by Scott Humor

THESAKER News June 14, 2017

A Russian Soyuz rocket launches the robotic  Progress 67 cargo ship for Roscosmos into orbit

Soyuz launches Progress supply ship on June 14, 2017. (Credit: Roscosmos)

BAIKONUR SPACE CENTER, Kazakhstan, June 14, 2017 (Roscosmos PR) — The launch vehicle (LV) Soyuz-2.1a with cargo spacecraft Progress МS-06 successfully lifted off from Baikonur Space Center at 12:20 MT.

According the flight program, the first three stages of Soyuz-2.1a have taken the cargo spacecraft into low orbit just short of eight minutes and forty-eight seconds after liftoff. Korolev Mission Control Center specialists have taken the further Progress MS-06 flight to ISS under control.

According to telemetry data, the spacecraft insertion into low-Earth orbit and separation from the third stage of the launch vehicle occurred on schedule, deployment of all antennas and solar array panels was detected immediately after the separation. Systems and assemblies of the spacecraft operate normally.

The docking of Progress MS-06 to ISS module Zvezda is scheduled at 14:42 MT June 16, 2017. The ISS docking process will be in automatic mode under control of Russian ISS commander Feodor YURCHIKHIN and specialists of Russian ISS segment flight control group in Korolev MCC.

The vehicle will deliver to the ISS about 2.5 tons of various cargo, including «dry» cargo, propellant in the combined propulsion system and refueling system tanks, water and compressed gases.



Over 70 small satellites will be orbited by a Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket together with a Fregat booster as associated payload under the Kanopus-V-IK space mission, Glavcosmos, the Russian operator of launch services, said on its website on Wednesday.
The satellites will differ by their format: from space vehicles of the 1U CubeSat type to micro-satellites weighing up to 120 kilograms to be launched in the interests of foreign customers from the United States, Germany, Japan, Canada and Norway.


GENEVA, June 13. /TASS/. More than 10,000 people have been killed and about 24,000 injured in Ukraine since the conflict in the east began in mid-April, 2014, the UN’s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said in a quarterly report on Ukraine, published in Kiev and Geneva on Tuesday.

However, Poroshenko says that he is against stopping the Ukrainian war on Donbass.

Petro Poroshenko’s press center issued a statement in which Poroshenko promises to come up with a new law on “reintegration of Donbass.”  He says that the war on Donbass will be continued, as a part of the defense of Ukraine. He also stated that the reintegration of Donbass shows some positive results, among them the named the sanctions on Russia.


Since the Ukraine now is an associated member of the European Union, and the Kiev authorities have been conducting a war on the Russian population of Ukraine for the last three years without any concern from the Western European nations, it brings up a question that might be at the center of a new lawsuit against the NATO members who bombed Serbia in 1999: are the Western countries conducting the genocide of the Slavic people?

‘Up to 15 tons of depleted uranium used in 1999 Serbia bombing’ – lead lawyer in suit against NATO

“The NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999 used between 10 and 15 tons of depleted uranium, which caused a major environmental disaster,” said Srdjan Aleksic, a Serbian lawyer who leads the legal team, which includes lawyers from the EU, Russia, China and India. The legal team was formed by the Serbian Royal Academy of Scientists and Artists.

“In Serbia, 33,000 people fall sick because of this every year. That is one child every day,” he claimed.

When asked as of why Serbia has decided to sue NATO 19 years after the attacks, the lawyer said “considering the horrific consequences for our population… it is never too late to sue someone who has caused an environmental catastrophe, someone [who] bombed Serbia with a quasi-nuclear weapon, i.e. depleted uranium.”

The Serbian lawyer says 19 countries that were part of NATO at the time need to pay compensation for “for the financial and non-financial damages… to all the citizens who died or fell sick as a proven result of the NATO bombing.”


Codenamed “Operation Allied Force,” it was the largest attack ever undertaken by the alliance and the first time that NATO used military force without the approval of the UN Security Council and against a sovereign nation that did not pose a real threat to any member of the alliance.

In the course of the campaign, NATO launched 2,300 missiles at almost 1,000 targets and dropped 14,000 bombs, including depleted uranium bombs and cluster munitions.

More than 2,000 civilians were killed, including 88 children, and thousands more were injured. Over 200,000 ethnic Serbs were forced to leave their homeland in Kosovo.

The official NATO operation code name was Operation Allied Force; the United States called it Operation Noble Anvil.

Countries who bombed Serbia













     United Kingdom

     United States


We can see that none of these countries was a Slavic country. However, they got together to bomb a defenseless Slavic nation and called this operation “noble anvil.” An anvil is a cast-iron block with a hard surface on which another object is struck. “Noble” this is a term that the Western Europeans have using to describe their wars on the Slavic nations. The term directly implies that a murder of the Slavic people is somehow a “dignifying act.”

In conjunction with this upcoming lawsuit, many in Russia suggest that time has come when we have to address an issue of the genocide of the Slavic people that the Western non-Slavic nations have been conducting all through the 20th century and at the first quarter of the 21st century.

On June 14th, while answering the question about the anti-Russia sanctions proposed by the US Congress, Vyacheslav Volodin, a Chairman of the State Duma, explained that the Western countries use the economic anti-Russia sanctions due to the Western genetic repulsion towards the Slavic people. He literally said, due to their “pathological hatred towards Slavic nations.”


The Moscow Times translated as “Sanctions Are Result of West’s ‘Contempt’ For Slavs.”

“This goes far beyond anything reasonable,” Volodin said, adding “those who stand behind these sanctions can be suspected of fighting against the Slavs.”

The statement comes after U.S. President Donald Trump proposed extending sanctions against Belarus yesterday and U.S. senators reached a bipartisan agreement on the extension and expansion of sanctions against Russia that would target Russia’s oil and gas export.

Leaving for Minsk to preside over the Russia-Belarus Union State Parliamentary Assembly, Volodin asked journalists:“You have to ask them why they so genetically dislike Slavic people”.

He also added that this kind of treatment of the Slavic nations won’t end well.

RoSsi BaRBeRa, one of the most insightful political analysts in Russia, just has posted his polite question to President Putin…

Good health to you, Vladimir Vladimirovich.

I have a short question, but one that has a tremendous value for at least four generations of the Russian people.

It is well known that the entire world is stubbornly ignores the other side of the Second world war in which the Nazis had committed the monstrous acts of genocide of the Slavic people. The West is fanning an issue of the Holocaust, which consists in the destruction of one third of all Jews, but at the same time nothing is being said about how many Russian people were killed. And this despite the fact that the number of killed Slavs by far exceeds the number of killed Jews, and they themselves, and Europe and the rest of the world were liberated by no one, but the Russian soldiers.

It’s not difficult to understand why the West refuses to recognize the Russian Holocaust.  What is a big mystery to most people in our country, why don’t we insist on them to do so.

Where are the world museums of Russian, Serbian, Belarusian and, in general, museums of the Holocaust of the Slavic nations? Where are repayments (at least morally) from our “friends and partners” for so much suffering and great sacrifice what they inflicted upon us? Unfortunately, there is nothing at all.

Mr. President, like many citizens of our country, I would very much like to see something being done.

It’s time for us to decide on this key issue for the future of our country and nation.  It’s time for our state to seriously demand from the world to recognize the genocide of the Slavic people that took place.”

RoSsi BaRBeRa


Call it anything you want, an intense hatred, dislike, prejudice or racism, but  the Western attitude towards Slavic nations doesn’t go unnoticed.

The following video is a Chinese vision of the situation in Europe, as

Europe is being crashed by the Farewell of Slavianka.



Firework in Syria to thank Russia for the liberation of their country


Moscow will give an “adequate response” to US attempts to deploy missile defense elements near its borders, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in the second part of The Putin Interviews documentary, aired by Showtime.

“We will keep this strategic balance. Balance is a very important thing,” he said.

The Russian president said that US missile defense facilities, currently being deployed in the Mediterranean Sea, in Eastern Europe and other regions can be transformed into strike facilities “in minutes, maybe in a few hours.”

“Practically the entire territory of Russia will be surrounded by these systems,” Putin said. “In fact, this is another great strategic mistake by our partners. Because Russia will give an adequate response to all these actions.”

“At the same time, our response will be a lot cheaper,” he has stressed.


All the “Topols-M” and “YARSs”

The Russia’s MOD reports about that this summer maneuvers planed to be conducted in the framework of the summer training program. However, the number involved in this drill is unusual: ten missile regiments with 90 launchers, almost the entire Arsenal of ballistic missiles for mobile ground complexes.

Russian Art

Dmitrii Semenovich Stelletsky (Russian, 1875-1947) ‘The Fox Hunt’

Russian Summer in London auction gives a rare glimpse at the works of art in private collections

Crimea earns a premium at Russian art week but Aivazovsky’s “greeting to an American ship” fails to sell



Scott Humor

Director of Research and Development

author of The enemy of the State

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