After the weird service interruption today, I have decided to take some precautionary emergency measures.  Should something really bad suddenly happen to this blog, for whatever reasons, I will continue blogging at the following address: (please write this down somewhere)


I cannot imagine having both my blog and my email address shot at the same time but, just in case, I have this backup email address now: (please write this down somewhere)

Both of these services ( and are hosted in Russia and appear to be taking security very seriously.  I hope that this will provide us all with some redundancy.

In the coming days and weeks, I will try to give some halfway decent appearance to the backup blog at, but its basic functionality is already working, including comments.

I am still looking for a good blog mirroring option, but in the meantime we now have something to fall back on should a sudden long term “outage” or “service interruption” happen.  Better safe than sorry.

Sorry for these headaches, but I think I should heed the numerous warnings I am getting from friends and readers.

Many thanks and kind regards,

The Saker