The cold, reptilian eyes of William Colby
By Ken Leslie for the Saker Blog
One of the persisting delusions of the modern liberal thought states that the humanity has succeeded in overcoming its worst primitive instincts and is happily sailing towards some kind of liberal utopia populated by reasonable, objectively-minded, educated technocrats who are capable of reducing any problem to a linear combination of variables to be modelled and resolved rationally. In spite of the pre-eminence of this delusion (I could call it the Dawkins delusion) in the Anglo-Saxon world, one only needs to scratch the surface to discover that not only is humanity as prone to superstition and feral hatred towards others as they have ever been but that same old racial and religious tropes which should have died a long time ago under the onslaught of modernity are not only alive but thriving and successfully being used by the Empire in its total war against potential challengers. Nothing ever changes…
If the above were true, the world would not have been rocked by a series of fratricidal wars instigated by the United States and its vassals ever since the end of WWII.[1] More recently, the final phase of the push towards the East began in the Balkans with the neutralisation of the Serbs as a possible pro-Russian counter to the fascist NATO’s takeover of Europe. Once the European flank was secured, the United States moved to destabilise Russia’s immediate neighbourhood, namely Georgia and the Ukraine. The shift towards the Middle East was prompted by Israel’s ambition to decapitate any Arab government willing and able to assert its independence from the Anglo-Zionist nexus (this is the first time I have used Saker’s label—it fits). A number of Arab countries were destabilised or destroyed rendering the geopolitical position of multi-polar forces difficult. The undeclared war of aggression of a belligerent and imperialist West against anybody who might pose a challenge to its supremacist ambitions goes on and to understand how best to defend themselves, the nations under attack must have no illusions about the nature of the enemy.
The phenomenon I am going to discuss here is in my opinion crucial for understanding the melding of super-modern military technology and primitive murderous instincts which characterise modern warfare. The deadly secrecy and the blurring of the boundaries between combatants and non-combatants, the ruthless dehumanisation of the enemy with elements of medieval torture and unforgivable crime of the murder of a large number of innocent people combined with a bureaucratic and technical mini empire whose sole purpose was to find the targets for the killings and record the kills accurately—those were the characteristics of the infamous Phoenix Programme designed by the CIA in the mid-1960s with the aim of decapitating the secret government established by the Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam. Known by the acronym of COSVN (Central Office of South Vietnam), this clandestine and elusive body was the brain behind the successful resistance to the American occupiers and their Vietnamese vassals.
As a brief prelude, even before Diem’s demise, the question posed by the US military experts was how to counteract the growing insurgency. It was clear even then that standard military approaches wouldn’t work against a popular battle-hardened guerrilla movement which did not follow the prescribed methods of waging war. A more sophisticated strategy was needed based on the experience of other empires in crushing rebellious peasants especially the British empire which at that time was fighting rear-guard battles around the world trying to stem or control various independence movements. Since the Americans lacked the necessary experience, Diem invited Sir Robert Thompson who had masterminded the defeat of the Communist insurgency in Malaya to advise him on counter-insurgency. Thompson proposed a number of relatively sensible measures which could have helped Diem including practicing cultural sensitivity and economy of force. Diem found it impossible to act rationally and the rest is history. In 1962, worried about his prospects in the face of a large-scale popular insurgency, Diem invited an Australian Military Advisory Team (Australian Army Training Team Vietnam) to help with the growing uprising. The first commander of this unit was Colonel Ted Serong, a staunch Roman Catholic of Portuguese ancestry whose anti-Communist fervour played an important part in the genesis of the Phoenix Programme.[2]
Following the introduction of US combat troops into Vietnam in 1965 (they had been there long before this but hey!) the newly installed head of the US military command, General William Westmoreland thought that the best way to eliminate the Communist threat was to blast the hell out of the Vietnamese countryside by means of massive air raids by B-52s (“Arclight”) and large-calibre artillery bombardments which were followed by “search and destroy” deployments of large military units reinforced by tanks, BTRs helicopters and fighter jets.[3] Whole districts were declared “kill zones” (“free-fire” zones in the perverted parlance of the Pentagon) allowing psychopathic generals to satisfy their racial hatred and ideological bloodthirst by destroying vast tracts of fertile land and more importantly, killing and displacing hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Given the horrific impact of the Westmorland’s slash and burn policy, it is a minor miracle that the puppet government in Saigon lasted as long as it did.
This was truly slaughter on the industrial scale which created a massive demographic shift measured in millions of migrants from the destroyed villages into the cities and caused social problems which eventually contributed to the rapid fall of the Saigon regime. However, in spite of the fearsome firepower unleashed against the guerrillas (and increasingly North Vietnamese regular soldiers), victory eluded an exasperated Lyndon Johnson. The enemy was tactically sophisticated and fully aware of the power differential which favoured the Americans. It weaved and bobbed into and out of flooded rice fields, forests and jungles to strike the enemy when he least expected it. Well-equipped and highly motivated fighters harassed the American behemoth relentlessly while avoiding major battles.
A vast system of tunnels stretching for hundreds of kilometres was built in the province of Cu Chi containing entire underground townships complete with kitchens, hospitals, ammunition, food stores, ventilation systems and dormitories. Unlike American soldiers who lived in the comparative luxury of air-conditioned rooms, cold beer and ice cream, their opponents lived on a handful of rice a day. Sometime in 1966, it became clear even to the most intransigent of military hawks that the traditional military approach wasn’t working. The raw firepower of the US military could not best a determined and motivated peasant guerrilla army. A radically different approach was needed—a strategy much less costly in terms of American lives and much more expensive for those on its receiving end.
The need for a strategic turn in Vietnam was exacerbated by a substantial societal change taking place within the United States. Not content with blind Dullesian Cold War patriotism, younger generations of Americans began to question the wisdom of their country’s engagement in Vietnam, especially when the draft and possible death by a punji stick started to threaten the cosseted white middle class. All of a sudden, the war ceased to be cool and a beleaguered Cardinal Spellman was finding it hard to sustain the crusading zeal that characterised Diem’s rule in the 1950s.[4]
The Phoenix (or Phung Hoang) Programme was a brainchild of William Colby the then Chief of CIA Station in Saigon.[5] This is a slight exaggeration because other people on the lower rungs of the greasy pole also played their part (e.g. Nelson Brickham and many others). Phoenix, which was supposed to symbolise the rebirth of the American war effort was a complex administrative, logistical, intelligence and enforcement system supposed to facilitate what CIA and belatedly President Johnson saw as the task number one and the solution for the incipient quagmire in which America was increasingly bogged down. The task was to decapitate the clandestine “infrastructure” of the resistance movement in South Vietnam by any means possible. The definition of “infrastructure” was vague from the beginning.
What the planners in the CIA had in mind was the political personnel or cadre—the individuals who supported the insurgency at any level of the organisational hierarchy—from a hamlet party treasurer, district and province party functionary to the party leader for the South Vietnam. The problem (not that Colby saw it as one) was that these individuals were civilian non-combatants. Thus, in order to be successful, the Phoenix had to abjure the laws of war as well as the Geneva convention which prohibits the targeting of civilians. Naturally, CIAs clandestine agent and assassin networks had been active in South Vietnam ever since the 1950s. The difference this time was that a civilian (of a strong religious persuasion) was going to conduct a war of extermination against other civilians belonging to a different religion or none.
In order to understand the depth of Colby’s involvement with this murder programme, it must be remembered that he was an old Vietnam hand first sent into the country in 1959 to support the Catholic dictator Diem at the time when the disgruntled Buddhists and members of the Viet Minh started to rebel openly against his bloody repressive regime. Unlike Edward Lansdale who enjoyed the limelight, Colby worked in the shadows. His links with the Diems were deep. He became close friends with Diem’s brother Ngo Dihn Nhu, the ultra-Catholic eminence grise, chief ideologue and puppet master of the regime whose secret intelligence apparatus sowed terror and fear throughout the country through another of Colby’s friends—Tran Kim Tuyen, chief of Diem’s intelligence service. It was these structures and the relationships between them and their American advisers that formed the basis of the Phoenix programme that was to arise from the ashes of Tet six years later.
The efficacy of Colby’s killing machine depended on a successful synchronisation of conflicting local interests and bureaucratic norms. Put simply, the Phoenix mechanism consisted of three major components: intelligence gathering, capture and interrogation. The first two tasks were entrusted to so-called Provincial Reconnaissance Units (PRUs) which consisted mainly of zealous Catholic anti-communists, criminals and converted Viet Minh fighters.[6] They were dressed in black, well-armed and led by American “advisors”. Their training took place in a former Catholic seminary on the Vung Tau peninsula where the future killers and torturers were initiated into the program in a faux mystical torch-lit ceremony resembling the initiation into the Waffen SS.
Their job was to scour the countryside following tips from agents and search for anybody resembling the blurry printout of a face or a description by an agent. PRUs were infamous for their cruelty and are as close as any unit in the modern history to the Nazi Einsatzgruppen (Extermination squads). Their ideology (anticommunism), purpose (elimination of the Communist civilian infrastructure) and modus operandi (indiscriminate killing of civilians) were identical. The crimes of PRUs have been described in detail by Douglas Valentine in his book about the Phoenix Programme: they would often break into thatched peasant huts in the middle of the night and kill all people inside before ascertaining whether any of them actually belonged to Viet Cong. They measured their kills by strings of ears they would show their American commanders as proofs required for a monetary reward. Needless to say, most of those ears were innocent of any Communist affiliation. In some ways, those killed in bed had it easy. Many suspected Viet Cong cadres were taken in for interrogation and it is this aspect of the Phoenix program that chills the blood the most.
The essence of Phoenix was the vast system of interrogation centres that dotted the country. The speed with which these were built boggles the mind. Most districts had one as did most provinces and regions (including the country centre in Saigon). These centres were staffed by Vietnamese officers and soldiers and overseen by CIA advisors. In reality the anonymous architecture and anodyne titles hid some of the worst torture centres known to modern history. In the warped minds of Colby and his many Catholic minions, the only way to purge South Vietnam of “godless communism” was to bring back a turbo-charged version of the Holy Inquisition. The bow-tie wearing Savonarola understood that his war was only as good as the reports he sent to Robert Komer (the old CIA hand and Head of Pacification in Vietnam) and Johnson. To ensure a co-ordination of information, the centres were connected by telephone and teleprinter to other centres and the collation of the huge amounts of information produced by the tens of thousands of tortured prisoners was performed by super modern computers located in a dedicated centre in Saigon. This is what gave Phoenix its specific “flavour”—the blending of medieval cruelty and super-modern technology.[7]
And the torture was truly medieval. The prisoners were left to the tender mercies of criminal ARVN staff who employed everything from electroshocks to the genitals, deadly beatings and removal of nails, waterboarding, rape, sleep deprivation and other techniques still used by the CIA to extremely sadistic acts that remind one of the Sack of Magdeburg or Pavelic’s extermination camps. Kenneth Barton Osborn, an army military intelligence officer who worked with Phoenix in 1967 and 1968 flatly told the US House Operations Subcommittee that not a single VC suspect survived interrogation under his supervision. He discussed two of the murders that he witnessed personally: on one occasion, a piece of wood was inserted into the ear canal of a detainee and hammered into his brain; in another, a woman was simply left in a small cage to starve to death.[8]
The idea that the Americans were innocent bystanders in all this is another myth that is difficult to shatter. US special forces (the Green Berets) and the Navy Seals were intimately involved in the hunt for, interrogation and elimination of suspected communist cadres. According to a former Navy Seal Elton Manzione who was interviewed by Douglas Valentine: “We wrapped [detonator] cord around [prisoners’] necks and wired them to the detonator box. And basically what it did was blow their heads off [… the] general idea was to waste the first two. They planned the snatches that way. Pick up this guy because we’re pretty sure he’s VC cadre — these other guys just run errands for him. Or maybe they’re nobody; Tran, the farmer and his brother Nguyen. But bring in two. Put them in a row. By the time you get to your man he’s talking so fast you got to pop the weasel just to shut him up. I guess you could say that we wrote the book on terror.” Some like the infamous Phoenix co-ordinator John Paul Vann deserve (and have been given) much more attention.
Needless to say, the programme soon fell victim to bureaucratic entropy. It was not the torture that let Colby down but the inability of the programme to benefit from it. Inadequate or false information was fed to the central database giving a distorted picture of the success of the programme or lack thereof. In order to save or boost their careers, both Vietnamese executioners and their CIA mentors targeted innocent people and faked their “kills”. Corruption and sloth soon set in and Phoenix became a synonym for senseless and mindless murder of innocent civilians. By 1970, as Paul Ham notes in his Vietnam: The Australian War, “Phoenix had degenerated into “squads of wild-eyed, often drugged, Vietnamese killers roam[ing] the countryside and indiscriminately round[ing]up and tortur[ing] suspects or civilian sympathisers”.
From the book “The Betrayal” by William Corson: “Almost immediately in the wake of the first operations of the Phoenix hit squads in I Corps, the rapport in the CAP (Combined Action Programme) hamlets between the Marines, the PFs (Popular Forces, a local anti-communist militia), and the people, as well as the intelligence flow, dried up. Upon examination we found out that the people and the PFs were scared shitless that the Phoenix hoodlums would come and take them away, or kill them. The Phoenix tactics reeked of the same kind of terrorism practiced by Ngo Dinh Nhu’s thugs in the Delta region during the early 60s, and I knew it had to be stopped, at least in the CAP hamlets.” So, not only did the crazed assassins of Phung Hoang target innocent civilians, but were slaughtering their own allies, not dissimilar to Pavelic’s ustashe whose thirst for Serb blood caused serious problems to their Nazi masters.
It is this period between 1967 and 1971 that recorded the worst excesses of the “Bird of happiness (the meaning of the Vietnamese sacred bird Phung Hoang which was used to symbolise a Phoenix to the Vietnamese)”. Anybody could be suspected of being a secret communist cadre and end up in one of the PICs having his/her nails pulled or worse. The fear and loathing of the Phoenix created an atmosphere of… fear and loathing. Following the murderous offensives by the US military in in 1967, millions of displaced country dwellers poured into Saigon and regional cities creating unprecedented problems for the puppet government of Nguyen van Thieu (whose Catholicism was not advertised loudly) and for the country more generally. The younger generations succumbed to the lure of the dollar and gave the nation large numbers of drug dealers, smugglers and prostitutes. The climate of fear and corruption hung over the country like a dark cloud when at the end of January 1968, the Viet Minh (with the help of reinforcements from the North) executed a fantastically bold co-ordinated attack on the South Vietnamese and US military, intelligence and propaganda assets. Despite the fact that the offensive was eventually defeated, its psychological impact was immense. Not only did it contribute to the view that the United States could not win the war but it also intensified attempts to strangle the leadership of the armed resistance. Phoenix was spreading its deadly wings especially since the Tet offensive had exposed many secret Viet Minh agents especially in the Saigon area. Prisons, camps, interrogation centres and execution sites were heaving with barely-alive victims—many if not most of whom were completely innocent.
Despite the impressive statistics conjured up by computer scientists sitting in the hyper-modern collation centre in Saigon, very few if any high-level COSVN functionaries were ever caught. Instead, innocent suspects were held in the so-called “Tiger cages”—remnants of the French colonial cruelty which were simply holes topped by metal cage doors. Exposed to elements, starvation and torture, most prisoners perished without ever having had a proper trial. To make things slightly easier for its torturers, the CIA initiated another programme through its cut-outs USIS and USAID, namely, Cheu Hoi or “Open hands”. This was an attempt to get the weaker-willed members of the resistance to surrender and recant.
After a gruelling interrogation, they would be offered clemency and a chance to join ARVN. However, many if not most Cheu Hoi returners were Viet Minh soldiers or cadre who would spend some time in different ARVN units to rest, recuperate and gather information on the enemy only to escape and return again in six months’ time. Essentially, the programme such as Phoenix could have never worked. The sympathy of the people for the Viet Minh was real and even where it didn’t exist, there was little enthusiasm for the American occupiers and their Saigon vassals. The close familial bonds between the conflicted sides were so strong that many top South Vietnamese officials and top ARVN generals had close relatives in the Viet Minh and the hellish reincarnation of the Holy Inquisition could do little to sever them.
At the helm of this religious purge stood a quiet man in glasses and bow tie who would eventually reach the very top of the US intelligence pyramid—William Colby—a descendant of Irish immigrants whose religious zeal was matched only by his hatred for “godless communism”. The question of how Colby together with many other right-wing Irish Americans achieved such prominence at the apex of the American deep state has been partially addressed in a couple of my previous essays. This is still something of a taboo and I hope to shed more light on this important subject. Despite his Ivy League education, Colby was an ultramontane Catholic who attended mass every day even as a CIA station head in Saigon. I shall never understand how he managed to reconcile his religiosity with the sadistic and satanic system of murder, torture and extortion that he controlled from the US embassy annex.
This is an aspect of the US engagement in Vietnam that has been kept away from the prying eyes of the media—not that they have been particularly interested. From its inception, the Republic of South Vietnam depended completely for its survival on a tight-knit Roman Catholic network of officers, priests, politicians and agents. Although their allegiance was maintained by access to loot and power, the ultimate binding agent that kept the apparatus going was their membership of the Catholic Church. Of course, in a country which was 80-90% Buddhist, the system would not have functioned without the tacit collusion of a number of corrupted Buddhists who were ready to overlook the persecution of their co-religionists in exchange for wealth and promotion (e.g. Nguyen Cao Ky).
It is this rich resource put in place by the CIA through its man on the ground, namely Diem, that led directly to Phoenix and its excesses. Torture, forced relocation, public recantations, cold-blooded murder of innocent people, mass conversions and other forms of religious persecution—it was all there by the time Colby unleashed the CIA’s Hellboyish brainchild.[9] The primary motivator for the cruelty and sadism that characterised Phoenix was the fear by the mainly Catholic apparatus of repression of the justice that would eventually be meted by the victorious Viet Minh. This resembled the fear of retribution experienced by most German soldiers withdrawing from the scene of their giga-crime in the Soviet Union.
Unsurprisingly, these crusaders were helped and supported by the Vatican and the West. The Catholics in Vietnam knew they were an absolute minority and that their dominance and safety could only be safeguarded by means of a bloody dictatorial regime inspired by their faith. Although the foundations of the system were laid by the French, the consensus is that they were amateurs compared with the Americans and “their Vietnamese”.[10] As mentioned in part I, many Catholics found the excesses of Diem and his successors unpalatable and this led to an increase in the Catholic participation in the liberation movement.
However, the religious orgy of mindless killing and torture could not go on forever. The death of Pius XII in 1959 signalled a change of tack by the Vatican towards a less bellicose posture towards its enemies. Although attempts at a détente and lowering of tensions were being made in the West, the exotique places such as Vietnam were safe from prying eyes, at least for the time being. One can speculate that with Pius’s death Diem lost his main supporter and became supremely vulnerable from that moment on. However, all was not lost for the Catholic cause, for Pius’s first lieutenant for the Americas, Cardinal Francis Spellman was well and more belligerent than ever and the loyal soldier of the Vatican, William Colby, was hurriedly dispatched to Vietnam to bolster Diem’s murderous dictatorship. Spellman’s support for the American intervention was such that to the young non-conformist generation of the 1960s, the War in Vietnam became known as “Spellman’s war”. There was no stunt, religious or otherwise that Spellman wouldn’t pull in order to strengthen the case for a continued slaughter of innocent Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians. His continued advocacy of the war and immense power over the faithful ensured that at least for a while, Colby was free to run the programme as he saw fit. His moment came in 1968, when he was pulled from his new job as the Chief of the CIA’s Soviet Block Division and sent to Vietnam to co-ordinate Phoenix.
As stated above, the orgy of killing and torture went on for a couple of years fuelled by the need to avenge the embarrassment of Tet. However, times were changing—if not substantially. The fake patriotic fervour of the 1950s bolstered by the right-wing certainties of the era was eroding fast especially in contact with a never-ending procession of coffins of young (increasingly middle-class) Americans. The main supporter of the war, Spellman, died in 1967 and the shaky consensus regarding the importance of the war began to crumble. Let me stress that the shift away from the gung-ho approach by Kennedy (no, he actually hugely increased the number of US “advisers”) and Johnson was not motivated by any reflection or consideration of ethical precepts.[11] Rather, the war was beginning to take unprecedented toll on an exhausted America. Those were the years of strife, deadly riots, loss of confidence and assassinations and the financial situation was becoming dire. Not even the exquisitely-timed launches of different flavours of Apollo could restore the faith in the righteousness of the American cause. Add to that the publication of the Pentagon Papers by that enfant terrible of the US deep state Daniel Ellsberg which documented the lies and subterfuge inflicted on the American people by its government and things were starting to unravel fast.
The crimes committed by the Americans in Vietnam could not be hidden any longer, especially after the atrocity at My Lai when over 500 innocent men, women and children were murdered in cold blood, gang raped, tortured and mutilated by a company of crazed grunts led by a sadistic captain (Ernest Medina). There is evidence that the unit responsible was linked to the Phoenix programme and needless to say, it was later congratulated by the murderer-in-chief Westmoreland (another Catholic convert). More important, a young black major named Colin Powell made sure that no serious inquiry took place thus clearing a smooth path to promotion, a debt he would be asked to repay once again in 2003 before the eyes of an unbelieving world.
Increased scrutiny of the Phoenix programme and the loss of Colby in 1971 meant that the programme was quickly atrophying helped by the paramount goal of Richard Nixon to withdraw the US troops from Vietnam. The enthusiasm of the early days was replaced by cynicism and defeatism. The programme passed into the South Vietnamese hands (under the strategy of “Vietnamisation”) and limped on for another couple of years. By that time, the writing was on the wall and after witnessing the North Vietnamese troops’ liberation of Saigon, Colby himself was dismissed from his post as Head of the CIA. Time had come to put the skeletons back into the closet. A man of huge chutzpah, Colby wrote two books about his experiences and denied that any atrocities had taken place within Phoenix. His victims were unavailable for comment.
In spite of Colby’s best efforts, the gargantuan and technologically superior war machine of the US Empire ground to a halt and slowly withdrew under the ever-bolder jabs by the resistance. Phoenix was wound down under political and fiscal pressures and finally burst into flames sometime in 1972 generating a never-ending debate on how successful it was, notwithstanding the fact that it was an extrajudicial inquisition successful only in propagating horror and suffering.
Although America’s Vietnamese inquisition died in infamy, it never really died. Like the mythical bird which is reborn periodically, the Phoenix Programme has been reincarnated many times since the halcyon days of PRUs and PICs. The lessons of Phoenix survived the nadir of the early 1970s and were faithfully implemented in South America (Operation Condor—see e.g. Alfredo Astiz) and later in the Middle East and the Ukraine. Techniques of torture have been perfected with the help of the American Psychological Association (thank God for small mercies) and as a result of convulsions experienced following My Lai, the power of the media to question the criminal transgressions of the US military has been curtailed. And while the CIA still pulls the strings, most of the fighting these days is left to its various (mainly RC and Islamist) proxies.
To prove me wrong, the great Clint Eastwood has filmed an ode to the Hmong (sorry, I waited for so long).[12]
- One possible argument is that the world would be better off if people behaved rationally. Perhaps, but it is a bit like the choice between a dormant Swiss town and the explosion of life in all its forms one encounters in India and elsewhere. ↑
- According to some sources, Serong was a member of the CIA and a keen promoter of his fellow RC criminal Colby’s assassination programme. From “”Yes,” he said, “we did kill teachers and postmen. But it was the way to conduct the war. They were part of the Viet Cong Infrastructure. I wanted to make sure we won the battle.” Another Australian Catholic officer David Kilcullen argued as late as 2004 that Phoenix had been “unfairly maligned”. ↑
- According to Avro Manhattan, Westmoreland whom many consider a premier war criminal converted to Catholicism at some point (like Tony Blair, Shiro Ishii, Adolf Eichmann and many other war criminals). ↑
- To illustrate the degenerate bloodthirst of the demonic Spellman, here is a quote from Ron Capshaw’s article available on “A priest approaches the weapon, blesses it, and then sprinkles holy water on it. He does so because the weapon will be used for “Christ’s war.” The scene is not from the Middle Ages, but given the mind-set of the priest, it might as well be. It’s 1965.The weapon blessed is a B-52 bomber about to go on a mission. “Christ’s war” is the American effort in Vietnam. The priest is Cardinal Francis Spellman.” ↑
- William Colby like many of other heads of the CIA was a zealous and ruthless Roman Catholic who hid his total devotion to the aims of the Vatican and murderous instincts behind a studied façade of horn-rimmed glasses and bow ties. In this, he emulated other RC murderers and their useful idiots such as Robert McNamara, McGeorge Bundy, Walt Rostow and Allen Dulles. However, with Colby, this attempt to project respectability fails the moment you look into his cold, merciless, reptilian eyes. ↑
- Other ethnic groups including the Hmong were trained by the US Special Forces to fight the Viet Minh. ↑
- Any similarity with Abu Ghraib, CIA black prisons and rendition centres, Guantanamo and Ukrainian SBU centres in the Donbass is accidental. ↑
- From Douglas Valentine’s book “The Phoenix Program”. About 50000 people are known to have been killed by Phoenix (the true number could be double that) from 1968 until 1972. A much larger number (up to half a million) were tortured and imprisoned without trial. ↑
- If you think I am being flippant, think again. The blockbuster “Hellboy” was directed by ultra-Catholic Guillermo del Torro and starred ultra-Catholic master actor John Hurt (great actor!). In it, a cabal of black-clad Nazis attempts to summon a demon from the depths of Hell in order to stop and reverse the downfall of the Reich. In this, they are guided by none other than the Russian mystic Grigori Rasputin(!). This device satisfies both the Roman Catholics and Zionists in Holywood who will happily agree on the irredeemable evil of the Russian Orthodox faith as well as the need to shift the blame for collaborating with the Nazis from the likes of Pius XII, Petain, Franco, Menachem Begin and Vladimir Zhabotinsky onto their common enemy—a completely innocent Russian monk. The key is that the little baby demon called “Hellboy” is adopted by an ultra-Catholic academic (played by an ultra-Catholic actor) who works for a CIA-like secret institute. Hellboy is then used by the deep state (with the guidance by his mentor) to fight evil (or rather life forms which refuse to conform to the diktat of the “Judaeo-Christian” empire). Hellboy’s real name is An Ung Rama—a clear slight directed at the Hindu deity. ↑
- As became known during the war in Algeria, the French had nothing to learn when it came to manipulating a blowtorch and a pair of pliers. ↑
- A quick scan of the numbers suggests that JFK was responsible for a 20-fold increase in troop levels. In 1959, there were 760 US personnel in Vietnam. In 1963, there were 16300. So much for the liberal paeans to the “peacemaker” Kennedy. ↑
- The Hmong are an indigenous ethnic group (neither RC nor Islamist) from the central highlands of South Vietnam that fought on the side of the Americans (the film is called “Gran Torino”). ↑
Just today I finished reading Doug Valentine’s book on the Phoenix Program. Quelle coïncidence.
Lots of ‘mick’ bashing and a few Islamists thrown under the buss for good measure………why am I not surprised!
Kinda like blaming the Germans for WW2 then giving the Bitch Brits and their Bastard Offspring across the pond a free pass.
Hi, Sean,
I’m focussing on the areas where Roman Catholicism (and not the British rapaciousness) led the way to ruin. We all know about “Anglo-Zionists” and “Globalists” etc. but what did you know about these creeps?
The hatred of the British here is such that it constantly dictates the agenda and obscures the culpability of other groups. Not the “MIcks” – who are very admirable – but a particular kind of deluded “MIcks” who have caused a lot of damage. Surely you agree? If you support Evo Morales, can you support RC fascism in the same breath?
Dear Sean,
Oh, those poor WWII Nazis. Something I’m seeing more and more from the Bannon Catholic crusader bots on Zero hedge. Ever notice that Cambridge analytica and the offshoots are always conveniently trotting out Zionist, five eye intel and old Vatican talking points? Who is given a free pass on Vietnam? Please do elaborate.
Just another hallow bellow from perfidious Englishman sowing hate against their old victims, eh? How can you honestly believe that Ken is somehow condoning the atrocities perpetrated by England? He’s been quite adamant in ascribing much warranted blame to the evil English empire.
How about an actual critique of the factual information provided? This woe is me shtick, while ignoring the motivations of this slaughter and showing zero sympathy for the victims, is something I wouldn’t expect from a spirited and proud Irishman. Except for the few horrific experiences with a couple of teachers and priests at the Jesuit high school I attended. But it’s all too common these last few years.
I remember the same kind of straw man argument (implying some nefarious assault against all Catholics), in one of your replies to me when I began to comment on the Vatican’s principal role in the orchestration of the Serbian genocide. Thankfully, I’ve never seen this kind of obfuscation of the truth and lack of sympathy, from my many close friends and family members of Irish decent. In my opinion, the fact that you feel the need to defend these horrific truths is unconscionable.
If by “mick” bashing, you mean pointing out that the main architects and crusaders of this sadistic assault on the Vietnamese nation were fervent Roman Catholics, some of Irish descent, then I’m sorry that their religiously motivated machinations do not warrant the slightest bit of regret or sympathy, from you, for the victims. Nice touch including the “Islamists” to garner a little more applause for your bashing. All the while ascribing all Evils to the Anglos and Zionists, while purposely(?) Ignoring the Catholic Churches immeasurable role and influence, in these governments and movements.
The Irish people have long suffered at the hands of perfidious Albion. But guess what, the English have also caused untold suffering on many other people throughout the world. The fact that Mr. Leslie happens to be English and is the only voice shedding light on the Vatican’s culpability in the dastardly machinations of western evil, for centuries, does not in anyway lesson England’s culpability. It’s truly a shame that your Christian virtue and charity only warrants disdain for certain oppressors and butchers, but not enough to recognize the extremely well proven role of the Roman Catholic Church throughout it’s history.
Dear Epithet,
I couldn’t have said it any better. To all defenders of the dark Empire, here is my comment from a few days ago:
Ken Leslie on October 16, 2020 · at 9:00 pm EST/EDT
Might appear disconnected with the topic but nevertheless. Hats down to Father Stephen Kelly who could serve as an example to all those Roman Catholics slobbering at the thought of destroying and converting various “heathens” around the world. Unfortunately, RCC cannot afford too many Father Kellys because it might (shock horror!) turn into a real Christian church with no interest in worldly power and wealth.
Thank you Father Kelly! You seem to follow the best traditions of Irish rebelliousness. If they call you a Fenian, wear it with pride.
And not only to the Roman Catholics but other would-be Christians too.
We remember Reverend Bruce Kent with reverence.
I apologise for “schismatising” MONSIGNOR Bruce Kent – who is still alive thank God.
And Father Daniel Berrigan
And Bishop Franjo Uccelini-Tice
And so many others who do not get through just because the mainstream RC supporters often identify with the fascist RC imperialism. But thank you – you have given me an idea. I shall research and write about the brave Catholic priests, nuns and laypeople who have been fighting for truth and justice – often in the face of fierce opposition from their bishops and the Vatican.
I predict, that will cause some serious conniptions. Yet, it is necessary because it is important to show that even at the heart of the empire there are many brave people who resist (much braver than I am).
I actually liked this one by Ken quite a bit more than his earlier articles, Sean.
It’s true that Colby (and earlier Anglophile (CFR-CIA) Americans that set up the Asian Meatgrinders for their Military Industrial Complex megaprofits and the Great Chessboard Grandmasters in London) and many of his Eastern Liberal Establishment Anglophile ilk was no damned good….and spiritually a POS.
However, here’s the rub:
A great number of Americans discovered that fact….(of their fear based error of being herded into complicity) …….while many others have never discovered anything except their next fleeting entertainment………..or recreational drug of choice….or sexual “preference”…..and that +…..that vital discovery in the more conscious minds of millions of Americans needs kindling and expansion…..not ignoring or dismissal… posers of superior morals.
And so, this woefully incomplete ” America Bad” song…looking back to the sixties Red Scare Mind Control set up by Churchill in his Fulton, Missouri “Iron Curtain” speech…………..while it has corrective functions underneath its ego-self-morality-stroking, (especially for non-Americans) while useful, in its great many details, does suffer from lack of context and overview and, IMHO….could benefit vastly from a wider angle lens……..taking more crucial background from the past into view…so as to better serve the present and the future…..going forward more wisely, more peacefully………..less homicidally.
Speaking of the Catholic Matrix….and “micks”, I select the case of JFK…which is far, far more interesting, complex and profitable philosophically, to explore, than Ken’s dismissive sentence:
” Let me stress that the shift away from the gung-ho approach by Kennedy (no, he actually hugely increased the number of US “advisers”) and Johnson was not motivated by any reflection or consideration of ethical precepts.[11] Rather, the war was beginning to take unprecedented toll on an exhausted America.”
On the contrary, Ken:
JFK was assassinated Nov 22, 1063….years before the bulk of the fighting and dying.
Furthermore, a great many historical analysts have a great deal to say about his prescience about what he “saw coming”……and his learning from the Bay of Pigs fiasco (especially) about CIA treachery in setting him up with geopolitical Red Scare traps and his determination to break that Clown (their own term for themselves) Agency “into a thousand pieces”… one of the, if not THE (silver certificates, anyone???) prime motivating factor behind his elimination Nov 22, 1963.
This consciousness is the baby Ken happily throws out with the bathwater.
And that act is a grave strategic error of judgment, IMHO.
In that, as regards the requirements for higher consciousness of the causes of past mistakes and tragedies are to avoid endless repetition…………the strategic “lay of the land” of the present and its formation and possibilities for operations going forward…..are before us…right now:
NOW: 12 days before a vital US Election involving a non Anglo-approved US President (they are a VERY rare species, guys) with an extremely strong and meaningful Kennedy Connection…… AND the need to work out the future, widely desired Multi-Polar affairs of the planet more smoothly, more morally, more intelligently than past, regrettable…and even tragic (for many billions of souls) performance by all concerned.
Since time is limited, again, I reference two Wiser But Outnumbered In the Past American (but not necessarily in the future!) Military Men…… and their experience, not only with JFK, but with FDR.
Because Ken would be well served to go back in time a little further ….and consider how Roosevelt’s death and Churchill’s taking advantage of the “mean spirited Little Man” in the White House, Missouri haberdasher Harry Truman in order to set up the 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s ……minimally…for The Continued Evil Geopolitical Divide and Conquer Rule of The AZ Empire.
The first outnumbered Military Man is The WW II Pacific Theater Commander ….Gen Douglas MacArthur who JFK brought into the White House more than once…..and advised Any and all, including JFK in the strongest terms, against “Any Land War In Asia”……and was being heeded, carefully listened to…. by the way…much to the alarm of Colby’s Deep State friends.
The second is Colonel Fletcher Prouty……the real “Mr X” in Oliver Stone’s JFK movie…..who offers amazing, “on the ground” insights …from the early 1940s (he was in charge of security and air transport for FDR’s trips to Cairo, Casablanca, Tehran, Yalta, etc on through two decades past the period Ken examines in his article.
Again I reference this grainy (produced on low budget for Public Access TV…early 1990s) interview of Fletcher Prouty, by Executive Intelligence Review’s Jeffrey Steinberg:
The Real “Mr. X”: Colonel Fletcher Prouty Interview by EIR
Absolutely vital individual eyes and ears and mind…….. to add to your own, Ken, for greater historical context…up to the present.
For doubters…and those short on time…I take you right to this part….where Prouty describes asking the US Army Harbormaster in Okinawa, if all the then (late 1945) unneeded weaponry stockpiled in Okinawa for the invasion of Japan by a US force of 500,000 soldiers was “being run back .stateside’…” :
The Harbormaster’s reply: “Hell no!”.
“Half of this is going to Seoul, Korea. The other half we’re sending down to Hanoi.” , the Harbormaster told Col Prouty.
Hmmmm! Anglo-American Deep State Military Industrial Complex “Market Makers” planning Profits of War…..very far in advance. In 1945.
The author ‘ s particular hatred on Catholics cannot be underestimated. Well, the pope from Rome should indeed have played a distinguished, all powerful role invested and internalized in a few people among 400 K protestants and million budhists in southeast Asia.
And significantly nowadays, it is the US caholic bishops and clergymen who show a a deep hatred for the not less catholic Pope Francis.
a Pope who by the way is widely revered and applauded all over the non-exceptionalist world…
Wonder why.
His Catholic hatred is mind-boggling. The article begins informative but then dives into a frenzy of anti-Catholic zealotry like we have seen many times before by the very same author.
Wonder why?
“Pope Francis has declared support for civil unions for same-sex couples for the first time, according to the Catholic News Agency…
“Homosexual people have a right to be in a family. They’re children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it,” the Pope said in the film, the Catholic News Agency reported…”
“What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered,”…
“The Church cannot support the acceptance of objectively immoral relationships,” [Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, Rhode Island], said in a statement. “Individuals with same-sex attraction are beloved children of God and must have their personal human rights and civil rights recognized and protected by law. However, the legalization of their civil unions, which seek to simulate holy matrimony, is not admissible….”
“Ed Mechmann, director of public policy for the Archidiocese of New York, described the Pope’s comments as a serious mistake that can lead to a lot of confusion.
“In this case, I think we have to recognize that the Holy Father has plainly erred,” Mechmann wrote in a blog post. “Catholics cannot promote the legalization of same-sex unions. But we also have to be clear that he isn’t changing the teaching of the Church on homosexuality or same-sex unions in any way.”
I don’t need to defend Ken, as he does a much better job then I could do. It is plain that you, Augusto and Anonymous, do not differentiate between Vatican’s deep state involvement in historically the longest sequence of mass murder, torture, crime, etc, from its “benevolent” image they are so fond of projecting, and a few real humanitarian actions done by a few remaining good guys.
Even during Pavelich clero-fascistic period (1941-1945), there were a few Catholic priests that raised their voice against mass slaughter of Serbs, Roma, Jews, and communist Croats, but their number is infinitesimally small and they mostly quickly disappeared from public.
Unfortunately, Tito, who claimed to be a Catholic Croat, tried his utmost to bury the truth
and evidence of what had happened under Pavelich, and his agitprop machinery largely succeeded. But not quite. Even before his death in 1980, quite a number of books and material started to bring out the evidence that Jasenovac system of camps was nearly as big as that of Auschwitz, if not bigger (victimwise), but the final figures are subject to ongoing research which is bitterly obstructed and contested by many sides, including current attempts by Catholic Church of Croatia to relabel Jasenovac as a labor camp.
I do speak as a witness, as over 50 members of my family were murdered by ustashis
in Jasenovac, Stara Gradiska, and Djakovo camps. Only one member of my family
escaped from Jasenovac and survived the rest of the war to tell my mother what happened to each relative that was in Jasenovac.
Best regards, Spiral
Dear Spiral,
What happened to your family is unconscionable and should make these defenders of the indefensible cower in shame forever. But they have no shame – so please do not offer your pearls so readily.
I am so very sorry that the deluded Catholic zealots know nothing of the horrific suffering of the Serbs under Pavelich. I’ll do my best to change that.
I registered C.O. for the Vietnam War draft and have never regretted it. A good, college classmate of mine did the same.
Dear Richard,
That required some courage in those days – but I think if I may, you made the right decision.
Well done once more, Mr. Leslie!
My father’s side of the family is Vietnam era military, back to WWII. I grew up in a military town in the waning days of Vietnam and it’s aftermath. Wasn’t too pretty.
The Phoenix Program always reminded me of Hitler’s infamous ”Comissar Order” during Operation Barbarossa, and it had the same ideological, ethno-racial, and religious mainspring in my opinion. It’s as you say, carried on in the Middle East and the Ukraine to this day by the same basic type of people.
I know, they raised me as a child.
Of course, now it’s primary headquarters in this world is still in the strategic deception phase of it’s post-WWII plan, but I fully expect a turnaround pretty soon, plenty of enemies that have been successfully demonized and It fully operating by it’s ”strategy of Tension”, which is ”Crisis—>Reaction—–>”Solution”.
Lot of people of course prefer the usual ”Anglo-Zionist” as the face of the enemy, because to think that there’s a hidden hand beyond even the Bankers is a bit too much for them. What isn’t understood is that the Bankers are holding other’s wealth for them, in exchange for a place at a Retainer’s table.
This is of course Feudalism, and most Moderns have hoped we got past all that some time ago. We haven’t.
Nothing to add, Vladimir – the Commissar Order about sums it up.
Thank you for your support. Please stay tuned for what is coming up soon – you might want to take part.
Thank you, I will stay tuned and I will no doubt take part.
Douglas Valentine strongly hints at the underlying dynamic of the Phoenix programme but never articulates it. Fortunately, there are tomes and tomes that do – while trying to justify it one way or another.
Imagine if all the names I listed here were Jewish!
Re: Imagine if all the names I listed here were Jewish!
Done that.
Could you possibly say a bit more, here?
Kind regards.
How much screaming there would be about a Jewish conspiracy to enslave the world. No? But when I point out that these criminals are not Jewish – silence.
“Lot of people of course prefer the usual ”Anglo-Zionist” as the face of the enemy, because to think that there’s a hidden hand beyond even the Bankers is a bit too much for them. What isn’t understood is that the Bankers are holding other’s wealth for them, in exchange for a place at a Retainer’s table.”
What can the Vatican do if the Zionists decide to impose Iran-style sanctions on them? ie. No financial transactions, completely cut off from the global banking network.
Will they start another crusade to capture the holy land for the Zionists? They don’t have the manpower anymore, and the Zionists already took Jerusalem on their own.
The Catholic Church is nothing. The fact that they have given the green light to homosexuality means they are beholden to the Zionist agenda. Lackeys, nothing more.
The Zionist central bankers print money as debt. They don’t hold money for anyone.
Dear Jamshyd,
You interpret events from your perspective which has validity. For Iran, Israel/Zionists are everything. For Russia/Slavs, they are important but not all-important.
Thank you – it is good to examine these arguments from your perspective.
“Jewish Ashkenazis represent 21% of all the billionaires in Russia, even though they comprise only 0.11% of the population.”
Alexander Abramov, head of Evraz, Russia’s largest steel producer.
Petr Aven, head of Alfa-Bank, Russia’s largest commercial bank.
Mikhail Fridman, head of Alfa-Group, ranked Russia’s most important businessman in 2017, the seventh richest Russian.
Leonid Mikhelson, CEO, Chairman and major shareholder of the Russian gas company Novatek. Second richest man in Russia.
Tip of the iceberg, as they say.
You are deluding yourself if you think Russia is any less of a Zionist stronghold than the USA.
And if they are not important to Russians as you claim, then Russians have no idea what’s going on, like Americans.
You make a good point and are probably right. I agree that the Zionist takeover is very dangerous. Let’s give socialism a proper chance.
Also, Jamshid, you are going seriously OT. Let us discuss my article and leave Russo-Iranian relations for another time.
I am not discussing Russo-Iranian relations.
I merely want to establish who the main player on the world scene is today. There is some resistance against the idea that global Zionism is as powerful as we in Iran know it to be.
One of the arguments against Zionist hegemony is Russia. But it does not stand up under scrutiny.
Another is the Vatican. But surely that is a joke?
I am not denying that the Catholic Church has been, and still is a very powerful institution. And yet, the Zionists control all the movement of money in the world, which means the Vatican is just another a pawn, like the US, EU, and Russia.
Let’s agree to disagree here – neither you nor I can know who the main player is. I have given huge amounts of evidence for my case – you dismiss it straight away. Again – this is not a zero-sum game. I was just getting tired of the lazy tropes which explain nothing.
I can and do know who the main player is.
The Iranian revolution was an anti-Zionist revolution. All Zionist “billionaires” were kicked out of Iran, or they were tried and executed for corruption, collusion with the Zionist regime, and friendship with the enemies of God.
The reason for this was simple. The Zionists are an international cabal of billionaires that meddle in the affairs of all nations, and they have no morals. They believe they are beyond good and evil. And they have acted to corrupt and discredit all religions and spirituality, and make all people immoral and “beyond good and evil” like themselves. Their full list of charges will be revealed if and when we, the Iranian nation, defeat them and put them on trial. Because make no mistake, we are all that stands between them and total world domination right now.
As a result of our stance, the Zionists have cut us off from the global banking network, which includes just about every other country in the world.
You cannot wire money to Iran from any bank in the world. And your bank card will not work in Iran no matter where you are from, but it will work just about anywhere else.
From this, we learned two things.
1. The Zionists control all movement of money in the world.
2. Just about every country in the world is part of their global spiderweb, including Russia.
Ken, good luck with your anti-Catholic propaganda, or whatever. Perhaps you will expose and bring down the Vatican, and then come to the realization that the Vatican was just another pawn, just another scapegoat like the Anglos.
The Zionist Bankers handle money, a good deal of it is not their own, but of families even greater and by no means Jewish or ”Zionist”. With the Bankers you have a power that is wielded, not the power that is wielding.
The Vatican through varies arms however shapes the way people think, even today, and even in the minds of non-roman catholics… Father Teilard de Chardin SJ, Father LeMaitre SJ, Father Roger Joseph Boscovich SJ all come to mind right off the top of my head.
No, the arm of power is nothing compared to the brain that moves it.
Wonderfully put – this is something that these people don’t understand. The Jews might be opportunistic and/or try to ingratiate themselves with the real string pullers and are occasionally granted exceptional privileges (e.g. the Habsburgs). But just because there is a correlation between the Jews and money, it does not follow that they set the agenda.
Don’t forget the great Serb Leibnitz!
Please explain how the Vatican through its various arms shapes the way people, even non-Catholics, think.
To Jamshyd, as I can’t reply to your original post technically. If you look at the men I mentioned above and what they did in the fields of physics, biology, and cosmology, you’d know to a high degree how they changed the mental topography of modern man.
This handful of names is the various arms of the church that has shaped people’s thinking?
In the same vein, I could name Karl Marx, Milton Friedman, Leonid Kantorovich, and many others as the people who shaped the modern world economiy that we are all bound to, including the Pope.
And again for technical reasons, another reply to Jamshyd has to be done here. The men I mentioned made the men you mentioned possible, philosophically speaking. They begin with establishing the new mental topography, and thus they also set the boundaries of intellectual discussion, this ”great work” these priests have been doing. They had no intention of losing any ground from the Galileo affair to use an example, and so dilligently they set the modern western intellectual agenda and went forwards.
Now almost every human being in the world, Papist or Non-Papist, thinks strictly within the boundaries set by these men I mentioned, and others that I have not, like Athanasius Kircher SJ, Manuel Lancunza SJ, Francisco Ribera SJ, and many others…
The Bankers may say; ”allow me to control the money supply, and I care not who writes the laws”, but there are those who say; ”allow me to control people’s minds, and I will control their money and their politics too”.
And those men are the ones who are right about that, anyway.
The RC Church has had its tentacles all over the world for centuries in a way that is (thankfully) unthinkable to an Iranian. You have largely escaped its clutches (although I haven’t studied this). From attempted takeovers of China and Japan in the 16th Century to the still-living conflicts in South America–it’s all Vatican, zero Zionist. Also, India and Africa were hugely affected by the Islamic “pioneer spirit” – again, no Zionists there. The Slavs and people of the Balkans have experienced unthinkable suffering at the hands of Catholicism and (Sunni) Islam – for a very long time. That people always discover some Jew is neither here nor there. Zionism is a recent invention and while I’m happy to discuss its pernicious effects, I have stated my interest and at the moment, it is not Zionism, sorry.
To clear this up – I completely support Iran in its struggle for independence. I used to read Press TV every day, read Mohammad Marandi and cheer every brave Iranian move (still do). I admire Iran’s courage in the face of overwhelming odds. However, please understand that there are other issues that need resolving and I am pursuing what I believe to be a priority in the struggle against RUSSOPHOBIC imperialism.
Our disagreement stems from the fact that you see the world as multi-polar, and you allow for many players at the top. I don’t see it that way. There is a single King at the top, and he does not share power, and he is not the Pope.
You are wrong about Iran and the Catholic Church, btw. We know them very well. We faced them in a dozen Crusades, which I believe even at that early date were attempts to recapture Jerusalem for the Zionists.
Saladin, who led the campaign against the Crusaders and captured Jerusalem, was Iranian.
You might be right but for the sake of balance, go through the evidence I provide (lots of it). From my experience, I don’t believe that a single monolithic group (especially as small as the Jews) can rule the world. Not quite sure where you see Zionists in the Crusades – now that I’d like to hear about!
Finally – if the Jews are so powerful as to be able to rule the world and us goyim, then they must be superior in some sense. Don’t you agree?
Again, I don’t really see any disagreement – just the fact that you are pushing a story that has had billions of words written about it. I am talking about something that people are very quiet about. That’s all.
The Christian faith and the Catholic Church forbade Christians from the practice of usury. The Jews, however, were not subject to this, and many of them were money-lenders, and they lived all across the Christian lands of Europe, where they had virtually no competition in their profession.
In this manner, like some kind of parasitic entity, only capable of living in the bosom of a Christian society, they started to gather money.
By the time of the Crusades, the Jewish money-lenders would have already been exceedingly wealthy and powerful, and in all likelihood, they were lending money to the Catholic Church, in exchange for the church sending its armies of Christians to go fight and kill and commit atrocities for them. This same pattern still repeats itself in the US and Israel.
Jewish usury has been the parasitic companion of Christian Europe since the very beginning. It has never been shaken off. And today it has grown in power and dominates non-Christian countries too. This is what we call global Zionism.
I wrote a little bit about it, at the bottom of the comments, if you care to look.
“Those were the years of strife, deadly riots, loss of confidence and assassinations and the financial situation was becoming dire. Not even the exquisitely-timed launches of different flavours of Apollo could restore the faith in the righteousness of the American cause. Add to that the publication of the Pentagon Papers by that enfant terrible of the US deep state Daniel Ellsberg which documented the lies and subterfuge inflicted on the American people by its government and things were starting to unravel fast.”
I want to refer to this part of the text where the matter of the trip to the Moon is raised. It is interesting how this Apollo program was used to alienate the American population and the world in general from the systematized assassination of the Vietnamese by the gringo army. And then the theory of Dave McGowan in “The Center for an Informed America” that that program never took ships to the Moon and was only used as propaganda and a veil of the terrible massacres that were taking place in Vietnam is applicable.
Dear Edgar,
You’ve sussed it out – “exquisitely timed…” was a code for Dave McGowan – may he rest in peace.
And with the Apollo program in itself hangs a tale… I’ll just say I don’t think we made it to the Moon and leave it at that. It was a propaganda coup for sure.
Indeed. But let me not expose myself (ourselves) to even more opprobrium. I’ll say just one thing. Imagine spending countless billions on a programme which is so ahead of its time that nothing similar can be even contemplated 50 years later. OK, hold that thought!
Imagine spending all that money and prestige and 50 years later, hardly anybody (wright or wrong) believes you actually did it. That must be the most horrible irony of all time.
I suppose I might have gone too far in the estimations of some with my contentions, but I tend to question quite a few things and it’s become something of a habit, lol…
But on the other hand, I think most people understand that the world’s rulers do try to divert people’s attentions with distractions.
No no, please question everything! Once we’ve dealt with Earthly matters we can move on to the wonderful cardboard and kitchen foil creation that conquered space. :-)
The point is that it doesn’t matter any more. In some ways it would be much worse if they actually did go and nobody believes it!
Ah, so we are on the same page in this, and I agree, people have become skeptical
My father fought in Vietnam, flew F4 and what he has told me confirms very much what the author stipulates. Great article.
Dear John,
Thank you very much. Coming from someone who has a direct link to that time, it means a lot. May all the old warriors rest in peace and let us make sure that that kind of mindless slaughter doesn’t happen again.
“More recently, the final phase of the push towards the East began in the Balkans with the neutralisation of the Serbs as a possible pro-Russian counter to the fascist NATO’s takeover of Europe. Once the European flank was secured, the United States moved to destabilise Russia’s immediate neighbourhood, namely Georgia and the Ukraine.”
The USA does not mean to go to war against Russia. What you see them doing in Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus and now Karabakh, is simple extortion.
Israel needs Russia in Syria, as a buffer between itself and Iran. The West is making sure Russia has the right incentive to comply.
Without Russia protecting Israel, who knows what the resistance could have done to the Zionist regime by now.
There is no push to the East. Russia is already under the yoke.
Dear Jamshyd,
With all due respect, Iran might have lost a million or two to Iraq but Russia and the surrounding nations lost 30-40 million souls in less than 30 years. The two situations cannot be compared.
I really don’t know or understand Russia’s position vis-a-vis Israel but I do wish they were less accommodating. What I do know is that Russia and Iran have had very complicated relations for the last couple of centuries and the fact that they are inching closer together is a very good thing. I am not defending every move by Russia but also don’t see Iran as transcendentally good.
My personal view of the “Islamic revolution” differs somewhat from the one that is prevalent here. As a young man I remember a sense of unease at the stridency and the almost fascist clarity with which Khomeini divided the world into black and white. Also, is it true that the Shah had almost completed a nuclear bomb and that could be the reason for his demise?
There are many many rumours that Khomeini was brought to Iran from France (like Lenin from Germany) by the enemies of Iran. While I wouldn’t credit these, I often wondered who facilitated his “spontaneous” arrival and why.
My great uncle, General Moghadam, the Iranian minister of defense, was the man who gave Khomeini the green light to return to Iran from exile in France. Khomeini had been the leader of the revolution for a long time before arriving in Iran in 1979. He was exiled because he had millions of followers in Iran, and as such could not be murdered.
The Shah was a puppet who had zero independence. To suggest that he had a “covert” nuclear weapons program is idiotic. The Israelis and Americans knew everything he did.
Nice job changing the subject. Now tell me, why does Putin shut down the Syrian missile defenses whenever the Israelis want to bomb Iranian targets in Syria?
And all that time he was living safely in France? You see my point?
Well, I’m wrong then – no big deal. I’ll still take a little look.
Good question about Syria – I have been exasperated by Russia’s unwillingness to engage the criminals.
Also, I admire Iran for standing up to the Hegemon and agree that some of that attitude is missing in Russia.
At the same time, Russia is fighting on several fronts, Syria being only one.
Khomeini spent only one year in France. Before that he was in exile in Iraq and Turkey.
Are you saying they should have assassinated him in exile like Ali Shariati, the ideological father of the revolution? He was poisoned in England in 1977, btw.
I suppose that is strange.
But, pretty is as pretty does. Iran has been the most staunch anti-Zionist nation in the world for forty years now. We have been enduring hell in Iran because of sanctions, Ken. What are you insinuating? That because Khomeini wasn’t assassinated, then that means the whole revolution was a sham?
You misunderstand me (willingly?). I support Iran’s struggle and admire its many achievements.
Let’s hear a big “THANK YOU” to Russia:
What particularly rankled was Khomeini’s missive to Gorbachev – the papal tone of infallibility and absolute certainty in one’s own rightness and righteousness, the need to lecture and issue veiled threats, to leverage “Muslims” in other countries to achieve one’s goals… For the sake of the Iranian people I hope that this kind of thing is safely dead and buried.
Your changing of the subject, and your irrelevant remarks about Iran, make you look weak, Ken.
Khomeini is dead and rotten. He is neither here nor there.
Why are you resorting to these kinds of debating ploys? Are you unsure of yourself and your position?
If you can say that Russia is a Zionist puppet (it is far from perfect), I need to point out a few motes in your own eye.
I have made my case for Russia being a Zionist puppet.
1. Presence of Zionist billionaires.
2. Military support for the Zionist regime.
3. Official recognition of the Zionist pseudo-state.
4. Lack of any anti-Zionist sentiment or behavior from Putin.
You have not disproved my case. All you have done is change the subject, attack my country, and now this about my eyes.
Just because Russia is escorting some ship, does not mean anything.
You appreciate that you are hijacking a thread – you are better at it than a common troll but I won’t bother replying. There’s a Zionist under the bed, better watch out.
So, now it is about forum etiquette?
It feels like you don’t want people disagreeing with you, Ken.
No matter. You don’t want my opinion, like Katerina, that is your choice.
If I may give you some advice, on parting. I have been “trolling” online forums since usenet groups in the late 90s. You should always stand your ground in a debate, till the very end. Never resort to personal attacks or attacks on someone’s country because they disagree with you. It makes you look weak and in the wrong. And you should never sulk and tell people you won’t reply to them anymore, as it only makes it look like you lost the argument. It is hard when your argument has no legs to stand on, but still, you can leave with your dignity intact, even if your argument can’t. I’m sorry if this sounds harsh and assertive. Maybe blame Khomeini for it. :P I’m just kidding.
Much love, and I wish you all the success in the world in the difficult times ahead.
Dear Jamshyd,
It’s truly a pity that you feel the need to jump into the comment section of one of the few articles that illuminates the role of Roman Catholic ideology, in the empire’s brutal assault of the Vietnamese people. Just to enforce your singular focus on one movement, one of several continuous evil movements, which plagues humanity. Is anyone else allowed sympathy or justice? The fact that almost every other article on the Vineyard concentrated on the Zionists, does not suffice the ego? Oh and if you were being honest, you’d know Serbs have a lot of reason to bemoan the Zionists. We just happen to know that Zionism, Vatican dictated Roman Catholicism and militant Islam (primarily Wahhabism in modern time) are not mutually exclusive.
Is the one institution and religious movement that has caused more death and destruction than any other movement or religion, for well over a millennia (actually several millennia because Roman Catholicism is simply the rebranding of the Roman Empire’s thirst for subjugation and extermination), not allowed to be discussed?
I have mostly ignored certain zealots and their not so veiled prejudice towards non Muslims, but since you’ve decided to bring your off topic crusade to one of the only few articles that doesn’t focus on the evil Zionists, I feel it’s appropriate to address it now. I remember the verbal assault against Serbian girl when she dared to remind minute by minute and Vot Tak that under the Ottomans, slavery of non Muslims, forced conversion and mass murder was conducted for centuries .
Thank God that you do not participate in such bigoted and childish hate and call me hasbara because I dared to expose these historical facts like the others mentioned above. How are we ever going to find compassion and common understanding if you are only willing to be selectively honest? Minute by minute replied by calling Serbian girl and I hasbara, telling us he would never show sympathy for the Armenian genocide and warning the honorable and holy Sheik Imran Hussein, that his condemnation of the Ottomans, played into the “devils” hands. You can see for yourself by looking up Mr. Kadi’s excellent article titled “the rise and fall of ISIS”.
In spite of Iran’s disgraceful record of sponsoring butchers and religious extremism, to kill Serbs on Serbian lands (do a quick search on the internet before you dare defend the indefensible), and the centuries of slavery, rape and conversion, Serbs endured under Ottoman oppression, most Serbs throughout the world have defended modern day Iran and quite loudly denounced the Anglo-Zionists. Heck, just a few months ago, I was almost physically assaulted in a restaurant, because I excoriated the U.S major, who gleefully showed me a disgusting image of the charred remains of the Iranian General. Evil must always be called out regardless of the religion of its victims. Seeking justice must not be selective when it only suits ones personal interests.
For now, I won’t discuss the many centuries of symbiosis and beneficial cooperation between the Vatican, Zionism and militant, radical forms of Islam. But I’ll be happy to spend several weeks researching and help put together an irrefutable connection if you’d like. This selective virtuosity, bereft of historical fact, is the reason why good people regardless of affiliation, are unable to mount a unified defense against Evil.
Kindest regards and prayers for peace.
Dear Epithet,
Fantastic – but we are already bringing about changes. See the supine RT question the partnyorship with Germany :-) More and more people are mentioning the Vatican – they just needed a little prod. All of a sudden, the narrative has shifted :-) You and I can easily deal with the trolls.
At some point, I am going to address the symbiotic relationship between Sunni muslim zealots and Western imperialists – primarily the British.
Please stick around, it’s gonna get even stickier :-)
It’s funny that you bring up the shift in RT’s perspective ever since the Navalny incident. I’ve noticed quite a change, my friend. What will be interesting to see is if it’s a permanent shift or just reactionary noise that will soon subside. That is until Germany betrays Russia once again. I’ve even noticed people rightfully calling out the Vatican more, in Zero hedge comments.
In my opinion Ken, RT is “great” compared to Sputnik. And RT is pretty sad. I’m so disgusted by the lies they continue to propagate about Tito and many other purposely biased and absolutely false articles about Yugoslavia. I won’t even get into their treatment of The Serbian church and Djokovic. I really like to believe these publications do not represent the perspective of the Russian government.
Dear Epithet,
They’d rather live in a bubble of liberal agreeableness where they can discuss Biden’s manicure rather than address the looming conflict. It might be noise as you say but we’ll keep producing the signal!
I’m not sure what all this has to do with me. I was simply responding to certain statements which I quoted above my post.
I do not believe the Vatican is the devil’s right hand. I believe the Zionists have that honor. I believe the Catholic Church is just part of the Zionist henchmen today, like the Anglos and others. I think it is very lucky that the Pope sanctified gay unions right on time for this discussion. I think we can all agree that the Zionist media has been the singular force in favor of LGBT, and now the Vatican after centuries of intolerance of gays has made this gesture of submission. In this regard, I was replying to the statement that implied the Vatican is the hidden hand behind the Zionist bankers, which is obviously false, seeing as the Zionists operate all over the world, including non-Catholic places, whereas the Catholic Church can’t even hold on to it’s adherents anymore because of so many scandals.
The Zionists control money. The Catholic Church controls a dying false religion. No competition.
The other point was the idea some have that there is going to be a war between the USA and Russia. I believe the USA is simply the stick to the Zionist carrot, which explains Russian behavior in Syria and elsewhere.
I do not deny that the Christians and Muslims are allies of the Jews. It is as clear as day. But I don’t think the Christians and Muslims are smart enough and cohesive enough to be in charge of the group, whereas global Zionism is an unprecedented phenomenon. They are extraordinarily intelligent and capable, their strategic designs play out flawlessly over centuries.
With global Zionism, the world is facing an enemy the likes of which it has never known. The Roman Catholic Church, and the Muslims, are mere idiots in comparison, and their petty brand of evil has been around for millenia as you said.
Thanks for taking the time to write this long and emotional post, very lightly sprinkled with anti-Iranian sentiment. But, why the anger? Why do you feel the need to attack my country in a discussion that has nothing to do with Iran, because I disagree with, not even you, but some other guy.
And please explain what centuries of slavery, rape, and conversion under the Ottomans has got to do with me or Iran. And how did the Serbs enter this debate?
No one is forcing you to read my comments, friend. And if I am off-topic, surely the moderator can tell me to stfu, if they so desire.
Quite an interesting discussion going on here. Jamshyd is right about Russia being Jewish infiltrated, it is not as bad as with America but it definitely is there.
However, Jamshyd must also give credit to Russia. Russia stopped the collapse of Syria, Iran could never do that by itself. And by stopping the collapse of Syria, by stopping that domino from falling, Russia has saved Iran from invasion, because Iran was next on the list. Were Syria to have fallen, Iran would have been invaded by Turkish and Egyptian troops, armed to the teeth with US weaponry.
Which brings me to the Muslim question. Sunni Muslims are the army of Zionism, they always act of behalf of the Jews. Only the Shia Muslims seem to be truly anti-Jewish. Sunni Muslims just don’t care what is happening to the Palestinians, they might have a lot to say about the Palestinians, but they never act against Israel. And actions speak louder than words.
Which is why its strange that Iran acted with the Muslim coalition against the Serbs in Yugoslavia. Muslims have no right to be in Yugoslavia, just like Christians have no right to be in Saudi Arabia. However, others have noted that Iran and Russia have a complex history, with Russia having fought and taken Azerbaijan from Iran, for instance. So maybe Iran’s stupidity in Yugoslavia can be overlooked.
But it is truly sad that Russia is not anti-Zionist. Maybe Russia doesn’t see it as a problem, because once the USA collapses it not like Israel can survive by itself. Even if Russia wanted to support Israel, Russia just doesn’t have the money to subsidize Israel, so once the US is gone Israel is gone. So this Russia Iran dispute could be more a matter of timelines. Iran wants the problem solved now, Russia is saying what problem, its disappearing by the day.
If Iran is in such a hurry, Iran should get effective anti-aircraft missiles into Syria. Russia just seems to not want the US to bomb Syria, the Israeli pinpricks are irrelevant.
But congrats to Ken, the Jews had no interest in Vietnam, only the Roman Catholic Church and other anti-communists were involved there. The same with the whole of South America. The Roman Catholic agenda is now firmly out in the open and subject to public scrutiny, not just the Anglo-Zionist agenda.
Iran stopped the collapse of Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen by itself. How do you figure they couldn’t have done the same in Syria?
My contention is that Russia is in Syria to protect Israel from the resistance. Russian actions in Syria do nothing to dissuade me from my position.
Russia took Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan from Iran, could not hold them, and now the standard of living in those places is well below Iranian provincial standards. That is all I have to say about that.
All I know about the conflict with the Serbs is that Iran took the side of the Muslims. What’s this about Muslims not allowed to be there and Christians not allowed to be here? Iran hosts half a million Armenian Christians. Everyone is allowed to be everywhere, as far as I’m concerned. Without Zionist propaganda, there’s no secterianism, and Iran is proof of that.
I agree wholeheartedly that the Muslims are the army of Zion. But the Christians, including the Catholics, have done nothing to convince me that they are not under the yoke of global Zionism, just like the Muslims.
To argue that the Christians are not under Zionist power goes against the facts. The Christians were Zionist pawns long before the Muslims. To argue that the Catholic Church commands global Zionism is simply preposterous.
No, no Jamshyd. Iran could never have prevented the collapse of Syria by itself, because Turkey would have gotten involved. There is no way Iran could have stood against a Turkey supported by the full resources of the Western world and Israel.
Turkey is no pushover, Iran would have been bled dry. In fact Turkey and Iran are the only 2 capable Muslim military forces in the world. Pakistan doesn’t count because India is always there opposing it, Egypt doesn’t count because they are useless even though they have nearly a 100 million citizens.
The plan was that Turkey gets involved in Syria in exchange for most of the north of Syria (the oil producing regions), while Israel gets the Golan Heights and most of the south of Syria including Lebanon. Except Russia got involved in Syria so Turkey got cold feet, taking on Iran is one thing, taking on Russia is whole different scenario. Turkey wasn’t stupid enough to fight Russia to the last Turk over Syrian oil. So the USA tried to take Erdogan out with a coup because Turkey was now no longer sticking to the plan.
“The realities of Industrialized warfare – Heroism is less relevant than firepower and tactics, and all of these less important than the production line.” I’m sorry, but Iran has the heroism but not the production line. It is industrial might that counts, only 3 countries have world war capable weaponry production lines: the USA, Russia and China. Iran will never stand a chance against the US weaponry production line and Turkish troops, it would need the Russian production line backing it up, as well as Russian anti-air weaponry to keep the skies clear.
Thank you, gT for a balanced assessment. I see Jamshyd as an ally and understand his frustration but will not allow anybody to overlook Russia’s sacrifice which dwarfs anything by Iran or any other nation for that matter.
Second, remember that the Serbs stood against a united West for a decade when the whole Islamic world sided with that same West (thank you to Colonel Gadaffi and a few others for refusing to join the pack of wild beasts). So, no, nothing can be overlooked – the Iranians should look up to the example of the Serbs – as should the Russians.
Finally, my remit is the Slavs and their problems. I have no global geopolitical ambitions so judge any contributions on that basis.
From Wikipedia, Khomeini’s missive to Gorbachev:
“Khomeini stated: “Mr. Gorbachev! It is clear to everybody that from now on communism will only have to be found in the museums of world political history, for Marxism cannot meet any of the real needs of mankind. Marxism is a materialistic ideology and materialism cannot bring humanity out of the crisis caused by a lack of belief in spirituality the prime affliction of the human society in the East and the west alike.”
Khomeini warned Gorbachev “against falling into the arms of Western capitalism.”
I give him 3/3 for: Marxism not meeting the real needs of mankind. Lack of spirituality being the prime affliction in East and West alike. And Gorby likely to fall into the fleshpots of Western Capitalism. You may think the Rev.Khomeini was assertive; but he was right.
“It is better to play the right note and produce a harsh tone than to sweetly play the wrong note”. — Donald Francis Tovey, professor of music.
Spirituality is not something that is easily brought about by “revolutions”. I like the bit about falling into the clutches of capitalism – but not at the price of wholesale conversion.
What in your opinion meets the needs of mankind? As far as Khomeini, the USSR should have converted to Islam and everything would be ok. That is his meaning. And perhaps he’s right – but not under my watch :-)
It is better to play the right note and produce a sweet tone than to harshly play the wrong note – Dr Ken :-) (in my previous life)
Sorry, I meant – it is always best to play the right note (unless you are a free jazz improviser) and produce a sweet tone.
I am familiar with Wilfred Burchett’s writings during the Vietnam War, though he reported from a free North Vietnam. These two pieces “Phoenix & the rebirth of Evil” throw a very informative and necessary light on what was happening in the US occupied “Catholic” south, long alluded to in various writings. The Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians had done no wrong. It is really a tragedy what happened to those nations.
There is some allusion/mention about these particular events in a Hollywood film “Heaven and Earth”. by Oliver Stone.
The person collecting body parts is Tommy Lee Jones.
Good writeup, including the vital timeline, about events not usually written about, Ken Leslie.
Noel Monteiro.
Dear Noel,
Thank you very much – this is a wonderful validation of my humble effort. For the Ultramontane zealots reading this, Oliver Stone is Catholic too – which didn’t prevent him from being a very decent human being (although he admits to taking part in various Phoenix-like attrocities).
“I shall never understand how he managed to reconcile his religiosity with the sadistic and satanic system of murder, torture and extortion that he controlled from the US embassy annex.”
Probably because his heavenly mentor will never utter to him these words – “THAT’S ENOUGH!!”.
Dear Derrick,
Yes, since that voice is an inner voice – of compassion, mercy and love – it was Colby’s antennae that were faulty – in other words, he was a pure psychopath (one of many in his position).
There are, not a few, psychological, pathological, spiritual, and historic studies of what makes people commit such atrocities, and it is, I think, one of the most important topic that should be addressed here. Among the most important is, I believe, filling of deep guilt/shame due to religious or ideological conversion combined with the genuine spiritual need to belong or believe in something higher then yourself. Other factors, like cognitive and ethical limitations, vanity, lust for power, play secondary yet not insignificant role.
Few examples will suffice here: I have seen that among some (and I stress some) of the Serbs who converted, willingly or not, to Catholicism and Islam, followed by becoming ustashis. I have also seen it among some of the revolutionary communists abandoning basic ethical constraints by replacing it with a revolutionary moral code, for example Bolshevist terror in USSR, communist terror in Yugoslavia, Cambodian “killing fields”.
I have also seen it among some of the Jewish zionists, among some of German SS troups, Anglo-Saxon exceptionalists, and the list goes on.
Regards, Spiral
Dear Spiral,
Re the British, there must be thousands of stories about the Welsh and Scots (and Irish) who became the most egregious servants of the empire. Let me give you a different story – in Britain, it’s mainly about class.
In his seminal work “The Uses of Literacy”, Richard Hoggart described his painful journey from a local northern lad to a Cambridge graduate. He was never accepted either by his peers or his family – yet fortunately, didn’t go on to kill innocent Northerners. :-)
At the same time, let’s not lose focus – everyone can be evil etc. – waters down the message.
I’m very grateful for your input.
A brilliant account describing the very intimate relationship between the CIA and the Catholic Church.
William Colby’ s family said that CIA stands for “Catholics In Action” due to the militancy the organisation “borrowed” from the Catholic Church.–the-man-nobody-knew
The Vatican claims to be “the one true Christian Church” (they wish) but they do not not in any way speak for all Christians. Certainly not for the Orthodox.
Btw Colby had quite a nerve naming his murderous CIA programme “Phoenix” . Phoenix is a mythical bird, representing resurrection, life, grace and beauty giving hope to mankind. The depraved sociopath Colby and his CIA henchman are the exact opposite of Phoenix. They represent only death and degradation.
Brava, Serbian girl!
They know in their heart of hearts that they are irrevocably alienated from the message of Christ.
I am planning a multi-part piece on precisely what you point out.
Awesome discovery Serbian girl! Don’t take Ken’s word for it, defenders of the indefensible, take it from the horse’s mouth:
Colby’s son, direct quotes from the Vanity Vair article:
What did your mother think of the C.I.A.?
She saw it as “Catholics in action.” So many people in the C.I.A. then were Catholic. Her whole relationship with the family was predicated on [my father] doing the right thing. The C.I.A. was a necessary evil that she thought was driven by a moral rectitude that reflected all of our family’s Catholic values—Catholicism is one of the world’s great warrior religions.
Your mother was described as “the most loyal C.I.A. wife ever” by infamous C.I.A. counter-intelligence chief James Jesus Angleton.
In the earlier days it was more fun. She would say to my dad as they were going out, “Who are we tonight?” Then, as Vietnam went on, the only people in the room at their parties were other C.I.A. men and their wives. At nine p.m. the men would go into another room and close the door with their cigars and conversation. The women stayed in the dining room
I second that – let me know recap.
The Roman Catholic forces of darkness which had led the Nazi Europe in its genocide of the Slavs safely migrated to the West and there, unreachable by the forces of justice created probably the most horrible and terrifying machine of state assassination and oppression and a modern incarnation of the holy inquisition – the CIA.
Let me repeat:
The Roman Catholic forces of darkness which had led the Nazi Europe in its genocide of the Slavs safely migrated to the West and there, unreachable by the forces of justice created probably the most horrible and terrifying machine of state assassination and oppression and a modern incarnation of the holy inquisition – the CIA.
And another piece of evidence that our enemies do not care about the Jews – but the Slavs.
In all my writings here about the holocide of the Slavs, I never one mention the Jews – primarily because they have turned the holocaust in a racially unique event, a special and exceptional event. Sorry but I have no truck with such exceptionalist c…
Now to the nub – despite the fact that I openly DO NOT include the Jews, our enemies are silent – I am not lauded (thank God) as the new White hope. They know that this is not about the Jews but about the German-Vatican nexus which is responsible for the murder of tens of millions of Slavs and millions of Vietnamese – we stand proudly together.
We must fight these monstrosities until our last breath.
The answer lies with this;
Indeed. Eternal glory to the immortal heroes of Stalingrad.
Mr. Leslie, I did in fact yesterday email the Saker as you requested.
Superb, thank you.
Thank you Ken Leslie for breaking the established taboos.
Seems to me you fight for the underdogs of this world, be it Slavs or Vietnamese, or maybe Middle East…
You are a brave truth seeking member here in this online community, with Mazahery you are one of my favorite writers. Saker’s analysis is also OK, I respect it…He is based in USA though, so his articles carry the message from his parts of the world, reflecting the rest of it.
You bring a wider perspective of the roth.
Your article about the last taboo has let me think for a long time.
Observations from a little colony of Croatia, where I had to land since 10 years ago after 20 years in the Middle East.
Not good.
A little colony, a devastated economy which is so to be expected as it happens in all the colonies, divided people, hatred is purposely bred by the installed puppets in power.
Damnatio memoriae going on all the time, ustashi being revived and apologized for, the catholic church is very strong, these criminals are taking and syphoining all the money.
Being born in Yugoslavia, I had a totally different experience here, us people being proud of our country and with hope for a better future.
I was proud of my country Yugoslavia.
Now I am ashamed of this little colony where I have to stay for a while.
Thank you for your erudite and challenging articles, thank you so much…
Dear Azra,
I am touched by your kind words. Of course, victimhood is not exclusive province of one race and if we are to progress, we must treat all victims equally. It is just that the holocide of the Slavs is such a taboo still that I feel I have to devote my energy to exposing those behind it.
Re Croatia and Yugoslavia – you are so right that I have nothing to add.
And of course, the Middle East is in my thoughts all the time. The heroic struggle of the Syrians shows that a different future is possible for this troubled region – even though the sacrifice is extremely painful.
Please keep contributing – only together can we change the lazy consensus.
Thank you for this beautiful message of peace and understanding. I feel I must apologize for the tone of my replies in the past. I was truly offended by what I perceived to be an attempt to equate Ustashi with Cetniks. I’ve been dealing with such subterfuge for many years and I’ve become quick to judge the few voices that do not make such comparisons out of hate, rather than incorrect assumptions due to manufactured propaganda.
I was quite genuine when I wished you the ability to return to those playful children and pets. From the heart. We may disagree vehemently about Tito’s Yugoslavia, but I share with you the hope that people will learn the historical truth and to stop letting outsiders tear apart and sow hate amongst kin. I think a pure and strong heart can prevail over a life time of lies and indoctrination. Puno Pozdrav, zelim ti srecu i mir!
No need for an apology, dear Epithet
Sometimes I am not clear enough.
I just fire away and antagonize people, thus I am sorry also…
Let me just tell you that I am still grieving for our country, destroyed for now, but maybe not forever…Hmmm, maybe in its old form it will not come back ever, but…
Following up on Sirya ( El Sham) passionately, as they seem to still manage for now the same forces which had destroyed us, but the damage there is horrible. The damage is horrible to us as well.
My friends are still here from everywhere, Serbia, BiH, Macedonia…
Even when now crossing the imposed borders, I still feel it is my country.Wounded and sliced as it is.
In Srpska ( BiH) I chat to all in the street, market, and we gossip against the same enemies there and here… In Montenegro, when I cross, I am at home as well, gossip with the people there…
They did not completely destroy us yet, in spite of them trying very hard. Some of the connections have remained, and some links of love.
I wish you health and happiness.
( Zelim ti sve najbolje), iskreno.
To Ken, thank you again, and looking forward to your next articles, so challenging and provoking the thought…
About Vietnam, you have enlightened me.( I used to share a life with a USA ‘veteran’ from Vietnam for couple of years in 90ties. When he was not totally out of his mind about what happened, after more than 40 years, I heard some pretty terrible stories. He never recovered.
That was of course in my other life, in Middle East. Where you meet all kinds of people, wonderful, strange and all that…
Changes you for ever…
Thank you both.
NB: I meant to say in the previous post that you expose the ‘rot’ of this world, Ken, sorry, I misspelled it.
Thank you for explaining – although no need. I tend to fire from the hip too. We can disagree on the merits of various systems of government but I can confirm that – mirroring President Putin – something important was lost with the fall of the Soviet Union.
I knew that catholicism was phony after having a few hours ‘teaching’ in third school year. It was impossible for that guy to talk straight, he could not answer any single question we had straight, everything was twisted, the words, the body, everything. We literally laughed him off !!!! I was so disapointed because I expected much more. It took me around twenty years to rediscover the path to God.
I have just noticed that our debate is attracting a number of very capable female commentators (yes, boys, you are great too). I’m very happy about this – not sure why – gender should not matter. This is more of an intuition. They have been around for a while and I might be wrong – but hey, I’m still happy.
As one of the “boys”, let me try to brazenly attempt to explain your joy for you. Cause I’m always equally elated. Real seekers of justice and equality, and may I dare say real men, don’t need some virtue signaling, fake “pussy hat wearing”, paid apparatchiks of the establishment narrative, to lecture the world about the intellectual superiority and strength of women. We were blessed to have these women in our lives. I certainly can attest and thank God for my mother and grandmothers. Unrivaled courage, smarts, compassion and grace. I’m still a little scared boy compared to those incredible women.
There’s an old Serbian saying: A Serbian man is fearless and unstoppable in battle only because his home and children are defended by an even greater warrior. These pandering new Super hero movies make me want to gag, because they are insulting to the memories of the real life female superheroes.
Heck, it infuriates the sensibilities that not one reference, not one memorial is written about the great hero Milunka Savic, who fought alongside her brothers throughout the Balkan wars and First World War. She was one of the most decorated Serbian soldiers among the greatest army to have ever defended the Motherland. Had she been anything but a Serb, you’d have seen many books and movies paying respect to her memory.
(Btw, Ken, I never imagined I’d be so willing to share such personal details online, but you and the Saker truly do inspire the rest of us to be brave)
Someday Ken, I hope to tell you all about my late mother, who was taken way too young. Perhaps it was destined that my grandfather, grandmother and mother all passed in less than 2 years, following Nato’s theft of Kosovo I Metohija. There was no braver, selfless fighter in all the Serbian diaspora. This beautiful women told off both Clinton and Milosevic to their faces. She didn’t trust Serbian war profiteers ( I’ll always call out miscreants and evil doers), to deliver the charitable aid, so she went to the front lines herself. Let’s just say that the real heroes on the ground knew her well. With my Teta Zorka (That magnificent Croatian woman was one of the best Serbs I knew) by her side and driving the van cross country, they induced fear throughout the halls of U.S congress.
Several months before she passed, nearly half her normal weight, she still traveled overseas, one last time to her beloved Beograd, her Serbia and gave the last of her heartfelt impromptu inspirational speeches to the people of Sumadija.
Ken, women are usually just a little better, smarter and tougher than us boys. I get it :).
You got it in one :-)
Shadows of Phoenix
Yet, in Argentina of Father Bergoglio’s youth, they always found space on the helicopter – only to ask the unfortunate desaparecidos to disembark 3000 ft over the sea.
Funny thing that you should bring him up. I intended to mention Bergoglio’s Uniate connection in an earlier article, a Ukrainian who was his spiritual mentor, secretly consecrated a roman catholic bishop of the Uniates;
And Francis gets in and about that time things happen in the Ukraine…
I didn’t know that. I was referring to his murky past as a snitch for the Junta. The connection you provide is of course much more important.
Oh, ah yes, he was at that for sure.
Also, Bergoglio was also in the fascistic circles of the Argentinian ”Iron Guard” of Papist intellectuals shilling for the Perons in his youth (apparently no connection that I can find between this group in Argentina and the Romanian Fascist group the ”Iron Guard”/Legion of St. Michael the Archangel of C.Z. Condreanu)
You are on the right track again – that should cause some palpitations. The Iron Guard (Romanian) are interesting for being one of very few Orthodox extreme right wing groups. I don’t know enough about them but wouldn’t be surprised if they indeed had links with Peron. I knew a Romanian lady who had been married to Horia Sima’s ambassador to Pavelich’s Croatia – rabid doesn’t quite describe it.
Well, Romania has always figured rather largely in Vatican calculations from the very beginning, and so a Horia Sima or Marshal Antonescu did not develop in a vacuum. I happen to own a copy of Prince Michael Sturdza’s book ”the suicide of Europe” in which this WW2 Iron Guard Romanian Foreign Minister is not merely anti-Communist but also anti-Russian, and very warm commenting on the Pope as well…talking to the Pope about the murder of the Iron Guard’s founder, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.
Very good. I remember Lyotich expressing similar sentiments. Codreanu’s boys of course fought for that Christian saint – Franco.
Thank you. Sturdza’s book does cover that episode too rather well if briefly, and it’s clear where the real loyalties lie.
It also reminds me of another Romanian in more recent times, General Ion Pacepa, who defected during the Cold War and who writes about Russia in a malign way (holds to the ”Golitsyn Thesis” about the Cold War collapse of the Soviet Bloc being a ”strategic deception” and thus Russia and allies are led by secret Bolsheviks), and somewhere it was said that he has a affiliation with the Vatican now…
Wow, I’m not trying to flatter you but you are complementing my information wonderfully. I wonder if you’d write something – it would be a shame for such knowledge not to express itself.
Pacepa should have been dealt with properly by comrade Sudoplatov. Too many scumbags, too little time.
Thank a lot, I appreciate that!
I might write something soon at some point, my main thing is to help and encourage others right now.
Can you do me a favour? I hope I’m not assuming too much. If you contact our host, he will give you my email. I would like to consult you on something.
Thank you.
Everything anyone needs to know about Catholicism’s complete and utter disdain for temporal justice is laid out by G K Chesterton in his Father Brown stories. Father Brown has absolutely no interest in the law here on earth. In fact, he is hostile to it. His mission is to save souls for the sweet hereafter. In doing so, he thwarts justice in this life at every turn. We see this played out time and time again with the Catholic Church’s criminal and unrepentant protection of pedophile priests. My sense is that it is this foul wellspring that nourishes much of the evil perpetrated by those such as William Colby. Thank you for the illuminating article Ken.
Simon – very interesting – I have just bought the complete Father Brown on Kindle (a few weeks ago) in order to study his modus operandi.
There is another writer whose biography and books speak volumes to those who know how to read between the lines: Dennis Wheatley.
Thanks for the tip Ken. I shall look him up.
And with Dennis Wheatley, I might add Charles Williams, the lesser known but profound Inkling.
Thanks Vladimir. Owen Barfield is the Inkling who I am most familiar with. I will look up Williams as well. Best wishes.
To illustrate the unchanging pernicious nature of the Vatican and its ideology of conquest, let me share this pearl. Bergoglio creates an African-American cardinal. One would think – wonderful, human rights blah blah or bloody communist, LGBT-loving bolshevist blah blah. And neither zombified group sees the truth – the anti-Trump “progressive” cardinal lauds one of the greatest criminals of the modern time – pope Wojtyla.
I have been very disappointed in Trump but to compare him to the Zyklon-B peddling destroyer of South America and the Slavic East – that is a no no. Regrettably, the cardinal has decided to play the role given to Samuel L. Jackson in Django Unchained. Perhaps someone should inform him of the shameful record of his own “religion” in oppressing various helpless groups and ethnicities.
Wow. Pretty apt on both George and Wojtyla, unfortunately. Wojtyla kind of fit that same mold in the same manner as George does though, but as a Slav.
Some secrets of Russian history that were actively suppressed by the Vatican and the late Romanovs :
1. Scythians (Whom Greeks call “Father of nations” because many nations trace their origin to them”) who did found Rome spoke Russian :
2. Russian as the purest Sarmatian dialect, which was seen as “original language of mankind”, after British scientists have found many parallels between modern and ancient languages and Russian.
3. Slavs or Russians as founders of Rome and Greece.
4. Pelasgians, the founders of Greece were Sarmatians = Slavs, just like Thracians, Getae, Medians or Scythians.
5. Genetics. Spread of the haplogroup R1a in Europe, the core haplogroup of the Slavs, Scythians / Sarmatians or Aryans and regions, which were colonised by them. Notice, that the concentration of R1a is higher exactly on the territory, known as Etruria, the land of Etruscans, founders of Rome and also in the territory of Venice which was given from one of the names of the old Slavs “Wends” :
– R1a mal:
– Etruria:
Notice PeRUSIA on the map of Etruria? There are several other similar toonyms like Rosia and others in Italy. Widest spread name are Russo, Rossi or Russini, by the way.
6. Etruscans or “het-rusci” called themselves “rasena” or “raseni”. Russians call themselves today “russkie” or “rassiani”. Serbs, who lie between Russia and Etruria called themselbes “ras” and their country “rascia”. More eastwards there is still a Slavic people called “russini”.
7. Sanskrit, the language of the Aryans, the language in which the Vedas were written, was directly and closely related to Russian. This fact was proven by many linguists as well, as many other parallels between today’s Russians and ancient Aryans, who shaped fundamentally so many Asian cultures. Unfortunately, most nowday’s “scientists” prefer to ignore it.
Linguist Indu Lekha wrote: “It is interesting to note that in spite of disparity of time and space both Sanskrit and Russian have such a striking similarity in the basic Indo-European vocabulary that one is but bound to believe that they have descended from some common source.” (“Cognate Words in Sanskrit and Russian”,…)
8. The same claimed the linguist Weer Rajendra Rishi: “As mentioned in the preceding chapter both Russian and Sanskrit belong to the satem group of the Indo-European family of languages. This, however, creates one mis-understanding in one’s mind that the relation between Sanskrit and Russian is as distant one as that between Sanskrit and other Indo-European languages. As will be explained in this chapter, the relation between these two languages is very close and correspondence between these two languages is so minute that, to use Dr. Sidheshwar Varma’s words, it cannot be a mere chance.” (“India & Russia – Linguistic & Cultural Affinity”,…)
9. Slavs share with descendents of the Aryans of India also the core haplotype of the haplogroup R1a – R1a1a. A more detailed in depth study also found that the R1a in India entered the region 3500 years ago and branched off from the regular line found on the Russian plane in the past :