by Norman Ball for the Saker Blog

By Norman Ball

Lamenting Germany’s WW1 defeat at the 1934 Nuremberg Rally, Joseph Goebbels acknowledges a hard lesson learned:

“While the enemy states produced unprecedented atrocity propaganda aimed at Germany throughout the whole world, we did nothing and were completely defenseless against it…Just as we were militarily and economically unprepared for the war, so also with propaganda. We lost the war in this area more than in any other. The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing.” (my italics)

History repeats even its most odious chapters. Today, the cleverest trick against President Trump in the current high-stakes establishment war is to accuse him of what his enemies, mostly Democrats, are already up to their donkey-ears in: Russian collusion.


The term Russian collusion sounds like it walked off a Tavistock Institute clipboard with the usual aim of promoting fear and avoiding mass enlightenment. Knowledge is power. Enlightenment is the coveted reserve of the Few. Not surprisingly, power favors misdirection (ignorance) over enlightenment (empowerment). Dumb down and frighten — divide and conquer.

This is why the plebeian class is often referred to as the disorganized masses. Buffeted by successive waves of misdirection, society becomes a de-articulated echo chamber of movements, ideologies and belief systems. Horizontalized incoherence averts vertical assaults on those who preside on high. The Internet alt-narrative, a bottoms-up constellation of knowledge simultaneously disseminated and protected by its distributive architecture, is climbing the enlightenment ladder slowly. It needs to hurry.

We find an early Russophobic send-up in the zany 1966 movie The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! Trying desperately to stay under the radar of state actors (with their penchant for international incidents and Independent Counsels) a Soviet sub and its crew, having run aground on a Cape Cod sandbar, enlist the support of sympathetic Cape Cod villagers to regain open waters. Their Russian nationality is initially hidden (isn’t it always?) behind the guise of Norwegian fishermen. Everyone has the presence of mind not to call CNN. The movie instructs that, when encountered in everyday interactions, Russians are people too. Imagine that! This humanizing touch was a real coup in Cold War America.

The visceral and reflexive fear of a prior era is being resurrected. But as prelude to what? More on that later.

Russian collusion is also calculated to stoke primate fears. In essence, the colluders have acquired an infection from the main doctrinal source; Russia being a sort of Typhoid Mary. The resultant false doctrine (revived nationalism, multilateralism, Eurasianism, post-Bolshevism, Christian renewal) has the potential to visit a cognitive plague on the larger group, or should we rather say their doctrine poses a health threat to the prevailing narrative, the latter being an illness in itself that seeks the preservation of the Few at the cost of the Many.

So, a pervading illness erects the strawman of a secondary ailment in order to defend the primacy of its own pathology. Never mind that, for Americans, this secondary ailment is exactly what the doctor ordered. The truth is disguised as a disease. The emanation point is Russia.

Keeping the masses both joined to a common moral cause (the Straussian baton of Greatest Present Evil has clearly passed from Terror to Russia) and trained on their potent enemy (for what appears to be an imminent conflict), our Managers find the prospect of We the People—in our militarized permutation—inflicting a deathblow on Russia, while getting death-blown ourselves, a very tempting two-for-one proposition.

For the moment, until a cure is found (or a war is started in earnest) we are urged to please wash our hands thoroughly after handling all things Russian. Russian flags on Olympic grounds could spark an outbreak. Ban them. If you encountered a Russian-sponsored ad on Facebook during the election be aware the contagion may have survived on your PC screen for weeks, causing some to waste their vote even on the likes of Jill Stein. Now that’s sick! The political valence of the click ads–Trump or Clinton—didn’t matter either. Germs are agnostic and airborne. They can travel for miles disguised as competing worldviews.

Sometimes the drumbeat can carry us into the most surreal byways. Take the positively eerie instance of a CNN correspondent venturing onto an elderly pro-Trump Floridian’s front lawn to question her patriotism and Russian sympathies. Throwing caution to the wind, he fails to don the official CNN gloves and surgical mask. What is he in this instance: a journalist, a stalker, an ideological ambulance-chaser, a proto-Soviet Precinct Captain?

More linguistic mischief. We encounter the nefarious The dozens of times a week as in The Russians. Deployment of the definite article as preface to an ethnic group, people or tribe is another tactic aimed at suggesting members of a particular group can no longer be referenced as autonomous individuals, having become hive-minded Stepford Wives lashed to an agenda injurious to the larger group. The The’s are behind the recent ramp-up of crime! No sooner do the The’s move into the neighborhood than property values take a dive. The The’s control the world!

The perils of ethnic scapegoating are a matter of historical inspection. Why then are they being so systematically courted? The indignation of our nation’s 2.9 million Russian-Americans is entirely too muted, certainly under-televised. Perhaps Wolf Blitzkrieg can look into this.

In a recent tweet, Hillary Clinton stoops yet again to Russia-baiting. Then there’s the thirteen Facebook trolls who happen to be Russian nationals engaged in a strictly business venture with no evidence of a state actor role and no overt political leanings. None of this prevents Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein from alluding by sly inference to the Russians during his press conference (here at 3:19) as though King Bee Putin himself was supplying the company with kitty and puppy clickbait pics from the depths of the Kremlin’s basement.

How does national origin warrant even a cursory mention unless a larger point is being made? The indicted will never see a court of law anyway. The slur was the thing. It was lodged. Mission accomplished.


This essay would be remiss if it didn’t acknowledge another deep reservoir of Russian antipathy, one rarely cited in realpolitik analyses.

Americans can scarcely imagine the elemental hatred unreconstructed Bolshevism still harbors for the Russian people, even less so that the current anti-Russian mania reprises a century-old conflict in a far-off land. The depth and context of this hatred overflows America’s rather provincial and TV-centric intellectual boundaries. Russia’s defeated Bolsheviks are America’s resurgent ones.

Bolshevism is a secular expression of the Spirit of Antichrist. Like a noxious fume seeking a crevice of entry, it presses cultural nihilism everywhere God isn’t. Sadly, America is ripe for invasion. Christian leader Chuck Missler identifies America’s fate as an instance of God’s abandonment judgement. Missler lays this harsh heavenly verdict largely at the unclean feet of abortion. The Creator is particularly jealous of His creational prerogative. Human interlopers armed with forceps anger Him like few other things.

Some will ask, but wasn’t Bolshevism forever consigned to the ashcan of history? Not universally.

America’s aversion to introspection permitted it to circumvent the dialectical process (that the disintegrating Soviet Union had no choice but to pass through) by audaciously claiming one-sided victory in the First Cold War. This undigested Hegelian synthesis goes on to become a catastrophe for the world:

“Refused her duly earned ticker-tape parade, America was presented instead, at war’s end, with the preposterous Neocon invocation to beat her sword into yet another sword. The interminable loop of permawar (itself an indigestible bit of ahistorical mischief) became America’s ‘way forward’. As for our supposed adversary, ‘terror’, it offers an inexhaustible emotional response to perils of the real, imagined and endlessly manipulated kinds. The Neocon catastrophe is now a matter of global record. The peace dividend was purloined by a unipolar will-to-power that metastasized into a monomania worthy of Ahab himself.”—from ‘War of Imposition: This Is Not America (Any More Than It Was Russia Once Upon a Time)’, by Norman Ball

The mere passage of time—days stacked on days—carries neutral historical content. History measures itself in the birthing and discarding of ideas. In Hegelian terms, because historical synthesis in America was not allowed to happen, Bolshevism is free to renew itself on American shores like a new, old plague. Certainly the appearance of Trump impedes this process. Whether Trumpism can, in the long term, avert Bolshevism (essentially, collectivization and centralized control) altogether runs counter to the eschatological necessity, within Abrahamic traditions, for a climactic and unassailable evil.

If Russia’s post-Bolshevik Christian revival is a matter of record, surely the demise of Christianity in America is equally documentable. Since America is a God-vacated public space, albeit peopled with a large and besieged Christian population, the nation can reacquire God’s manifold blessings, one suspects, only after a protracted period of civil strife and turmoil comparable to Russia’s near-century-long struggle.

Paul’s Principalities of the Air, Good and Evil, are no less aware of what renewed Russian ascendance portends. The forces of evil, armed with what Joel Skousen has called, ‘revelatory demonic content’, have every reason to resist Russia at every turn. The point is the Russian Collusion delusion comports a supernatural component. I have spoken elsewhere about Russia’s strange and special mission with regard to a global Christian revival, certainly in its Orthodox form. Numerous mystics and thinkers have asserted the same:

“Acting as an agent of restraint on the spirit of Antichrist (a phenomenon Paul in Thessalonians calls katechon), Russia can influence—and work to brake–a world hell-bent on godless chaos. Oswald Spengler spoke of the Russian soul coming of age at some future propitious time. [In ‘Spiritual Roots of Russo-American Conflict’, Kerry R. Bolton offers an authoritative and fascinating examination of this subject matter.]

Russophobia expresses a spiritual aversion to which geopolitics acts merely as frontispiece. The stakes are existentially high, transcending empires and ideologies. No wonder our Gatekeepers sputter and fuss. Armed with the most tepid forensic evidence of Russian influence, they are charged nonetheless with pressing a spiritual war on ostensible geopolitical grounds, loath (for tactical reasons) to expose their dark, first-order spiritual affiliations. Invisibility indeed!

If, as Nicolas Berdyaev claimed, “independent Russian thought was awakened by the problem of the philosophy of history”, America’s purveyors of wickedness glossed our version of the history problem by consigning us to a deep sleep of irresolvable terror.”—from ‘War of Imposition: This Is Not America (Any More Than It Was Russia Once Upon a Time)’, by Norman Ball

Into this bewildering spiritual-geopolitical nexus tumbles the Trump phenomenon as though God Himself delivered the former reality TV star to an especially propitious moment in history. Actually Trump arrives as an emissary and change agent from the tippiest-top of human society in its current arrangement.

For, with all due respect to Alex Jones, the elite is not simply a monolithic invective to be invoked between vitamin appeals. Both George Orwell and Ferdinand Lundberg recognized a tripartite class structure; the Inner/Outer Party and the FinPols/PubPols respectively, with the Proles languishing beneath their bicameral overlords. Recognition of this structure is imperative to understanding the machinations occurring overhead, particularly during moments of inflection.

The Outer Party (what I’ve taken to calling the Janusian Class) is always, by the latter phase of empire, existentially corrupt and irredeemably evil. Beholden to the empire-of-the-moment, this class is typified by Bill and Hillary Clinton: proles-by-birth, striving, venal, amoral, grasping, highly acquisitive and power-hungry. Outer Party corruption grows as the empire becomes more sclerotic. Influence-peddling and trading off past empire glories overtake bold new action.

American foreign policy has been of the self-harm variety in recent years. Take the myriad sanctions regimes and their strange internal contradiction: By hurting ourselves we will hurt you more. Petulance is a weird master. Each chastisement of the outside world is met with greater strides by the latter to extricate itself from the Empire yolk. Global retreat from petrodollar recycling accelerates. You call this success?

Unlike the transnational and multi-generational Inner Party, a genus apart, the Outer Party administers the prevailing empire on the former’s behalf while feigning attentiveness to the proles. In the waning days of every empire (a point we find ourselves at with Pax Americana), the Outer Party must be disabused of its false sense of entitlement. The privileges it enjoys are far from inalienable, though many may be ‘compartmentalized away’ from a full understanding of their own ephemeral, second-tier status.

Dispatched from the highest strata of society to organize the masses behind the ostensible banner of populism (yes, a seeming paradox), Trump’s task is to retrieve and restore America the Nation from the vacating, century-long mandate of America the Empire.

Therein lies the Trump paradox as he serves both the Upper Party and the Proles with material assistance from the former and cheers from the latter. His war is with the Outer Party, a confluence of Democrats, Republicans and Deep State operatives whose end is near. Though their potential to inflict great damage (in the manner of thermonuclear war) remains potent.

It is America’s Outer Party—not the Transnational Inner Party—that detests and fears Trump and Putin. Nor are these leaders saviors-for-all-seasons it must be understood. The nationalism they champion is but an interim step to a full-on advance of renewed globalism.

Whether they fully comprehend the provisional status of their respective movements is hard to say. The boundaries of compartmentalized knowledge are difficult to ascertain. Some actors are more conscious than others.

Suffice it to say the world is in a normalizing phase. The ultimate equilibration during this phase involves establishing a trade-balanced parity between the US and China. To the disappointment of many, the Eurasian Century, the One Belt One Road (OBOR) and AIIB initiatives are not born of exogenous processes, but rather unfold within the rubric of the Transnational Inner Party.

The monism required of the Antichrist system allows for no partition. Cultural Marxism, a soul-destroying collectivist paradigm, is in service to the Transnational Inner Party. With the able assistance of this Luciferean vanguard, the world is being staged for the Final Days, but not before an eclipsing Panopticon runs the full length and breadth of the planet.


The insistence that Trump is a Russian agent (against an avalanche of absent facts) is simply untrue. Nothing has been produced to substantiate the charge. As this essay is being typed, CNN is en route to interview a female escort in Thailand who may be sitting, not only on her livelihood, but on the key to unlocking the Trump-Putin secret relationship. Very shortly, Wolf Blitzkrieg will be issuing parental warnings. The escort is a former paramour of Russian oligarch and Putin confidante Oleg Deripaska who we’ll be getting to in a minute.

What Trump and Putin are are co-agents of strikingly similar conceptual frameworks that are at odds with the ultimate globalist plan for eviscerated national sovereignties. The Outer Party fights them as though their lives depend on it. And they do. The Inner Party are using both men as transitional cleansing agents on the way to a culminating globalist regime. The current ‘Globalist’ vs. Nationalist struggle is an orchestrated conflict. (There’s much talk of ‘false dialectics’ these days. Lucifer is the Prince of this World and the purveyor of intellectual confusion. All dialectics are false, though God works mysteriously to guide His eschatology through.)

Trump and Putin are thus wed, neither by treasonous acts nor shared paramours, but by worldviews that happen to align. The collusion narrative neatly ties both leaders together in the pejorative image of partners in crime. Exactitudes such as these hardly matter to those who would like nothing better than to see an end to both of them by any means necessary.

The Democratic Party version of Russian collusion, which we’ll be hearing a lot more about in the coming weeks and months, is a much seedier brand. Traditionally a globalist stalking horse and Deep Swamp entity and possessing greater latitude than the currently hamstrung Republicans (with the disliked Trump at their helm), the Party of the Donkey views Russia as a source of enrichment. As long as it fulfills its globalist work-list, the usual graft and corruption is permitted to occur simultaneously.

Thus Trump’s ‘collusion’ is an unfairly earned and intentionally misleading depiction of his geopolitical intentions. Whereas the Democrat’s ‘collusion’ is the old-school, under-the-table form of corruption implicating business interests rather than state actors. Oddly enough, neither is collusion in the proper sense of the word.

The truly grievous miscalculation arose when such a whirling dervish of a topic was injected into a Presidential campaign. For that, we turn to Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta.

The Trump collusion delusion—impudently put into play by Podesta during the 2016 election—is the Goebbels Doctrine brought back to wretched life. The trick, again, is to identify one’s most glaring vulnerability (Uranium One, Podesta Group), then ruthlessly attack the enemy with it.

One of alt-media’s indispensable websites The Conservative Treehouse connected some fascinating dots recently regarding Oleg Deripaska. While hardly a household name, the Russian aluminum magnate has popped up more than once in the collusion saga. The trouble is his appearances never fail to tear away the Goebbelian veil behind which we invariably find a donkey-bride with puckered lips.

As Tablet Magazine reported (‘Was Christopher Steele Paid by Russian Oligarch and Putin Ally Oleg Deripaska?’, February 12, 2018, by Lee Smith):

“A release last week of texts showed that Christopher Steele, the former British spy whose memos regarding the Trump campaign’s possible ties to Russia are referred to as the Steele dossier, reached out to Sen. Mark Warner, the ranking Democratic member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, through a Russian-linked Washington, D.C., lobbyist named Adam Waldman. Among Waldman’s clients is Oleg Deripaska, a Russian aluminum magnate with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. In a text dated March 16, 2017, Waldman texted Warner, “Chris Steele asked me to call you.””

The article goes on to suggest that, “if Steele worked for a Russian oligarch with close ties to Putin, it is likely to change prevailing views of the Russia investigations of the past year and a half.”

Understatement duly noted.

If the universally discredited Christopher Steele anti-Trump dossier is in fact a faux-Opposition Research piece jointly commissioned by the Clinton Campaign and Deripaska, then perhaps the nation’s media complex has been barking up the wrong collusion narrative. Goodness, how’d that happen?

Then there’s the recently announced aluminum tariffs. Either Trump is mounting an insurrection against his ‘Kremlin handlers’ with aggressive tariffs targeting close Putin confidante Deripaska’s company, Rusal or we’ve been diverted yet again from the real Russian corruption within our political process.

Cementing the Democratic brand of Russian collusion even further, we shouldn’t forget Senator Mark Warner’s (D-Va.) attempts to make secret off-the-record communications with Christopher Steele in November 2017. Warner’s intermediary was the same lobbyist (Adam Waldman) retained by, are you ready? Oleg Deripaska. Heehaw!

Interestingly, Deripaska announced just last week his decision to step away as head of Rusal. A 23.6% levy, the aluminum tariff is no glancing blow. Listed on the Department of Treasury’s ‘Kremlin list’, Deripaska may be distancing himself as part of a sanitization exercise as prelude to Russia’s formal filing of a trade complaint with the WTO.

Of course, the Russian Oligarch’s connections to the Democrats is but a minor collusive thread in a much larger fabric where the common preoccupation is money. Its renewed newsworthiness derives from the tariff announcement just this week by the ‘soft on Russia’ Trump administration.

As the President is routinely pilloried by Democrats for his failure to implement the last round of Russian sanctions, surely Senator Warner and his colleagues should be sprinting to the mic to applaud Trump’s shoving it to one of Russia’s wealthiest and most notorious oligarchs. For all we know, Warner has already messaged his regrets directly to the Russian source. He has the number.

But back to Podesta, who had at his back a propaganda apparatus the Weimar Germany would have envied: The Washington Post, CNN, The New York Times, et al, et al. According to The Media Research Center, network press coverage of Trump logged an astonishing 91% negative slant in the September-November 2017 period.

The Bernaysian narrative prefers to work the room in jealous monotone. Dissonance distracts the masses from their marching orders. Sometimes things can go haywire such that the proles vote for what the Outer Party deems an unvetted, exogenous candidate. Managed Democracy fears the insurrectional energies posed even by a 9% dissident narrative. (Nursing a 2-strike Youtube count, Alex Jones should take note.)

Now a word on hubris.

Podesta had every reason to believe Clinton would win thereby allowing his disinfo project to slink, unexamined, into the mists of time.

Of course Trump, no limping Kaiser, is a TV-savvy guy with uncanny media instincts. (Witness his ringside, bone-spur-defying, mano a mano victory against WWE owner Vince McMahon. Professional wrestling is a pioneer in the belief-suspension biz.. This makes it a forebear of Fake News and a potential uncle of Wolf Blitzkrieg. See kayfabe.)

So yes, in terms of propaganda firepower, Trump is badly outnumbered. However to Twitter management’s continued exasperation, he’s far from toothless. Early on, he elects to sidestep the gatekeeper’s media prism altogether, weathering the simpleton accusations and conveying his policy initiatives in 280-characters or less.

Much like Wile E. Coyote at the bottom of the U-shaped gorge, we find today the collusion-boulder gazing down upon Podesta et al from the peak of Mt. Trump. Curiously enough, Lady Lynn de Rothschild perceives all that is portended for The Valley of the Dems below. She intuits the fatal turn very early on too.

Releasing on February 21, 2017 what in hindsight appears to be a twitter overshare, Rothschild publicly castigates Podesta as ‘pathetic’ and a ‘loser’. Nothing subtle there. As Tom Jones might say she’s a Lady even when she slips.

Nonetheless her foresight is both telling and foreboding as, from her vantage, nothing less than the ‘destruction’ of the Clinton family lies ahead. At first blush, one thinks Milady fretheth a bit much. After all, Girlfriend just lost an election. The utter cessation of the family crest seems excessive given all that is known, certainly by us, in February.

Or maybe not.

Rothschild’s exasperation and concern, palpable in the tweet, is directed at one man. How could that idiot Podesta have been so reckless?

Indeed his out-of-touch arrogance succeeds in activating a realm of inquiry that is destined to brush past Trump on its way to decimating the real Russian collusion culprits, the Democrats. Podesta proves himself a passable acolyte of Herr Goebbels in all but one crucial metric: his candidate fails to win. Loser!

I cite Milady’s prescience not to belabor hackneyed Rothschild conspiracy theories, only that she is a close, wealthy, and influential confidante of Hillary Clinton. To minimize her insight and access is as equally implausible as it is to proffer one-eyed pyramids in the Valley of Illuminati Kings. The tweet stands as an astute predictor of dark days to come for the Democrats.

Post-election, we move into a far more perilous phase for the Democrats and their Deep State patrons as they decide to inflict the hopelessly self-referential collusion narrative on a sitting President. Fortuitously (or is it providentially?), there’s a stalwart Constitutionalist to contend with in NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers.

A mere two days after the latter’s November 17 2017 trip to Trump Towers where it is strongly presumed he tips the cards to Trump regarding the building’s bugged status, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper are baying in the Washington Post for Rogers’ firing (see below). One of the pressing reasons given? Rogers’ ‘gruff personality’. The day after Rogers’ visit, Trump relocates his entire transition operation to Bedminster, New Jersey.

Thus Rogers’ termination is proposed in hurried fashion during the waning, post-election days of the Obama administration. Understandably, the President elects not to cloud his final days with an oddly-timed and controversial firing. Wisely (or not), he declines Carter and Clapper’s recommendation. The coup-plotters (for we are very much in a coup phase now) must content themselves with the hope that, between the media’s frenetic arm-waving, the future appointment of a Special Counsel Inquisitor by a compliant DOJ and a cooperating Comey at the FBI, soon-to-be President Trump can still be thwarted via impeachment, resignation or worse.

Not enough can be said by the way for Rogers’ courageous intervention on behalf of the President-in-waiting, and indeed on behalf of the rule-of-law and the orderly transition of power. In fact, the video below suggests Admiral Rogers may be the Hero-Savior of the Republic. It’s worth a watch.

In short order, Trump’s National Security Advisor, General Michael Flynn gets shanghaied via process crime entrapment, which may yet turn to rancid, poisoned fruit before this opus sounds its last note.

Slowly but surely, we’re converging upon the million dollar question which is really the trillion dollar question. Why did the Democrats, in league with certain Deep State actors, persist in a brazen plot to unseat a duly elected President? Because it is a trillion dollar question, that’s why. The stakes are exponentially high, and not because of the Russians either. Because of the money.

By all rights, CNN has held up its end of the bargain. Wolf Blitzkrieg and Jake Wire Tapper can barely manage a shift in their chairs without lashing Trump to Russian Collusion. Down in the media trenches, 24-7 drummed-in false consciousness is a tedious affair where repetition is king. Someone’s got to do it. Wolf seems intellectually well-suited for the task.

Once again, The Conservative Treehouse reminds us why the Facebook bobble-heads wake up every morning in a diversionary funk regarding all things Trump. And no, it’s not because he has funny hair:

“For the past 30 years the U.S. has lost jobs, wages have been depressed, and the middle-class has suffered through the implementation of economic trade policy that destroyed the U.S. manufacturing base. None of this is in question – the results stare us in the face – yet the Wall Street and multinational corporate club(s) [U.S. Chamber of Commerce chief among them] now demand a continuance of the same.

The economic and trade policies of the Trump administration are adverse to those interests. As we have shared for several years, candidate Trump, now President Trump is an existential threat to the multinational program.

All opposition to President Trump is about the underlying financial and economic policy of America-First. There are trillions at stake.” [My underline]

With a GDP half that of the UK’s, Russia is still economic small potatoes. Nonetheless a double-bang is achieved (for the Military Industrial Complex) with a renewed Cold War directed at the Bear. Conceivably, that’s the quid pro quo presented to Trump for acquiring the military as Praetorian Guard as a counterweight against intelligence agency hostility. The military is an institution with naturally strong nationalist affinities. The antagonism between the Pentagon and the CIA is longstanding and culturally embedded.

As Voltaire might allow by way of paraphrase, “look to the behemoth you’ve barely broached for there you will find the puppet-master extraordinaire.” That behemoth is China.

China’s hidden hand (with, it must be said again, the Inner Party’s active assent and participation) has been evident in America’s establishment parties since at least Bill Clinton, with Western banking interests active since at least 1972, probably earlier. Should Congress not deliver (on continued sedition against America-First interests and prolongation of NAFTA), the extortion screws will begin turning in earnest.

Might this explain the recent spate of announced Congressional Republican resignations? The easy money has been made selling the nation out for decades with duopolistic abandon and mutually-assured cover. Faint-hearted traitors are moving for the exits.

For today, we have a wily gate-crasher in the White House. Under him, the People are tasting the early, tangible fruits of a renationalizing economy: full employment, rising property values, an anticipatory stock market rise and re-equilibrating food and consumer prices (ultimately to revise downward for America consumers) when China’s backdoor entry to the American market via camouflaged proxy points Mexico and Canada is appreciably closed. Again, this is all part of an equilibration process sanctioned from above.

The fiction of Trump as Putin stooge is a threadbare pretext. Manafort and Podesta are prior working colleagues after all, hardly diehard ideologues for their respective Red and Blue. Both hail from the Outer Party’s Great Purple Swamp, an environ intent on the de-industrialization of America, the delivery of productive primacy to China and the ascent of Wall Street over Main Street forevermore. The Red-Blue horizontal divide is Carroll Quigley’s kabuki theatre in full false swing.

In yet another instance of Goebbelian misdirection, the Democrats’ Russian collusion narrative is all about neutering Trump for the greater good of China and its stateside patron, Wall Street. Russia is but an expedient globalist cudgel to be wielded against MAGA comeuppance. Democratic leaders only ask that you not examine the collusion narrative’s internal contradictions too closely as the whole gravy train could come crashing down in a cloud of sedition and jaw-dropping hypocrisy.

For thirty years or more, China was the chief beneficiary of this Great Game of Treachery. Then Mr. Trump came to Washington. This re-nationalization (de-empirization) of America involves normalizing trade, defusing the Triffin Paradox, extracting the dollar from reserve currency status and petrodollar primacy, i.e. smoothing the potentially bumpy road back to nation-among-nations status, all without WW3 being instigated by a power-mad Outer Party in precipitous decline.

That’s the balancing act. Importantly, this walk-back—while ostensibly nationalist—expresses the desire of some of the most powerful forces on earth. A peaceably requited US will then create the parity required to install a proper globalist super-state. The US is the last empire to emerge from nation-state auspices. Although its presence will be greatly felt (already it is asserting a repressive hand on the global Internet) China will not assume the empire mantle from America, thereby averting the enormous dislocations caused by the Triffin Paradox. A global currency (the SDR) unbeholden to destabilizing trade imbalances will become the coin of the global realm.

Thus while the American Outer Party’s decades-long capitulation to Chinese interests joins the usual earthly vices—greed, corruption and power—with a globalist endgame of Cultural Marxism, the active promotion of Russophobia unfolds on two diametric planes: diversionary politics and deep-seated spiritual opposition.

Human history is intended as a gradually narrowing process wherein divine light is progressively obscured as Lucifer consolidates everything of earthly value first, for a select few, then ultimately for himself. Therein lies the resonance of the pyramidic metaphor. Things will darken appreciably before lightening climactically. God will win.


Norman Ball, MBA aka Full Spectrum Domino is an author, poet, political scientist and businessman whose writings have appeared in Counterpunch, Asia Times, Dissident Voice, Global Research and Russia Insider, among others. His last book ‘East-West Dialectics, Currency Resets & the Convergent Power of One’ is available on Amazon. He can be reached either via his Youtube channel, Facebook or