Dear friends,

I have a found a few minutes to sit down and update you about donations.

So far, 80 people have made donations through PayPal.  Even though many of you have had problems due to all sorts of bugs and quirks of PayPal, the money always ended up getting to me.  I now also have as a policy to immediately transfer any money I get to my bank account, “just in case”.

Flattr has been most disappointing.  So far I have received only two donations through this service, and not even enough to get a single dollar.

For those of you outside the USA, the address in Switzerland I indicated in my previous post and which is also shown in the right column of this page is still valid, but so far not a single donation has been sent there, except one from the USA which has not made it to Switzerland so far (I still hope that it will).

Now the good news.  By “popular demand” as the expression goes, and thanks to the generous and kind help of “S”, I now have a PO BOX in the USA which you can use to send donations.  Here is that address:

The Saker
PO Box 711
Edgewater, FL 32132-0711

If you do send me donations by snail mail (to Switzerland or the USA), please include your email address so I can confirm to you that I received it.  Of course, if you prefer to donate anonymously, that is fine too (though in that case you could use some anonymous email address like or something equally nonsensical).

I would like to add that your donations have already helped a lot.  For example, I have recently been able to get repairs made on my car and that helps me a great deal on my other, day & full-time job.

One last thing, since this, after all, a personal announcement, I am looking for a not too expensive but good quality digital photo camera.  If you have one you do not need and can donate, or a used one you want to sell, please email and let me know its specs and how much you want for it.

That’s it for now.  An immense and heartfelt “thank you!!!” to all those who have helped out for their generosity and kind regards to all,

The Saker