My french fellows are really stupid, destroying a blog because he does not agree with their vision of “free speech”. Strange way to think “free speech” : “you are allowed to speak freely as long as you say what I want to hear”. Pathetic.
Dear Saker, Do not stop the fight against the lies and propaganda! They cannot stop the truth! Apparently, freedom of speech is only allowed if the speech repeats the propaganda! Tom in Vero Beach. Florida
Is it a coincidence that the Ron Paul Institute is offline after posting a long piece very similar to your previous post? Is the war on sanity on the internet being escalated? Does my old shortwave radio still work? Do we need to go back to manually passing samizdat texts? Coffee cans connected with really long strings? Am I getting paranoid?
“Endeavor to persevere.”
First time posting but I’m reading for a long time already. Well, if the opposition takes such measures you must be hitting a spot. Keep up the good work.
I dont give a fuck of what you said…
Zombies? Yay we are, and we dont want any Muslims in France either.
Neither Takfiris nor others.
I’m glad their are good ones in thier respective country Iran Chechnya whatever.
Not in here. There’s no good french muslim except deep in the Grave.
We never hear you do calm analysis any more, you’re neither analysing things as you were and neither funding us some first hand data anymore.
Just doing vile propaganda dellusioning yourself with Fifth column everywhere. That reminds me a lots of those MSMs you refer so much….
3 millions sheep heh, yay maybe, Surely Charlies cartoonists where disgusting Stalinian old school pricks, but heh the were our own.
No shitty rat of unapproved immigration (cause us french think there are too many muzz in france at 68%) has any right to kill them anyway.
Takfirism oversee? Hell yay i d like them to disapear, big support of Iran Chechnya Hezbollah, and everybody who’s fighting those crazies.
But guess what, i’m a total zionist too. Let Israel be is my mojo why? Because i’m French and my best interest is a powerful Israel.
That’s Real Politik for me.
Just like i’m supporting Russia in Ukraine and as the main Business partner for Europe and wish hell to DC.
Same reason i deeply regret the turkish army didnt pull a coup to slay Erdogan. we dont want those extremist too close, and gosh i loved Atatürk, that one had balls.
Anyway i’m glad the french dude get away, You’re no one to insult us and our deads, especially when you know nothing bout the french Situation except for Dieudonné and Soral.
who are clowns btw, Soral i personally met a few times at Ayoub’s bar, he’s pure rethoric for the poorly educated masses but if you got some backbone it takes just a few minuts to destroy his rethorics.
Thing is , it’s not because someone is cast out by the MSM that he’s right and/or talented.
As he says himself he’s national socialist. And unsuprizingly pal with takfiris you despize. But well no one escapes some self contradiction
I’m sorry Saker, for all the work that has been spoiled, yours and Gevorg´s. Also for all the comments lost…
But, the demonstration yesterday was not against terrorism and freedom of expression?
So what does this sample of cyberterrorism by some Charlies?
Saker, is clear that this guy was not clean wheat and to know what intentions had, whether that of the weekly occurred or not.
The reaction is not normal, you can disagree and go, but the site is not yours. And destroy the new site …. that’s already evil. I guess, Saker, this is reportable, but I do not think you would want to do it. See if he is not a sick and leave us alone.
Finally, to see the bright side, at least have gone those who never should have been, of course.
Take care Saker and have some fresh air, we will win, we will remain, united and strong. They do not achieve our voice off.
Although they sink this ship, we will build another, even when they sink all, they can never kill our spirit …. there will be always one Playa Giron afloat! ….
Have been following you for only a few weeks and am impressed.
What is happening to you is unfair and unjustified.
Thank you for adding substance to my naive thinking of recent years:
” America is a desperate Empire out to no good”.
Larchmonter 445 White Paper and your year end report gives me confidence to now say:
All the conditions are in place for The RESET.
Presidents Putin and XI having decided to press the button, the rest of the world will quickly come about.
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I had my suspicions and mentioned it in the last post.
It is very sad that this one individual could be so unkind and cruel to you and all those who worked hard to translate articles. Freedom of speech – for who? Unity – for who? Were they a 5th columnist all along? – we may never know.
Their actions only tarnish many very decent and fair minded French people who do have their eyes open. It stops others also being able to continue the effort – to try to get the truth out. Shame on that one person. Shame on them for destroying others work for their own petty revenge.
I don’t understand why they would release the web name for your new blog – they should have just handed it back to you – it didn’t belong to them. Why the other one is compromised – I don’t know, it seems “they” don’t want you to succeed in having an independent site.
I find the manner of deleting information which didn’t belong to them in the first palce(one member of french and serbian team) rather childish, nasty and very unfortunate. It reflects badly on them.
Divide and conquer – the tools of the 1%ers. Humanity really needs to wake up.
Saker: I might not agree with you sometimes at 100% but to me what you write as a whole is the most honest, balanced, interesting, (well I have not enough words to describe it) I have ever read about journalism for long long time. Then you are very consistent with your opinions and what you write that makes you very reliable. I hope you do not give up. Keep with the good work!
How good that your inner circle enemies have uncovered their true intent and nature so soon in this battle against the Empire of Evil, let us hope the other, if any more, will also disband soon. They, no doubt, are but tiny specks in the larger scheme of things and for the same reason, will soon be blown away to oblivion by the wind of circumstances. Attitude harshness might be upon them when their treachery is known to their own fellow friends and countrymen.
As in all growing enterprises the need to trust others, usually unknown in the internet realm, becomes a crucial issue to sustain this expansion of The Vineyard you have undertaken. Could it be possible to slower the pace and take some more days to analyze personal political, religious and cultural environment and attitude of those who offer themselves to help so as not to suffer again the French or Serbian miscalculation?
The Empire of Evil is going to accelerate the pace against Russian and Chinese geopolitical moves and sites as The Vineyard need to be carefully supported before the internet collapses under the pressure from it.
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act” George Orwell
Cool mind, heart of fire. Sorry the new site
is under attack but strategic retreat is OK and you rid yourself of the weak right ( anti muslim) and the cowardly neoliberal Left French
Le sabotage du site Francais est absolument désolant, d’autant plus que cette tuerie apparait de plus en plus comme un montage et une supercherie du syteme.
It’s such a disappointment, I always thought the French had more of a spine than this. If they can’t take criticism when it’s actually important, better off without them.
I was trying to install Debian linux on sdb — 2nd hard disk 00 and hit a bug which wiped out windows on sda — first hard disk. I’ve been fighting with this stuff trying to get the system up for months now.
While downloading info and rescue software my internet connection cut out several times so far.
In short, I’ve come to the conclusion that in general software doesn’t work right, is inherently insecure and unstable, and that just matches the rest of the breakdown of information technology and the civilized world.
That these evil, fascist, web people could do this is just a symptom of world system collapse.
It all ties together.
The problem with OS software — software in general — is that the basic designs are, roughly, 50 years old. Very 20th century. About the same with the politics, economics, educational systems, etc., in the world — stuck in the 20th century or before.
Why did the web cut out several times? Because the ISP companies are too cheap to do proper maintenance and build proper communications infrastructure, and many people in the computer filed have a rotten education in various ways. General incompetence, greed, and system breakdown.
It’s what we can expect for a while — and the only solution is to back up important information as we can — computer files, historical facts and understanding, spiritual values. We must move ahead but not forget or ignore the lessons of the past, and try to compensate for the stupidity of ‘Planet Stupid’ where we live.
Hi all,
I was straight from the beginning helping the french saker, which was a spontaneus action, in the light of the Ukrainian crisis.
I can tell you that at least 20 people intend to reconstruct on a new basis, we are at this very moment exchanging our views. Sorry , I have difficulties to write (had an accident with a chain saw on my fingers), so I need to be brief. Don’t blame the man too much, he is probably under enermous pression or maybe just having a depression, the situation is extreme here in France!
Le site reviendra sûrement, mais les dégâts sont énormes, sûrement de la pression humaine sur le responsable!
That’s how zios work. They get their moles installed, then have them sabotage things when ripe opportunities arise, or on command of a handler. That is how they destroyed most of the real left in the west. This is why those with even a little hint of zio sympathy should be treated as unreliable. Being a little bit zionist is like being a little bit pregnant. Either one is, or one isn’t, there is no in between. What the things cant corrupt with their toxic waste, they seek to destroy. This is also why I use strong terms like “zionazi” to needle them and get them to expose themselves. Most of the phony left zios are very good at hiding their zionist psychopathy behind elaborate smoke screens, but often that extra little push of persistent strong condemnation of zionists, can get under their skin enough they to expose themselves.
Reposted from ‘new’ blog
Pedro de Hungria January 10, 2015
Dear Saker,
Now is the time you must be strong. Your work and your words are important and very much needed in times of mass hysteria. I have lost old friends and family because my opinions were different from what their television sets said. It hurt – but I found new friends and family and I survived. You will too.
In my lifetime, I have observed Zionism attacking and destroying secular and moderate voices in the Islamic World….leaving only the Takfiri standing. A ‘clash of civilizations’ serves Zionist interests, it does not serve the world’s people. It is truly frightening how many people are being manipulated by their televisions, reminding one of the madness generated by Goebbel’s Nazi propaganda machine in Hitler’s Third Reich.
Hasta la Victoria Siempre, Pedro de Hungria
P.S. – @grieved – thank you for the kind words last month. Frankly, I am embarrassed.
I personally do not feel being Charlie either, but wouldn’t scream about it.
You should remember Voltaire:
“I hate everything what he says, but would fight till death to have him the right to say it”.
That is the fair principle. Until everybody can say what he wants, we have a chance not to let speak the weapons.
And just remember when and why Voltaire said the above line. That was a similar situation when the revolutionary parliament decided to burn somebody’s book.
I do not like to make fun of anybody’s beliefs, but if somebody needs to do it, should have the right to do it. He will be always marginalized, like the one who makes fun of the disabled people. Those idiots at Charlie Hebdo were marginal, until these terrorists attacked.
And now they will be heroes for some three days … like any other freaks.
The mainstream and all kinds of pharisees now use those useful idiots at Charlie Hebdo for their disgusting purposes.
But I respect everybody who tries to swim against the tide. Those people at Charlie Hebdo were doing that. They knew every day, that they could be attacked and continued to work there. This is courage. You can call it stupidity and that is your right to view it differently.
I am just sorry, that you somehow did not see it.
I myself grew up in a dictatorship and remember how we could not make certain jokes, because you could end up in prison. Certain jokes we used to rate as “earn the golden gird-iron”. We made those jokes anyway, but we always knew, that we are walking the line.
If somebody wanted to use it against me, it was very easy.
With your stance you made it not even the christian way. It could be comparable to Jesus, when he would scream around “I am not a pharisee!”. Everybody knew, that he is not, but advertising that fact would make him suspicious.
I consider myself a christian and make jokes even about my own religion. If somebody tries to forbid me to make jokes about any religion, politics or anything else, this is clearly a sign of a dictatorship. If we give in and do not mobilize against it, we will deserve that dictatorship.
And those Muslim crazies are much worse then the communists were!
And look to the Ukraine! There under these Nazis you risk your life for certain kind of jokes too.
Last month, I mentioned your site to several members of my wife’s family. Last night, I went to a family reunion at my wife’s niece Clarita’s en Bello (a poor working class suburb of Medellín). Without any prompting from me, three persons from my wife’s family declared ‘I am NOT Charlie’ and said they’d been reading you both in English and Español. At the exact moment some ‘fair-weather friends’ from Europe were stabbing you in the back, three Colombians were joining you in proclaiming from a poor barrio outside of Medellín – ‘I am NOT Charlie’.
Stay strong Saker, you are needed at this moment in time, and your words reach much farther than you can imagine.
Yours in struggle, Hasta la Victoria Siempre, Pedro de Hungria
The Charlie post was not a mistake at all, but a good and honest post, an example of free speech is supposed to be about.
That would be true even if it stood alone in the wilderness, but many people appreciate and even agree with it — the comments on information clearing house, last I looked, were running some 50 to 1 in the up and down thumbs favoring it.
You said ‘But I respect everybody who tries to swim against the tide.’ and yet you say Saker’s post was a mistake, even while being serious and not mocking anyone. Mockery is often not what could be considered speech, but the braying of a mule which says nothing significant. Hebdo was filled with mockery, and hate speech — KKK-like propaganda. It should not be compared to Saker’s post.
And yet, even Saker did make a mistake, according to some — so what? Is there anyone who never makes mistakes? Is that a reason for an outpouring of hatred by so many, or the site to be trashed? (Not saying you are of this ilk).
Those who trashed the sites are much the same mind as the terrorists who shut down Charlie — do they even realize that?
But while Saker can be disrupted, he can never be completely silenced: the commentary continues on.
It would appear that some Ukrainian regular army are working /co-operating with forces of Novorussia to eliminate National guard battalions.
If millions of people can turn out on cue,as solidarity for a few deaths in France,but are very silent on the daily slaughter in Donbass and Gaza,Iraq,Libya etc, then that nation does not deserve compassion when it’s own turn comes to suffer,and they will.
If the populace accepts the official narrative or not,social mores encourage silence,& go with the flow every time.
I think one thing is starting to become clear.
To seek, find and see a clearer truth is only the start of the process.
Its only a start because seeing truth but being powerless and impotent to use it, leads only to anger and bitterness.
Ultimately unless the truth and the international network of its followers can use itself to influence the political decision making process in Western countries it is of limited value to all of us.
The power of the alternative media is the power to associate and organise and this really does mean to create alternative political structures that can either actually achieve change via the ballot box, or (most realistically) force the mask of the charade to come free once and for all and for the truth to be exposed beyond doubt.
Its not something I put forward lightly (it contains more potential traps and pitfalls than I can count and anything that really might challenge real power will be viewed by that power no differently from dressing in green and politely taking over a public building). I think there is however widespread public anger and frustration and that a voice that advocates realignment with the powers of the East, is a voice that’s time has come?
Maybe this is something that people can start to discuss?
Saker, I was trying to access when the site went off. I guessed something was up. You did the right thing with your “Charlie” post and the reaction of certain individuals is unfortunate. I posted previously about your project complexities etc. I suggest you keep it simple and small and avoid systemic and organisational complexity. Content quality is premium value in global debate — not blog bling and mass distribution etc. r.
I just wished to add something that I found suspicious in the new blog yesterday,Sunday UK time.
Penelope had made a reference to a well known website called ‘Information Clearing House’in a comment she made.
The ‘moderator’ made a sarcastic remark about this comment which I felt bound to answer.
What resulted was an exchange which IMO should not be allowed.
It indicated to me that ‘The Saker’
was not fully in conrol of his website.
A moderator is not in the business of criticism,but simply ensuring the integrity of the website and a protection from blowback.
ICH is a well known site,which this ‘moderator’ was not familiar with,possibly too immature for the task of ‘moderating’.
Of course the author of the blog can respond,but I very much doubt the Saker would be so reluctant as to at least check the site,before making such a foolish and ridiculous counter as that ‘moderator’ did.
quickly realize the total falsity of the so called ‘markets’.
This measure was bruited about in autumn last year and it is to me, a clear signal of impending doom for the paper debt obligation gambling casino refered to as the ‘Comex’ a.k.a Crimex.
The vast majority of the PM movement is controlled via the Forex markets,not the paper futures contracts,just watch every day on Kitco
the US’Exchange Stabilization Fund’ and the British equivalent…
‘Exchange Equalization Account’
they ramp the US dollar and dump Au,Ag.
The charts on Kitco move in complete lockstep,gold and silver down,dollar up,indicating to me algorithmic trading i.e. HFT.
They are obviously restricting a ‘flight to safety’ by only allowing small daily incremental increases.
* The US is in the process of losing the ‘Petro Dollar’.
* Two thirds of all dollars are outside of the US.
* For those dollars to come home would create a disaster,so the US will not allow actual ‘price discovery’ of anything traded.
In the last three months the dollar Index has gone from 73 – 92.4,a complete fiction of fundamentals,like the Ukraine…
currency,15.4980 = 1 USD while
Russian Rubles 61.7523 = 1 USD. really? Ukraine’s currency is almost 4 times the value of Russia’s? not to mention that Russia is the richest country in the world?.
Once they get rid of their dumb ass politicians the Russian people will be richer per capita than the Americans and the Brits et al.
To me this adds up to……”
And now downgraded to BBB- really?
“By the pricking of my thumbs something wicked this way comes”
“The Serbian Saker blog has been purged of most of its data by the Serbian Saker blog Team leader following my opposition to the publication of a viciously anti-Muslim article.” Saker
For those who are not familiar with things here in Serbia.
Media are bought and controlled by the same people who control 5th column in Serbia. And,unfortunately, 5th column rule Serbia now and is very strong.
One thing that is exploited by people in media is our exposure mainly to Ottoman Islam. Take Sheikh’s Imran Hossein view on Ottoman Islam for better understanding. And so,they spin that every muslim is like our Turkish slavers were for 500 years of our slavery.
Essentially,our corrupt elites are directing our attention away from their awful domestic policies just to stay in power.
That said, i would add that this is not apology for someone’s deeds. I am just trying to convey to all of you that we are struggling here against the beast. Just as any decent people around the world.
Around the globe we are all subjected to the same tricks and lies.
Stay strong brothers and sisters,of all colors and beliefs. And thank you Saker for being a Lighthouse in the storm for this community.
Although I am sympathetic to what happened to the French, I wont support them. I know they are experiencing a great deal of pain.
It still does not excuse the French team to trash someone else. Especially when they talk about free speech and shows their venom and hypocrisy. Do you they really expect us to believe them?
Also quite a bit of this reaction was expected.. IE, you should have known not to depend on others and started creating a coalition. Expecting everyone would work with you.. In many cases they re a 5th column who infiltrate your organization because they can destroy it when they see fit.
I was just going to say, I was not impressed with Europeans. They are not nice people. Oh they act really good.. I could not wait to get out of there as fast as possible. Compared to Europeans, Americans are saints and we all know about Americans. I am not explicitly adding ALL into it. Since I do have Europeans friends and family.. Only that they would be last on my list compared to people of other cultures and countries. This again proves what I experienced.. Except for those friends I keep close, I would be very cautious. Because if you have friends like this, The Chinese and Russians are well frankly heavenly..
I will try to look at the situation from several angles. We are human beings and we will never agree on everything. Saker has his own opinion and so have the French and the Serbs. It is true Muslims are under attack today, but the Serbs remember what Albanians did to Serbs and I do, too. Terrible things, including organ harvesting. This is not well understood in the West. I would say Western propaganda against the Serbs as_a people_ in 1999-2001 was worse than the propaganda against Russians and Novorossiyans in 2014.
The people of Donbass have similar stories to tell, but we don’t chide them for hating the fascists in Kiev. In fact, we are as upset as they are.
The French live with burning cars year after year and I, who don’t live in France anymore, still must worry about my car. Every day I ask if my car is still there.
Hasn’t this problem been reported in your countries? As others have pointed out, some of the cartoonists have been active for decades and are regarded as old friends. I can understand why some in France don’t like Sakers latest articles, just as I can understand Muslims don’t like what has been done to some of their countries.
Chechnya functions well and one of the reasons is Chechnya has autonomy. Is that how we should solve the problems in Europe, where immigration is a rather new phenomena? Give some immigrants their own counties? Russia and Europe can not be compared. Chechnya was taken with force by Russia as I remember it. My country has never been interested in colonies overseas, but we have lots of immigrants to keep wages down. At least in my part of Europe, it is not about racism or hatred of other religions, it is about seeing your whole culture change. Put 10.000 Europeans in an Iranian village and you will get the same reaction. When I was a teenager it was wonderful to test my language abilities on foreigners. I remember having interesting discussions with many of them. I learned some Iranian and Arab words and some of the best ideas came from a black African, who could see through walls. I read parts of the Quran and the whole Gita before I started seriously studying the Bible. However, where I live, my kind has become a minority and it is not funny anymore.
I felt I was part of a worldwide community. The French site was very important and I am sorry for what has happened.
The French team members are volunteers and have the right to close down their own blog, but why close down Sakers new blog? Sakers Armenian webmaster and his team did a good job and have lost months of work. The French team, good analysts as always, performed excellently for many months. How could they decide to destroy the fruits of their work? I don’t understand it.
I also ask my Serb brat [brother] to reconsider his decision. One way out of this mess is to give all the Saker sites independence. Saker should not expect them to endorse articles they don’t like. Saker, it is also a good idea if you try to look at a thing from many angles. Whenever you get in trouble, it is because you do not. I am not good at it, but I made an attempt.
Dear Saker,
to alleviate your anger,with which you have my total solidarity,consider that these two indecent reactions show how confuse they are and how much Occidental people are living a continual double standard.On the one hand they have these inherent tendency for displaced “humanitarianism” on the other when all the fire THEY have ignited start to get at their houses they revert to racism and chauvinism.Without a minute of pause or reflection..They are voyeurs on the misfortune and tragedy of the Others putting like this their own conscience to sleep in peace so as to disculpe themselves of what their own governments do in their own names but they revert to their primeval bestial instinct if their peace and quiet is disturbed..They have lost the value of words,like freedom of speech,mistaking it with endless freedom to insult and demonize.They have lost sense of what the word “value “means. This is one more sign of the decline of their civilization .
And then into that get what Bot Tak calls so rightly the agenda of the zionazi…And the effect is just to accelerate their own decline.
@Bot Tak,
Thank you for all your posting because I am at your same wave length
Sheikh Imran Khan says he fears that ISIS will enter Syria and will slaughter all Orthodox Christians there which will forever taint relations and make an orthodox-muslim alliance impossible…
Wow, what a cowardly response to free speech! 3 web domains brought down. I support you 100%. You really hit a nerve! “Don’t let it bring you down, it’s only castles burning.” Keep up the great work!
The French government does not believe in free speech.Just because they sprinkle some sugar on bull#%$^!
does not make it a cupcake.
French authorities imposed a full ban on pro-Palestinian marches in several cities when thousands of protesters took to Parisian streets in demonstrations in July 2014 week against the rising Palestinian death toll in Israeli military operations which slaughtered 500 Palestinians children.
ICH can be spotty in it’s coverage — lots of good stuff with some nasty things mixed in, and the moderation is not reliable. I was banned from it once, and almost never comment there now. Many sites have what seem to be plants among moderators — or system administrators. Probably a common tactic from the fascist crowd.
(‘the truth is out there …. trust no one’ __ The Xfiles)
But there are two decent articles at the top of the page today
Appalled at the destruction of the new site. I was just getting used to it. I realized that what on another level I had been expecting all along, had occurred—that attempts would be made to shut down The Saker in one way or another. I was almost surprised every day when it was still there!You can’t keep saying certain things without drawing hostility that can get pretty serious (I do NOT here mean I am not Charlie piece; I mean the general deep skepticism and challenge represented by this blog).The experience of going to the site and finding that it had been destroyed and also by the actions of so-called “friends” must have been simply AWFUL. My sympathies.
There is a saying in these parts: Keep it small, keep it all. That relates to money and business, but has some salience in the current context. It might make sense to focus just on the message and forget for now the bigger vision. The Saker would not be allowed to continue to challenge.
As someone earlier put it: “Those who trashed the sites are much the same mind as the terrorists who shut down Charlie — do they even realize that?”
The Saker in his recetn posed the obvious question: Cui Bono? Also posed by a story in CounerPunch. Now I see this:
For starters, Netanyahu.
Just when the scales are starting to fall from Europeans’ eyes as to the real character of the Zionist regime, this attack just happens to happen, and who jumps to the head of the crowd marching in “solidarity” for human rights and freedom of speech? Why, heavens, it’s the beast Netanyahu—the same one who bombs Palestinian children. This is too awful: like the arsonist who joins the bucket brigade. The beast in the bucket brigade. I am not a big fan of Merkel or Hollande, but really, how could they let themselves be used by this sanctimonious rascist without heaving.
The most important thing is to keep this blog going, to keep providing your own insights and a locale for others to bring theirs. And also, maybe, to try to locate reliable individuals in France who can provide insights as to the mood there, what is really going on. For instance, I just read this on Global Research:
Bsically, this blog is comparable to samizdat. Not too surprising that “found” “friends” who stabbed it in the back.
Not sure whether my previous went through, so apologies if this is a repetition.
I’m not in position to actively participate, but please consider my suggestions.
1. Get server hosting in some neutral country – i’ll prefer Asia
2. Take some time, and learn the basics of web administration. Focus on the platform you have. Not much, just learn how to set administrator password, how to assign limited access to external staff, how to make backups, etc.
3. Never give the full administrator rights to anybody!
4. Make periodical backups of the site, encrypt them and share via torrent. That’s how Piratebay rised again and again from ashes. Eventually share the content only in different torrent. It’s easy!
5. Once you have full control over your domain, create separate subdomains for different languages. Keep everything under the same roof!
For example:
Keep the design simple, forget the bells and whistles.
6. Never give the full administrator rights to anybody!
7. Make frequent backups on multiple locations. This can be automated.
8. Never give the full administrator rights to anybody!
9. Make backups!
10. Never give the full administrator rights to anybody!
Spot on.
Saker, I am outraged at what happened to the new blog. But remember – we are with you. My family and I have been reading you since last summer and we are very grateful for what you are doing. Take care. Наше дело правое. Победа будет за нами.
I am waiting for my comment to be posted… am I censured?
I would note that this “Veritas” person, in misreading my post entirely, has claimed I was making “veiled threats”, twice so far, and a fair reading of my post (on the new site now taken down, and attempted re-post on this site–12 hours later still waiting to see it will appear) should indicate to anyone not a shill out to attack those who disagree that this is NOT the case, at all.
In my critique of these posts by Saker about Charlie Hebdo “having it coming” and the protestors as “brainwashed zombies”, I have been attacked on here with ad hominems to the effect that I am a “troll” or a Zionist stooge probably paid for my posts. Amazing. I had thought the hitherto fair-minded Saker would not be guarded by such a den of knee-jerk reactionaries who see a Zionist behind every bush. It’s my third day commenting on the Saker blog and I am not impressed!
With all due respect could you post my comment concerning “QUESTIONS” for the Saker. In it I make the obvious critique that he has split his community with his recent posts, but that I defend his right to post what he wishes, without threat of censure or having his blogs shut down.
I agree totally with the French response to Saker controversial ‘I am NOT Charlie’.
There are no half-measures with free speech and freedom of expression. Je suis Charlie was not for agreeing with the views of Charlie Hebdo, it was for their right to be able to express whatever they wanted… In return by saying ‘I am NOT Charlie’ you are compromising your own right of freedom of expression, and I think that many people that used to listen to your comments are now disgusted with that stand, I’m personally not really surprised since I always thought your religious dogma was too much to leave you with a free mind, as your anti Charlie stance clearly prove, and now you have lost the support from most French readers as myself, and keep denying to yourself the truth behind your own failure, maybe one day you will understand what Descartes was trying to say… Je pense, donc je suis !
I think, therefore I am !
I invite all FREE THINKERS to boycott The Saker, he has finally shown himself as an enemy of Freedom of Expression and a bigot as far as his religious beliefs are concerned…
May will well say… Je suis Charlie as those who aren’t for that simple human right of freedom of expression are bound to speak with a forked tongue.
I will suspend all my support, financial and otherwise, and suggest others should do the same.
Saker, please, when you read the comments by your faithful well-wishers, giving you their unasked for advice….ignore it if it is against what is in your own heart.
Follow your heart buddy.
Do what is in your heart to do.
Go big !!! if it is in your heart.
Well-wishers can really be a downer sometimes, even though they mean well.
” In return by saying ‘I am NOT Charlie’ you are compromising your own right of freedom of expression, …” (@03:51)
What a load of quack! You are clearly unable to handle complex paradox. Saker has an equal right, under your logic, even perhaps a duty, to voice his own views –which I also happen to share in this case.
Cut with the melodrama and just leave quietly — were you personally invited/forced to read here?
Where I reside being a “Charlie” is not a compliment. And the only “Charlie” I associate with these low-grade adolescent twits conducting their ‘information wars’ on everyone is “Charlie Manson” who also wished to ‘vomit’ on the established order of his time.
Freedom of expression also implies responsibility for ones actions. There are consequences. It so turns out that this little rag and it’s marks were in the death grip of the bankers about to foreclose on the bankrupt enterprise clearly well past it’s used-by date.
Freedom of expression does NOT imply anything, responsibility of own actions included, rather it allows Free Thinkers to express whatever they like without fear of personal attack, censure, or recrimination… Those millions of people marching in France understood that, many like myself did not agree with Charlie Hebdo views, but no-one should ever be silenced for expressing theirs.
I think Saker is wrong to have tried to undermine ‘Je suis Charlie’ message, but it is his right to do that, even if many believe him wrong in that case, but at least He was not killed for expressing his own views…
Now, if you can’t see the difference I suggest you go and suck an egg. Ciao
i previously posted, the guy claiming was not filmed in Paris, admitted mistake, he acknowledged someone else has since proved it was filmed at that address, so logic tells me nothing could be falsified as the location was real, because a staged filming would have been witnessed, so therefore it must be real.
But sadly, ‘revisions” to mass hysteria situations don’t get as much attention after an event.
Congrats to other people rebuilding a french saker-all power to your elbow. Sadly, blow back takes off against muslims in France , many attacks-innocents are on all sides.
Ils ne sont pas ce “Charlie” là. Il ne méritent pas ça.
Et surtout Wolinsky que je connaissait personnellement
Et ceci même si je n’étais pas d’accord avec leur focalisation antimusulmane de ces dernières années ou leur allégeance prosioniste après l’incident de Siné.
Ils ne méritent pas de voir leur mémoire récupérées par ceux qu ont armés leurs assassins.
Par des Tyrans assassins tortionnaires de leurs peuples comme Nethanyaou ou Poroshenko, ou des valets de l’Impérialisme américain comme Sarkozy, Merkel, Hollande assassins des Peuples Libyens, Syriens, Africains,ou Yougoslaves, entre autres.
Defiler derrière des pronazis, des siononazis, des Colonialistes assassins de la Démocratie, des Traîtres à leur patrie, des putschistes, et des Menteurs, c’est ça “défendre la libre expression” ?
The Saker a raison : Que des moutons promis à l’abattoir. Ca peut choquer les “ânes ignares” les abonnés du Soir3, mais pas ceux qui savent réellement ce qui est et qui est qui.
J’écris délibérément en Français, vu que je ne maîtrise pas suffisamment l’Anglais pour exprimer toutes les nuances de mon dégoût devant la destruction du site français par un individu auquel je ne dirai qu’on mot : Connard.
Il ya heureusement d’autres sites en France qui ne se laissent pas écraser par la 5ème colonne.
Mais je rappellerai à la personne en question, qui me lira certainement, et qui se prend pour Dieu au nom de la libre expression qu’il s’empresse de bafouer, que le jour ou “ILS” viendront le chercher, ceux comme moi on sera aux abonnés absents.
Et ça risque d’être dans pas si longtemps que ça.
Good riddance, Saker,
we support you strongly and we hope for a New French Saker as soon as possible.
I am supriced you lasted so long, hehe, and welcome to the real world.
And isnt ironic, that their childish mentality sipps thrue, when the forces usess tricks like this, tells me everything I need to know.
Truth, yupp, must be hammered in.
I have not done more and so do you, then aply the same shock “doctrine” against the establishment, the MSM, and used the same methode, witch I call the sledghammer aproatch.
I have and stil ofends a lott of people, some been nubed by reading anything oposing the latest scams from the scums in charge, and I have been brutal, verbaly of course hunest and havent bothered to hide it in a more eloquent language.
If not to explain it further.
But, as we all know, and I have comed to belive, something have snapped, and somehow some issues have, at least so far is been reversed and thankfull for this.
No, this was a stupid move by arogant scums.
And as far as me, now even idiots aka the lunatic fringes where rightwinged/leftswinge freaks are that their present reality witch they have tryed to impose upon us all, is disintegrating.
And I have sayed it, I have ONE wepond They dont have, nor do I have to use it, I dont have to Lie.
My french fellows are really stupid, destroying a blog because he does not agree with their vision of “free speech”. Strange way to think “free speech” : “you are allowed to speak freely as long as you say what I want to hear”. Pathetic.
Dear Saker, Do not stop the fight against the lies and propaganda! They cannot stop the truth! Apparently, freedom of speech is only allowed if the speech repeats the propaganda! Tom in Vero Beach. Florida
Is it a coincidence that the Ron Paul Institute is offline after posting a long piece very similar to your previous post? Is the war on sanity on the internet being escalated? Does my old shortwave radio still work? Do we need to go back to manually passing samizdat texts? Coffee cans connected with really long strings? Am I getting paranoid?
“Endeavor to persevere.”
Nice cartoon by Martin Rowson today on yesterday’s march of the psychopaths in Paris:
El Sid
I hope The French Saker will
get back on its feet soon.
Thanks for the much needed news and insight made available to the French readers.
First time posting but I’m reading for a long time already. Well, if the opposition takes such measures you must be hitting a spot. Keep up the good work.
I dont give a fuck of what you said…
Zombies? Yay we are, and we dont want any Muslims in France either.
Neither Takfiris nor others.
I’m glad their are good ones in thier respective country Iran Chechnya whatever.
Not in here. There’s no good french muslim except deep in the Grave.
We never hear you do calm analysis any more, you’re neither analysing things as you were and neither funding us some first hand data anymore.
Just doing vile propaganda dellusioning yourself with Fifth column everywhere. That reminds me a lots of those MSMs you refer so much….
3 millions sheep heh, yay maybe, Surely Charlies cartoonists where disgusting Stalinian old school pricks, but heh the were our own.
No shitty rat of unapproved immigration (cause us french think there are too many muzz in france at 68%) has any right to kill them anyway.
Takfirism oversee? Hell yay i d like them to disapear, big support of Iran Chechnya Hezbollah, and everybody who’s fighting those crazies.
But guess what, i’m a total zionist too. Let Israel be is my mojo why? Because i’m French and my best interest is a powerful Israel.
That’s Real Politik for me.
Just like i’m supporting Russia in Ukraine and as the main Business partner for Europe and wish hell to DC.
Same reason i deeply regret the turkish army didnt pull a coup to slay Erdogan. we dont want those extremist too close, and gosh i loved Atatürk, that one had balls.
Anyway i’m glad the french dude get away, You’re no one to insult us and our deads, especially when you know nothing bout the french Situation except for Dieudonné and Soral.
who are clowns btw, Soral i personally met a few times at Ayoub’s bar, he’s pure rethoric for the poorly educated masses but if you got some backbone it takes just a few minuts to destroy his rethorics.
Thing is , it’s not because someone is cast out by the MSM that he’s right and/or talented.
As he says himself he’s national socialist. And unsuprizingly pal with takfiris you despize. But well no one escapes some self contradiction
I’m sorry Saker, for all the work that has been spoiled, yours and Gevorg´s. Also for all the comments lost…
But, the demonstration yesterday was not against terrorism and freedom of expression?
So what does this sample of cyberterrorism by some Charlies?
Saker, is clear that this guy was not clean wheat and to know what intentions had, whether that of the weekly occurred or not.
The reaction is not normal, you can disagree and go, but the site is not yours. And destroy the new site …. that’s already evil. I guess, Saker, this is reportable, but I do not think you would want to do it. See if he is not a sick and leave us alone.
Finally, to see the bright side, at least have gone those who never should have been, of course.
Take care Saker and have some fresh air, we will win, we will remain, united and strong. They do not achieve our voice off.
Although they sink this ship, we will build another, even when they sink all, they can never kill our spirit …. there will be always one Playa Giron afloat! ….
Dear Saker,
Have been following you for only a few weeks and am impressed.
What is happening to you is unfair and unjustified.
Thank you for adding substance to my naive thinking of recent years:
” America is a desperate Empire out to no good”.
Larchmonter 445 White Paper and your year end report gives me confidence to now say:
All the conditions are in place for The RESET.
Presidents Putin and XI having decided to press the button, the rest of the world will quickly come about.
There is hope. A new New World Order is coming.
Bon courage
Cheer up mate. You’re not alone!
By the way, I know you put a lot of effort in the new blog, but this one works fine.
El Sid
Espina said
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meanwhile in peaceful democratic Ukraine…
Hilarious video posted in the attacked new blog:
“Klemen Slakonja as Slavoj Žižek – The Perverted Dance (Cut The Balls)”
Chorus: “We need to cut the balls of those in power”
Dear The Saker,
I had my suspicions and mentioned it in the last post.
It is very sad that this one individual could be so unkind and cruel to you and all those who worked hard to translate articles. Freedom of speech – for who? Unity – for who? Were they a 5th columnist all along? – we may never know.
Their actions only tarnish many very decent and fair minded French people who do have their eyes open. It stops others also being able to continue the effort – to try to get the truth out. Shame on that one person. Shame on them for destroying others work for their own petty revenge.
I don’t understand why they would release the web name for your new blog – they should have just handed it back to you – it didn’t belong to them. Why the other one is compromised – I don’t know, it seems “they” don’t want you to succeed in having an independent site.
I find the manner of deleting information which didn’t belong to them in the first palce(one member of french and serbian team) rather childish, nasty and very unfortunate. It reflects badly on them.
Divide and conquer – the tools of the 1%ers. Humanity really needs to wake up.
Stay strong Saker.
Saker: I might not agree with you sometimes at 100% but to me what you write as a whole is the most honest, balanced, interesting, (well I have not enough words to describe it) I have ever read about journalism for long long time. Then you are very consistent with your opinions and what you write that makes you very reliable. I hope you do not give up. Keep with the good work!
How good that your inner circle enemies have uncovered their true intent and nature so soon in this battle against the Empire of Evil, let us hope the other, if any more, will also disband soon. They, no doubt, are but tiny specks in the larger scheme of things and for the same reason, will soon be blown away to oblivion by the wind of circumstances. Attitude harshness might be upon them when their treachery is known to their own fellow friends and countrymen.
As in all growing enterprises the need to trust others, usually unknown in the internet realm, becomes a crucial issue to sustain this expansion of The Vineyard you have undertaken. Could it be possible to slower the pace and take some more days to analyze personal political, religious and cultural environment and attitude of those who offer themselves to help so as not to suffer again the French or Serbian miscalculation?
The Empire of Evil is going to accelerate the pace against Russian and Chinese geopolitical moves and sites as The Vineyard need to be carefully supported before the internet collapses under the pressure from it.
In growth there are times when less is more.
Youtube Video by the BBC.
-BBC NEWS: Is Paris Shooting A False Flag?-
Video of better quality. The policeman on the ground says “Ah, C’est bon Chef!” when the armed “terrorists” approached him. Wierd.
I’m a french reader of the vineyard of the saker. Sad to see the french version wiped.
Try to retrieve data from archive:
Au sinistre individu qui a fermé déloyalement le
Ds la vie , il faut savoir pour QUI on travaille et ne pas prendre des vessies , today , pour des lanternes, then
My dear hero Saker!
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act” George Orwell
Cool mind, heart of fire. Sorry the new site
is under attack but strategic retreat is OK and you rid yourself of the weak right ( anti muslim) and the cowardly neoliberal Left French
Update to the previous Youtube video.
Look at the marks on the road on the front side of the car.
At 1st, there’s only ONE mark, then TWO!!
No Blood!?
And The last Shooting doesn’t seem to aim to the head?!
” Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear” George Orwell
Ok we are Free on this blog; now let us be brave.
Le sabotage du site Francais est absolument désolant, d’autant plus que cette tuerie apparait de plus en plus comme un montage et une supercherie du syteme.
It’s such a disappointment, I always thought the French had more of a spine than this. If they can’t take criticism when it’s actually important, better off without them.
As Noam Chomsky once said :
“The French have no idea what freedom of speech is, they do not understand the concept.”
[from blue]
I was trying to install Debian linux on sdb — 2nd hard disk 00 and hit a bug which wiped out windows on sda — first hard disk. I’ve been fighting with this stuff trying to get the system up for months now.
While downloading info and rescue software my internet connection cut out several times so far.
In short, I’ve come to the conclusion that in general software doesn’t work right, is inherently insecure and unstable, and that just matches the rest of the breakdown of information technology and the civilized world.
That these evil, fascist, web people could do this is just a symptom of world system collapse.
It all ties together.
The problem with OS software — software in general — is that the basic designs are, roughly, 50 years old. Very 20th century. About the same with the politics, economics, educational systems, etc., in the world — stuck in the 20th century or before.
Why did the web cut out several times? Because the ISP companies are too cheap to do proper maintenance and build proper communications infrastructure, and many people in the computer filed have a rotten education in various ways. General incompetence, greed, and system breakdown.
It’s what we can expect for a while — and the only solution is to back up important information as we can — computer files, historical facts and understanding, spiritual values. We must move ahead but not forget or ignore the lessons of the past, and try to compensate for the stupidity of ‘Planet Stupid’ where we live.
Never to give up!!
Hi all,
I was straight from the beginning helping the french saker, which was a spontaneus action, in the light of the Ukrainian crisis.
I can tell you that at least 20 people intend to reconstruct on a new basis, we are at this very moment exchanging our views. Sorry , I have difficulties to write (had an accident with a chain saw on my fingers), so I need to be brief. Don’t blame the man too much, he is probably under enermous pression or maybe just having a depression, the situation is extreme here in France!
Le site reviendra sûrement, mais les dégâts sont énormes, sûrement de la pression humaine sur le responsable!
That’s how zios work. They get their moles installed, then have them sabotage things when ripe opportunities arise, or on command of a handler. That is how they destroyed most of the real left in the west. This is why those with even a little hint of zio sympathy should be treated as unreliable. Being a little bit zionist is like being a little bit pregnant. Either one is, or one isn’t, there is no in between. What the things cant corrupt with their toxic waste, they seek to destroy. This is also why I use strong terms like “zionazi” to needle them and get them to expose themselves. Most of the phony left zios are very good at hiding their zionist psychopathy behind elaborate smoke screens, but often that extra little push of persistent strong condemnation of zionists, can get under their skin enough they to expose themselves.
вот так
Reposted from ‘new’ blog
Pedro de Hungria January 10, 2015
Dear Saker,
Now is the time you must be strong. Your work and your words are important and very much needed in times of mass hysteria. I have lost old friends and family because my opinions were different from what their television sets said. It hurt – but I found new friends and family and I survived. You will too.
In my lifetime, I have observed Zionism attacking and destroying secular and moderate voices in the Islamic World….leaving only the Takfiri standing. A ‘clash of civilizations’ serves Zionist interests, it does not serve the world’s people. It is truly frightening how many people are being manipulated by their televisions, reminding one of the madness generated by Goebbel’s Nazi propaganda machine in Hitler’s Third Reich.
Hasta la Victoria Siempre, Pedro de Hungria
P.S. – @grieved – thank you for the kind words last month. Frankly, I am embarrassed.
You made a mistake with that “I am not Charlie!”
I personally do not feel being Charlie either, but wouldn’t scream about it.
You should remember Voltaire:
“I hate everything what he says, but would fight till death to have him the right to say it”.
That is the fair principle. Until everybody can say what he wants, we have a chance not to let speak the weapons.
And just remember when and why Voltaire said the above line. That was a similar situation when the revolutionary parliament decided to burn somebody’s book.
I do not like to make fun of anybody’s beliefs, but if somebody needs to do it, should have the right to do it. He will be always marginalized, like the one who makes fun of the disabled people. Those idiots at Charlie Hebdo were marginal, until these terrorists attacked.
And now they will be heroes for some three days … like any other freaks.
The mainstream and all kinds of pharisees now use those useful idiots at Charlie Hebdo for their disgusting purposes.
But I respect everybody who tries to swim against the tide. Those people at Charlie Hebdo were doing that. They knew every day, that they could be attacked and continued to work there. This is courage. You can call it stupidity and that is your right to view it differently.
I am just sorry, that you somehow did not see it.
I myself grew up in a dictatorship and remember how we could not make certain jokes, because you could end up in prison. Certain jokes we used to rate as “earn the golden gird-iron”. We made those jokes anyway, but we always knew, that we are walking the line.
If somebody wanted to use it against me, it was very easy.
With your stance you made it not even the christian way. It could be comparable to Jesus, when he would scream around “I am not a pharisee!”. Everybody knew, that he is not, but advertising that fact would make him suspicious.
I consider myself a christian and make jokes even about my own religion. If somebody tries to forbid me to make jokes about any religion, politics or anything else, this is clearly a sign of a dictatorship. If we give in and do not mobilize against it, we will deserve that dictatorship.
And those Muslim crazies are much worse then the communists were!
And look to the Ukraine! There under these Nazis you risk your life for certain kind of jokes too.
@Robo_IC: ou should remember Voltaire:
“I hate everything what he says, but would fight till death to have him the right to say it”.
Voltaire never said that. And I am neither Charlie nor Voltaire.
And look to the Ukraine! There under these Nazis you risk your life for certain kind of jokes too.
Yes, will Poroshenko is with the Charlies in France, leading the March with the rest of the NWO leaders.
12 January, 2015 17:33
Merci pour ces mots. J’espere que le Saker français va revenir plus fort qu’avant suite a cet acte de vandalisme (censure?)
12 de Enero, 2015
Dear Saker,
Last month, I mentioned your site to several members of my wife’s family. Last night, I went to a family reunion at my wife’s niece Clarita’s en Bello (a poor working class suburb of Medellín). Without any prompting from me, three persons from my wife’s family declared ‘I am NOT Charlie’ and said they’d been reading you both in English and Español. At the exact moment some ‘fair-weather friends’ from Europe were stabbing you in the back, three Colombians were joining you in proclaiming from a poor barrio outside of Medellín – ‘I am NOT Charlie’.
Stay strong Saker, you are needed at this moment in time, and your words reach much farther than you can imagine.
Yours in struggle, Hasta la Victoria Siempre, Pedro de Hungria
[from Blue]
The Charlie post was not a mistake at all, but a good and honest post, an example of free speech is supposed to be about.
That would be true even if it stood alone in the wilderness, but many people appreciate and even agree with it — the comments on information clearing house, last I looked, were running some 50 to 1 in the up and down thumbs favoring it.
You said ‘But I respect everybody who tries to swim against the tide.’ and yet you say Saker’s post was a mistake, even while being serious and not mocking anyone. Mockery is often not what could be considered speech, but the braying of a mule which says nothing significant. Hebdo was filled with mockery, and hate speech — KKK-like propaganda. It should not be compared to Saker’s post.
And yet, even Saker did make a mistake, according to some — so what? Is there anyone who never makes mistakes? Is that a reason for an outpouring of hatred by so many, or the site to be trashed? (Not saying you are of this ilk).
Those who trashed the sites are much the same mind as the terrorists who shut down Charlie — do they even realize that?
But while Saker can be disrupted, he can never be completely silenced: the commentary continues on.
Re-posted from the weekend on the new blog
The first thing is this,which will interest Elsi in Spain
Next is this ..
It would appear that some Ukrainian regular army are working /co-operating with forces of Novorussia to eliminate National guard battalions.
If millions of people can turn out on cue,as solidarity for a few deaths in France,but are very silent on the daily slaughter in Donbass and Gaza,Iraq,Libya etc, then that nation does not deserve compassion when it’s own turn comes to suffer,and they will.
If the populace accepts the official narrative or not,social mores encourage silence,& go with the flow every time.
Caveat Emptor.
Anon @ 12 January, 2015 16:37
may like this.
Most definitely a two stage video.
I think one thing is starting to become clear.
To seek, find and see a clearer truth is only the start of the process.
Its only a start because seeing truth but being powerless and impotent to use it, leads only to anger and bitterness.
Ultimately unless the truth and the international network of its followers can use itself to influence the political decision making process in Western countries it is of limited value to all of us.
The power of the alternative media is the power to associate and organise and this really does mean to create alternative political structures that can either actually achieve change via the ballot box, or (most realistically) force the mask of the charade to come free once and for all and for the truth to be exposed beyond doubt.
Its not something I put forward lightly (it contains more potential traps and pitfalls than I can count and anything that really might challenge real power will be viewed by that power no differently from dressing in green and politely taking over a public building). I think there is however widespread public anger and frustration and that a voice that advocates realignment with the powers of the East, is a voice that’s time has come?
Maybe this is something that people can start to discuss?
Saker, I was trying to access when the site went off. I guessed something was up. You did the right thing with your “Charlie” post and the reaction of certain individuals is unfortunate. I posted previously about your project complexities etc. I suggest you keep it simple and small and avoid systemic and organisational complexity. Content quality is premium value in global debate — not blog bling and mass distribution etc. r.
I just wished to add something that I found suspicious in the new blog yesterday,Sunday UK time.
Penelope had made a reference to a well known website called ‘Information Clearing House’in a comment she made.
The ‘moderator’ made a sarcastic remark about this comment which I felt bound to answer.
What resulted was an exchange which IMO should not be allowed.
It indicated to me that ‘The Saker’
was not fully in conrol of his website.
A moderator is not in the business of criticism,but simply ensuring the integrity of the website and a protection from blowback.
ICH is a well known site,which this ‘moderator’ was not familiar with,possibly too immature for the task of ‘moderating’.
Of course the author of the blog can respond,but I very much doubt the Saker would be so reluctant as to at least check the site,before making such a foolish and ridiculous counter as that ‘moderator’ did.
Good riddance I say!.
I am re-posting this for Grieved just in case…
“Hi Grieved, I have just finished the dollar article on Oceana.
Those that follow the PM movements like
quickly realize the total falsity of the so called ‘markets’.
This measure was bruited about in autumn last year and it is to me, a clear signal of impending doom for the paper debt obligation gambling casino refered to as the ‘Comex’ a.k.a Crimex.
The vast majority of the PM movement is controlled via the Forex markets,not the paper futures contracts,just watch every day on Kitco
the US’Exchange Stabilization Fund’ and the British equivalent…
‘Exchange Equalization Account’
they ramp the US dollar and dump Au,Ag.
The charts on Kitco move in complete lockstep,gold and silver down,dollar up,indicating to me algorithmic trading i.e. HFT.
They are obviously restricting a ‘flight to safety’ by only allowing small daily incremental increases.
* The US is in the process of losing the ‘Petro Dollar’.
* Two thirds of all dollars are outside of the US.
* For those dollars to come home would create a disaster,so the US will not allow actual ‘price discovery’ of anything traded.
In the last three months the dollar Index has gone from 73 – 92.4,a complete fiction of fundamentals,like the Ukraine…
currency,15.4980 = 1 USD while
Russian Rubles 61.7523 = 1 USD. really? Ukraine’s currency is almost 4 times the value of Russia’s? not to mention that Russia is the richest country in the world?.
Once they get rid of their dumb ass politicians the Russian people will be richer per capita than the Americans and the Brits et al.
To me this adds up to……”
And now downgraded to BBB- really?
“By the pricking of my thumbs something wicked this way comes”
“The Serbian Saker blog has been purged of most of its data by the Serbian Saker blog Team leader following my opposition to the publication of a viciously anti-Muslim article.” Saker
For those who are not familiar with things here in Serbia.
Media are bought and controlled by the same people who control 5th column in Serbia. And,unfortunately, 5th column rule Serbia now and is very strong.
One thing that is exploited by people in media is our exposure mainly to Ottoman Islam. Take Sheikh’s Imran Hossein view on Ottoman Islam for better understanding. And so,they spin that every muslim is like our Turkish slavers were for 500 years of our slavery.
Essentially,our corrupt elites are directing our attention away from their awful domestic policies just to stay in power.
That said, i would add that this is not apology for someone’s deeds. I am just trying to convey to all of you that we are struggling here against the beast. Just as any decent people around the world.
Around the globe we are all subjected to the same tricks and lies.
Stay strong brothers and sisters,of all colors and beliefs. And thank you Saker for being a Lighthouse in the storm for this community.
Well Saker,
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Truly the enemy came and planted thistles among the crops.
Although I am sympathetic to what happened to the French, I wont support them. I know they are experiencing a great deal of pain.
It still does not excuse the French team to trash someone else. Especially when they talk about free speech and shows their venom and hypocrisy. Do you they really expect us to believe them?
Also quite a bit of this reaction was expected.. IE, you should have known not to depend on others and started creating a coalition. Expecting everyone would work with you.. In many cases they re a 5th column who infiltrate your organization because they can destroy it when they see fit.
I was just going to say, I was not impressed with Europeans. They are not nice people. Oh they act really good.. I could not wait to get out of there as fast as possible. Compared to Europeans, Americans are saints and we all know about Americans. I am not explicitly adding ALL into it. Since I do have Europeans friends and family.. Only that they would be last on my list compared to people of other cultures and countries. This again proves what I experienced.. Except for those friends I keep close, I would be very cautious. Because if you have friends like this, The Chinese and Russians are well frankly heavenly..
I will try to look at the situation from several angles. We are human beings and we will never agree on everything. Saker has his own opinion and so have the French and the Serbs. It is true Muslims are under attack today, but the Serbs remember what Albanians did to Serbs and I do, too. Terrible things, including organ harvesting. This is not well understood in the West. I would say Western propaganda against the Serbs as_a people_ in 1999-2001 was worse than the propaganda against Russians and Novorossiyans in 2014.
The people of Donbass have similar stories to tell, but we don’t chide them for hating the fascists in Kiev. In fact, we are as upset as they are.
The French live with burning cars year after year and I, who don’t live in France anymore, still must worry about my car. Every day I ask if my car is still there.
Hasn’t this problem been reported in your countries? As others have pointed out, some of the cartoonists have been active for decades and are regarded as old friends. I can understand why some in France don’t like Sakers latest articles, just as I can understand Muslims don’t like what has been done to some of their countries.
Chechnya functions well and one of the reasons is Chechnya has autonomy. Is that how we should solve the problems in Europe, where immigration is a rather new phenomena? Give some immigrants their own counties? Russia and Europe can not be compared. Chechnya was taken with force by Russia as I remember it. My country has never been interested in colonies overseas, but we have lots of immigrants to keep wages down. At least in my part of Europe, it is not about racism or hatred of other religions, it is about seeing your whole culture change. Put 10.000 Europeans in an Iranian village and you will get the same reaction. When I was a teenager it was wonderful to test my language abilities on foreigners. I remember having interesting discussions with many of them. I learned some Iranian and Arab words and some of the best ideas came from a black African, who could see through walls. I read parts of the Quran and the whole Gita before I started seriously studying the Bible. However, where I live, my kind has become a minority and it is not funny anymore.
I felt I was part of a worldwide community. The French site was very important and I am sorry for what has happened.
The French team members are volunteers and have the right to close down their own blog, but why close down Sakers new blog? Sakers Armenian webmaster and his team did a good job and have lost months of work. The French team, good analysts as always, performed excellently for many months. How could they decide to destroy the fruits of their work? I don’t understand it.
I also ask my Serb brat [brother] to reconsider his decision. One way out of this mess is to give all the Saker sites independence. Saker should not expect them to endorse articles they don’t like. Saker, it is also a good idea if you try to look at a thing from many angles. Whenever you get in trouble, it is because you do not. I am not good at it, but I made an attempt.
Dear Saker,
to alleviate your anger,with which you have my total solidarity,consider that these two indecent reactions show how confuse they are and how much Occidental people are living a continual double standard.On the one hand they have these inherent tendency for displaced “humanitarianism” on the other when all the fire THEY have ignited start to get at their houses they revert to racism and chauvinism.Without a minute of pause or reflection..They are voyeurs on the misfortune and tragedy of the Others putting like this their own conscience to sleep in peace so as to disculpe themselves of what their own governments do in their own names but they revert to their primeval bestial instinct if their peace and quiet is disturbed..They have lost the value of words,like freedom of speech,mistaking it with endless freedom to insult and demonize.They have lost sense of what the word “value “means. This is one more sign of the decline of their civilization .
And then into that get what Bot Tak calls so rightly the agenda of the zionazi…And the effect is just to accelerate their own decline.
@Bot Tak,
Thank you for all your posting because I am at your same wave length
@Dragan said…
“Around the globe we are all subjected to the same tricks and lies.
Stay strong brothers and sisters,of all colors and beliefs. And thank you Saker for being a Lighthouse in the storm for this community.”
Sheikh Imran Khan says he fears that ISIS will enter Syria and will slaughter all Orthodox Christians there which will forever taint relations and make an orthodox-muslim alliance impossible…
sorry it’s Imran Hossein Not Khan apologies!!
Wow, what a cowardly response to free speech! 3 web domains brought down. I support you 100%. You really hit a nerve! “Don’t let it bring you down, it’s only castles burning.” Keep up the great work!
The French government does not believe in free speech.Just because they sprinkle some sugar on bull#%$^!
does not make it a cupcake.
French authorities imposed a full ban on pro-Palestinian marches in several cities when thousands of protesters took to Parisian streets in demonstrations in July 2014 week against the rising Palestinian death toll in Israeli military operations which slaughtered 500 Palestinians children.
Carmel by the Sea
[from Blue]
ICH can be spotty in it’s coverage — lots of good stuff with some nasty things mixed in, and the moderation is not reliable. I was banned from it once, and almost never comment there now. Many sites have what seem to be plants among moderators — or system administrators. Probably a common tactic from the fascist crowd.
(‘the truth is out there …. trust no one’ __ The Xfiles)
But there are two decent articles at the top of the page today
which is on ICH but the cartoon is missing.
March of the Hypocrites
In Paris they march for “free speech” – and they’ll soon be marching off to war
By Justin Raimondo
Yeah — Saker is not the only one now saying these things, although I think he was first in the parade on this.
Appalled at the destruction of the new site. I was just getting used to it. I realized that what on another level I had been expecting all along, had occurred—that attempts would be made to shut down The Saker in one way or another. I was almost surprised every day when it was still there!You can’t keep saying certain things without drawing hostility that can get pretty serious (I do NOT here mean I am not Charlie piece; I mean the general deep skepticism and challenge represented by this blog).The experience of going to the site and finding that it had been destroyed and also by the actions of so-called “friends” must have been simply AWFUL. My sympathies.
There is a saying in these parts: Keep it small, keep it all. That relates to money and business, but has some salience in the current context. It might make sense to focus just on the message and forget for now the bigger vision. The Saker would not be allowed to continue to challenge.
As someone earlier put it: “Those who trashed the sites are much the same mind as the terrorists who shut down Charlie — do they even realize that?”
The Saker in his recetn posed the obvious question: Cui Bono? Also posed by a story in CounerPunch. Now I see this:
So, Cui Bono?
For starters, Netanyahu.
Just when the scales are starting to fall from Europeans’ eyes as to the real character of the Zionist regime, this attack just happens to happen, and who jumps to the head of the crowd marching in “solidarity” for human rights and freedom of speech? Why, heavens, it’s the beast Netanyahu—the same one who bombs Palestinian children. This is too awful: like the arsonist who joins the bucket brigade. The beast in the bucket brigade. I am not a big fan of Merkel or Hollande, but really, how could they let themselves be used by this sanctimonious rascist without heaving.
The most important thing is to keep this blog going, to keep providing your own insights and a locale for others to bring theirs. And also, maybe, to try to locate reliable individuals in France who can provide insights as to the mood there, what is really going on. For instance, I just read this on Global Research:
Bsically, this blog is comparable to samizdat. Not too surprising that “found” “friends” who stabbed it in the back.
Not sure whether my previous went through, so apologies if this is a repetition.
Hello Saker,
I’m not in position to actively participate, but please consider my suggestions.
1. Get server hosting in some neutral country – i’ll prefer Asia
2. Take some time, and learn the basics of web administration. Focus on the platform you have. Not much, just learn how to set administrator password, how to assign limited access to external staff, how to make backups, etc.
3. Never give the full administrator rights to anybody!
4. Make periodical backups of the site, encrypt them and share via torrent. That’s how Piratebay rised again and again from ashes. Eventually share the content only in different torrent. It’s easy!
5. Once you have full control over your domain, create separate subdomains for different languages. Keep everything under the same roof!
For example:
Keep the design simple, forget the bells and whistles.
6. Never give the full administrator rights to anybody!
7. Make frequent backups on multiple locations. This can be automated.
8. Never give the full administrator rights to anybody!
9. Make backups!
10. Never give the full administrator rights to anybody!
Spot on.
Saker, I am outraged at what happened to the new blog. But remember – we are with you. My family and I have been reading you since last summer and we are very grateful for what you are doing. Take care. Наше дело правое. Победа будет за нами.
If you want some real humor, rather than disgusting Charlie stuff.
I laughed out loud 4 times.
Je Suis Charlie is a thought-leash to control the masses.
Dear Saker,
You are a man of truth. God bless you and protect you always
This song is for you. Cheer up millions believe what you do.
Carmel by the Sea
I am waiting for my comment to be posted… am I censured?
I would note that this “Veritas” person, in misreading my post entirely, has claimed I was making “veiled threats”, twice so far, and a fair reading of my post (on the new site now taken down, and attempted re-post on this site–12 hours later still waiting to see it will appear) should indicate to anyone not a shill out to attack those who disagree that this is NOT the case, at all.
In my critique of these posts by Saker about Charlie Hebdo “having it coming” and the protestors as “brainwashed zombies”, I have been attacked on here with ad hominems to the effect that I am a “troll” or a Zionist stooge probably paid for my posts. Amazing. I had thought the hitherto fair-minded Saker would not be guarded by such a den of knee-jerk reactionaries who see a Zionist behind every bush. It’s my third day commenting on the Saker blog and I am not impressed!
With all due respect could you post my comment concerning “QUESTIONS” for the Saker. In it I make the obvious critique that he has split his community with his recent posts, but that I defend his right to post what he wishes, without threat of censure or having his blogs shut down.
BCH – 12 January, 2015 21:08
Cheers, and thanks.
вот так
I agree totally with the French response to Saker controversial ‘I am NOT Charlie’.
There are no half-measures with free speech and freedom of expression. Je suis Charlie was not for agreeing with the views of Charlie Hebdo, it was for their right to be able to express whatever they wanted… In return by saying ‘I am NOT Charlie’ you are compromising your own right of freedom of expression, and I think that many people that used to listen to your comments are now disgusted with that stand, I’m personally not really surprised since I always thought your religious dogma was too much to leave you with a free mind, as your anti Charlie stance clearly prove, and now you have lost the support from most French readers as myself, and keep denying to yourself the truth behind your own failure, maybe one day you will understand what Descartes was trying to say… Je pense, donc je suis !
I think, therefore I am !
I invite all FREE THINKERS to boycott The Saker, he has finally shown himself as an enemy of Freedom of Expression and a bigot as far as his religious beliefs are concerned…
May will well say… Je suis Charlie as those who aren’t for that simple human right of freedom of expression are bound to speak with a forked tongue.
I will suspend all my support, financial and otherwise, and suggest others should do the same.
Je suis Charlie et vous, qui etes vous ?
Seems like this French Saker blog is weird…something up there…can’t believe it was all done out of hot temper…Saker was infiltrated maybe….?
Sweet Elsie, I always enjoy your comments, and I too would like to join your voice in greeting Saker.
dear Dragan ! thanks for your comment….yes I love Sheik Hussain…(sp?) and thanks for the explanation for Serbian Saker….
Our dear Saker, I’m sure, will be up and running again in a week.
Saker, please, when you read the comments by your faithful well-wishers, giving you their unasked for advice….ignore it if it is against what is in your own heart.
Follow your heart buddy.
Do what is in your heart to do.
Go big !!! if it is in your heart.
Well-wishers can really be a downer sometimes, even though they mean well.
” In return by saying ‘I am NOT Charlie’ you are compromising your own right of freedom of expression, …” (@03:51)
What a load of quack! You are clearly unable to handle complex paradox. Saker has an equal right, under your logic, even perhaps a duty, to voice his own views –which I also happen to share in this case.
Cut with the melodrama and just leave quietly — were you personally invited/forced to read here?
Where I reside being a “Charlie” is not a compliment. And the only “Charlie” I associate with these low-grade adolescent twits conducting their ‘information wars’ on everyone is “Charlie Manson” who also wished to ‘vomit’ on the established order of his time.
Freedom of expression also implies responsibility for ones actions. There are consequences. It so turns out that this little rag and it’s marks were in the death grip of the bankers about to foreclose on the bankrupt enterprise clearly well past it’s used-by date.
[ˈtʃɑːlɪ] N
1. (Brit) (o.f.) (= fool) → imbécil m
I felt a right Charlie! → ¡me sentí como un idiota!
he must have looked a right Charlie! → ¡debía parecer un verdadero imbécil!
[from Blue]
To some anonymous — which ones I leave them to figure out — a question (and an old joke) to deconstruct:
“Excuse me little boy, but do you know what is ~inside~ your drum?’
well, ah yes,another anonymous at 04.10
yes , you don’t have the courage to show yourself to the world, as to your “invitation”, or more likley demand
NO, I am certainly not you.
Freedom of expression does NOT imply anything, responsibility of own actions included, rather it allows Free Thinkers to express whatever they like without fear of personal attack, censure, or recrimination… Those millions of people marching in France understood that, many like myself did not agree with Charlie Hebdo views, but no-one should ever be silenced for expressing theirs.
I think Saker is wrong to have tried to undermine ‘Je suis Charlie’ message, but it is his right to do that, even if many believe him wrong in that case, but at least He was not killed for expressing his own views…
Now, if you can’t see the difference I suggest you go and suck an egg. Ciao
Jan 12 18.49
i previously posted, the guy claiming was not filmed in Paris, admitted mistake, he acknowledged someone else has since proved it was filmed at that address, so logic tells me nothing could be falsified as the location was real, because a staged filming would have been witnessed, so therefore it must be real.
But sadly, ‘revisions” to mass hysteria situations don’t get as much attention after an event.
Congrats to other people rebuilding a french saker-all power to your elbow. Sadly, blow back takes off against muslims in France , many attacks-innocents are on all sides.
I know why the US and west hates Moslems. They fight back!
Keep up the great work Saker! The people abandoning ship are worthless anyway.
Je ne suis pas “Charlie”.
Et les morts de “Charlie Hebdo” non plus.
Ils ne sont pas ce “Charlie” là. Il ne méritent pas ça.
Et surtout Wolinsky que je connaissait personnellement
Et ceci même si je n’étais pas d’accord avec leur focalisation antimusulmane de ces dernières années ou leur allégeance prosioniste après l’incident de Siné.
Ils ne méritent pas de voir leur mémoire récupérées par ceux qu ont armés leurs assassins.
Par des Tyrans assassins tortionnaires de leurs peuples comme Nethanyaou ou Poroshenko, ou des valets de l’Impérialisme américain comme Sarkozy, Merkel, Hollande assassins des Peuples Libyens, Syriens, Africains,ou Yougoslaves, entre autres.
Defiler derrière des pronazis, des siononazis, des Colonialistes assassins de la Démocratie, des Traîtres à leur patrie, des putschistes, et des Menteurs, c’est ça “défendre la libre expression” ?
The Saker a raison : Que des moutons promis à l’abattoir. Ca peut choquer les “ânes ignares” les abonnés du Soir3, mais pas ceux qui savent réellement ce qui est et qui est qui.
J’écris délibérément en Français, vu que je ne maîtrise pas suffisamment l’Anglais pour exprimer toutes les nuances de mon dégoût devant la destruction du site français par un individu auquel je ne dirai qu’on mot : Connard.
Il ya heureusement d’autres sites en France qui ne se laissent pas écraser par la 5ème colonne.
Mais je rappellerai à la personne en question, qui me lira certainement, et qui se prend pour Dieu au nom de la libre expression qu’il s’empresse de bafouer, que le jour ou “ILS” viendront le chercher, ceux comme moi on sera aux abonnés absents.
Et ça risque d’être dans pas si longtemps que ça.
Good riddance, Saker,
we support you strongly and we hope for a New French Saker as soon as possible.
I am supriced you lasted so long, hehe, and welcome to the real world.
And isnt ironic, that their childish mentality sipps thrue, when the forces usess tricks like this, tells me everything I need to know.
Truth, yupp, must be hammered in.
I have not done more and so do you, then aply the same shock “doctrine” against the establishment, the MSM, and used the same methode, witch I call the sledghammer aproatch.
I have and stil ofends a lott of people, some been nubed by reading anything oposing the latest scams from the scums in charge, and I have been brutal, verbaly of course hunest and havent bothered to hide it in a more eloquent language.
If not to explain it further.
But, as we all know, and I have comed to belive, something have snapped, and somehow some issues have, at least so far is been reversed and thankfull for this.
No, this was a stupid move by arogant scums.
And as far as me, now even idiots aka the lunatic fringes where rightwinged/leftswinge freaks are that their present reality witch they have tryed to impose upon us all, is disintegrating.
And I have sayed it, I have ONE wepond They dont have, nor do I have to use it, I dont have to Lie.
A video.
A classic.
my way, by mr. blue eyes.
As a Muslim, I’m Fed Up With the Hypocrisy of the Free Speech Fundamentalists- Mehdi Hasan