Dear friends,

I hope that somebody from our community could draw the following map for me:

Take a (non-copyrighted) map of the world and show how far a line 1000km away from the Russian border would reach? A simple map of Russia with the Russian border clearly indicated and then a second “border” 1000km away from the real border would be perfect.
I would like to have a picture to show what is less than 1000km away from Russia and what is closer than 1000km from Russia.  So the result would be to show Russia and her border projected 1000km away in all directions (I hope that this is clear enough).
Ideally, the map should be big enough to be able to be zoomed in but there is no need for much detail.  A level of detail similar to the one found on this map should be enough.  Another option would be to use this Google map:
Map of Russia
Anyway – if you can help with that, please email me at
Thanks a lot!
The Saker
UPDATE: I wanted to you let you know that I just have been contacted by, I kid you not, a professional Earth Scientist and GIS analyst (!) who very kindly has agreed to help me.  I am confident that he will make the map I need. Yet again our *amazing* community has provided exactly the help I needed.  Where would I be without all of you!!  :-)