By Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker Blog
Exactly at 1:20 am (Tehran time) on Thursday, April 22, 2021 a missile hit near Dimona nuclear reactor, the “secret” nuclear site in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The Jerusalem Post headlined the event as “Syrian missile lands near Dimona nuclear reactor, interception fails.”[1] The article went on to story the event as follows:
“It was unclear at first from where the missile was launched. Several signs indicated it having been launched from Iraq, while according to other reports, it came from the city of Daraa in southern Syria following an Israeli airstrike.”
“IDF Spokesman Brig.-Gen. Hidai Zilberman told reporters that ‘the explosion was due to the firing of an SA-5 surface-to-air missile toward Israel from Syria that exploded in the southern Negev. The firing of the missile came during Israeli airstrikes in southern Syria,’ Zilberman said, and that ‘it was an errant missile and not directed toward the Dimona nuclear reactor.’”
It was not an errant missile. It did not come from where the General said it came. It was not during Israeli airstrikes in southern Syria. The interception did not fail because there was interception. The missile was directed toward exactly where it needed to hit near Dimona nuclear reactor and it hit exactly at 1:20 am the time Sardar Soleimani, the martyred commander of Qods Force was assassinated. The hit had a message.
The missile strike (not “landing” as if it were some civilian passenger airline) on the land in the vicinity of Dimona took place 22 hours after another serious explosion that happened inside Tomer factory which develops and manufactures military equipment including missiles for Israeli Defense. About Tomer, Haaretz reported:
“The explosion occurred during a ‘routine test’ by the Tomer factory for advanced weapons, which develops rocket engines, the Ofek satellite launchers and houses various types of missiles. In response to the blast, Tomer said ‘this was a controlled test with no exceptional circumstances.’ Tomer’s factory is located in central Israel, and in proximity to residential areas. The company manufactures missiles for use by the IDF and other Israeli defense systems. They are the manufacturers behind Israel’s Arrow 4 missile interception system.”[2]
Again, no. The explosion did not occur during a routine test and it was not a controlled test. The explosion was in fact controlled but not by any force friendly to Tomer, the Zionist entity, or IDF. That explosion, too, had a message. On Tuesday, April 20, in a public speech delivered during funeral procession held for Sardar Hejazi, the vice commander of Qods Force, Sardar Qa’ani, the current Commander of Qods Force (replacing Sardar Soleimani after his martyrdom) clearly and unambiguously declared:
“Today, in the resistance fronts from Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, and the Children of Resistance [informal term that refers to all resistance fighters] every single day, delivers one major operation against the enemies including [US] America and Israel and they will continue this path until the global command has been achieved.”[3]
This statement was not a threat nor a warning nor a promise by Sardar Qa’ani. It was a declaration. The news vice commander of Qods Force, who was appointed after the martyrdom of Sardar Hejazi, announced on Thursday, April 22:
“The usurper Zionist regime must know that the resistance group in every segment of the planet earth are positioned right next to you and are getting you closer to your dusk.”[4]
In an interview conducted by Tasnim News Agency on Friday, April 23, with Hadi Qabisi, the director of Al-Ittihad Center for Development and Research, regarding recent explosions in Israel, he explained:
“The rules of engagement in the framework of the Resistance in terms of their demand and direction has changed. This now affects the change in balance in the region if the Resistance decides to go to war.”
“Mere shooting of missile from Syria to the occupied territories and reaching of that missile to Naqab region, regardless of what kind of missile whether it was air-to-air or surface-to-air or surface-to-surface, makes evident the inability of Israel defense system dubbed Iron Dome. This shows the erosion of Zionist Regime’s deterrence power while the capabilities of the Resistance Axis are increasing day by day. The consequence has a negative impact on all aspects of Zionist Regime. In addition, this military development cannot be separated from other events in the region such as Iran’s capability and power to strengthen its position in Vienna talks or an increasing tension between two global poles ([US] America and Russia) in other critical scenes such as Ukraine.”[5]
On Sunday, April 25, 2021, Major General Muhammad Baqeri, the Head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces, said:
“The Zionists think they could permanently target Syrian soil, create mischief in other places and in the sea without backlash. For certain, several operations in recent days and operations that are forthcoming will have a sobering effect on them and the future of the Resistance is quite bright. We will not announce anything about who exactly is doing which operation but responses from the Resistance camp to Zionists are quite significant. We will not specify the operation but Zionist regime will not be in peace.”[6]
On April 22, 2021, a letter signed by two members of the congressmen, Ted Deutch and Michael T. McCaul, and co-signed by nearly 300 other members, urged the full funding of security assistance to Israel in the Fiscal Year 2022 appropriations bills. An excerpt from the letter reads:
“Israel continues to face direct threats from Iran and its terrorist proxies. In February, an Israeli-owned ship in the Gulf of Oman was hit by a mysterious explosion that Israel has attributed as an attack by Iran. In 2019, Hizballah launched three anti-tank missiles at an Israeli Defense Forces vehicle in Israel. Hizballah is estimated to have an arsenal of over 130,000 rockets and missiles, and is believed to be developing new precision-guided munitions to be deployed in Lebanon. American security assistance to Israel helps counter these threats, and our rock-solid security partnership serves as a deterrent against even more significant attacks on our shared interests.”
“Congress is committed to maintaining Israel’s qualitative military edge and its ability to defend itself, by itself, against persistent threats. Our aid to Israel is a vital and cost-effective expenditure which advances important U.S. national security interests in a highly challenging region.”[7]
Regarding maintaining Israel’s “qualitative military edge”, firstly, maintenance is for that which already exists. The famed prophylactic dome is engineered to emulate eyed Swiss cheese and can protect Israel exactly as much as it has done for Saudi Arabia and US bases in Iraq and Persian Gulf oil well states with flag. Secondly, the cost of maintaining illusions in West Asia has decidedly increased exponentially for the United States of America and its most cherished regimes.
[1] Anna Ahronheim, Udi Shaham. “Syrian missile lands near Dimona nuclear reactor, interception fails.” The Jerusalem Post, April 22, 2021. Accessed online at:
[2] Yaniv Kubovich. Powerful Explosion Rocks Sensitive Israeli Missile Factory During Test. April 21, 2021.
[3] Khabar Online. “Unambiguous Message of Sardar Qa’ani to Israel and [US of] America during funeral procession of Sardar Hejazi.” Farvardin 31, 1400 [April 20, 2021] @11:14 am. News Code: 506836. Accessed online at:
[4] Tasnim News Agency. “Sardar Fallahzadeh, Vice Commander of Quds Force: Resistance Groups are positioned right next to Zionist Regimes Bases.” Ordibehesht 2, 1400 [April 22, 2021] @ 11:02 am. Accessed online at
[5] Tasnim News Agency. “Interview with Syrian Analyst: Zionist Regime’s Deterrent Capabilities are wearing out day by day.” Ordibehesht 3, 1400 [April 23, 2021] @ 21:03. Accessed online at:
[6] Tasnim News Agency. “Major General Baqeri: Future Operations will bring the Zionists to their senses.” Ordibehesht 5, 1400 [April 23, 2021] @ 10:45. Accessed online at:
[7] “Letter Chair DeLauro and Ranking Member Granger” addressed to Congress of the United States, Washington DC. Accessed online at: site.
What an elucidative title which so succinctly explains the incident.
Thank you for the informative essay.
Iran needs to get rid of President Hassan Rouhani. He is an Israeli puppet. He is good friends with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’ brother and invites him to his home on a regular basis. Once Rouhani is gone then Iran will be stronger and more able to defeat Israel. It was he, President Hassan Rouhani, who gave the nod and intel to the US/Israeli intelligence to kill his political rival and enemy, Commander Qasem Soleimani. The enemy within. This is well known in Israel.
i found your assessment of rouhani challenging, as a long time observer of iranian news that any iranian would have participated in the murder of solemani difficult to digest, solemani is a hero even to those of us living in west…that aside i am interested in your take on the ‘news leak’ on zarif.
This is positive news for the resistance.
A Jerusalem Post article last month stated, “Israel announced new capabilities for the Iron Dome in February (2021), and last week Israel’s Missile Defense Organization said that it had conducted a test in the last few months that “demonstrated outstanding capabilities against evolving threats, including successfully intercepting salvos of rockets and missiles as well as intercepting multiple UAVs simultaneously.</b. The new configuration of the Iron Dome system will be delivered to the IAF and Navy for operational use, and will further strengthen the State of Israel’s multi-tier missile defense array."
It appears the “upgrades” to the missile defense array can’t even detect, track and launch against one missile.
That Iron Dome is the biggest Kippah I have ever seen. The head that it covers must be swollen with arrogance, which perfectly describes the Israeli government.
“Enter the gates of Hell to abide eternally therein, and wretched is the residence of the arrogant.” (AZ-Zumar 39:72 Holy Quran)
The Israeli rebuttal a hurried coverup for Israeli Defence Industries?
Back in 1996 I visited and was there for a month doing some charity work and doing the tourist thing. I fulfilled 2 of my childhood dreams visiting Jerusalem and Petra. I got to walk to Bethlehem from Jerusalem across the desert and had many great experiences. One experience though was during a bus trip we forgot which stop to get off at and got kind of lost and a couple of girls witnessed our concern and worry and asked if they could help. After telling them my/our predicament they said not to worry to get off with them for they knew where we needed to go. After we all exited the bus they turned to us and asked where we were from? When my turn came up I said Vancouver, Canada and one of the girls well her jaw dropped and then she said screaming with emotion ‘Wow, you come from paradise!’ And then just as quickly as that she went completely silent, stunned and gave me this look of total disbelief and I could read her thoughts which were ‘what the sic? are you doing over here in this hell?’ Her friends to turned silent and looked at me like I was nuts or stupid or both to be there and why? Why would anybody choose that place to visit? Needless to say nothing I said was convincing to them.
After I returned home a month or so later I turned on the news to watch and hear of a bus suicide bombing near the Hard Rock Cafe and sat there stunned silent realizing wow if I wasn’t in that very location just 5-6 weeks before doing the tourist thing!
Even while there we had to postpone any travels to the north due to incoming missiles which hit Natanya.
Violence. I can’t imagine living where I live now and always being worried about what violent thing is going to happen today? You can’t even go to the grocery store without either a pistol at your side or roving army recruits. Further go to the central bus station for the experience of seeing an armed everywhere populace.
On a positive note however, while in Bethlehem to see the tourist buses rolling up and people from every nationality under sun making there way there was a sight to behold.
Some other crazy stuff to like before the border was open to visit Petra from the Israeli side some people and Israeli’s in fact made or tried to make the journey on foot across no man’s land and end up dying in a minefield. A border guard from Jordan asked me about this and why so stupid as if I knew? I just replied with a shrug of my shoulders?
The Middle East?! I read the above with trepidation!
Netanyahu is desperate now that he’s lost the knee-jerk support for his every whim that he had under the Trump administration. Long gone are the days when he could depend on Trump and Pompeo to squelch any nuclear deal with Iran, murder their generals, and impose more and more draconian sanctions on Iran, all for the sake of Israel.
Those sanctions have been made meaningless by Iran being invited by Russia and China to join the new Belt and Road Initiative, which is based on cooperation and mutual respect rather than domination and exploitation. The world has moved on after the Trump epoch as slithered to its ignominious end. Christian Zionists in the USA and the Ashkenazim who occupy Palestine have totally lost control of the situation and they will never ever have it back again. Now the only option that Uncle Shmuel and Netanyahu have is either total capitulation, or the Samson Option. May Heaven help us all if they chose the latter.
I agree with the overall scope of your comments. Keep in mind that the Talmudists have multiple factions in play. The glue that hold them in place is the power of Lucifer that they worship. Biden is run by Susan Rice according to analysis by Bill Oreilly, and is infested with pro Israel schmucks in their cabinet.
One of the endgames is to double or triple the national debt here in the US and destroy the second amendment like they have done to the first. The only thing left of this country will be its military and political elites who serve their globalist masters.
The good news is those that take the generous offer made by God of salvation through his singular unique messiah look forward to the last day spoken of by Jesus 4 times in the book of John chapter 6. The dead will rise in Christ and we who are alive will receive our inheritance. Everybody else will be discarded.
Very good report. I hadn’t realized the timing of the missile strike – beautiful justice, impossible to call coincidence. We are seeing in the Middle East the kind of elegant actions we’ve become accustomed to seeing from Russia, and lately China. It’s always good to see intelligence at work.
We had been seeing what looked like a new position from the resistance, and now it seems there is a definite policy. Israel is fighting back it seems, with the attack on the vessel, but if the Resistance performs a strike daily, Israel will soon be overwhelmed. I wonder how she will try to negotiate.
At the very minimum, for the United States this will serve to shred its image as a maker of useful weapons – hitting its military corporations where it really hurts. US weaponry is progressively being outclassed in every theater.
Thanks for the report.
Without nuclear weapons and black-budget technology, Iran cannot prevail singlehandedly in a conflict imposed by the ZWO (Zionist World Order). The ZWO has consistently demonstrated its capabilities and willpower in numerous theatres. The ZWO is perfectly able and willing to unleash its entire WMD arsenal in order to achieve its objectives, hence Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fort Detrick, Wuhan, and so on. The ZWO has the ability to trigger earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, hurricanes, mutations, demons, and so on. Even the most optimistic assessments indicate that the ZWO absolutely can defeat Iran sooner or later. The Book of Revelation indicates that the Antichrist will succeed in killing all the righteous and establishing the NWO (read: ZWO) over all nations. At the return of Christ not one righteous person will be left on planet Earth, only robotic, AI, vaccinated, 5G-controlled, demon-possessed “ex-men,” loyal servants of the ZWO. Then Christ shall destroy all the forces of the ZWO and the righteous dead, the martyred, shall be resurrected for the Millennium. At least that is the scheme of events.
On biblical plans I woudl refer to this : Everyone has a plan til they get punched in the face: Mike Tyson
I had initially attributed the errant missile to Putin sending a message, on reading this I thought I was wrong for a while, but on reflection, perhaps Putin had a chat with the Iranians and suggested they could join the party and give Shere khan a punch in the face.
We are in for very interesting times, buckle up.
I think you should change those verbs to the past tense. ‘was,’ ‘had,’ ‘were…’ What we are watching is the entropy of empire. What comes next is the chaos of collapse (Al-Aleric, anybody?) followed by the reconstruction of society on a simpler level. Unfortunately, after that always comes the rise of empire.
A missile striking 20 MILES from Dimona is hardly a strategic triumph. Claiming it hit its intended target only serves the narrative of Syria as the aggressor.
“On April 22, 2021 urged the full funding of security assistance to Israel” -The end result of this “strike” is that Stolenlandia gets what it wants again.
“the erosion of Zionist Regime’s deterrence power” feh, Iron Dome was a dud from the start.
“No, Syria and Iran Did NOT Attempt to Take Out Dimona” By Scott Creighton
a poem –
Little by Little :
Even the biggest trees begin life as tiny seeds. Read about how the little acorn grew big.
“Little by little,” an acorn said,
As it slowly sank in its mossy bed;
“I am improving every day,
Hidden deep in the earth away.”
Little by little each day it grew,
Little by little it sipped the dew
Downward it sent out a thread-like root
Up in the air sprang a tiny shoot;
Day by day, and year by year,
Little by little the leaves appear,
And the slender branches spread far and wide
Till the mighty oak is the forest’s pride.
– a poem for children by an unknown author
I don’t know what credibility you place on an unshaven, seemingly hung-over man with no apparent credentials. Youtube has plenty of these. I wouldn’t pay them any heed, personally.
Vanity triumphs over substance. How proud your parents and teachers must be.
There goes the Polish Iron Dome Deal