By Matthew Ehret for the Saker Blog
As I laid out in my last article published on the Saker, false solutions to a crisis of global proportions are being promoted in the form of a “Great Global Reset” which aims at creating a new economic order under the fog of COVID. This emerging “new order”, as it is being promoted by Mark Carney, George Soros, Bill Gates and other minions of the City of London is shaped by a devout commitment to depopulation, world government and master-slave systems of social control.
By attempting to tie the new system of “value” to economic practices which are designed to crush humanity’s ability to sustain itself in the form of “reducing carbon footprints”, “sustainable green energy”, cap and trade, carbon taxes and green infrastructure bonds, humanity is being set up to accept a system of governance onto our children and grandchildren which will subject them to a dystopic world of fascism the likes of which even Hitler could not have dreamed.
The misanthropic philosophy underlying the Great Reset is not new but go back thousands of years and although this fact of world history has been intentionally obscured, the revolution that established a new nation in 1776 represented a total rejection of this system.
The Dual Nature of the USA as a Force in World History
While many people find it easy to dismiss the USA as an intrinsically evil empire which always strove to replace the British Empire as the hegemon of the earth, there is a much richer historic fight at play which America’s emergence as a new nation in 1776 exemplified and which I recently outlined in the lecture below.
As I will demonstrate in this essay, the revolution of 1776 was never about tea parties, taxes or the “right to defend property” as may revisionist historians have lyingly written over many generations.
It was rather an international affair that gave rise to a system of political economy which placed value NOT upon the worshiping money but rather upon the inherent powers of creative reason located in the minds of all citizens. This potentially infinite resource (or “the resource that creates all other resources”) is only expressed IF a nation’s citizens are given the opportunities, means, hope and inspiration to express them. Abraham Lincoln stated this principle beautifully when he said:
“All creation is a mine, and every man, a miner. The whole earth, and all within it, upon it, and round about it, including himself, in his physical, moral, and intellectual nature, and his susceptibilities, are the infinitely various “leads” from which, man, from the first, was to dig out his destiny… Man is not the only animal who labors; but he is the only one who improves his workmanship. This improvement, he effects by Discoveries, and Inventions.”
The means developed by leading figures of the revolution, to be used by government with the aim of actualizing those powers of mind included practices of national banking, public credit, selective protectionism and increasing the productive powers of labor via investments into internal improvements, infrastructure and scientific progress.
This is the system which the ruling oligarchy is currently frightened may be brought back online under the conditions of a breakdown crisis should Trump maintain his position as President, and due to the fact that it has been so entirely obscured from history books, some words are worth devoting to its existence now.
The Origins of the American System
During the crisis of 1783-1791, The newly established American republic was an agrarian economy in financial ruins with no means to pay off its debts or even the soldiers who fought for years in the revolutionary war. It was only a matter of time before the fragile new nation would come undone and be reabsorbed back into the fold of the British Empire.
The solution to this unsolvable crisis was unveiled by Washington’s former Aide de Camp and now Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) who studied the works of the great dirigiste economists like France’s Finance Minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert, and introduced a four-fold solution:
- Consolidate all unpayable state debts into a singular federal debt secured by the issuance of new bonds. This was done via his 1790 Report on Public Credit.
- Tie these new bonds to internal improvements like roads, canals, academies and industrial growth which would create a qualitatively new form of debt that would permit the nation to produce its way out of poverty which would lead to “the augmentation of the active or productive capital of a country”. In this sense Hamilton distinguished bad debt from good debt using the important guiding principle that the “creation of debt should always be accompanied with the means of extinguishment.” [to illustrate this more clearly: think of a farmer taking on a debt in order to feed a gambling addiction vs investing his loan into new farm supplies and a tractor.] The thrust of this conception was found in his Report on the Subject of Manufactures of 1791.
- Guide that new national power over finance by a system of national banks subservient to the Constitution and the General Welfare (instead of a system of central banks under the British model that ensured nation states would forever be subservient to the laws of usurious finance). This was illustrated in Hamilton’s 1790 Report on a National Bank and his 1791 On the Constitutionality of a National Bank.
- Use protective measures where necessary to block foreign dumping of cheap goods into the nation from abroad which essentially makes it more profitable to purchase industrial goods and farm products locally rather than from abroad. Hamilton also promoted federal incentives/bounties to encourage private enterprises to build things that would be in alignment with the national interests.
The Matter of Mind over Money
Hamilton’s idea for the national bank was premised on the unification of private profit with the wellbeing of the whole nation in order to overcome the dichotomy of state vs individual rights which has plagued so much of philosophy and human history.
In opposition to the Jeffersonian crowd promoting British Free Trade which presumed that manufacturing and a strong federal government were evils to be avoided, Hamilton wrote that there is “a general principle inherent in the very definition of Government and essential to every step of the progress to be made by that of the United States; namely—that every power vested in a Government is in its nature sovereign, and includes by force of the term, a right to employ all the means requisite, and fairly applicable to the attainment of the ends of such power; and which are not precluded by restrictions & exceptions specified in the constitution; or not immoral, or not contrary to the essential ends of political society.”
Hamilton added that this power must exist “to give encouragement to the enterprise of our own merchants, and to advance our navigation and manufactures.”
Throughout all of his works, Hamilton is clear that value is not located in land, gold, money, or any arbitrary value favored by followers of the British School like Adam Smith, Bentham, or Mill. In defending the growth of manufactures and internal improvements, Hamilton states that “to cherish and stimulate the activity of the human mind, by multiplying the objects of enterprise, is not among the least considerable of the expedients, by which the wealth of a nation may be promoted.”
The Overthrow of the American System
Although City of London-affiliated traitors in America like Aaron Burr established the speculative Bank of Manhattan which started Wall Street, killed Alexander Hamilton in 1804, and derailed many of Hamilton’s grand designs, the system was never completely destroyed despite the decades of attempts to do so.
In 1824, the great German economist Frederick List came to America with the last surviving leader of 1776 Marquis Lafayette as part of an international effort to revive the sabotaged plans to create a world of sovereign republics modelled on the American experience of 1776.
While this effort failed with Lafayette’s supplication to the scheme of re-instating a French King in 1830 rather than declare himself the President (as I outlined in my recent paper on the Congress of Vienna), List studied Hamilton’s system and was the first to codify it as the American System of Political Economy (1827). This was the system which List transported to Germany by driving rail development, industrial growth, protectionism under the German Zollverein which finally blossomed under the rule of Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. List’s system was also studied, translated and applied in Russia by many “American System economists” with the greatest being the Transport Minister and Prime Minister Sergei Witte who oversaw the trans Siberian railway’s completion and envisioned a line eventually connecting the Americas to Russia via the Bering Straits.
In America, the clash between American vs British Systems defined all major conflicts from 1836 when a racist tool named Andrew Jackson killed the 2nd National Bank (along with thousands of Cherokee) and brought the nation under the heal of British Free Trade, speculation, and cotton plantation economics. Following the IMF’s protocols that would be imposed onto victim nations 150 years later, Jackson cancelled all internal improvements in order to “pay the debt” and deregulated the banking system which resulted in the growth of over 7000 separate currencies issued by an array of state banks rendering the economy chaotic, bankrupt and prone to mass counterfeiting.
The defenders of the American System during this period (led by Whigs such as John Quincy Adams, Matthew Carey and Henry Clay) played a rear-guard action hoping for an opening to occur at some point. When that opening finally arrived with the victory of Whig President William Harrison in 1840 a glimmer of hope was felt. Harrison swept to power with a mandate to “revive the national bank” and enact Clay’s American System of internal improvements but sadly the new leader found himself dead in a matter of only 3 months with legislation for the 3rd national bank sitting unsigned on his desk. Over his dead body (and that of another Whig president only 10 years later), the slave power grew in influence enormously.
It wasn’t until 1861 that a new president arose who successfully avoided assassination attempts long enough to revive Hamilton’s American System during a period of existential crisis of economic bankruptcy and foreign sponsored civil war. Unlike the British system of free trade which forced its adherents to worship money, the American system of Franklin and Hamilton always placed value on the creative powers of reason of the citizens which distinguished our species as unique among all creation.
What did Lincoln Actually Face?
Beyond the dangers of secession, Lincoln had to contend with the Wall Street financiers, international bankers and Anglo Canadian operatives who worked tirelessly to sabotage the president’s ability to acquire the funds necessary to execute the war.
To make matters worse, the state of economic affairs was impossibly unmanageable with thousands of recognized bank notes in the USA and over 1496 banks each issuing multiple notes. Under this highly de-regulated system made possible by the 1836 killing of the national bank and the passage of the 1846 Independent Treasury Act which prevented the government from influencing economic affairs, every private bank could issue currencies with no federal authority. With such a breakdown of finances, no national projects were possible, international investments were scarce and free market money worshipping ran rampant. Manufacturing collapsed, speculation took over and the slavocracy grew in influence between the 1837’s bank panic and 1860.
The City of London was obviously not interested in allowing the USA to get out from under water, and with the gold-backed pound sterling, ensured the manipulation of gold prices and orchestrated the buyout of US gold reserves. When Lincoln sought loans to execute the war, whether from Wall Street or International banking houses, the loans were granted only at excessive interest rates of 20-25%.
Russian Ambassador to London de Brunow reported to Moscow of England’s desire to break the Union writing in January 1861:
“The English government, at the bottom of its heart, desired the separation of North America into two republics, which will watch each other jealously and counterbalance one the other. Then England, on terms of peace and commerce with both, would have nothing to fear from either; for she would dominate them, restraining them by their rival ambitions.”
Historian Robert Ingraham described this impossible situation in 2002:
“In January 1862, Gallatin [head of the NY Associated Banks] presented the bankers’ ultimatum to the Treasury: 1) pay for the war effort through a massive increase of direct taxation of the population; 2) deposit all U.S. government gold in the private New York banks and make those banks the sole (monopoly) agent for the marketing of U.S. government debt (primarily bonds sold in London); 3) suspend the “sub-treasury laws” (government regulation of banks); and 4) withdraw all government-issued paper currency so that only gold and private bank notes would circulate as currency.”
Although 150 years of revisionist historians have obscured the real Lincoln and the true nature of the Civil War, the martyred president was always an opponent to slavery and always situated himself in the traditions of the American System of Hamilton describing in 1832 a policy which he later enacted 30 years later: “My politics are short and sweet, like the old woman’s dance. I am in favor of a national bank. I am in favor of the internal improvement system, and a high protective tariff. These are my sentiments and political principles.”
From this period in the Congress where he became a leading ally of John Quincy Adams, and played a leading role in opposition to the unjust US-Mexican War, Lincoln committed himself consistently to ending not only systems of slavery but also all hereditary power structures internationally which he understood were inextricably connected saying during an 1858 debate with the slavocracy’s Judge Douglas:
“That is the issue that will continue in this country when these poor tongues of Judge Douglas and myself shall be silent. It is the eternal struggle between these two principles – right and wrong – throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time, and will ever continue to struggle. The one is the common right of humanity and the other the divine right of kings.“
The means needed to break both systems of empire and slavery were located in the American System of political economy.
Lincoln Revives the American System
Putting this economic policy into action during the height of the war occurred in a 3-step operation which began with Banking and Currency Acts in 1862 and 1863. These acts established placed the thousands of local state banks under a federal charter with federal supervision for the first time in decades. By imposing a 10% tax on state bank notes, private independent state banks shrank from 1466 in 1861 to only 297 by 1865 and over 1630 national banks took their place.
The Bank Act of 1863 established reserve requirements for the first time, and also capped the interest rates in order to destroy usury within the nation itself. In order to eliminate international interference and manipulation from Wall Street financiers, the Bank Act also forced 75% of all bank directors to reside in the state in which the bank was located and all directors had to be American citizens.
The most important step in this fight was the sovereign control of credit issuance which according to Article 1 section 8 of the US constitution can only be affected through the US treasury (an important lesson for anyone serious about ending the privately run Federal Reserve controls over national finance today). Following this constitutional principle, Lincoln issued a new form of currency called Greenbacks which could only be issued against US government bonds. These began being issued with the 1862 Legal Tender Act.
Nationally-chartered banks were now obliged to deposit into the federal treasury totalling at least one third of their capital in exchange for government notes issued by the Mint and Treasury (in order to qualify for federal charters needed to avoid the tax on state bank activities, banks found themselves lending to the government which gave Lincoln an ability to avoid the usurious loans from London and Wall Street.)
New bonds were issued under this scheme called 5:20 bonds (due to their 5-20 year maturation), which citizens purchased as investments into their nations’ survival. These bonds which united “personal self interest” with the general welfare of the nation provided loans to manufacturing as well as served as the basis for the issuance of more Greenbacks. Organized by Lincoln’s ally Jay Cooke (a patriotic Philadelphia banker), the 5-20 bonds were sold in small denominations to average citizens who then had a vested interest in directly participating in saving their nation. Between 1862-1865 these bonds accounted for $1.3 billion. Lincoln described the success of this new approach to finance saying:
“The patriotism of the people has placed at the disposal of the government the large means demanded by the public exigencies. Much of the national loan has been taken by citizens of the industrial classes, whose confidence in their country’s faith and zeal for their country’s deliverance from present peril has induced them to contribute to the support of the government the whole of their limited acquisitions. This fact imposes peculiar obligations to economy in disbursement and energy in action.”
These measures were accompanied by a strong protective tariff to grow American industries as well.
By the beginning of 1865, $450 million in Greenbacks were issued making up over half of all currency in circulation. Greenbacks and 5-20 bonds financed not only the arming, feeding and payments to soldiers, but also the often-overlooked large scale industrial and rail programs begun during the peak of the war itself… namely the trans continental railway (started in 1863 and completed in 1869 linking for the first time in history a continent from east to west). This was financed through grants and subsidies made possible by the greenbacks which increased government spending power by 300%!
In his 1865 essay How to Outdo England Without Fighting Her, Lincoln’s economic advisor Henry C Carey stated: “The ‘greenback’ has fallen on the country as the dew falls, bringing with it good to all and doing injury to none.”
Unfortunately, the subversion of Lincoln’s American System began quickly with Lincoln’s murder. Rather than impose full reconstruction of the defeated south after the war as Lincoln planned, a new war was waged against Greenbacks led by the City of London and its American agents in Wall Street which ultimately subverted American productive credit with the 1875 Specie Resumption Act. This act killed the greenbacks and tied the republic’s currency to gold submitting the nation to London’s speculative controls while contracting the means of credit from large-scale long-term infrastructure projects.
Some Uncomfortable Questions Regarding Lincoln’s Murder
The story has been told of Lincoln’s murder in tens of thousands of books and yet more often than not the narrative of a “single lone gunman” is imposed onto the story by researchers who are either too lazy or too corrupt to look for the evidence of a larger plot.
How many of those popular narratives infused into the western zeitgeist over the decades even acknowledge the simple fact that John Wilkes Boothe was carrying a $500 bank draft signed by Ontario Bank of Montreal President Henry Starnes (later to become Montreal Mayor from 1866-1868) when he was shot dead at Garrett Farm on April 26, 1865?
How many people have been exposed to the vast Southern Confederacy secret service operations active throughout the civil war in Montreal, Toronto and Halifax which was under the firm control of Confederate Secretary of State Judah Benjamin and his handlers in British intelligence?
How many people know that Boothe spent at least 5 weeks in the fall of 1864 in Montreal associating closely with the highest echelons of British and Southern intelligence including Starnes, and confederate spy leaders Jacob Thompson and George Sanders?
Demonstrating his total ignorance of the process that controlled him, Booth wrote to a friend on October 28, 1864: “I have been in Montreal for the last 3 or 4 weeks and no one (not even myself) knew when I would return”.
Exposing the 19th Century Deep State
After Lincoln was murdered, a manhunt to track down the intelligence networks behind the assassination was underway that eventually led to the hanging of four low level co-conspirators who history has shown were just as much patsies as John Wilkes Boothe.
Days later, President Johnson issued a proclamation saying: “It appears from evidence in the Bureau of Military Justice that the … murder of … Abraham Lincoln … [was] incited, concerted, and procured by and between Jefferson Davis, late of Richmond, Va., and Jacob Thompson, Clement C. Clay, [Nathaniel] Beverly Tucker, George N. Sanders, William C. Cleary, and other rebels and traitors against the government of the United States harbored in Canada.”
Two days before Booth was shot, Secretary of War Edwin Stanton wrote: “This Department has information that the President’s murder was organized in Canada and approved at Richmond.”
Knowledge of Canada’s confederate operations was well known to the federal authorities in those days even though the majority among leading historians today are totally ignorant of this fact.
George Sanders remains one of the most interesting figures among Booth’s handlers in Canada. As a former Ambassador to England under the presidency of Franklin Pierce (1853-1857), Sanders was a close friend of international anarchist Giuseppe Mazzini- the founder of the Young Europe movement. Sanders who wrote “Mazzini and Young Europe” in 1852, had the honor of being a leading member of the southern branch of the Young America Movement (while Ralph Waldo Emerson was a self-proclaimed leader of the northern branch of Young America). Jacob Thompson, who was named in the Johnson dispatch above, was a former Secretary of the Interior under President Pierce, handler of Booth and acted as the top controller of the Confederacy secret service in Montreal.
As the book Montreal City of Secrets (2017), author Barry Sheehy proves that not only was Canada the core of Confederate Secret Services, but also coordinated a multi pronged war from the emerging “northern confederacy” onto Lincoln’s defense of the union alongside Wall Street bankers while the president was fighting militarily to stop the southern secession. Sheehy writes: “By 1863, the Confederate Secret Service was well entrenched in Canada. Funding came from Richmond via couriers and was supplemented by profits from blockade running.”
The Many Shapes of War from the North
Although not having devolved to direct military engagement, the Anglo-Canadian war on the Union involved several components:
Financial warfare: The major Canadian banks dominant in the 19th century were used not only by the confederacy to pay British operations in the construction of war ships, but also to receive much needed infusions of cash from British Financiers throughout the war. A financial war on Lincoln’s greenback was waged under the control of Montreal based confederate bankers John Porterfield and George Payne and also JP Morgan to “short” the greenback.
By 1864, the subversive traitor Salmon Chase had managed to tie the greenback to a (London controlled) gold standard thus making its value hinge upon gold speculation. During a vital moment of the war, these financiers coordinated a mass “sell off” of gold to London driving up the price of gold and collapsing the value of the US dollar crippling Lincoln’s ability to fund the war effort.
Direct Military intervention Thwarted: As early as 1861, the Trent Crisis nearly induced a hot war with Britain when a union ship intervened onto a British ship in international waters and arrested two high level confederate agents en route to London. Knowing that a two-fold war at this early stage was unwinnable, Lincoln pushed back against hot heads within his own cabinet who argued for a second front saying “one war at a time”. Despite this near miss, London wasted no time deploying over 10 000 soldiers to Canada for the duration of the war ready to strike down upon the Union at a moment’s notice and kept at bay in large measure due to the bold intervention of the Russian fleet to both Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the USA. This was a clear message to both England and to Napoleon III’s France (who were stationed across the Mexican border) to stay out of America’s war.
Despite Russia’s intervention, Britain continued to build warships for the Confederacy which devastated the Union navy during the war and which England had to pay $15.5 million to the USA in 1872 under the Alabama Claims.
Terrorism: It is less well known today than it was during the 19th century that confederate terror operations onto the north occurred throughout the civil war with raids on Union POW camps, efforts to burn popular New York hotels, blowing up ships on the Mississippi, and the infamous St Albans raid of October 1964 on Vermont and attacks on Buffalo, Chicago, Sandusky, Ohio, Detroit, and Pennsylvania. While the St Albans raiders were momentarily arrested in Montreal, they were soon released under the logic that they represented a “sovereign state” at conflict with another “sovereign state” with no connection with Canada (perhaps a lesson can be learned here for Meng Wanzhou’s lawyers?).
Assassination: I already mentioned that a $550 note was found on Boothe’s body with the signature of Ontario Bank president Henry Starnes which the failed actor would have received during his October 1864 stay in Montreal. What I did not mention is that Booth stayed at the St Lawrence Hall Hotel which served as primary headquarters for the Confederacy from 1863-65. Describing the collusion of Northern Copperheads, anti-Lincoln republicans, and Wall Street agents, Sheehy writes: “All of these powerful northerners were at St. Lawrence Hall rubbing elbows with the Confederates who used the hotel as an unofficial Headquarters. This was the universe in which John Wilkes Booth circulated in Canada.”
In a 2014 expose, historian Anton Chaitkin, points out that the money used by Boothe came directly from a $31,507.97 transfer from London arranged by the head of European confederate secret service chief James D. Bulloch. It is no coincidence that Bulloch happens to also be the beloved uncle and mentor of the same Teddy Roosevelt who became the president over the dead body of Lincoln-follower William McKinley (assassinated in 1901).
In his expose, Chaitkin wrote:
“James D. Bulloch was the maternal uncle, model and strategy-teacher to future U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt. He emerged from the shadows of the Civil War when his nephew Teddy helped him to organize his papers and to publish a sanitized version of events in his 1883 memoir, The Secret Service of the Confederate States in Europe. Under the protection of imperial oligarchs such as Lord Salisbury and other Cecil family members, working in tandem with Britain’s military occupation of its then-colony Canada, Bulloch arranged English construction and crewing for Confederate warships that notoriously preyed upon American commerce.”
The Truth is Buried Under the Sands of History
While four low level members of Booth’s cell were hanged on July 7, 1865 after a four month show trial[1], the actual orchestrators of Lincoln’s assassination were never brought to justice with nearly every leading member of the confederate leadership having escaped to England in the wake of Lincoln’s murder. Even John Surrat (who was among the eight who faced trial) avoided hanging when his case was dropped, and his $25 000 bail was mysteriously paid by an anonymous benefactor unknown to this day. After this, Surrat escaped to London where the US Consuls demands for his arrest were ignored by British authorities.
Confederate spymaster Judah Benjamin escaped arrest and lived out his days as a Barrister in England, and Confederate President Jefferson Davies speaking to adoring fans in Quebec in June 1867 encouraged the people to reject the spread of republicanism and instead embrace the new British Confederation scheme that would soon be imposed weeks later. Davies spoke to the Canadian band performing Dixie at the Royal Theater: “I hope that you will hold fast to their British principles and that you may ever strive to cultivate close and affectionate connections with the mother country”.
With the loss of Lincoln, and the 1868 death of Thaddeus Stevens, Confederate General Albert Pike established restoration of the southern oligarchy and sabotage of Lincoln’s restoration with the rise of the KKK, and renewal of Southern Rite Freemasonry. Over the ensuing years, an all out assault was launched on Lincoln’s Greenbacks culminating in the Specie Resumption Act of 1875 tying the US financial system to British “hard money” monetarism and paving the way for the later financial coup known as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913[2].
While the Southern Confederacy plot ultimately failed, Britain’s “other confederacy operation launched in 1864 was successfully consolidated with the British North America Act of July 1, 1867. The hoped-for extension of trans continental rail lines through British Columbia and into Alaska and Russia were sabotaged as told in the Real Story Behind the Alaska Purchase of 1867.
Instead of witnessing a new world system of sovereign nation states under a multipolar order of collaboration driven by international infrastructure projects as Lincoln’s followers like William Seward, Ulysses Grant, William Gilpin and President McKinley envisioned, a new age of war and empire re-asserted itself throughout the 20th century.
It was this same trifold Deep State that contended with Franklin Roosevelt and his patriotic Vice President Henry Wallace for power during the course of WWII, and it was this same beast that ran the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. As New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison demonstrated in his book On the Trail of the Assassins (1991), Kennedy’s murder was arranged by a complex assassination network that brought into play Southern secret intelligence assets in Louisiana, and Texas, Wall Street financiers, and a strange assassination bureau based in Montreal named Permindex under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield. This was the same intelligence operation that grew out of MI6’s Camp X in Ottawa during WWII and changed its name but not its functions during the Cold War. This is the same British Imperial complex that has been attempting to undo the watershed moment of 1776 for over 240 years.
It is this same tumor in the heart of the USA that has invested everything in a gamble to put their senile tool Joe Biden into the seat of the Presidency and oust the first genuinely nationalist American president the world has seen in nearly 60 years.
The Case of Trump and the Potential Return of the American System
Like Lincoln, President Trump faces many threats today both within his own neocon-infested administration as well as within the British run deep state that has taken over the Democratic party since the 1963 murder of JFK.
But in spite of these problems, he is undeniably the first president to publicly invoke the American System of Lincoln by name since the assassinated President McKinley in 1901. His recent Republican party convention speech of August 27 repeatedly invoked Lincoln’s name while calling for a newly reconstituted party without the Bush dynasty poison (the Bush family completely boycotted the convention). During the speech Trump stated:
“The Republican Party, the party of Abraham Lincoln, goes forward united, determined and ready to welcome millions of Democrats, independents and anyone who believes in the greatness of America and the righteous heart of the American people.”
In an earlier 2017 Kentucky speech Trump invoked the “American model” and said “this is the system our Founders wanted. Our greatest American leaders — including George Washington, Hamilton, Jackson, Lincoln — they all agreed that for America to be a strong nation it must also be a great manufacturing nation.”
A Parting Thought From Lincoln
Contemplating the international scope of the Civil War which has more relevance for today’s imperilled age than anyone may have expected 160 years ago, Lincoln stated in 1862:
“Fellow citizens, we cannot escape history. We of this Congress, and this administration, will be remembered in spite of ourselves. No personal significance, or insignificance, can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the last generation. We say we are for the Union. The world will not forget that we say this. We know how to save the Union. The world knows we know how to save it. We even here–hold the power and bear the responsibility. In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free–honorable alike in what we give and what we preserve. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last, best hope of earth. Other means may succeed–this could not fail. The way is plain, peaceful, generous and just–a way which, if followed, the world will forever applaud and God must forever bless… If we do this we shall not only have saved the Union, but we shall have so saved it, as to make, and to keep it forever worthy of the saving. We shall have so saved it, that the succeeding millions of free happy people the world over shall rise up and call us blessed, to the latest generations.”
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , a BRI Expert on Tactical talk, and has authored 3 volumes of ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation. He can be reached at
- The four conspirators that faced the gallows included Mary Surratt, Lewis Powerll, George Atzerodt, and David Herold. ↑
- The entire principle of the American Credit System as embodied by Lincoln’s Greenback, is that it is driven not by the highly volatile prices of gold or silver but rather to the powers of productivity of the nation as a whole (see: ongoing scientific and technological rates of progress that render debt’s incurred by a national bank self-extinguishing). For more on this system, read the writings of Alexander Hamilton located here. ↑
Dear Matthew,
Here’s an angle that has not been explored. Cherie Booth, the wife of the criminal convert Tony Blair is one of the leading Catholics in the UK (whatever that means).
What do you make of it?
p.s. They even hint as this in the US series “Bones” where the Catholic hero Booth is troubled by his blood relation to John Wilkes.
In other words all of the conspirators behind Lincoln’s assassination were Roman Catholic (from a Catholic website). What are the odds?
The three conspirators against Roosevelt were Irish American. Please digest this.
I read the article from and I have to say, it is not the best deployment of strong reasoning skills I’ve ever seen. The overarching geopolitical top down dynamics of the world as a whole during the Civll War were clearly shaped by the two opposing forces of the oligarchical financial center of the world in the City of London which was trying desperately to consolidate global controls in order to 1) get rid of all sovereign nation states and 2) impose Malthusian population control onto the world system. Lincoln represented a force much greater than himself and his allies who continued in influential positions sought to help other nations break free of the British Empire. Cynthia Chung lays out this dynamic beautifully in her presentation of Aug 15:
WHY Russia Saved the United States: The Forgotten History of a Brotherhood
Dear Matthew,
Thank you. I’m not quite sure where you find fault with the fact that the whole cabal of assassins and their helpers was Roman Catholic. I don’t see any reasoning in your reply – the dynamics of the war were highly complex allowing for a number of interpretations. Now it is perfectly ok to be anti-British but it is less ok to swat aside an inconvenient truth.
Imagine how over the Moon many of the readers here would be if it were to transpire that ALL the people involved in the assassination of Kennedy were Jewish. We wouldn’t hear the end of it – and yet something as disturbing (if not more) is dismissed out of hand.
I’ll repeat – both the Catholic Church and you dismiss the evidence of a religious murder of Abraham Lincoln as a sideshow or at least not very interesting. Let the reader draw their own conclusions.
“Like Lincoln, President Trump faces many threats today both within his own neocon-infested administration as well as within the British run deep state that has taken over the Democratic party since the 1963 murder of JFK.”
Wow, Matthew, any neocons that “infest” Trump’s administration are there because he put them there. Same goes for the Likudniks, like those in his own family, who he has surrounded himself with. The British-run US Deep State is a figure of your imagination. They didn’t kill Kennedy, the Kosher Nostra did with Lee Harvey Oswald as the patsy, because JFK was about to blow the lid off the Israeli nuclear weapons program.
Trump has been beholden to the Kosher Nostra for decades, ever since he was Roy Cohn’s protege. He faces numerous charges of money-laundering and tax evasion in the Southern District of New York once he leaves the presidency. That’s why he is so desperate to remain in power.
Tommy Apeiron
Well, not quite. The conspiracy against JFK was very broad, as he was hated by the Deep state, which includes the Military Industrial Complex, the bankers, and the neocons. JFK was prepared to remove American advisers from South Vietnam, as he did not want to be engulfed in a war (as President Eisenhower stated, anybody who wanted to fight in Vietnam “must be out of his mind”, as the country was a jungle, full of swamps and rivers, which made it impossible to create a homogeneous and efficient front). The Military Industrial Complex did not care, as all they wanted were profits from armament sales. The US goes into Vietnam and loses.
JFK also introduced the Government dollar, something Lincoln did. The bankers, who controlled the Fed, were not pleased. JFK is assassinated, just like Lincoln.
JFK spoke openly about secret societies (ie. freemasons). He was assassinated shortly after that. Don’t forget that the HQ of all freemasons in the US is in Washington DC.
As I said, the conspiracy against JFK was very broad. J.Edgar Hoover came to Dallas and departed it before the actual assassination. George Bush of the CIA and later President was also there, somebody taking a photo of him in Dallas, something he probably did not notice. You can see it on the Internet.
And what did you get after 1963 ? Stalling tactics, the Deep State waiting for all the conspirators to die of old age, after which the actual assassination would pass into the hands of historians and become semi-forgotten.
Jack Ruby was actually Jacob Leon Rubenstein, totally Kosher Nostra. To say that Israel wasn’t involved is the real stalling tactic, that is working to this very day.
Tommy Apeiron
As I wrote, the conspiracy was very broad, both inside and outside the US. Yes, I know about Jack Ruby. Don’t forget that during JFK’s funeral, the Queen of England was not present, which say’s plenty.
That doesn’t mean the Queen of England offed him, for crying out loud! It wasn’t the British who killed Kennedy, simple as that. We have enough Kosher Nostra and Likudnik nut jobs in the USA to do that on our own, just like it wasn’t the British who did 9/11. Absolutely no one is saying that except maybe Matthew here.
The British had more to do with Kennedy’s murder than you might realize. I delivered a lecture on this topic which unpacks Jim Garrison’s important research published in his 1991 On the Trail of the Assassins which brings us to an international assassination bureau run from Montreal under Maj. Gen Louis Mortimer Bloomfield by the name of Permindex (Permanent Industrial Exhibition). The origins of this international assassination complex which was kicked out of France after having been caught re handed behind two of the 13 assassination attempts on DeGaulle, occured during the start of WWII in Ottawa’s Camp X and another intelligence operation run out of the Dulles faction of the OSS under the leadership of Sir William Stephenson (Churchill’s Intrepid) who recruited Bloomfield to the op. Anyway, for what its worth, invest in Jim Garrison’s book and here is my 2013 lecture:
Tommy Apeiron
Don’t forget that the City of London is controlled by the Rothschild’s, who also finance the Queen of England.
Just days after JFK was killed, Johnson signed off on going full bore into Nam. No smoking gun there!
Looking for a place to link this article and relate it to the horrendous “choice” the US voter has for the 2020 selection (relates to threats to Constitution):
What bothers me a great deal is the threat from Biden and his dimo handlers on the Constitution:
From the article:
The 2020 election poses a binary choice. Policy considerations alone, divorced from personalities, recommend Trump’s reelection. But the truly urgent reason to support him over Biden is that Democrats are openly scheming to abolish the Senate filibuster, scrap the Electoral College, pack the Supreme Court, and add Washington D.C. as a state that can reliably send two leftist Democrats to the Senate. They aren’t even keeping it secret — they mean to upend the Constitution and cement themselves in power permanently, insulating themselves from the compromises necessary in a genuine democracy. Biden refuses to disavow these efforts or distance himself from them. He cannot be trusted with power.
My comment: if the dimos are successful in making these changes, the country will not survive in its present form IMHO; some would argue that this might not be a bad thing but the chaos, violence, economic disruption would be a disaster in the extreme. I’m not arguing for the ’empire” to survive, to be sure changes are crucial, but how these changes are made is the central question.
Some might argue that the phrase “compromises necessary in a genuine democracy” is laughable, and it is because we not even close to a genuine democracy, but avoidance of total destruction seems to me to be important.
I do not want to give trump a pass as this article lays out the good, the bad, and the ugly but mostly ugly with his horrendous failures on foreign policy, his appointments, the absolute disastrous virus handling, mostly in the hands of the white house grifter, kushner. (Kushner and his wife set new lows on exploiting the trump family conflicts of interest).
“the absolutely disastrous virus handling”
Taras, you really made my morning! Nothing like starting off the day with a good belly laugh…………..
Given that the overall death rate for the months March til now is DOWN from prior years, and the usual 75,000 annual deaths of the vulnerable from the seasonal flu have almost entirely disappeared (or appeared as COVID???) you STILL don’t see what that whole narrative….
Question: Is this about the virus….OR the election???
………… has been about……and feed right into the MSM, Deep State, Democratic Talking points fear-based Mind Control BS without hesitation????
Some people would say “sad” …..but gross error by those right in the middle of something that cannot “see” what is going on… sometimes very entertaining for those that remove themselves a bit more from the emotional manipulations of the Comedy of Errors:
Abbott and Costello -Keystone Cops – Have Badge Will Chase – 8mm Film Transfer – 3 min.
An interesting article by Matthew Ehret. However, some points he wrote in this article, like in the previous ones, are open to debate. For example, he states the following about British intelligence: “This is the same British Imperial complex that has been attempting to undo the watershed moment of 1776 for over 240 years”. I am afraid not. When Lord Cornwallis in 1781 surrendered to a combined military force of French and newly created Americans, he openly stated that this was not a victory for the new American Republic, but a victory for the “New World Order” centered in London. He knew what was going on.
As I have written before, the American “revolution” was a copy of the English Civil War from the 17th century, financed by Khazarian bankers from Holland, who used their agent Oliver Cromwell to start an insurrection, it being a simple case of good old fashioned internal subversion. The American Oliver Cromwell was freemason George Washington, who used geography to create the American “nation”, a tactic that was subsequently to be replicated and used for subverting sovereign nations.
Washington was financed by the Rothschild’s. According to conservative historians, he never had the support of more than 7 % of people in the American colonies. His American “nation” was so “popular” that after the end of the “revolution”, you had mass emigration of immigrants back to Europe, with one English contemporary stating that there was not a single town or village in England which did not have American immigrants. Many who did not emigrate stayed loyal to England, which was logical, as they were of English origin.They were used by Britain in the 1861-1865 Civil War.
The problem for Britain and the Rothschild’s was the size of the United States and poor communications of the period. It was not easy controlling the new banker colony, where people really thought they were living in a “sovereign” republic, and expecting sovereign initiatives and achievements. The “sovereign” belief could not be eradicated. The London bankers, supported by British Intelligence, therefore provoked the American Civil War, where the intent was to create two banker colonies instead of one, as both could then be easily controlled.
Provoking a civil war was not a too difficult task, bearing in mind the strong English/French/Celtic cultural influence in the southern states. The bankers were aided by mass immigration of German immigrants into the US after the failed 1848 revolution in Europe. This immigration of Germans into the northern states was resented in the South, which feared mass ethnic changes in the country.
The role of Lincoln in the Civil War is debatable. Yes, he wanted to preserve the Union. Why ? According to Southern historians, the South was needed in the Union so that Washington could apply taxes in Southern ports, so that Northern industry could obtain Southern raw materials and so that Northern capital could control the South, all of which was resented. No doubt there is a lot of truth in this. As for Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation of September 22, 1862, becoming law on January 1,1863, many have questioned why it came so late. The intent, obviously, was to subvert Southern agriculture. It never happened, the former slaves staying slaves and continuing to work. More than one historian has stated that Lincoln planned to expel Afro-Americans from the US to South America.
And yes, Lincoln was assassinated by a combined conspiracy of Confederate and British intelligence officers, both backed by the Rothschild’s (it is debatable if John Wilkes Boothe was ever killed by Union troops; the doctor who examined his body stated that it was not that of Boothe. Obviously a patsy was used, a tradition in the US).
The Rothschild’s, of course, never forgave Czar Alexander II for sending the Russian Pacific and Baltic fleets to the US, and thus preventing a combined Anglo/French force from landing in the Confederacy, which both were prepared to officially recognize. The Czar was also assassinated. The presence of the Russian fleets in 1863 has either been ignored, or belittled by American historians. It is debatable if Lincoln could have won without the presence of Russian Navy.
And what do we have today ? The USA still exists on the map. It has not, as yet, been broken up. However, the Rothschild’s and London control it. The US Federal Reserve, known as the Fed, was created in 1913. It is a private Central Bank, whose existence is contrary to the US Constitution. The Rothschild’s control US finances. The HQ of the freemasons is situated in Washington DC. The Commander in Chief of all freemasons is Prince Philip, husband to the Queen of England. The HQ of the freemasons controls the US Government and political institutions. Barack Obama, for example, is a member of the Prince Hall Masonic Lodge, created for Afro-Americans. What all this means is that until 1776 the North American colonies were under Crown control and after 1776 they became a private colony of the Rothschild’s banking empire. The US has been at war for 93 % of it’s existence. And who benefited ? The City of London perhaps ?
Does the US have any future, or will it break up ? We shall see. The Rothschild’s in the 19th century wanted it broken up. We shall see if this plan is still on the table, with Canada taking over from the US and incorporating northern and central US states. Readers should surf the Internet and see the Panarin Map. In 1998 Igor Panarin, Dean of the Russian Diplomatic Academy, presented his Map of the break up of the US into six parts. He got the date wrong for the actual break up, but the map is interesting, even though I don’t agree with every detail of the map.
Finally, the November 3rd election. Is it of any real importance ? We have a 78 old Biden confronting Trump. Whose interests does Biden support ? That of the US elite ? Obviously. And President Trump ? Whom does he support ? The ordinary man, or the elite ? How many election promises has he made, and how many did he keep ? There are those who have stated that his election in 2016 was a sophisticated psyops, a puppet being placed into the White House. Maybe. Then there are those who are stating that his final battle with the Deep State will occur during his second term, which is not easy to accept, bearing in mind he is surrounded by neocons. Can Trump really go against the Deep State ? Virtually impossible, unless he has the backing of the US Military, either for a soft “coup d’etat” against the Deep State, or for something overt. In both cases he faces mass political and social unrest, the US seeing divisions in it’s society. I think a status quo has been reached, where nothing of any real importance can be introduced, and which might well contribute to the implosion of the country, both politically and financially.
Trump should have been President in 1960, you know back when we made s**t in America. The closest you came to being great back then was you had a job which afforded you a roof overhead and you could eat. It’s funny you talk about Lincoln and Trump here. One trying to unite while the other divide a “great” people. Or Reagan who actually coined the term now stolen “let’s make America great again”. The word let’s meaning let us, not let just us, lest those pesky democrats! Thus they shortened it to MAGA meaning whatever you wanted it two. The fact is the barn doors were left open long enough for it all to gallop away. Witness this years record setting trade deficit as to why I don’t feel like I’m winning.
You know I get what you say about this guy until critical thinking and plain old fact checking skills get in the way.
Anyhow, pages could be said about that.
Aren’t you exaggerating ? How many people in the US are unemployed today, how many are on food stamps, how many are sleeping on the streets and how many are making low wages ? I think many of them would like to be living back in 1960.
Maybe, although those conditions existed at the time, calling that period “Great” without comparing it to today seems a stretch.
Re: “It was this same trifold Deep State that contended with Franklin Roosevelt and his patriotic Vice President Henry Wallace for power during the course of WWII . . . ”
Matthew, have you read Wayne Jett’s 2011 book “Fruits of Graft – Great Depressions Then & Now” in which he says then FDR betrayed the American people by his Mercantilist supporting actions as opposed to his contentious words against them/the deep state?
If so, what do you think of what he says he reveals?
Is he just another mis/dis informer, or is there something to what he says?
Would be interested in reading an article on your thoughts on this.
Hi. I thoroughly disagree with Jett’s analysis. FDR not only saved the world from a major bankers’ dictatorship in 1933 by torpedoing the London Conference that aimed to create a BIS- City of London world government, while running a major war with Wall Street internally. He also fought alongside Henry Wallace and other anti-fascists against he Rhodes Trust networks within the USA and Churchill’s operatives during the War to advance an anti-colonial program which has been written out of history. I delivered a lecture on some of this here:
Lecture one
Lecture two
and an article I published last month on the Saker for good measure:
Thank-you for the reply.
I have watched all three of these videos.
They align with the general narrative.
I was more wondering if you were aware of Wayne Jett’s information that leads to an opposing conclusion.
And if so, how you would explain it so as to verify or refute it.
You don’t say if you disagree with Wayne’s information/analysis after having read the book & considered Wayne’s information.
Or if you’re just considering his final analysis that disagrees with the general narrative.
I’m not trying to be argumentative.
I just want to know if your position has taken into consideration Wayne’s information.
I just find it so confusing to read such convincing opposite information.
That being said, I do realise, that is one of the tactics of mis/dis information.
Warm Regards from a fellow Canadian.
Money? The power of money. Wow, O wow OR WOE RATHER!!! Consider:
“Thomas Edison, the famous inventor born in Milan, Ohio, in 1847, was bitterly opposed to the policy of issuing bonds. He said,
If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue aa dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good, makes the dollar bill good also. The difference between the bond and the bill is that the bond lets the money brokers collect twice the amount of the bond.
When the government in his day wanted to borrow $30 million to develop the Muscle Shoals Project, Edison said,
It is stupid to borrow $30 million, and have to pay moneylenders $66 million for the use of the money.
Edison was convinced that global-socialism would be brought about by the creation of debt and interest perpetrated on the nations by the international moneylenders.
In 1863, Lincoln said,
I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country….money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign … until wealth is aggregated into few hands, and the republic is destroyed.
enter the greenbacks
and Cantelon continues about interest and its power
The brilliance of Edison and the honesty of Abraham Lincoln caused each of them to speak out firmly against the dangers of national debts and compound interest. They knew that the history of the Western world world 1,694 years had forbidden the taking of usury. King Alfred the Great in 901 declared,
If a man is found taking usury, his lands will be confiscated, and he will be banished from England.
In 1215, King John echoed the same announcement as Alfred, and as late as King James in 1566, the king declared,
If a man is found taking usury, his lands will be confiscated. It is like taking a mans life, and it must not be tolerated.
and gentlemen where do we arrive at? Kosher Nostra
Lastly the one quote that for me anyone sums it all up perfectly:
“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging.
By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living.
They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.
They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.
After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.”
Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”
from the book PHILIP DRU: ADMINISTRATOR: A STORY OF TOMORROW 1920-1935 {how prophetic a title}
STUDY THIS MAN !!!!! Colonel Edward House, a Jewish American who was originally a cotton farmer from Houston, Texas who turned politician becoming an American diplomat and finally a presidential advisor to President Woodrow Wilson as well as banking. He had enormous influence over American foreign policy and was one of the main architects overseeing the drafting of the Treaty of Versailles as well as the Council on Foreign Relations and the United Nations and most significantly the Federal Reserve.
No disrespect naturally, but the author overlooks the predatory nature of human beings, and that hardly nothing occurring today could have been recognized as such back in 1776 by anyone excepting God.
Who may really have been the one to have a mechanism to control, or reduce, the humans ability to launch its self into an unsustainable state of not only delusion, but denial.
Thank you Matthew for this, and all the other essays you’ve put out.
Having spent many years in Canada, I find it ironic that it takes a British North American to explain to us all the True history of the Republic. And its transfer to other European powers in the past.
You help us all to open our eyes in these wonderful yet challenging times.
Dear Mathew
Avoiding WW3? HE READS??? The knowledge to Survive – A Shameless Promotion
Money and the power thereof? part 2
Watch this shocking and truly disturbing video to learn why we are poor?