Slowly the ability of the Russians to get information out to the world, while their internet infrastructure is still being heavily DDoS’ed, is improving.

🎙 Russia’s Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia’s explanation of vote ( following UNSC vote on a draft resolution calling an emergency special session of the General Assembly:

💬 Russia voted against the proposed draft resolution, because its authors offer to concede that Security Council is not able to uphold its main responsibility for maintaining international peace and security. The draft has no slightest hint of an attempt to find a constructive solution within the Council. Two days ago, we vetoed another draft resolution for the same reason – it was lopsided and misbalanced. This time we saw no new initiatives either.

❗️ The United Nations and the Security Council were created in a post-war period so that to avoid scourge of a new war. To achieve this, the world’s powers consented to make agreements, ideally – find consensus, but in any case – never attempt imposing their decisions upon each other or try to ignore the interests of any of P5 members. That is why the Security Council envisages a right for permanent member states to veto its decisions. This is not a privilege, but a tool for ensuring the balance of interests, which the world needs so badly, and ensuring global stability through this balance. An attempt to disregard the position of Russia and ignore it contradicts the very basics of the UN Charter. What we need is not push forward such schemes, but try and find points of contact, no matter how hard our Western partners try to evade this, for example when ignoring our legitimate concerns with regard to NATO’s policy and actions of Western states who undermined basic OSCE principles about the indivisibility of security.

Now we need to focus on correcting the situation that led to this crisis that we are living through. It did not start when Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine. It started much earlier, when you spent 8 years pretending to not notice crimes of Ukrainian nationalists in Donbass. And again, today you found no words of sympathy for the people of Donbass.

👉 It is the houses in Donbass that were destroyed by nationalists and Ukraine’s armed forces that Western media most often brazenly present as consequences of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine.

At this meeting, we again hear lies and fakes about indiscriminate bombardments of Ukrainian cities, hospitals, and schools.

Russian military pose no threat to Ukraine’s peaceful citizens, they do not fire at peaceful facilities. What does pose a threat is Ukrainian nationalists who in fact hold the people of Ukraine as hostages, using them as a human shield. There is numerous evidence, disseminated by ordinary Ukrainians, proving that nationalists, despite people’s protests, deploy heavy equipment and multiple rocket launchers in residential quarters. This is a blatant violation of the international humanitarian law that must be duly condemned. Basically it is the same tactics as that of ISIL terrorists. All responsibility for possible consequences rests with the Maidan regime.

Another thing that threatens the people of Ukraine is uncontrolled distribution of weapons by radicals and the authorities to all those who are ready to have them, including criminals that have been released from prisons. Those guns already shoot in the hands of burglars and plunderers.

Numerous proofs of that can be easily found on social media. Those are posted by the dwellers of Kiev and other cities. This demonstrates the irresponsible approach of the Ukrainian authorities to its citizens.

Today we witness an information war on Russia in social media. Since there are no proofs that Russian military destroy civilian infrastructure, Ukrainian strikes and occasional hits are presented as such, as well as photo and video footage from Donbass that again depict crimes committed by Ukrainian nationalists. Besides, in social media one can easily find tutorials that teach how to shoot fakes that should defile our special operation. All in all, there are 1.2 million such fakes in Ukrainian social media.