Dear friends,
I have to leave the house for most of the day, but I want to tell you the following before I do so.
1) I am desperately looking for a full English translation of the statement made by Igor Strelkov about the lack of men volunteering for combat duties in the Donetsk region. He made it either on Sunday or on Saturday. It’s about 10 min long when read in Russian. If you see it, please email me the text or send me the link.
2) My recent “religious interlude” post was just that. An interlude. So, to the great relief of those who are not interested by religious issues, I will not have the time to reply to all the comments (sorry!), but I leave you in good hands as there are some *extremely* knowledgeable Orthodox Christian and Muslim commentators/posters in this thread to whom you can submit any questions or comments you might have on this topic.
3) I am following the events in the Ukraine and I am preparing a SITREP to be written up ASAP. The bottom line right now is: too early to call. The situation is extremely complex and fluid and I would urge everybody to avoid jumping to conclusions at this point.
FYI – If/when I don’t post and only moderate comments it is usually because I am “mobile” (driving in my van for work) and while I can do that while waiting in the car or on a red light, I cannot post full-length articles. However, I have a hotspot in the car and an (awesome) Asus Nexus 7 (2014) tablet with me. I can watch TV channels like RussiaToday, PressTV or TeleSur (especially Russian and Ukrainian ones), I can stream radio and I can read so I am always keeping myself informed. What I cannot do is reply to emails or comments. Please keep that in mind if I appear to be slow to reply.
With a new SITREP hopefully out soon, many thanks and kind regards,
The Saker
interesting article
This is not a full translation but it’s better than none at all:
“Spiegel” article about the Strelkov speech. The article itself seems somewhat neutral. From reading the comments it’s obvious how negative the effect of the speech is. On the one hand DPR and LPR claim to have overwhelming support, but at the same time they can’t get any people to fight – this inconsistency casts doubt on the election results and on the claims that southeasterns fear Ukr fascism.
In this interview Sergey Veselovskiy and Alexander Rogers (some guy involved in organisation in Lugansk) directly contradict Strelkov and claim that there are enough people willing, but they get sent away our that the Crimean volunteers don’t get permission to cross the border. Personally I don’t believe a lot of what Veselovskiy is saying.
I don’t understand what Strelkov’s intention was. Either the situation is indeed bad, or he wants to shame people to join the Donbass army, but I honestly can’t believe the latter, surely there must be better ways. Either way to me his speech seems to have a very negative effect.
If no one makes the translation until tomorrow, i’ll do it.
Meanwhile, you can see the latest announcements from Strelkov here
Driving safely is more important than updates;)
Paul Craig Roberts recommends this site for honest analyses of the recent events in Ukraine:
The Saker,
I’ll give you a little gem, a sequence to Strelkov’s statement. Publish it on your blog, not in comments. Eventually correct English.
Crazy Ivan :) (as usual)
From The Voice of Sevastopol
2014-05-19 19:50:00
Каратели под Славянском и Краматорском все чаще применяют артиллерию
Important remarks on the events in Ukraine.
/Yandex translation + my corrections/
Punitive (Expedition) around Slavonic and Kramatorsk increasingly used artillery
The impression that Kiev slowly examines the reaction of Moscow, making reports of the use of artillery in their cities is becoming commonplace. Moscow studiously try not to notice that what NatGuards is doing has crossed long ago all declared lines (red), after which one should start to do something.
Last year in August, Prince Bandar pushed Obama to generously share promises to punish al-Assad, if Syria were to use chemical weapons. The Saudis were not hiding both their preparedness nor training nor their participation to helped to drive Obama with his “red line” into a corner and he had to answer for his words.
The situation with the East of Ukraine, in general, looks symmetrical – Russia unequivocally stated that the killings of civilians is the line beyond which it will be forced to do something to stop the crimes of the junta. At first, this promise was perceived not simply seriously, and with undisguised panic – especially backed by decidedness to use the army and in the light of effectiveness of the operation in the Crimea.
However, after the Crimea, the situation has changed to the opposite. Killing people is not only a simply curent events. It dynamically boils down to include the issue and it shows point of view of the dehumanization of the conflict. Two mass murders in Odessa and Mariupol, daily raids sonderkommandos throughout the East and in general, very vague statements and the complete absence of practical steps. There were loud discussion in the Security Council – but even there, there was not an attempt to offer a resolution (albeit obviously to be a failure) with sanctions against Kiev junta.
It would seem – if there suddenly appeared a factor, which might be defending of Donbass, which explained sudden back off of Moscow, but the Strelkov’s statement in the night of 18 may only indicates that the Russian leadership is in no way intends to use it as an effective justification to change official steps.
Nobody bring back at present speedily promises to protect civilians from genocide and murder. Nobody wants to be in a sticky situation, which trapped Obama with his “red line” and so our “red line” was suddenly forgotten by everyone – turning the conversation into a very abstract subjects.
A strange situation continues. The further, the punitive actions will be performed with less fear. They are unable to solve the problem of liquidation of the uprising in the format preplaned by ATO – without use of heavy weapons, aircrafts, armoured vehicles, artillery. Their arguments – we don’t want to create mass deaths of civilians. The arguments are trivial – especially in light of the fact that no one even tried to arrange corridors to exit, no one created refugee camps – in general, simply speaking the junta bothers with civilians in the least.
What ATO groups is begining to apply is increasingly use of artillery – it is a very bad sign. In the course of fire exchanges are not only mortars but howitzers as well. If the official Russia will continue to play their, frankly, bizarre games – without any doubt, the use of heavy weapons will only grow.
Yesterday’s “storm” of Kramatorsk, when six armored vehicles, firing in all directions without any distinction, tried to break somewhere into the city centre is quite distinctive style of punishers. They don’t pay attention to the results of the “storm”, they want this storm itself. The goal is nothing, the movement is everything. You can imagine what will happen if approximately the same scheme will be accompanied with live fire – yes by the way, mortar attacks in Slavyansk are going on that way – to whom God will send it.
What the outcome will be – there is even no sense to guess. One “successful” attack – and there will be a new Odessa. And it goes on conventional cities hoping for relatively peaceful life” – anyway, people cling to the hope’s illusion, send their children to schools, kindergartens, stand in queues, going by public transport. What might do one howitzer shell – is visible on the bus stop in Kramatorsk. Thanks God, it was just a bus stop.
Russia was “attacked” two times lately during international cultural or sports events.
I suspect heavy fighting in East Ukraine during Russia-China talks from tomorrow.
The more so HE Mr. Putin ordered to move deeper into Russia her army units standing up to now closer to the Ukraine border.
Brilliant move!
God help those fighting for Novorossiya!
PRD Kindergartens, beware!
Watch the sandbox toys for Russian kids send by good uncles from Kiev.
it seems there’s not even Russian transcript of Strelkov’s speech, so I did it.
you can use it now to auto-translate, I’ll do my best to make english translation by tomorrow. By the way, Strelkov seems to be a very well educated man (his language shows a good knowledge of literature and general education).
Part 1/3
Обращение командующего ополчением Донецкой Народной Республики
18 мая 2014 года
Обращение написано лично мной, я просто его сейчас зачитаю, оно достаточно большое.
Граждане Донецкой Народной Республики!
Обращаюсь к Вам с просьбой: с просьбой встать на защиту своей Родины, своих домов, своих семей, своего народа. Мне приходится просить вас сделать то, о чем по всем человеческим меркам просить и не требуется, ведь вставать за свое Отечество и свою свободу на Руси всегда было почетным делом, на зов которого испокон веков всегда откликались те, кто считал себя мужчинами. Тем не менее, мне приходится сказать вам правду прямо в глаза, сказать жесткие и даже оскорбительные для вашего достоинства слова.
Уже больше месяца как мы, маленькая группа добровольцев из России и Украины, вняв призывам о помощи, прозвучавшим из уст выдвинутых вами лидеров протеста, прибыли сюда и в вооруженной борьбе противостоим всей украинской армии и множеству слетевшегося на поживу наемного отребья. За минувший месяц мы слышали много раз отчаянный призыв: “Дайте нам оружие! Дайте нам оружие, чтобы мы могли сражаться за свою свободу, за свое право читать и говорить на родном русском языке, за право почитать предков-героев Великой Отечественной Войны, а не прихвостней нацистких преступников” Вняв этому призыву, мы добыли оружие. Захватили на складах, отобрали у украинских военных и милиции, купили у подпольных торговцев за немыслимые деньги. И вот теперь оружие у нас есть. Оно не в глубоком тылу, не в Донецке, Луганске или Макеевке и Антраците, а оно на передовом рубеже обороны, в осажденном городе Славянске, Краматорске, в Константиновке. Оно здесь, где оно нужнее всего. Здесь, где добровольцы прикрывают собой весь остальной Донбасс, Донецк и Луганск вместе взятые. И здесь же, под городами Славянском и Краматорском, под Красным Лиманом и Константиновкой, где расположены наши гарнизоны, киевской хунтой собраны самые большие и боеспособные силы. Рядом расположились две трети карателей и штаб так называемой анти-террористической операции.
Strelkov’s speech transcript, part 2/3
И вот наступил момент, когда каждый дончанин, способный носить оружие и готовый его применить по врагам своего народа может приехать и получить оружие прямо в руки, получить и встать в строй ополчения, чтобы изгнать карателей за пределы родной земли. Но что же мы видим? Все, что угодно, только не толпы добровольцев у дверей наших штабов. В Славянске сто двадцать тысяч человек населения, вдвое больше в Краматорске, в Донецкой области проивает четыре с половиной миллионов человек. Да, не все из них мужчины дееспособного возраста, не все из них здоровы и не заняты на важных для жизнеобеспечения производствах, не все могут прийти к нам по семейным и всяким уважительным обстоятельствам, но, признаюсь честно, никак не ожидал, что на всю область не найдется и тысячи мужчин, готовых рисковать собой не у себя в городе, на соседней с домом баррикаде, откуда до ближайшего национального гвардейца надо полдня на машине ехать, а на передовой линии, где реально каждый день стреляют. Тем не менее, это так. Чтобы не быть голословным, приведу примеры. Три дня назад приехала группа из двенадцати артемовских “героев”, отобранных и рекомендованных весьма уважаемым человеком. Узнав, что службу придется нести непосредственно в Славянске, а не у себя в Артемовске, и что срок не ограничен несколькими днями, даже не стали получать оружие. Вчера история повторилась. Из тридцати пяти задержанных донецких добровольцев, расслышавших звуки далекого минометного обстрела и выяснивших, что через три дня они не смогут поехать домой вместе с полученным оружием, двадцать пять благополучно отправились по домам. Вероятно, жаловаться на тяжкие условия, которых они не ощутили ни минуты и о своем героизме, проявленном в поездке в пассажирском автобусе. И это не единственный случай. Такое у нас происходит регулярно.
Мне, еще находясь в Крыму, приходилось слыщать от активистов народного движения рассказы о том, что когда шахтеры встанут, они всех порвут голыми руками. Что же, может, когда-то так оно и было. Пока же не наблюдается. Пока десятки и сотни людей встали в строй и сражаются, десятки и сотни тысяч спокойно наблюдают за этим в телевизор, потягивая пивко. Видимо, ждут, когда из единокровной России выдвинется армия, споосбная все сделать за них, либо приедет достаточное количество безбашенных добровольцев, готовых умереть за их право жить более достойной жизнью, чем той, которой они двадцать три года существовали под властью украинских националистов.
Где те двадцать семь тысяч добровольцев, о которых пишут журналисты? Не наблюдаю. Прийти домой с гордым видом и заявить восхищенным женщинам: “я записался в ополчение” – это все, на что вы способны? В нашем добровольческом строю все больше мужчин далеко за сорок, выросших и получивших воспитание еще во времена СССР, но совсем мало молодежи. Где они все, молодые и здоровые парни? Может, в тех бандитских бригадах, которые, почуяв безвластие, бросились “грабить награбленное” и беспредельничать по всем городам и весям Донетчины? Да, известия об их “боевых подвигах” доходят до нас ежедневно. И многие несостоявшиеся ополченцы требуют оружие, чтобы прежде всего защититься от бандитов и уголовников у себя дома, в своих домах. Что же, их желание обосновано. Но возникает вопрос: как командирам ополчения разобраться, кто к ним приехал за оружием? Честный гражданин или очередной бандит, косящий под донецкого патриота?
Strelkov’s speech transcript, part 3/3
Ответ, кторый даем мы, звучит просто: ополченцем будет считаться только тот, кто лично, в составе боевого подразделения, примет непосредственное участие с боевых действиях с войсками хунты, в том месте и в то время, которое сочтут необходимым его командиры. Потому что без дисциплины не будет ничего, не только победы, но и порядка. Если каждый будет воевать там, где он линчо захочет, столько, сколько его душе угодно, то Донецкое ополчение стремительно превратится в нечто среднее между шайкой разнузданных дезертиров и бандой Батьки Ангела. Но этого не будет. Только те, кто зарекомендует себя в боях с неприятелем и выполнении иных боевых заданий, получит оружие для того, чтоы наводить порядок в собственных домах в рядах ополчения. А порядок этот мы наведем, можете не сомневаться. Пусть те, кто ставят сегодня под крышу магазины и предприятия, кто торгует наркотиками и просто грабит беззащитное население – все они пусть на надеются на то, что игра пойдет по прежним правилам, “война все спишет”. Бандитскому Донбассу пришел конец. Новая власть предоставит всем возможность отказаться от преступного промысла, но тем, кто не захочет, будет дан достойный отпор. Такой отпор, от которого не удастся откупиться никакими деньгами, по законам военного времени.
Вернусь к главному. Донецкой земле нужны защитники, а ополчению – дисциплинированные солдаты-добровольцы. Если мужчины на это не способны, придется призвать женщин. С сгеодняшнего дня я отдал приказ принимать их в ополчение. Очень жаль, что среди женщин совсем нет офицеров, ни действующих, ни запаса. Но какая разница, если мужчины-офицеры к нам не едут совсем? Во всей области пока не нашлось и пары десятков профессиональных военных, готовых возглавить воюющие подразделения? Стыд и срам. Две недели я прошу прислать мне начальника штаба и хотя бы пяток командиров рот и взводов. Тишина. Ни одного. Ротами и взводами у меня командуют рядовые сержанты запаса, некоторые – очень неплохо командут, но чем дальше, тем больше чувствуется отсутствие необходимых знаний военного дела. Что же, научатся со временем. Но предупреждаю: ни один из так называемых офицеров, сидящих сейчас по квартирам, как испуганные воробьи под крышей во время грозы, не вставших в ополченческий строй, никогда не будут в наших глазах ни один считаться офицером. О том, чтобы наше мнение разделяли и простые граждане, мы тоже позаботимся.
Возможно, остались считанные дни до момента, когда боевые действия, текущие пока без особого ожесточения, развернутся до масштабов настоящей битвы с десятками и сотнями убитых и раненых. Враг деморализован, но пока еще очень силен. У него имеются спонсоры-олигархи, готовые платить огромные деньги за каждое убийство, за каждый разрушенный дом, за каждое преступление против русского народа. Чтобы его победить, надо сражаться. Пусть те граждане, кто способен меня услышать, кто готов доказать свою преданность родной земле и своему народу, прибывает в штабы ополчения в городах Славянск, Краматорск, Красный Лиман, Константиновку, Горловку. Там назначенные мною командиры сформируют маршевые подразделения, наладят обучение и по мере готовности направят в действующую армию. И пусть пока она выглядит как небольшой и неважно организованный партизанский отряд, она сражается и победит. Дорогу осилит идущий. С нами Бог и правда. Спасибо.
Open letter to the Russian people:
I am an American and I would like to make some statements. First, I regard the US government as an enemy of the people and a fascist armed occupying power in its own land. Second, I hold Russia and its culture in the highest regard and have always felt a special affinity for the Russian people, their art, their warmth, their humanity. Third, although the US government doesn’t represent me in any way, I would like to apologize to the Russian people for its actions. Fourth, I fully support the anti-fascist resistance in East Ukraine, and I’m fully confident that we’re gonna win.
‘Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun’
Appeal to the commander of the militia of the Donetsk national Republic
may 18, 2014
The appeal was written personally by me, I just now read, it is large enough.
Citizens Of Donetsk National Republic!
I address You with a request: a request to defend their homeland, their homes, their families, their people. I have to ask you to do what by all human standards, asking not required, because to stand up for their country and their freedom in Russia always was an honor, whose call for centuries followed by those who considered themselves to men. However, I have to tell you the truth straight in the eye, say hard and even offensive to your dignity of the word.
For more than a month as we, a small group of volunteers from Russia and Ukraine, heeding the calls for help, heard from the lips put forward by you of the protest leaders, arrived here and in the armed struggle oppose all Ukrainian army and many flying down to feast on wage waste. Over the past month we have heard many times desperate plea: “Give us the weapons! Give us the weapons that we could fight for their freedom, for their right to read and speak in their native Russian language, for the right to honor ancestors, heroes of great Patriotic War, not henchmen Nazi criminals” Heeding this call, we got the weapons. Captured in warehouses, away from the Ukrainian military and police, bought from the underground of traders for crazy money. And now the weapons we have. It is not deep in the rear, not in Donetsk, Lugansk or Makeyevka and Anthracite, and it is at the front line of defense, in the besieged city of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, in Konstantinovka. It is here, where it matters most. Here, where volunteers cover the whole rest of Donbass, Donetsk and Lugansk together. And here, near the cities of Slavonic and Kramatorsk, under the Red Estuary and Konstantinovka, where are our garrisons, Kiev junta collected the biggest and most capable forces. Nearby there are two thirds of the Germans and the headquarters of the so-called anti-terrorist operation.
And now the moment came when each Donetsk, capable of bearing arms and ready to apply it to the enemies of his people can come and get a weapon directly into the hands, receive and join the ranks of the militia to overthrow the guards outside of the native land. But what do we see? Anything, only not the crowd of volunteers at the door of our headquarters. In Slavyansk hundred and twenty thousand persons, twice in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region projivaet four and a half million people. Yes, not all of them men capable of age, not all of them healthy and not busy at important for the life productions, not all can come to us for family and all justifiable, but, frankly, did not expect that all of the area is not there and thousands of men, willing to risk their lives not in my city, nearby to the house of the barricade, where the nearest national guards have half a day by car and on the front lines, where real every day shoot. However, it is so. Not to be unfounded, I will give examples. Three days ago came a group of twelve Artemovsk “heroes”, selected and recommended a highly respected man. Learning that the service will be held directly in Slavyansk, not in Artemovsk, and that the term is not limited to a few days, did not even get a weapon. Yesterday history repeated itself. Of the thirty-five detainees Donetsk volunteers, russiawhich sounds far mortar attack and vyyasnila, that after three days they will not be able to go home with obtained weapons, twenty-five happily went home. Likely to complain of serious conditions, which they did not feel any minute and about his heroism during the trip in a passenger bus. And this is not the only case. This is happening regularly.
The answer that we give, sounds simple: the militia will be considered only those who have personally, as part of combat units, take a direct part in hostilities with the troops of the junta, in that place and at that time, needed his commanders. Because without discipline there will be nothing, not only win, but also order. If everyone will fight wherever he LINCO want, as much as his heart desires, Donetsk militia rapidly turn into something between a gang unbridled deserters and gang Batko angel. But this will not happen. Only those who prove themselves in battle with the enemy, and performing other military missions will receive weapons in order to restore order in their own homes in the ranks of the militia. And the order that we get, make no mistake. Let those who put today under the roof of the shops and businesses who sell drugs and simply robs defenceless population – all of them are let to hope that the game will go under the old rules, “war emergency. Gangster Donbass came to an end. The new government will provide everyone the opportunity to refuse from criminal craft, but those who do not want, will give a fitting rebuff. Such a rebuff from which fail to pay off any money, according to the laws of war.
Will return to the main. Donetsk land right defenders, and militia – disciplined soldiers-volunteers. If men can do it, will have to call on women. With sydnesga day I gave the order to take them into the militia. It is a pity that among women there are no officers, no active or reserve. But what is the difference, if men-officers do not come here at all? Throughout the region there were a couple of dozen of professional soldiers, ready to lead the fighting units? Shame on you. Two weeks, I ask the chief of staff and at least five commanders of companies and platoons. Silence. None. Companies and platoons I command ordinary sergeants stock, some very good comandat, but more and more felt the lack of the necessary knowledge of military Affairs. What will learn over time. But I warn you that none of the so-called officers, sitting now on apartments, as frightened sparrows under the roof during a storm, who is not registered in militia system, will never be in our eyes no one considered by the officer. That our view was shared by ordinary citizens, we too will take care.
Regarding the Strelkov speech, remember Sun Tzu.
“When you are strong, appear weak.”
I thought it was a very effective speech, shaming the needed men by questioning their manhood, and luring the enemy into thinking the front is easy pickings and weak when it is strong.
@ Crazy Ivan,
I have no clue whether your translation is correct or not, but I sincerely appreciate your effort in getting the message out t/here.
The image of the pregnant woman who died bent over backward over her desk, and the unborn child that died with her, will forever accompany me as the only just image of injustice.
@ нд
Thank you very much. I did what I could to arise Saker’s interest into the statement. But I know my limits.
I’ll try to help to make the blog informative but according to my abilities.
Yandex showed excellent translation power with the statement. But it needs polishing. I hope you make the English translation as you suggested by tomorrow.
BTW. I have more problems with translation of arbaletfire chronicles ( as he uses military slang for weapons. But so far I have managed (more or less). :)
Once more many thanks.
Crazy Ivan
Crazy Ivan says (again)…
@ Andrew
Thumb up! Thanks hundred times! :)
@ Daniel Rich
I read nearly all comments, thank you for seeing the effort of mine. ;-)
I stopped commenting as CI as Saker appeared rude to me few weeks ago but I was heer as Anonymous all the time writing and translating when and where I could be of much help to the blog. I’m not perfect but I tried.
My weak side is I do not keep umbrage long. :)
Part I
Saker’s forays into the spiritual realm can be disconcerting to the head-strong like myself. Very recently many have come to the conclusion that the head-strong (rational) must be untied with the heart-strong (spiritual) if we are to overcome our divisions and confront those who would destroy us.
I want to put this into the context of events in eastern Ukraine and the frustratingly slow mobilization of the defenders. I will take a circuitous route which will be most difficult for the impatient and rationally-minded but if you bare with me I think you’ll agree it was worth it in the end.
Those of us who are watching the Anglo-Zionist and Neo-Nazi forces mobilizing against the defenders of the east feel a sense of impending doom. Watching from a distance we wonder if they will come to their senses quickly enough to confront the violence and terror that the Kiev junta will surely inflict upon them. We openly wonder why Putin hasn’t sent in Russia’s armed forces to smash the still relatively weak Ukrainian fascists and the mercenaries who lead them.
I think the answer elludes us because we misunderstand the nature of the conflict as well as Putin’s strategy for victory. I no longer have any doubt he is doing exactly as he should.
Starting with the rational perspective, this is a global struggle between parasites and producers. Below is a eleven minute interview with Alain Soral (I’ve posted it before) that will give you a strictly non-spiritual view of this conflict:
Alain Soral: sedentaries versus nomadic-predators (eng subs)
Part II
Below is an excerpt from an interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal. I include it with the caveat that his very clear statement on the attitude of parasites is attached to a false interpretation concerning the true nature of this conflict. Rosenthal would have us believe this is a conflict between evil Jews and noble Aryans. This is an incorrect interpretation meant to enourage us to scapegoat the Jews. Aryan must be replaced with the inclusive term Producer in order to get an accurate picture. Remember that all good information is always married to some poisonous disinformation meant to throw you off the parasites’ trail and especially to keep you divided against your neighbour.
Interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal
We are the ‘acquirers’ and are interested only in satisfying the ‘self.’ To understand our philosophy understand the term ‘to get.’ We never give but only take. We never labor but enjoy the fruits of others’ labor. We do not create but confiscate. We are not the producers but the parasites.
We can physically live within any society, but always remain spiritually apart. To work would be to produce and the highest form of that labor would be to create.
Your race has always worked for the satisfaction of what it produces. We would never work for anyone’s benefit, only for what we can get. We have used this Aryan attitude to achieve our greatest prosperity.
You will work for the enjoyment you derive out of producing, while never being concerned about the pay. We take your productivity for a paltry fee and turn it into fortunes.
Until recently, the pride of workmanship exceeded the quest for high incomes. However, we have been able to enslave society to our own power which is money, by causing them to seek after it.
We have converted the people to our philosophy of getting and acquiring so that they will never be satisfied. A dissatisfied people are the pawns in our game of world conquest. Thus, they are always seeking and never able to find satisfaction. The very moment they seek happiness outside themselves, they become our willing servants.
Here is a link to the full 20 page PDF. Again, remember the creator of this message wants you to blame the Jews thereby looking past all those globlaist parasites who are the true villians in this conflict:
Part III
Some of you will need to be convinced that the Jews are not the problem. While I accept that the Jewish Power is the primary force underlying Anglo-Zionist dominance I believe it is important to acknowledge that like Christianity and Islam, Judaism has been hijacked by social parasites. The conflict between truth and power exists in all religious and even non-religious communities.
Many of us who visit this blog recognize that the conflict between Shia and Sunni is mirrored by that between Orthodox and Western Chrisendom. Fewer of us are aware that this conflict also exists in Judaism; between Russian Lubavitchers (Haredim) and broadly Zionist Jews including a minority of Western-oriented Haredi who have been co-opted by Zionism. Here is another link to a PDF describing the conflict:
The Jewish Cultural Civil War and the Reinvention of Hanukkah in the Twentieth Century
Of all the historic symbols used by modern Zionism, none is as important as “the Maccabees”.
“The rabbinic religious tradition – in so far as it recalled the Hasmoneans at all – emphasized the religious miracle in their battle against persecuti on of Judaism and the desecration of the Temple (see the traditional prayer “Al HaNissim”). However the Secular Zionists rejected the miracle and emphasized the earthly realism of Hasmonean heroism. Zionism made Hanukkah a nationalist holiday… the secularization and nationalization of religious celebrations focused on minor religious holidays and reprioritized their significance.
Yitzhak Breuer, a major Haredi leader, commented:
“The Hellenizers loved their people and their land in their own fashion… They loved the land, but loathed the Land of Torah, loved the peo ple but despised the People of the Torah, loved the Greek licentiousness but hated the burden of Torah… It is not for the Jewish State that the Hasmoneans fought but for the People of the Torah. They did battle against the kingdom of evil when it threatened the People of the Torah with destruction… They also fought against the wicked among their own people… This was a kulturkampf [a clash between two cultures] …Greek culture triumphed over the whole world, and only the Torah culture was able to withstand it.”
Part IV
Finally, what does all this have to do with Putin’s actions in eastern Ukraine and beyond?
Some of you are aware of Putin’s backround and the time he spent in the company of a Jewish family as a youth. The two articles below describe his lifelong relationship with this family:
Putin’s Jewish embrace: Is it love or politics?
When Putin met his Jewish German teacher in Israel
Although I can’t locate the reference there have also been reports of Israeli mercenaries going to Ukraine to fight alonside pro-Russian/anti-junta forces.
There are two main considerations driving Putin’s actions in Ukraine:
First, he sees this as a conflict between local producers and globalist parasites. The conflict has military and economic dimensions but the far more important consideration at this time is spiritual. Putin sees that Jews, Christians and Muslims are broadly divided into two camps. His only chance of victory consists of uniting the righteous Haredi/Lubavitchers, Orthodox Christians and Shia Muslims against the spiritually impoverished (as in fully co-opted) Jewish Zionists, Western Christians and Sunni Islam. His entire backround and subsequent behaviour points us in this general direction.
Second, Putin understands that his side needs spiritual strength in order to have any chance of final victory. The necessary spiritual strength with only come through tribulation — of the kind now being endured by Orthodox Christians and friends primarily in eastern Ukraine. If he were to intervene at this moment he would immediately undercut any prospect that Orthodox civilization would recover it’s spiritual strength. Aggressive actions on his part would also enormously empower his enemies as they would be proven right to claim that Putin is indeed an aggressor like they.
Eastern Ukrainians need to mobilize quickly but the Fascists are in no position to enforce their will anytime soon. Slowly and with painstaking committement and patience Putin is nurturing the flickering flame of the resistance. He is working to unite the head and the heart and in doing so has terminally undermined the Anglo-Zionist Empire for the good of all mankind.
The Proton-M rocket crash last week is no coincidence in the determination of the US to draw Russia/China into a war:
The crash is undoubtedly the US secret government hard at work with their drone space craft:
No theories here folks – only actual conspiracies by the global elite against the rest of us.
That is fascinating! It fits the data and makes perfect sense. Personally, I’m sick of global-anything and see capitalism itself as a big part of the problem but we’re long past relying on our own villages so the real question is, what’s next? We certainly know what’s in store should the Anglo-Zionist Empire prevail, at least until it crumbles. But if Putin does succeed, what then would even be possible? It’s really not fair to ask you to predict the future after you’ve done such a superb job making sense of the present, but might you happen to have any further thoughts? ;~)
Hi Nora,
I think Putin has already succeeded. It’ll be a long tough slog for Ukrainians but Russia will only get stronger from now on.
Anglo-Zionistan faces a long slow terminal decline. The AZ parasites, deprived of foreign victims, will turn their attention to their own people and exploit the hell out of everyone and everything. If you think the Soviet Union was repressive wait till you see what they have in store for us.
In the short term our rulers will need to cover their losses by robbing us of our wealth as they did in 2008. People with million dollar homes will discover their real value might be one tenth. Foreigners will continue to be brought in to buy up cheap real estate and help sustain the elites while increasing numbers of locals will be thrown into shelters or retirement sewers. Services will be slashed and public education will be gutted (no one needs smart slaves).
Expect to be taxed to death by governments and corporations alike. We will be drugged, poisoned, microchipped and incarcerated like never before. Our future is one of techno-fascist subsistence consumersim.
Anyone that raises their head or makes themselves a threat to the establishment will be disappeared — not stopping, I’m on a roll. Basically the ‘homeland’ will be turned into numerous private or semi-private feudal estates. Your movements will be limited by your social status. Unless you are priviledged your life will suck and the worst part is most of us will take it. We will be happy like Ivan Denisovich in a gulag. We won’t revolt and we won’t punish the crimminals unless something drastic occurrs.
Cheered up yet?
In the longer term we will begin our own spiritual awakening and eventually rise out of this mess but probably not before the boomer generation is dead and buried.
If you’re young and energetic but don’t fancy yourself working at a desk job in the Ministry of Truth I’d recommend you learn Russian and head a-way west to Kamchatka, Yakutsk or some such place.
Uh, you’re just about as cheerful about our future as I am. I figured a while back that, just like Rome as the Empire decayed (for many of the same reasons, primarily over-reach and rot), we’re headed for warlord-istan. We don’t even call them oligarchs here, but Akmetov, Kolomiskiy et. al. are the model for our future too. I also see plain old ordinary hunger, soon — another reason for needing the protection of an uber-gunslinger as we descend into the armed anarchy now present only in parts of our inner cities except when some redneck goes berserk. I’m not young, Where-Wolf, and I’m quite glad about that. I do worry about my grandchildren though. But warlord-istan won’t really end up like feudalism, because so few workers are really needed. They’ll just be exploited a la Bangladesh and the rest — “the takers”, how Orwellian! — left to die. Do I sound maybe even grimmer than you? We did it to ourselves though, dammit! That’s the part that really sticks in my craw.