by Ruslan Ostashko


Translated and captioned by Leo.



A series of high-profile statements broke out in Seoul after Russian and Chinese aircraft conducted joint patrols over the Sea of Japan. South Koreans, licking American boots, tried to pretend to be “tough guys,” but it didn’t work out very well.
As the self-styled world hegemon weakens, the attempts of its vassals in depicting their geopolitical significance cause more and more ridicule. A typical example is South Korea.
At the end of 2013, when the Maidan was already raging in Kiev, and the impudence of the United States seemed to have no limits, Seoul unilaterally expanded the so-called “air defense identification zone” to include islands in the Sea of Japan.
“Having recalled their initial plans to expand the air defense identification zone, Seoul again decided that it was time to firmly defend their interests. Of course the true courage of Korea had added support from the United States.”

More than five years passed, the next crisis around the DPRK was over, which showed that the hegemon was, in general, naked, and then something happened on July 23rd this year.

“South Korea blames Russia for violating its airspace. According to Seoul, the Russian A-50 aircraft twice entered the airspace over the Sea of Japan in the area of the Dokdo Islands (the Japanese name is Takeshima). The F-15K and F-16K fighters flew out to intercept it, and after radio messages, they fired 20 flares and gave 360 warning shots from a machine gun. In addition, South Korea said that several hours before that, two Chinese aircraft had flown in its air defense identification zone, and then returned with two Russian Tu-95s. This flight lasted about 25 minutes, the South Korean military says.”
That is, Russian and Chinese bombers made joint patrols in the zone, which South Korea unilaterally declared its airspace. Seoul jumped out of indignation and expelled the fighters.
And at the same time they raised the hype in the media through its news agency “Yonhap”. The answer came immediately:

“The military attache of the Republic of Korea was given a note because of the illegal and dangerous actions of the crews of South Korean aircraft, said Commander of Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Air Force, Lieutenant-General Sergei Kobylash. ‘According to our info, violating the objective control of the airspace of South Korea and Japan is not allowed. The aircraft group’s closest to them were more than 25 kilometers from the islands. This can be clearly seen on the data presented on the screen. Therefore, the actions of South Korean crews should be regarded as air hooliganism.’”

That is, Seoul is culturally sent in a certain direction. Moreover, speaking synchronously with the Chinese.
“Military aircraft of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China did not violate the airspace of other countries during joint patrols over the Sea of Japan, spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of the People’s Republic of China Wu Qian told a news conference on Wednesday. Commenting on the incident, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Hua Chunying, said that the identification zone South Korean air defense is not the airspace of this country, everyone has the right to freedom of flying there.”

That is, Moscow and Beijing are nightmares for an American vassal together through agreements. And this is happening against the background of the preparations for the conclusion of a agreement between the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the Ministry of Defense of the PRC on military cooperation.
The fact that the negotiations will still be ongoing, is already known officially.

The idea of the Russian-Chinese military alliance acquires specifics. And from these specifics, the nervous systems of the Washington oinkers in Southeast Asia are already beginning to fail.
Washington itself, by the way, will soon not be thinking about hegemony. The reasons are trivial: The Pentagon is having difficulty recruiting personnel.
“The strongest personnel crisis of the American Army in recent years has sparked a debate in the US about a possible reduction in the draft age to 16 years,” The Washington Times reports. “Critics argue that such a measure will lead to a decrease in the combat capability and cohesion of the armed forces. Meanwhile, 13 countries of the world have already reduced the draft age to 16 years – among them, for example, the United Kingdom.”

Do you know why 16 year olds want to be allowed to enter into contracts? The reason is just beautiful.
“According to Sandboxx’s marketing director, Shane McCarthy, unsuitability factors for service (for example, criminal records) are much less common among adolescents aged 15 to 17 years. According to the US Department of Justice, the number of arrests among teenagers between 18 and 20 years old is twice as high as among teenagers between 15 and 17 years old.”
That is, the American youth is rapidly marginalized and slipping into crime. AUE in full growth, and it is necessary to quickly recruit the jerks into the army, until they had time to get convictions. Otherwise – the case of seams.
“According to The Washington Times, last year for the first time in the last ten years, the American Army failed to fulfill the draft plan: less than 70,000 recruits instead of the planned 76,500 joined the armed forces. This year the army command intends to achieve its goals, but acknowledges that the situation with the call is harder than ever.”

The ragged hegemon has problems, South Korea has the highest suicide rate in the world and a demographic catastrophe, but out of habit they puff out their cheeks, believing that they can still afford it. They can’t.
Another 10 years, and no war is needed. The United States will simply abandon its Asian vassals, rolling back to the stupidly annexed Hawaii in 1898.
And then they will go further into their hole, while Russia and China will become the guarantors of stability, first in strategically important regions, and then on the planet as a whole.
As they say, remember this tweet.