Dear friends,
Today, as people often say, I have some good news and some not so good news.
The good news is that a number of kind people have reach out to me in different ways to help me assure the survivability of this blog. The idea is to make the blog available in sufficient number of duplicates located in different places of the planet to prevent the “Axis of Kindness” from shutting it down. This is what we have done so far. The following two locations are available as “reserves” to be used in case of an “accidental” deletion of this blog here:
Right now, these locations are not used or updated and I will keep them “frozen” until and unless an emergency happens.
The following two sides have a partial backup of the pasts posts of this blog:
I am in contact with several folks who are trying to work out a way to backup the full blog in one location and then provide automatic “mirroring” of what is posted here. That would be the ultimate solution, but it takes a little more time to setup.
Stay tuned, and I will keep you posted when this option is available, hopefully in more than one location.
The other good news is that the number of visitors to this blog is steadily rising and on Sunday it reached just a hair short of 20’000 (19,936 exactly) – not bad at all for a week-end day! Also, I am getting daily reports about posts of this blog being published elsewhere, from Brazil, to India, to New Zealand, to Russia to the USA. In other words, our joint efforts (at least 60% of the credit for the quality of this blog goes to you all, I could never hack this alone!) are paying off and we are kicking the presstitutes right were they deserve it. So please continue commenting, posting links, reporting events, translating, proof-reading my horrible writing, discussing topics at length and everything else you have been doing. We make a difference, however small.
Now the bad news.
Guys, I cannot accept money orders or checks. While I do not distrust any specific person amongst you, I am trying to keep my “thin anonymity” up as long as possible. Once my read identity comes up (which I know will happen sooner or later), it will be a major distraction and a pain in the a** for me to deal with. I want to keep focusing on issues and topics, not personalities. If I start accepting money orders or checks even this very “thin” anonymity of mine will go down the tubes real fast. So all I can only suggest is this:
- PayPal (flattr basically does not work for me)
- Snailmail to either Europe or the USA (see exact addresses on the left)
I will spare you the frustrating discussions with my bank, and I will immediately concede that PayPal is a massive pain in the rear end to deal with. I tried to find some alternative to PayPal which would allow folks to send me donations without going through the hassle of opening up an account, but they all have their own drawbacks.
If you really hate PayPal to the point of never wanting to use it I fully understand. Then use snail mail and send me cash or gift cards or anything else you feel comfortable sending.
Somewhere down the road, if the donations keep on coming, I might consider opening up a non-profit, but at this point in time this makes no sense at all.
Sorry for the frustrating bad news.
One more thing:
I think that it might be extremely useful to create a group of “correspondents” of this blog. Here is what I mean by that:
The fact is that I am the proverbial “armchair strategist”, with all the flaws which derive from that situation. This weakness is partially mitigated by the fact that I used to be a *professionally trained* armchair strategist: this is the guy who in peace time sits at the top floor of a sombre looking building and who in war time sits very deep inside a bunker. He rarely wears a uniform, even more rarely combat fatigues, but he is always surrounded by lots of electronics and communication gear and each morning he gets a big pile of paper and secure emails which he plows through and then works with big databases to assess the data which just came in to evaluate it. The closest he ever gets to a firing tank or artillery piece is on his computer screen, usually during command-staff exercises. You know the type, right? In Russian they are called “staff rats/bitch” (shtabnaia krysa/suka, штабная крыса/сука). Not a very popular type with the frontline folks. The polite word of us is simply “analyst”.
One of the things which such an analyst has is the possibility to contact somebody in the area he is trying to evaluate to ask a question, get a detail, ask for a translation, etc. In my case, however, my needs are even more basic:
I need local folks to go through the local Internet resources (not the big national news, those I parse myself) to seek out interesting stuff and then simply send me the links. Though a commentary or evaluation of these links could be helpful, the links alone would be helpful enough. Here are the languages which I can read more or less decently: very easily: French, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian, and English, of course. With some difficulties Portuguese, and Dutch. Slowly and preferably with the help of a machine translator, can also understand a text written in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, Polish, Afrikaans, Slovak and Macedonian.
Also, there are four languages which I don’t know at all and with which I would really need a person willing to translate or even just summarize interesting articles in the local Internet (in order of priority): Arabic, Chinese, Farsi and Hebrew.
Should that work, my goal would be to completely bypass the AngloZionist media and to offer the readers of this blog information from the small news sources which are little known but which are trying hard to become more visible. Sure, we all know about RussiaToday, PressTV or TeleSur, but who knows what kind of interesting stuff is published on the local Internet in Omsk, Isfahan or Cochabamba?
Tlaxcala does a great job of translating “alternative” information in many languages and IPS tried to being local information sources. But for the former does not use local correspondents or specialize in English-language information while the latter has, shall we say, a “not always adequate political agenda” with some pretty darn big blind spots.
So here is my idea: if some of you are interested in becoming “Saker correspondents” we could have your just scan the local press in your area (it don’t need to be in Timbuktu – the local press in France or Romania might be very interesting too) and send me the links. I could then either publish the full article if it is worth it, or just post a few links so those interested can read it for themselves, or simply read the stuff myself to help me understand a region or a current event. If there will be Arabic, Chinese, Farsi or Hebrew speakers willing to be “Saker correspondents” then they would work somewhat differently: they could email me and say, “the local website has a reader’s forum where one guy just posted his impression after a 3 day trip to the town of X and he is describing something interesting. Do you want a summary or full translation?” Depending on the place, situation and source I would have to decide whether this is worth the correspondent’s effort.
Alternatively, you could bypass me completely and contact each other directly and jointly decide to try to get the local information sources to the English-speaking world, either through my blog or through any other outlet you like (God knows there are many very good ones today). Then my role would be just to help put you in touch with each other and then you could work without intermediaries.
Just think about it. All I know is that there are regular readers here from all over the planet, with lots of languages and excellent expertise and education. Not to flatter you all, but there is *a lot* of brainpower available which we could put together if you guys are interested.
If not, no problem. I regularly have goofy ideas and I don’t expect a standing ovation every time a share them with others :-)
Again, sorry for the stupid situation with donations, but I tried my best within the time that I have and the laws, regulations and practices I have to comply with. I can’t afford doing something even remotely not 100% legal and 100% ethical.
Kind regards and many thanks,
The Saker
PS: there is a strong possibility that the international situation will take a sharp turn for the worse and there is a not trivial possibility that some kind of conflict or war may start in several locations on the planet (the Ukraine, DPRK, South China Sea, Venezuela, Iran, etc.). So whatever we decide, let’s try to stay in touch and try to make sense of what is going on together, okay? The Saker
All on the 100 year anniversary of WWI.
I’m looking for the truth. Until there’s enough information on the events in this blog I’ll be visiting it or its dupes if needed.
Thanks for your help
World war one was plotted by evil english race agianst germans and russians. Se ond world war was plotted by evil english race. Now the third world war isalready underway started by england years ago and Russia is still sleeping.
time to nuke and kill english piarate nation.
You are starting to get mentioned every now and then on in the US, which is how I found you.
And regularly at an English language blog in Germany.
Since we are practically neighbors, I’m in Orlando, thought I’d sign in and say hi.
Have you considered Bitcoin or Litecoin? You can add buttons on your webpage for donations.
“You are starting to get mentioned every now and then on in the US, which is how I found you.”
And linked to on ZeroHedge, which is how I found you.
Word is getting around :-)
The Saker,
I wouldn’t mind sending you sources from Canada if you wish. However, all Canadian press (big and small) is a carbon copy of the American propaganda machine. Useless sh@t… pardon my French.
Michael Ruppert, the founder of CollapseNet, an investigative journalist, Peak Oil activist and the author of the famous book “Crossing The Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil” has committed suicide.
I am very sad. He was one of those who opened my eyes and raised my awareness. RIP Michael. In sorrow, we mourn the loss.
I’ve recently been collecting stories and blogging about the situation in Ukraine, since I do live here. That’s the main focus right now, though I do post other things I find interesting. You can take a peak and maybe you’ll find stuff of interest.
Here’s a very good resource for you: It regularly posts good and thorough reviews and translations (into Russian) of press articles from CIS, East European countries and Israel.
I’d be honored to offer my services to our humble freedom-loving community.
Fluent in swedish, danish, norwegian, english, serbian/croatian (and their offsprings bosnian and montenegrian [no idea if it can be called a separate language]), macedonian and bulgarian.
Located in the Kingdom of Carl Bildt where 99.5% of the press, like everywhere else in the Empire, is a CC of Rothschild media channels – AP & Reuters. However, from time to time I also go through Balkan media where one can find some interesting reads.
Let me know, I believe you have my e-mail address…
Your site was referenced at FYI
Saker, here is a link to a video purporting to show a helicopter being shot down in Eastern Ukraine.
hey saker,
I’m happy to help out with Dutch, Italian and Czech language sites. I’m fine with Spanish, German and French as well, but I’m guessing more people understand those.
I think this article by Paul craig Roberts makes a lot of sense.
This time may I ask you to do the exact opposite of what I usually ask? Can you please contact me by email and give me your name or alias/handle (no need for real names at all), email address, general location of the planet were you live and languages you can work with.
I will be making a list and let you know how we stand in a few days.
Many thanks and kind regards,
The Saker
The West wants war. As much war as possible. I keep repeating myself, but the proof is accumulating.
The people of the West are being led into war. It didn’t work in Syria, because of 30 British backbenchers.
I wonder how they’ll castrate those individuals this time. The usual method is an accusation of lack of patriotism, lack of support for “our boys”, or just plain treason. None of which applies even to the least degree in Ukraine, so we’ll see how they do it.
But they’ll do it.
I have thought about it. Putin must invade. Let the West deal with the real thing instead of peasants and irregulars. Let them deal with trained troops defending their homeland.
No, it is an unfortunate outcome, an outcome dictated by the utter bankruptcy of the West.
And let us hope it is Custer’s last stand.
One of the best investigative journalists in the U.S. (maybe you already know).
What was so important that Brenner should make a personal appearance in Kiev?
First time I read employees from Greystone Ltd. have gone missing. How could they be missing in abscence any relevant of head to thead fight so far? Maybe discretely plucked by russian special services here and there?
Donezk news, in Russian
@anonymous:Since we are practically neighbors, I’m in Orlando, thought I’d sign in and say hi.
Greetings from Volusia County to my fellow floridian!
The Saker
@ Saker you might find this interesting this is an article from Alexandre Sirov reporting directly from Odessa complete with picture and videos. It from the blog of the french african journalist Allain Jules
Here is a link of the pravy sektor thugs beating the presidential candidate Oleg Tsarev as he exited the studios of a show entitled ”liberty of expression” in Kiev.
@ Saker you might find this interesting this is an article from Alexandre Sirov reporting directly from Odessa complete with picture and videos. It from the blog of the french african journalist Allain Jules
Here is a link of the pravy sektor thugs beating the presidential candidate Oleg Tsarev as he exited the studios of a show entitled ”liberty of expression” in Kiev.
Dear all friends and supporters of multipolar world
This gentleman called Domazet, was the first Croatian admiral.
Mr.Domazet is excellent geopolitical analyst.
He wrote the book “Lord of Chaos”.
The Lord of Chaos is America.
Here is his latest essay that brilliantly reflects on the situation in Ukraine.
The text is in Croatian
with the help of Google translator it will be easy for everyone to understand what he writes.
15 April 2014
Amerikanci priznali: Direktor CIA-e posjetio Kijev! Domazet: ‘To je znak izgubljenosti Zapada i Ukrajine’
Nije uobičajeno da visoki dužnosnici, a pogotovo šefovi moćnih službi strana koje se nalaze na suprotnim interesnim stranama, posjećuju krizno područje – tvrdi Davor Domazet Lošo.
Rusi su SAD stavili pred gotov čin, na sva zvona tražeći objašnjenja o posjeti direktora američke obavještajne agencije CIA-e Johna Brennana Kijevu. Pritisak je bio tolik da je Bijela kuća u ponedjeljak priznala ono o čemu se već neko vrijeme spekulira – da je Brennan posjetio Kijev. S obzirom na suprotstavljene pozicije SAD-a i Rusije oko Ukrajine, ovo je vrlo zanimljiv detalj.
Podsjetimo, svrgnuti ukrajinski predsjednik Viktor Janukovič u televizijskom intervjuu prozvao je SAD zbog krvoprolića u Ukrajini, a odgovornom, rekao je, drži i CIA-u. No, svoje je riječi, tada se mislilo, temeljio na neprovjerenim informacijama navodno proisteklim iz ruskog vojnog vrha o posjeti direktora CIA-e Kijevu, koje su prenijeli ruski mediji. No, glasnogovornik Bijele Kuće Jay Carney potvrdio je da je Brennan posjetio Ukrajinu.
– Inače ne komentiramo putovanja direktora CIA-e, ali s obzirom na izvanredne okolnosti u ovom slučaju i lažne tvrdnje koje se iznose o CIA-i, potvrđujemo da je direktor bio u Kijevu tijekom proputovanja kroz Europu – rekao je Carney, prenosi Russia Today. Objasnio je kako je riječ o uobičajenom posjetu visokog obavještajnog dužnosnika svom kolegi u Kijevu. Takvo što, kaže, događa se redovito i između američkih i ruskih dužnosnika.
Domazet: Vlast u Ukrajini zbunjena
Iako SAD umanjuje važnost posjete Brennana Ukrajini, jasno je kako nije riječ o uobičajenom posjetu, pogotovo kada Ukrajini prijeti raspad.
– Nije uobičajeno da visoki dužnosnici, a pogotovo šefovi moćnih službi strana koje se nalaze na suprotnim interesnim stranama, posjećuju krizno područje – tvrdi Davor Domazet Lošo, geostrateški analitičar i bivši načelnik Glavnog stožera HV-a. Lošo smatra kako je Brennanov potez pokazatelj toga da je ukrajinska kriza nastala zašto što su „u igru ušli veliki”.
– Zapad, a prije svega anglsaksonski svijet, odlučio se iz Sirije, gdje su doživjeli neuspjeh, prebaciti u Ukrajinu, na Crno more kao jedno od ključnih strateških pozicija 21. stoljeća. To je bilo de facto opkoljavanje Rusije. Ne zaboravimo na tri baltičke države te Poljsku i Češku, u kojima su elementi proturaketnog štita usmjereni prema Rusiji. Rusija je bila spremna na potez Zapada. Kao što je rekao francuski strateg Francois Heinsburg, Zapad je bio iznenađen i improvizira. Rusija je svojim potezima, prije svega pripajanjem Krima, u prednosti i sada vodi igru. U ovom slučaju, dolazak šefa CIA-e se može protumačiti na način da je privremena vlast na čelu ukrajine, koja je na vlast došla državnim udarom, u izgubljenoj situaciji. To je znak još veće zbunjenosti Ukrajine, a time i Zapada. Da je to bio ministar ili glavni tajnik, to bi imalo sasvim drugačije konotacije – objašnjava naš sugovornik.
Domazet je uvjeren kako Putin neće ići oružanom silom, a kao izuzetno važan spominje sastanak između EU, SAD, Rusije i Ukrajine u srijedu. Rusija je u ovim trenucima, vjeruje, dva poteza ispred Zapada; i to čak još i više nego u Siriji.
More from Mr. Domazet
Domazet: sumnjam da su Rusi montirali snimku Timošenko; to je poruka Zapadu
„Čisto sumnjam da se radi o montaži i ne vjerujem da bi ruska obavještajna služba to sebi dopustila“, rekao je za geostrateški analitičar, admiral Davor Domazet Lošo komentirajući objavljenu snimku razgovora bivše ukrajinske premijerke Julije Timošenko i člana parlamenta Nestora Šufiča.
U spornoj snimci Timošenko govori da se Ruse u Ukrajini treba pobiti, a Rusiju pretvoriti „u spaljenu zemlju“, što je Timošenko opovrgnula.
„Dvojbeno je li snimka montirana ili ne, bez obzira na to što je Timošenko to opovrgnula. Ona je priznala autentičnost snimke jednim dijelom, a tamo gdje se govori o nuklearnom oružju i o tome da Ruse treba ubijati, taj dio je opovrgnula“, pojasnio je Domazet zašto ne vjeruje da je snimka montirana te dodao kako se sve može montirati, ali i ustanoviti je li montirano.
„To se vidi, između ostalog, i po boji glasa koju bi netko onda morao potpuno prilagoditi“, pojasnio je Domazet.
Greetings from Croatia [ free from NATO/EU dictatorship ]
Great photos. The soldiers look like amateurs and the “amateurs” look like they are pros….
Re donations, you could try to set up a trusted paymaster to collect “uncomfortable” donations on your behalf. I think most people here would trust that this person will actually work for your benefit and not run off with the loot. Still, it needs to be someone you can trust, someone who has no issues being out in the open, but who will not blow your cover, or what little you have of it :) This person could then remit the donations to you on, say, a weekly or monthly basis, via western union, or direct transfer, or physical delivery. I see no reason to refuse people who are willing to help you out, especially when alternative payment strategies could be employed relatively easily.