
Lord make the nations see
That men should brothers be,
And form one family
The wide world over

Official peace version[edit]

A less militaristic version of the song, titled “Official peace version, 1919”, was first published in the hymn book Songs of Praise in 1925.[33] This was “official” in the sense that it was approved by the British Privy Council in 1919.[22] However, despite being reproduced in some other hymn books, it is largely unknown today.[34]

God save our gracious Queen
Long live our noble Queen
God save The Queen!
Send her victorious
Happy and glorious
Long to reign over us
God save The Queen!

One realm of races four
Blest more and ever more
God save our land!
Home of the brave and free
Set in the silver sea
True nurse of chivalry
God save our land!

Of many a race and birth
From utmost ends of earth
God save us all!
Bid strife and hatred cease
Bid hope and joy increase
Spread universal peace
God save us all!


Hatikvah’s Lyrics in  English Transliteration and Translation:


Kol od ba’le’vav p’nima,Nefesh yehudi ho’miyah.

U’lefa-atei mizrach kadimah,

Ayin le’Tziyyon tzofiyah.

Od lo avda tikva-teinu,

Ha’tikvah bat sh’not al-payim

Lih-yot am chofshi b’ar-tzeinu

Eretz Tziyyon v’Yerushalayim.



As long as within our hearts

The Jewish soul sings,

As long as forward to the East

To Zion, looks the eye –

Our hope is not yet lost,

It is two thousand years old,

To be a free people in our land

The land of Zion and Jerusalem.


Upwards on the horizon rises the Eastern Sun,
The sight of the true Religion.
Bahman – the brilliance of our Faith.
Your message, O Imam, of independence and freedom
is imprinted on our souls.
O Martyrs! The time of your cries of pain rings in our ears.
Enduring, continuing, eternal,
The Islamic Republic of Iran.


Sar Zad Az Ufuq Mihr-i Hawaran
Furug-i Dida-yi Haqq-bawaran
Bahman – Farr-i Iman-i Mast
Payamat Ay Imam Istiqlal. Azadi-naqs-i Gan-i Mast
Sahidan – Picida Dar Gus-i Zaman Faryad-i Tan
Payanda Mani Wa Gawidan
Gumhuri-yi Islami-i Iran