This comment was chosen by Mod HS from the post “Moveable Feast Cafe 2016/05/10 … Open Thread”. The moderator found this comment created impressionist images of childhood. Where the future and world is yet to unfold; parents, grandparents and old pets still live and everyday is an endless adventure.

By ioan


thanks BroAnon for the link – as usual – there are a lot of videos regarding this subject, so just have to put some order in my daily doings then watch it ( and dream).

Yeah, dream, because after watching this one some time ago, when I posted it for first time,I felt myself back in my childhood on grand ma’s garden, free of any kind of pesticide, with worms in the apple – but having a real apple taste – and without washing it or even our hands, yet we were more than healthy.

The summer was summer, the winter was winter – with snow and -20 – 30°C and the people were not obese. I can continue; the women were women and the men were men; when a girl and a boy get in loved and the romance was helped by the nature; the smell of green; the smell of flowers; the smell of baked bread; the evening rings of bells when the cows were coming back home through the valley, each of them knowing the way to her stall.

Then watching the millions of stars and the moon, thinking to my love. That was freedom,no one thinking of war, the war was left behind. The men and women were making love and have many kids, they were to build their families, their homes. My grandpa took me to the church every Sunday. Of course I was watching better the icons and the clothes of the priest rather than listening on what he said. As a child I was much closer to the angels than they could imagine; I was innocent and the near of God was to me something normal. The priest’s speech was for the adults. Why ? Only later understood that why.

That child in me is still there, deep in my soul and I try to take care of him as being his father or the defender of him. I don’t want to get rid of him, why should I do that ? to lost the innocence in my soul forever ? I am he and he is me, and both we are one…But now let others to comment.. OK kid,you’re right.