Auslander posted this sitrep in our comment section. I have reposted it here for all to read. (Webmaster)

The situation in Krimea and Sevastopol is serious.

The power coming to Krimea was actually Russian electric, ‘transshipped’ to Krimea via uke power system, at great cost I might add. Included in this formal agreement and written contract was Russia supplying the ukes with substantially more electric than was ‘shipped’ to Krimea. Part of the payment for the transport fees was the high quality coal found only in Donbas within ukeland. Uke heating and electric generating plants are designed for specifically this coal and nothing else. The coal was shipped from Novorossiya to Rostov, then shipped north and west where it entered ukeland.

At this time, roughly 20:00 25.22.2015, the ukes have yet to begin repairs to the electric service system. As a result of the termination of electric power to Krim Novorossiya has halted shipments of coal to the ukes. Russia has halted the shipment of natural gas to the ukes, supposedly on the grounds that the ukes have not done their monthy prepay deal.

The first part of the power supply system to Krimea from Krasnodar Krai, directly east of Kerch on the east coast of Krimea and across the straights, will go in operation on or about 20 December. This first line will supply roughly 300 megawatts of power, about 30% of the winter needs. Krimea electric production totals, including Sevastopol, approximately 300 megawatts. Obviously the peninsula will be short a substantial part of the required power. At this time massive gas turbine generators are being brought to Krim and the 6 in Sevastopol as part of the partially completed renovation of the power system are on line now.

Sevastopol is on serious electric rationing. The six power districts of the city proper are supposedly on a rotating and announced schedule for power daily. The actual times of supply have no correlation in regards to the announced times and the times are announced on TV by a scroll across the bottom of the screen every 15 minutes but only on Channel 1, a local channel. Now, it doesn’t take too much mental ability to understand that if you have no electric you can’t see the damned scroll.

At this time the weather is soft, yesterday’s high was an unseasonable 20. Today was a harbinger of things to come, a high of 10 with a damp and foggy air. No electric means no heat for many in this city, especially the numerous flats buildings which generally rely on one large heating plant for a good number of buildings, the heat being by radiator. No electric means no pumps to circulate the hot water.

The populace is generally calm so far. Food is plentiful. Petrol is available but two of the three stations on northside do not have the required by law generators to run the pumps in a power outage. One is closed for the duration, one is open only when electric is on, the third one has a generator and is mobbed. He is out of petrol as of early this morning but he does have diesel. He expects a delivery of petrol before dawn tomorrow.

Stores are open generally but with no electric for most of the work day everything is done with calculators or an abacus. Lighting for most of the stores on our side of the ditch is by candle when electric is off.

Internet is very spotty, generally off more than on. We have two servers, one as a backup for the other. You guessed it, when one is down the other is down. When this mess is over both will be minus at least one customer as we will find two servers who don’t, regardless of their protestations otherwise, use the same feed.

When I made mention of the populace being calm at the moment that was a generality. Bankomats do not work now and banks are on short hours, only open when power is on. Today we had to run out to get bread and wine and on the way back we passed a bank near the big ferry landing. There must have been 50 people lined up at the door or the outdoor bankomat and as we passed an altercation broke out in the line for the bankomat. I don’t know what started it or what the result was but it was violent.

We are fortunate. I bought a generator 10 years ago when we first started work on the shell of a house we bought and I am writing this post as the generator is working away. Our side of the harbor is completely dark at this time but one can see 2 other houses lit up on obvious generator power. Only two.

All hospitals either had generators, few, or the Navy has promptly installed their huge wheeled generators at the hospitals, the many. Schools and many government offices are closed. Police patrols have increased in light of the situation. Our Navy is gone, they are off the coast of Syria at this time and several of our specialist units are at Latakya Airbase for security. The Navy and Army are taking care of the families of their deployed servicemen. Water Service has generators, compliments again of the Navy, to keep water supplied. Natural gas is no problem, again the Navy comes through.

Bottom line, we will survive, it’s just another hardship to bear for many of the citizens. Krimea itself is in far worse condition than we are, many towns and villages have had no power since the lines were dropped on Sunday.

by Auslander Sevastopol Crimea, RF