Putin accusing Turkey of buying oil from ISIS, and Jewish Lobby accusing Erdogan’s son making a fortune by buying and selling ISIS oil. But have you heard of Israel buying oil from ISIS? Well, Israel’s Wall Street mouthpiece, The Globe, did admit that on November 30, 2015.
removed link to Rehmat personal website … edging close to spam – mod-hs
The PM – who coincidentally admitted to giving the order to shoot down the jet rushes to Azerbaijan. The question is will the Azeri’s put a target on their own back by dealing with the current Turkish Govt? Dangerous for them – I hope they don’t and stay close to Iran/Russia/China and out of this.
Those EU countries which are cullpable must be desperate to cover it up – no doubt we will hear lots of denials about having any evidence……Oh Germany has already started just like US State Department……
They are signing their own death warrants by that. If war does come they’ll pay a stern price because of that. The old saying is always true “you lay down with dogs,you get fleas”.
It seems Russia has chosen Syria to make a stand. Every time US or its proxies escalate, so does Russia. US has to either backdown or escalate all the way to a major war.
Force projection – how far is it across Russia from west to east? Russia holds snap exercises moving forces this distance. Much closer to Syria.
The ground Russia has chosen is right on Israels doorstep. The Israeli leadership is crazy but Israel survival and expansion is what they are about. Do they want lots of stray bullets and possibly nukes from the coming dustup to be flying about in their neighbourhood?
Perhaps Israel will be putting pressure on the US to backdown?
Russia Israel relation with respect to Syria appear to be surprisingly good. I haven’t heard of many anti-Russian statements or propaganda coming from Israel recently.
Israel hates what Russia is doing in Syria, but, it will not confront Russia directly.
Because Israel, is really a bully, and like all buĺlies, they are wary of picking a fight with those who can fight back.
Whatever disagreenents with Russia – for the most part- will be out-sourced to surrogates like the US and the UK etc.
Harbor no illusions, Russia’s biggest opponent in Syria right now is Israel.
But it gets the US and others to confront Russia on its behalf. Stealth and deception, with behind the scenes pressure applied by big money lobby groups are the hallmarks of Israeli statecraft.
It is not the US and its allies that are insisting that ” Assad must go”, it is Israel.You might not want to believe this, but thats how it is….
@Because Israel, is really a bully, and like all buĺlies, they are wary of picking a fight with those who can fight back.
You should rephrase: “they are wary of picking a fight with those who CAN’T fight back”.
I can’t imagine that Israel entertains the illusion that the Russians are in that category.
Yes, but wizoz your correction makes it sound like Israel is scared of picking a fight with those who can’t fight back…rather than, always picking a fight with those who don’t have the money to buy military industrial equipment like the Palestinians…except that ~~~
Palestinians always fight back because they’re gutsy Arabs …Yayayay
“Perhaps Israel will be putting pressure on the US to backdown” ?
Don’t be fooled by Israel. They are as much behind the regime change “project” in Syria as Erdogan is. It is well documented even by the UN itself the intimate relations Israel has with the head choppers operating in Syria. They provide assistance wherever they can to the rabid jihadists even to the point of conducting bombing raids on the Syrian Arab Army whenever the islamofascists are under pressure from them, they treat the wounded rats in their hospitals in Israel and Im pretty sure provide them with weapons and other logistics support too.
You have never for once heard of al-Qaeda or ISIS taking any action whatsoever against Israel or even threatening them in any shape or form.
Israel is in this up to its eyeballs alongside the usual suspects, they just keep it ultra low profile is all.
They pretty much have to. Any supposed muslim-fanatic organization that was obviously backed by Israel would have maybe a tiny bit of difficulty attracting recruits.
That said, I’m not sure Israel wants to see a winner in this. They love ISIS causing trouble and making Syria grind to a halt. They might not be quite so happy with ISIS as the new Syrian government. If chaos is, to a fair extent, the US brand, it’s even more Israel’s brand; the more chaos, the weaker everyone around them is. But if someone goes and wins, that’s a problem for them; stability might break out, and the winner would no longer need them and probably wouldn’t like them.
To those who stand a bit of astrological contemplation on politics:
I like to point at the synchronicity of the great constellation of the ejector Mars in square/opposition
with the heavenly square of 2013 – 2015 between sacrificer Pluto and man-god Uranus.
Mars is not only the aggressor and ejector, he is also the revealer of the hidden by birth into the light of the day. So the revelations of the Russian MOD appearing “straight in time” – even the promised details at the peak of the constellation next week.
Russia works with the gods.
The Russians and Americans have been fully aware of this for years yet the Russians said nothing until Turkey shot down their plane. Why did they wait so long?
The US was complicit because they knew their ally Turkey was engaged in funding ISIS through the sale of stolen Syrian oil. The Russian’s were complicit because they knew all about it from day one and said nothing until now.
Because as long as Turkey was behaving as a friend (somewhat),it was better to not spill the beans. Russia also thought it would be useful information to hold if Turkey stopped being a friend.
As I put in a comment a few days ago, Russia would have been working diplomatically behind the scenes to get Erdogan to back away from ISIS with no loss of face. Much better if something like that can be done diplomatically rather than militarily.
Erdo wouldn’t play so Russia bombed his oil convoys. Next Erdo shoots down a Russian plane. now Russia has sanctions on Turkey which was a major trading partner.
Would have been much better if Turkey had of used the diplomatic door that Russia/Putin opened for them.
They did not do anything because they were waiting for the right moment when the veil of “plausible deniability” would be lifted and the culprits caught red-handed.
Unmasking the Hegemon: Oh, and this is just the first section of the expose. I await the publishing of world banking records which will probably be the last act of this wonderful presentation.
All right, sir, let me ask you one simple question: Do you, Ambassador Çevik, deny that Turkey has purchased and is purchasing oil from the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) in Syria? Yes or no—don’t wait for the translation—yes or no?
To which Zorin should have replied, “Yes, You have been pointing your Jupiter C missiles at our country the USSR, all the while keeping it a secret. Yes or No?
The US is extremely worried and extremely incompetent. I recently watch the latest Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing with Joseph Dunford (CJCS) highest commander in the US military and Ashton Carter Defense Secretary and Head of the Pentagon. It appears to me to be a case of Dumber and Dumber extraordinaire.
When asked by one of the senators to Carter to quote “can you confirm the CJCS is still supplying weapons to the moderate rebels” Carter umed and aaahed and then gave him a blank look and said “I am not familiar with that acronym” and looked directly at Dunford (the CJCS) who had been sitting beside him for the past 2 hours. No shit.
If that isn’t bad enough he was then asked by Tulsi Gabbard “how many nuclear warheads does Russia have aimed at us and how many do we have aimed at Russia” he did it again, uummed and aahhed then said “I DON’T KNOW, I’ll have to get back to you that” this is the head of the Pentagon?????????????? WTF Dunford piped up at that stage and said “Russia has a massive nuclear arsenal” he mentioned nothing about the US but did look rather worried.
Putin is a very legalistic guy. Could have been a great District Attorney or Prosecutor in any legal system.
He’s pissed off and that is not a good thing for the Turks.
A nice apology and signing up for the Turkish Stream, and shutting down ISIS will seem like a small price to these Islamic Turk government officials who think they are going to get away with murder.
Imagine the culprits responsible for 224 dead Russians on the downed airliner. Putin will uproot whole nations (Qatar) to get to the source of that crime.
“Imagine the culprits responsible for 224 dead Russians on the downed airliner. Putin will uproot whole nations (Qatar) to get to the source of that crime.”
Red Ryder, this comment, and those like it, I believe to be exaggerative, thoughtless, and unfortunate. I think it important to consider that all wars kill countless number of innocents – women, children, the elderly, etc., no matter how sophisticated and carefully directed the munitions. What is worse, these horrific effects are witnessed by thousands of men and young men who swear on the graves of their relatives to kill those who have murdered their loved ones. Thus, the revenge that is contemplated in this statement against the people of Qatar will simply beget more war, but in this case it would be against Russia. Where will it all end?
Qatar.. isn’t that where the film was produced that faked Tripoli, Libya’s fall/attack by rebels? if so we could also call them film producers…or was it Dubai?
It will end when these people learn they wont get away with it any longer.
Wimpout just wont cut it anymore. Times have changed.
Becides wouldnt these people be more upset with them that caused the mess then
the ones that ended it.
Rupert, no matter what Russia does the Fascist International is determined to destroy it, split the country into fragments and pillage its riches. These are insatiably greedy psychopaths who live to kill and destroy. The world has, inevitably, reached the situation where these forces of Evil must be destroyed, or they will destroy every independent society on Earth. The fascists NEVER negotiate in good faith, and must NEVER be trusted. That was true of the Islamofascist Erdogan, as it is of al-Sisi in Egypt, trained and supported by the USA, and declared a ‘hero of the Jewish people’ by a visiting Israeli minister. Trusting al-Sisi would be a fatal error.
“The close working relationship between Ukraine, Turkey and the ISIS and al Nusra terror groups will now focus the real and covert investigation into the downing of the other Russian aircraft, the Airbus 321 with 224 passengers and crew on Turkey and Ukraine and not Israel and Saudi Arabia, as so many Western intelligence agencies had carefully leaked”
A commentator on SyrPer has something similar on the Airbus A321. He doesn’t give a link.
not verified, but something I saw on another place
“O.k folks, my dad just told me something in the Arabic news paper which could be true, apparently the Egyptians have concluded that the bomb placed in the Russia airliner must have been placed in it before it landed in Egypt, and where did this plane land before Egypt? Turkey, if true Erdoghan is in big big trouble.”
Abadi said hours later that any such deployment would require his government’s consent, comments that may have been made for public consumption at home.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry maintained on Wednesday that the Iraqi government had been fully briefed on the plans and said the two governments would consult closely on operational details…
…..Resistance to any expansion of the U.S. role in the country, no matter how limited or gradual, stems in part from absolute mistrust among Iraqis and their leaders of Washington’s intentions.
Naji said he feared that once deployed, U.S. special forces might eventually turn their attention to pursuing Hashid Shaabi commanders and key Shi’ite politicians, some of whom are on the U.S. terrorism watch list…
Off topic but good news.
Putin just arrived in Krimea. He visited “KrimeaEnergo” company and turned on first part of Kuban-Krimea line on recently build power brige.
This event involved only the test of the first cable, actual activation will be in another week or ten days. Until then we are where we were yesterday.
The BBC, in its ‘comment free’ web page, basically had its foreign correspondent call Russia “liars” over this issue. Anyone thinking British forces are heading to Syria (actually, they have always been in the region in Qatar, Jordan, Turkey and Israel) to “help” Russia is a total fool. The great Western powers (Germany included) are all going to Syria in readiness for the coming war between Russia and Turkey, to ensure that war rapidly evolves into Russia vs The West.
ISIS is a creation of the West, just as the NSA and GCHQ spy on every piece of electronic communication, and have done so for decades now. People who proclaimed the latter before Snowden were derided as tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy nut-cases. Today, the same psy-op is used against those that state clearly the origins and purpose of ISIS.
ISIS is first and foremost British created. It is Britain that made the modern Middle East and it is Britain, via old Empire contacts, that has the greatest influence in Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel and Turkey. The USA doesn’t come close to having the same ‘deep’ clout. But the British monsters, led by Tony Blair, use the power and rabid pro-zionist of the people that control the USA to get the plans properly underway. The British monsters win by apparently lacking the visible infrastructure, making fools dismiss them as ‘harmless’.
I recall years and years ago as a kid, when current affairs programs on British independent TV ran exposes of mega-extremist Islamic schools being set-up in Pakistan by apparently respectable British businessmen. The producers of the show could not understand why anyone would want to do such a thing. This was before Russia ‘invaded’ Afghanistan, and very conveniently provided the extremists that would fight the Russians there, and then go on to become the ‘Taliban’. British monsters understand the idea of ‘long term planning’ better than any other body in Human history.
Tony Blair invaded Iraq precisely to create the circumstances from which ISIS could arise. Scholars of ISIS know its upper tier western trained leaders are not Islamic extremists, but secular Sunni military officers from armed forces apparently destroyed by invasions by US led forces. ISIS was ‘gifted’ to Saudi Arabia with the promise of spreading Wahhabi influence across the Middle East, North Africa and Asia in partnership with Israel (Israel has always deemed modern secular muslim states to be its greatest enemy).
Better thinkers see the Wahhabi zionist thing as a distraction hiding the true purpose of events- namely creating the right circumstances for a World War. Eugenicists and left-leaning ‘social scientists’ in the USA have been calling for a serious culling of the Human population for decades now. They want our numbers to be three billion or less- something only a World War can accomplish. And yes, such desires sound like the mad fantasies of a James Bond Villain, but many of America’s richest and most powerful people want to see the culling in their lifetime.
We know Putin and the Russian leadership don’t want this outcome, but they are being gradually manoeuvred into a position where they will play their part perfectly.
You articulate my grave un-ease about the perfidious Anglo’s “going to fight IS”.
The Brits especially – who skulk in the shadow of their ‘merican military juggernaut, but have never changed their spots since the Opium Wars, and are committed to their ZioStan Hitlerian scale ambition expansion colony need for neoSykes Picot fragmentation & depopulation of all it’s neighbours.
Well, what have the Anglo’s been doing for the past 14+ months “fighting IS” ..as we witnessed greatest gains being made by these proxy forces ? What will be different now?
Apart from flattening Kobane (for a future gas hub?!), the most accurate hits have been ‘accidental’ arms drops …amidst reports of helicopters transporting terrorist leaders around Iraq, and Iraqi troops ‘accidently’ led into ambush .. not once, but several times.
Whilst in Syria, what’s been killed are grain silos, Aleppo electric power station … and Brits admitting having SAS ‘infiltrated’ behind IS gloves and masks as well as doing back door bombing in Syria.
I don’t trust France either.
Apart from leading the fray in the beyond heinous obliteration of Libya (and grabbing the aquifer water project there), 5yrs they have flown their colonial ‘FSA’ flag, had Legionnaires in there alongside ‘moderate cannibals’, feted the Orwellean termed ‘Friend’s of Syria’ group as fondly as the Brits have; sold billions worth of weapons to the ‘Friends of Syria’ funders of the Wahhabi invaders …. and still categorical about ‘Assad must go’..
An instant complete about face based on a ‘manufactured consent’ 1311 terror event .. hmmm? … or a NATO Trojan Horse … Along with Germany sending over 1000 ‘advisers’ (???) so we have AngloZioNATO amassing in middle east to fight …. Who?!
If these NATO parties are under orders from Dr Strangelove / Breedlove, I cannot see ‘IS’ being their priority target.
But sure hope I’m wrong.
I find myself praying a lot these days.
Of course the whole of NATO has been behind ISIS and all the other rat-groups fighting against Syria and Iraq. In other news, water is wet.
This is how the pawns are currently moving:
a) Turkish armor, artillery and infantry are massing on at least two parts of the Turkish-Syrian border. Some sources say up to 55,000 Turkish troops with some of their best tank regiments.
b) US 6th Fleet moving in the region.
c) Around 16 British Tornadoes.
d) French Aircraft carrier, along with a couple dozen Rafales.
e) 1500 German “advisers”.
Theoretically, we can also add all the other assets at the disposal of NATO-GCC-Israel in the region and we can see that Russia is badly outgunned, even if a couple more air bases are opened and more troops, weaponry and missile systems are brought in.
So, what are the aims of the NATO build-up?
a) As rumors on the internet have exploded in relation to NATO’s support for ISIS, they must show themselves to be doing something for the sheeple in Europe and North America.
b) Keep Russian forces in check.
c) The US/UK/FR air forces will probably provide air cover for a Turkish invasion of Northern Syria with the aim of establishing their longed-for safe haven for the jihadi-mercenary proxies.
d) The German “advisers” will possibly be acting as human shields for the Turkish soldiers. As Russia is trying to push through Nord Stream II, this complicates things even more for Russia.
There is even the possibility that NATO is gearing for a major false-flag/escalation so as to get rid of Russian forces from the region, or even force Russia into a forceful response that will terrify the populations of the West.
Things are moving fast and we are merely trying to predict. Time will tell.
Russia needs to counter the moves of Germany & UK and fast.
There is still time – probably – one would doubt they’ll set the whole lot of fireworks off in or around Christmas, but early in the New Year – watch out.
I would suggest moving Russian tactical nukes to Syria to use against any force invading Syria uninvited, or any State which is an aggressor towards Russian or Syrian assets in theatre.
Make the consequences clear and present and dangerous and the costs high.
Clearly the West is at present not put off by any Russian deterrent in the region and believes Russia will lie down meekly and accept whatever outcome is handed to them.
If Russia wants to avoid that fate, they should stand up now and make clear the costs will be far higher than posited in Western capitals.
I think the nations rushing to join Turkey will do their best to scuttle Russian plans for the short term but will eventually hang the Turks out to dry — same as everyone else who aspires to deal profitably with the devil.
I think this will also be the fate of Israel.
Perfidious Albion indeed. It will be the UK which delivers the nuke that ultimately destroys the Zionist colony. I know it sounds crazy but when you know who is responsible for the enactment of the final solution then you’ll better understand why things are not necessarily so hopeless.
The mass cull of humanity is already underway, via slow kill methods at home including gmo, ‘generic’ pharma and unavoidable chemicals which selectively sterilize mostly the middle and lower classes, such as BHA on receipts or the carefully designed chemicals added to processed food.
It will be the joos of course who are blamed and while they may earn an appropriately disproportionate quantity of blame they are not the primary instigators of the Anglo-Zionist strategy for genocide on a planetary scale.
This is why the term Anglo-Zionist, coined by Saker and resisted by so many, is so very, very important for our fight to save ourselves, as it fingers the main culprits in this maniacal plan to exterminate the weak and the meek.
When the targetted assassinations of select individuals becomes far more endemic, it will become apparent that the Israelis have turned on the AZ elite. Whether the number is 80, 300 or 1/10th of the One Percent, when these guys begin dying you will know this awful game is nearing its end.
Knowingly or unknowingly, this is the path Putin must walk if he is to achieve victory against the AZ worshippers of the ‘light.’
Well we know it was the British SAS controlling the mercenaries in Libya and Putin said nato special forces were the ones who killed the body guards of Gadhafi after which he was handed over to the terrorists. So those who need to know already knows this. It is only the brain washed westerners who think their government is doing gods work.. It is just amazing but it shows that no matter how intelligent you are and what level your education is, common sense and critical thinking are not part of what gives you the smarts.. That ability needs that small link where you can put 2 and 2 together to see a whole picture.. Seems the vast majority of humans do not have this little ability.
Watch out for the attack on one of the French, US, UK, German warships in the Eastern Mediterranean by the Syria Arab Army!!! (SAA to blame!)
NATO Article 5 invoked immediately against Syria and all it’s allies – including of course Russia.
Turkey then immediately closes the Bosphorus and woopee – we’re there. What do Russia do in that scenario? They are basically cornered and forced to escalate once the Bosphorus is closed.
Oh, and who actually attacked the French, US, UK, German warship? Oh, probably Turkey or Israel of course.
I can see this happening Q1 2016 almost certainly.
How to prevent it?
I can think of a few possibilities.
Overt stationing of tactical nukes in Syria to defend the Syrian Government – with the express promise that they will be used should Assad be attacked against any aggressor.
The stationing of 50,000 Chinese troops in Syria to give China “skin in the game”. Like the US troops in South Korea. If the West/ NATO is 100% aware they have to go through China to carry out their plans, they may reconsider because it seems like it’s full steam ahead at the moment.
Why wouldn’t China do this? Well, looking from the Chinese point of view, they want Russia as an ally, but also, if Qatar gets to build that pipeline to Europe that cuts Russian gas out of Europe – suddenly negotiating those gas contracts with Russia becomes a hell of a lot easier doesn’t it. Given that – I wouldn’t trust Chinese intentions vis-a-vis Syria one bit until they prove their commitment to multi-polarity by putting their skin in the game with a battalion of troops and some warships in the Eastern Mediterranean.
What else could be done? Phone calls to the weak-kneed Europeon leaders Francois Hollande and Angela Merkel just to warn/ threaten them that if a conflict breaks out between Russia & NATO their legacy will include the smoking piles of radioactive ash in place of the once great cities of Paris & Berlin (and others) that they will be responsible for.
There are a few things Russia can do, but I also feel time is short. Early in the New Year strikes me as a great time to launch this whole conflict, and at present, Russia remains in a very vulnerable position without overt Chinese support and without a firm belief in Western capitals that Russia has a nuclear deterrent and will use it.
I can foresee that their gamble is if the conflict is contained to Syria Russia will not dare use their nuclear weapons.
I would also add, Russia should firmly tell Western leaders that if they decide it’s alright to launch an attack on Syria, Russia will immediately send their tanks to Kiev.
China won’t fight unless they are directly threatened. They will support Russia I believe. But not with troops. China’s whole history (ancient and modern) shows a reluctance for foreign gambits outside her immediate borders. I don’t see any change there. Which makes it difficult for anyone counting on China for military help. Diplomatically,economically,even maybe with military equipment. But with actual troops to fight,that I won’t believe until I see it. The problem is,that just as I’ve seen that,so has the empire,and realize it too. Hopefully Russia does as well.
Jesus, this guy is reading a crappy machine translation of the Russian? Why the hell can’t they find someone who actually can translate Russian into English?
“Authorities in San Bernardino, California are responding to an active shooter situation involving three gunmen which has reportedly resulted in multiple casualties. There are also reports of police responding to an explosive device. The suspects are reportedly at large after fleeing the scene in a vehicle”.
This just might be “convenient” trigger event the empire of chaos needs to get the sheeple behind them and justify a full scale invasion of Syria, to “fight ISIS” of course. The incident has only just occurred and not a lot is “known” about it at the moment, but if it turns out to have even the faintest whiff of jihadis or ISIS being behind it you can bet your last penny its yet another false flag attack.
The full story can be read below :
Wasn’t it only just a few days ago that the psychopath-in-chief was reported as saying that according to his intelligence there was no danger of a terrorist attack on American soil ? Hmmm. Anyone who looks and follows closely will soon learn to join the dots.
Those were just trucks bringing milk and fresh fruit juice to little children — who are now going hungry because of Russia’s cruel destructiveness. Erdo will tell you…
A very interesting article in Fortruss today and if true its long past time the Syrian army did something like this and I sincerely hope they do :
“A high-ranking officer within the joint operation room in Damascus (consisting of Russia, Iran, Syria and Hezbollah) said “Damascus received sets of S -300 advanced Russian missiles, ready to enter active service. Soon, Syria will announce that any country using the airspace without coordinating with Damascus will be viewed as hostile and will shoot the jet (s) without warning. Those willing to fight terrorism and coordinate with the military leadership will be granted safe corridors”.
Now the vultures are gathering around Syria (the British parliament has just voted to join in airstrikes in Syria) this move by Assads forces will finally make them break the miniscule cover they have left and make their true intentions known. No way in hell are they going to co-ordinate anything with the SAA and next thing you know they will be saying they have to get rid of Assad to get rid of the head choppers and people being so stupid will probably fall for this upside down logic. World war III here we come.
Uhhm, so now (Dec 3rd) that the British MPs have passed Cameron’s vote and the UK has started air strikes against Syria, and now that Damascus has reportedly declared a no-fly zone, aren’t we just waiting for a UK bomber to get shot down by a S-300 missile?
Wait… so you mean that Syria has taken delivery of these S-300 missiles but if NATO enters their air space to bomb they’re not actually going to use them?
When would they use the missiles then? I mean, are they saying their air space is their own, or not?
That’s exactly what I mean. If they used them on NATO planes (maybe Turkish they could get away with). The US,Britain,France,etc,would go into open war with Assad. Russia would either have to fight NATO directly in a WW3,right then. Or sacrifice Syria to prevent WW3. Assad and Russia don’t what to be faced with that choice. So I strongly doubt they will shoot down NATO planes,minus maybe Turkish (they should I agree,but won’t).
I am also concerned about this, but the key word in the announcement from Syria is “soon”. Why are they waiting? Why didn’t they announce this already?
The Su-24 was shot down on Nov. 24th, and according to the IBT, the S-300 was deployed to Syria already on Nov. 5th, after KGL 9268 was bombed over the Sinai:
If Damascus had announced their intention to shoot down any hostile aircraft BEFORE the UK voted to start bombing Syria, it would have been clear that the UK is now knowingly sending their planes into harm’s way. But now that that UK bombing in Syria has already started, for Damascus to declare a no-fly zone and/or shoot down a NATO plane will appear an unambiguous “act of aggression”.
I thought chess was about seeing how the game plays out ahead of time. Am I missing something here?
“The green light for the use of ISIS brigades to carve up Iraq, widen the Syria conflict into a greater Middle East war and to throw Iran off-balance was given behind closed doors at the Atlantic Council meeting in Turkey, in November 2013, told a source close to Saudi – Lebanese billionaire Saad Hariri, adding that the U.S. Embassy in Ankara is the operation’s headquarter…”
Syria got control codes to active their S300 which was taken away after Syria shot down a Turkish jet in its air space.. Thanks Erdo for making the Russians see reason..
S-300 fully in service in the hands of Damascus and two Iranian squadrons to the T4 in Homs serviced by Russia
After receiving and deploying the S-300, Damascus will announce: Any aircraft not coordinating with us will be considered hostile
Two Iranian squadrons ready to participate in the Syrian war.
A high-ranking officer within the joint operation room in Damascus (consisting of Russia, Iran, Syria and Hezbollah) said “Damascus received sets of S -300 advanced Russian missiles, ready to enter active service. Soon, Syria will announce that any country using the airspace without coordinating with Damascus will be viewed as hostile and will shoot the jet (s) without warning. Those willing to fight terrorism and coordinate with the military leadership will be granted safe corridors”.
In another development, according to the same source, “Iran is preparing two squadrons of Sukhoi to engage the war in Syria. These will be stationed at the T4 Syrian military airport in Homs, very close to Palmyra (Tadmur), previously known as Tiyas. The Iranian Air Force will join the Russian Air Force in their war against extremist terrorist Kafeeree in Syria”.
“The alliance of Russia, Iran, Syria and their allies like Hezbollah, the Iraqis and others are all directly involved in the battle. Russian armed forces, including ground troops, the Navy and the Air Force are supported by air defense system using TOR M 1 / M2 medium-range missiles, accompanied by Pantsir S- along with their most advanced S-400 missiles to create an air umbrella coverage over the Russian forces in the country. Another airport in Homs, al-Sha’ayrat, has been prepared to host newly arriving Russian Air jets.
On the S-300, the source concuded: “Syrian air defense crew completed their training on the S -300 missile system in Russia and received the full sets agreed with the government the Syrian forces. The Russian-made S-300s, which can engage 12 targets simultaneously at distances of 200 kilometers and heights of up to 27 kilometers, will be deployed in the liberated areas to cover the full Syrian geography. Damascus is expected – said the source – to announce, soon, that every unidentified jet flying in the sky of Syria will be considered hostile and will be shot down if no previous coordination have been made with the Syrian authorities. Syria is ready to provided safe corridors for those willing to strike terrorism”.
Good. Iran flying in combat support will bring three nations’ with aircraft intent on killing the ISIS scum—Syria, Iran and Russia. The West’s phony collation of US, British, French and whoever else the US props up should work on Iraq. Pretending to be bombing ISIS in Syria has been a 18 month scam.
And we know Turkey has a war with the Kurds it fights. And they are in cahoots with the devils of ISIS, so they should stick to their side of the border.
The momentum against ISIS will be seen by the New Year. December will be a great month for Christianity, not just to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but to watch the destruction of these Takfiri lunatics.
Well, it’s going to get interesting now that Jolly Old is about to enter the bombing fray with their ‘galloping buffoon’ Typhoons. Who will they bomb, do you think?
Russians, Turks, US, French, Brit, Kurds, CIA &special forces and all manner of mercenaries plus the Iranians, Hezbollah, Syrians and Gulf countries etc. I probably forgot somebody -ah! Israel!
What could go wrong? Especially if Turkey was responsible for the A321 bomb. I never did believe the single pop can bomb unless it was a shaped charge directed at the belly tank. Maybe a case of pop?
“David Cameron has said there at least 70,000 Syrian opposition fighters – principally the Free Syrian Army – with whom the UK could co-ordinate attacks on IS.
That is based on Joint Intelligence Committee figures which draw on Foreign Office, open source and intelligence agency assessments, officials say.
Independent experts say the 70,000 figure is broadly accurate…..”
Funny, I thought judo was defensive -using an attackers aggression and turning it against them. Acccording to the BBC judo is also deceptive and treacherous -‘guile’ . Perhaps only for Putin?
Note the bold highlighted meme subtitle: “Russian President Vladimir Putin, a judo black belt, appears to symbolise two of the martial art’s key qualities – guile and aggression”.
No major changes, Seems the SAA is bent on clearing safe zones for the 4 Russian air bases of militants.. And once ground support air craft are setup and then only will any further offensives take place..
Syrian Army officially in full control of the third largest Syrian city:
Homs was the third largest city in Syria (both size and population) before March 2011, but as the country drifted into a violent conflict; this provincial capital became the battleground for some of the bloodiest battles plaguing the civilian population.
In 2013, satellite images were released of Homs, showing the once thriving Syrian city in complete rubble – the images depicted a city that resembled Dresden and Tokyo after the Allied bombing campaign in 1944 and 1945.
Russian military drops 5 tons of ammunition to outlawed PKK-affiliated PYD group in northern Aleppo, rights group says
The Local Coordination Committee of Syria, a human rights group, said in a statement that a Russian military cargo plane dropped five tons of ammunition early in the morning on the PYD-controlled Sheikh Masoud area in northern Aleppo.
This was the second delivery of weapons from Russian military to PYD after the downing of a Russian fighter jet by Turkish military after it violated Turkish airspace on November 24.
On Monday, a Russian military helicopter delivered heavy weapons to the group in Arfin town of Aleppo. After the downing of the Russian jet, Russia started cooperating with the PYD on the battlefield, as a move against Turkey.
Putin must really be mad, he has stopped bombing IS fortifications and moved to bombing erdo’s terrorist’s fortifications.. With the SAA on one side, the ISIS on the other side and the YPG on a third front, Erdo’s terrorists are being popped like a bad case of zits’icide.. Lots of news about RuAF being ISIS air force.. In the next few weeks the SAA will meet ISIS in the middle of the former zits’icide colony that used to host Turkmen terrorists..
Really how can Erdo stay calm when his terrorists are getting pummeled like this?
moaooaaaa bombs scotty..
aye aye capn.. its gonna blow like a giant oily zit so stay back…
Killing the Russian pilot was the worst mistake Erdo made in a long time.. And the guy only seems to makes bad decisions if he makes any at all..
Reports #ISIS has unfortunately taken large parts of Kafrah & al-Bal in N #Aleppo following heavy clashes w/ rebels
(How the EU deals badly with its own annexed Orthodox Christian member state Greece versus supports one of the main creators of the problem and ISIS with a new 3 Billions!)
Count the lies, distortions, condescension and smear.
I’ll just comment on the first ‘bold’ subtitle; as a boy I practiced judo but had no idea I was engaging in treachery and deceit (guile) -or aggression for that matter.
Reading that I thought they were talking about themselves in the third person. It is how they made their empire.. They even killed others using guile instead of facing 3rd worlders with bow and arrows.
Seen in this light, Obama’s recent request for Turkey to deploy “30,000 (troops) to seal the border on the Turkish side”, (See: Wall Street Journal) should be viewed with extreme skepticism. Clearly, Washington has not relented in its “Assad must go” policy at all, in fact, Obama reiterated that mantra less than a week ago.
That means the Obama crew may be hoping that Turkish ground forces can succeed where his jihadi proxies failed, that is, that the 30,000 troops will be used to clear and hold a 60×20-mile stretch of Syrian territory that can be used as the proposed safe zone. All Turkey would need is a pretext to invade and a little bit of air cover from the USAF. It wouldn’t be the first time a false flag was used to start a war.
The bottom line is this: Putin had better move quickly before Washington and Ankara get their ducks in a row and begin to mobilize. The time to seize the border is now.
In response, President Erdogan dramatically vowed to leave office if any proof is provided that Ankara has been buying oil from the terrorist group Daesh (ISIL).
Hours later, the Russian defense ministry presented the first batch of hard evidence to show Turkey’s involvement in the ISIL crude scandal. The Russian Defense Ministry held a major briefing on new findings concerning ISIL funding in Moscow on Wednesday.
At the briefing the ministry presented photos of oil trucks, videos of airstrikes on ISIL oil storage facilities and maps detailing the movement of smuggled oil. More evidence is to be published on the ministry’s website in the coming says, Rudskoy said.
“In war, truth is the first casualty”, Aeschylus
“All warfare is based on deception”, Sun Tzu
Western war makers are great fans of these old Greek and Chinese quotes. Who could even guess how many times these powerful words of guidance on warfare has been quoted at West Point, Langely etc…
But Truth is more powerful. It reaches into ones heart with more power than even the most masterfully crafted lies ever could. Lies, the larger in scale require more complexity. There is simplicity in Truth that reaches to the soul of man. It is unpredicatable how both honorable and bought men will react to it, making it the most feared of all weapons in the world by the corrupt and evil.
Russia’s decision to expose President Erdogan and his family to the world with Truth, I think, will go down in history as one of the most pivotal events of our time.
This is the first step in:
Isolating one of the most corrupt and vile current leaders of a country from the people of that country
Isolating Turkey (with it’s current Regime) from NATO or isolating NATO from the rest of the world if NATO continues to support the current Turkish Regime.
Isolating Current US President Obama from the world and forever placing Obama in history books as supporting Erdogan’s murder of Russian service men who died in honor, fighting the most vile terrorists in recent world history. (Obama the Noble Peace Prize winner)
Beyond the strategic significance of this in the geopolitical chess match, it shows Russian honor and heart in this coming war for civilization many are seeing as shaping up to be inevitable. It is brave to speak the truth. Make no mistake, even as a powerful country in the world as Russia is, this opens a pandora’s box of total warfare.
Iraq as a sovereign nation with democratically elected and recognized government is beginning to exercise it’s rights as a sovereign nation. Much pride will come from this and they need a boost in pride in their country. Good for you Iraq. May God smile upon your bravery.
The Truth is getting out; it is penetrating our state run Medias
Noteworthy in my opinion:
Russia called on investigative journalists of the world to help investigate the sources of financing of terrorism and gave tribute to the journalists and honorable military men who stopped aid trucks at the Turkish border bound to terrorists in Syria and were arrested by Erdogan’s corrupt regime.
The Turkish people now have a choice to make to define the future of their nation. To continue to support Erdogan, the blood of innocents can no longer be denied to be on the hands of Turkish citizens who continue to support him. Russia basically stated they cannot make that decision for the people of Turkey, it is up to them to either continue to turn a blind eye to the horrors their country is creating or stand and fight for Truth and what is right. All evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing. I do hope the Turkish people make the right choice as the welfare of their country depends on it and I could not say I would have much sympathy for the consequences that will come of their continued support of this regime.
NATO has choices too. None of them great. Continue to support Erdogan who has now completely lost all credibility in the world as a NATO ally in fighting terrorism thus destroying NATO credibility. Or remove Erdogan and expeditiously replace him with someone else with credibility. How quick can they find a replacement they can control? Can they control an election or will “freedom” rear it’s ugly head and a wild card honorable man step up and win?
Obama has choices too. Continue the “Assad Must Go” while ignoring The Evils of Erdogan? Feign previous ignorance and lack of “intelignece on Turkey and distance himself from Turkey, thereby isolating Turkey against Russia, Iraq and Iran? A replacement to Erdogan may possibly emerge prior to Obama’s own departure from office which would be a further stain on Obama. (All Obama and his supporters care about now is him getting out of office quick enough to write nice things about him in our history books) Obama personally cares nothing for the war, deaths of innocents or the country as a whole he was elected to serve. It’s just about image, legacy and doing the master’s bidding along the way.
American’s can no longer use as an excuse they know not what their government does in their country’s name. Our government has openly admitted to funding/arming/training and supporting mercenaries in Syria who have plundered and murdered their way across the country. Americans are facing a choice too. We have not spread freedom and democracy. The American way we have spread is a corrupt and powerful nation exploiting, destroying and killing people across the world in the name of Crony Capitalism and corruption in its most horrific forms.
As an American (and Former US Marine) I am appalled by what this nation has become. There has always been corruption and hidden agendas but, the good guys used to outnumber the bad guys in government. This is no longer the case anymore. The US needs to clean its own house but this will not happen short of financial collapse/major war. Politics is controlled by money in the hands of the elites and good candidates are simply not supported and never make it to any level of significant power. Don’t bother mentioning Trump to me.
Keep making it about Erdogan. It is he who has made him an illegitimate President and turned Turkey into a nation which supports terror.
Remind the world of a former US President’s words in the fight against Terror. Bush with us or with the terrorists: https://youtu.be/3sfNROmn7bc
Please everyone share this video. It was not so long ago that we were supposed to be the honorable ones.
Stay professional, do not get snide about Erdogan. Relentless yes, Emotions yes. But never snide as this is the utmost of serious topics.
Eventually the path of Truth will lead to uncomfortable Truths. Be prepared for those. There is too much relating to this to expand here. Maybe later : )
Turkey has killed and jailed investigative journalists so this wont go far.. Remember the PressTV reporter that was killed by Turkish intelligence after she took pictures of Turkish intelligence officers handing over trucks full of weapons to terrorists..
TEHRAN (FNA)- Moscow carried out the first successful flight test of its new anti-satellite missile last month, becoming just the second nation to arm its military with space warfare weapons.
Russia’s direct ascent anti-satellite missile, known as Nudol, was successfully tested on November 18, according to defense officials familiar with reports of the test. It was the first successful test in three attempts, the Washington Free Beacon reported.
Russia now joins China as the only nations with strategic space warfare weapons. In October, China conducted a flight test of its anti-satellite missile, the Dong Neng-3 direct ascent missile.
Analysts say anti-satellite missiles could cripple US intelligence, navigation, and communications capabilities that are critical for both military operations and civilian infrastructure.
It seems that several East European countries are trying to get the EU to cancel the Nord-2 pipeline project. They spout a lot of crazy reasons for canceling it. But it really boils done to “its good for Russia,so we hate it”. If they succeed ( a real possibility),I think Russia should stop trying to figure the problem out. They’ve stopped South Stream and are now trying to stop the Nord-2. So really why keep trying. Russia has the Nord Stream,and at least temporarily the lines through Ukraine. Just simply tell the EU that the only gas they will get from Russia is through those points. And if the Ukrainians steal it “too bad,so sad”.They will still have to pay for it. Make all the gas coming through Ukraine on pre-paid terms.Have the EU pre-pay for whatever amount they want through there. Then there is no question.If the gas is stolen its all on the EU to get it back. Russia can just sit back and watch.Going crazy trying to figure out ways to please the EU is just plain a waste of time.Russia needs to get over being a mostly gas exporting country,and use the oil and gas inside Russia. As painful as it is to change over it will be better in the long run. If the EU wants to commit suicide,there is no reason to try to stop them.Maybe if given the hard choices of either getting cheap Russian gas,pay double or triple for other gas,or do without and freeze.The EU will “wise up”.But Russia can’t count on that.So quickly move to other economic developments. And still sell your oil and gas to Asia.
That 1/2 of the equation is indeed so. Bad for the EU. The question remains about the other 1/2. Would Russia’s sales of gas & oil to Asia be sufficient to satisfy its urgently needed to expand military budget (and other budget)? In the near future that is, not a pie-in-the-sky future. Omnia mutandur … including China’s energy needs (we just read something about those going sharply down, not clear is that only temporary or a trend). Concerning quickly (re-)building industry (and actually using, rather than selling gas & oil to others), Russian economy is not Soviet economy, no Five year plans, no Stalin. Or, perhaps, that may change too, as anything does…
Good points. But I think that is the point. Russia needs to totally (or near totally) restructure her economy. Start to use her resources in her own economy. And re-industrialize herself. As well as build trade with other surrounding countries. Depending on the West,was (is) a bad idea from the beginning. It was certain to lead where we are today (why Russia didn’t see that is a mystery.Even I could see that years ago). As for China,natural growth,will lead to the need for more energy imports. Most economic predictions (especially the Chinese government’s) say the growth will be 6.5 to 7.0 a year. And the Chinese want to get away from coal. So gas,is certain to be needed. The best and safest source for them to get oil and gas from is Russia. With the US’s continued aggression against China she will need sources for her energy needs outside US control. And with India’s energy needs,I believe, much of the Central Asian gas,will probably be going there. So that also adds to the importance of the Russian gas for China.The answers to Russia’s problems are clear. Its why they aren’t being implemented quickly that isn’t clear.I suspect the main answers there are pro-Western 5th column treason. And the easy and profitable path for her elite, being to follow the West’s directions. Once again (if we didn’t already see that a million times already),for Russia to be independent and survive she must depend on her own people and strength to do that.
“ROOTIN’ FOR PUTIN” this very American site… “I’ll say it straight out: Russia’s Vladimir Putin is the only one fighting a Just War in the Middle East right now”
Thanks, Anonymous for the link to Chuck Baldwin’s excellent editorial Rootin for Putin.
Don’t cynically neglect the North American Flank! Things are stirring, and not completely under the surface.
Meanwhile, check out this call by Charles Hurt in the Washington Times for invoking the 25th Amendment after Obama exhibits loss of touch with reality in Paris:
Has our president officially lost his ability to discharge the powers and duties of his office?
Anyone who listened to President Obama speak to reporters in Paris on Tuesday would reasonably conclude it is high time to start drawing up the papers to transmit to Congress for his removal.
If you are one of the millions and millions of literate Americans out there who have simply tuned this president out the past three or four years, that is certainly understandable. But if you tuned in to the long, rambling, empty press conference, you would have been truly alarmed.
Without the use of the teleprompter, his speech can be described only as “halting.” It was impossible to count the number of times he seized up, able to deaden the silence with only a drawn-out “uh,” “um” or “ahhh.”
Asked about the “mass shooting” where a nut job shot three people at a Colorado abortion clinic, President Obama once again became exasperated with the American people:
“I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings: This just doesn’t happen in other countries.”
He actually said this. In Paris. Not three weeks after gunmen mowed down 129 people enjoying freedom in the French capital.
Either the man is incapable of remembering Islamist terrorist attacks or he’s simply losing his marbles.
‘Great partners’: Pentagon rejects Russian evidence of Turkey aiding ISIS
Anyone remember that Iranian Noshir Gowadia the US put in jail because he designed stealth Chinese missiles.. He also principal designers of the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber, who conceived and conceptually designed the B-2 Bomber’s entire propulsion system and billed himself as the “father of the technology that protects the B-2 stealth bomber.. He was born in 1944 and he got 32 years in jail means he will die in jail.. The evidence was he sold US secrets to China but all he did was design the stealth for the Chinese missile.. It is assumed that only US has the technology.. Even though he was the one who developed it. The proof is in the eyes of the beholder.. Where absolute proof or lack of any proof does not matter in the guilty verdict. The prosecutor got a medal and promotion since he was able to get a conviction without any evidence.. More American tech stolen from a naturalized U.S. citizen which is now american. His conviction says it was stolen and sentenced to death since he was not allowed to work in his field for anyone else and he will die in prison..
Russian goodies in thehands of the SAA…
From Russia to Syria, and the new missile launcher artillery systematic shipment of armored vehicles..
Russia delivering 2S19 MSTA-S 152mm SP guns & TOS MLRSs 2 Syria. Apocalyptic firepower.
The Russian leadership lazkiye hamimi airport near fell by terrorists because of missiles, 36 miles-range 152 mm in Diameter 2 s19 msta-s and the new ding missile launcher systems sevketmeye Syria has begun..
Car 8 rounds a minute has the capacity to do it..
Brimstone rockets, which were used on Monday, cost £100,000 each and are so accurate they can be fired from 20,000ft and seven miles away and still go through a small window.
I just saw this. Russia has a history of saving people from the Turks. This is just one of many times:
“St. Tsar Nicholas the II and the Armenian Genocide. I did not know this:
“100 years ago in 1915, during the Armenian Genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire, by the direct decree of Tsar St. Nicholas the 2nd the Russian-Turkish border was opened, and as a result 375,000 Armenians were saved from death.
Mr. Ter-Markarian, about the terrible crime of the Turks, wrote: “At the very border, under the open sky, many tables were set up, at which Russian officials accepted Armenian refugees without any formalities, gave them a royal ruble for every member of the family and a special document that gave them the right for a whole year to settle any where in the Russian Empire without any obstacles and with free travel by any means of transport. In the same place the hungry people were given food from field kitchens and clothing for those who needed it. Russian doctors and nurse gave out medicine and provided emergency help to the ill, wounded, and pregnant. The total amount of people allowed over the border to find refuge and salvation in Russia was over 375,000 Armenians from Turkey.”
In 1990 Prof. Pavel N. Paganucci also wrote about this: “75 years have passed since the Tsar saved 23% of the Armenian inhabitants of the Turkey…no one before or now has remembered what he had done for the Armenian people. For this act of saving he can be added to the list of saints”
In connection to this date, at the end of October 2015, the Armenian Museum in Moscow opened a monument to Emperor Nicholas the II. ”
Every year Vladimir Putin gives his State of the Nation Address to Russian MPs and dignitaries, where he shapes up Russia’s strategy for future development and sums up the results of the year. This year it is set for December 3;
MOSCOW, December 3. /TASS/. Russian Federation Council’s International Affairs Committee Konstantin Kosachev has said UK airstrikes against terrorists in Syria can be welcomed only in case they hit the announced targets.
Russia’a airstrikes cause twofold decline in IS oil production in Syria — general
Islamic State’s pilots are trained in Libya — media
Deployment of troops in Iraq without country’s approval unacceptable — PM
Berlin won’t share IS intelligence data with Russia but will coordinate flights — minister
Kremlin: Early to speak about progress on creating anti-terrorism coalition
“Though this decision (UK involvement in the military operation against Islamic State terrorist organization), just like other actions of the so-called US-led coalition on Syria, have no international legal grounds (while Russia undoubtedly has them), every airstrike against terrorists, if it what it is, hits the sought target that corresponds with our targets,” Kosachev wrote on Thursday on his Facebook page. “And this can be welcomed. But I will repeat, only if these airstrikes hit the announced targets,” he added.”
uk planes therefore have flown over Syrian airspace, could do anything on their journey……crash, accidentally drop load, get jammed which could lead to an incident if flying anywhere near Rus bases, flight paths, SAA……….
what happenz if they hit Syrian Arab Army who may already be on the ground in that targeted or any other area, and Rus intelligence recontoo how is Rus-iraq-iran Centre watching them,presumably uk info will not be shared with Rus, is Rus gonna light up s-400 every time they fligh over, or will Uk planes have transponders on so they are not mistaken for hostile Turkish planes…..above kinda hints they should tell Rus prior what the intended targets are going to be , so success rate can be monitored so maybe others can join in on joint action? Any air traffic control out that way, or gonna be some near misses or collisions which could be interpreted as hostile action, different countries planes fly at different heights/ Can planes flying near Turkish border of any country act as a cover for Turkish planes to take down more Rus planes ooops we made another “genuine’ mistake?
Of course, none of these answers were available for the vote in UK yesterday, least of all, that the Iraq Chilcott Report should have been published and appraised, to learn lessons, before any other action in the middle east again……………………..Iraq Minister said yesterday said he wasn’t happy about UK planes……………
Is Rus-USA co-ordination line actually gonna work now?
I think uk planes targeted oil facilities in Syria, not lorry convoys…………………chance for Erdogans tankers to get home……………
“Qatari special forces have been trained by NATO countries and its security services have strong ties with its western counterparts. Since the beginning of the 2010s, Qatar has been actively engaged in the modernization, re-equipment and improvement of the combat capability of its armed forces. Its main supporters are the US, France, and Germany.
Despite their support of the army of Islamic extremists, the control of which Qatar is struggling primarily with Saudi Arabia, Qatar is seriously concerned about the threats that originate from both the Saudis and their main opponents – the Iranians. In addition, Qatar strives to strengthen its military presence and show its military force and ambitions in other regions, participating in anti-Houthi operations in Yemen, and earlier in the Libyan adventure………….
Russia clearly understands the role of Qatar and so it can become one of its major military targets. Unlike the Turkish case, these actions against Qatar can be supported by Iran, which is Qatar’s main adversary in the region. Indeed they confront each other not only in Yemen and Syria. The very existence of a Wahhabist and US-backed Qatar guarding the Persian Gulf is a threat to Iran’s national security.
Qatar and Turkey will make the most of its subversive anti-Russian and anti-Iranian terrorist networks in the Caucasus, in the Volga region, Central Asia, Afghanistan, and South Azerbaijan. In the need for military means to resist the alliance, is exactly where Turkey and Qatar, and possibly Saudi Arabia, will participate against Russia, and Russia will push for a closer alliance with Iran. Since Iran is not interested in a significant deterioration of relations with Turkey, it will try to use this chance to defeat potential Turkish allies in the Middle East, meanwhile trying to salvage relations with Ankara. However in the case of Qatar, unlike Saudi Arabia, the use of a traditional local Shiite factor is limited because of the numerically small Shiite community in the country.
We Will Not Engage in Military Sabre-Rattling With Turkey – Putin
We Will Not Engage in Military Sabre-Rattling With Turkey — Putin
MOSCOW, December 3. /TASS/. Coordination of struggle with the Islamic State terrorist grouping (outlawed in Russia) was discussed in the course of a telephone conversation on Wednesday by the Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Gen Valery Gerassimov, and the Chief of Staff of the French Armed Forces, Gen Pierre de Villier, the Russian Defence Ministry’s information department said in a report.
The conversation was held at the initiative on the French side.
In the course of the conversation, the sides exchanged opinions on the prospects for collaboration in the struggle with the Islamic State in Syria. The sides agreed to continue contacts.
Putin’s speech today:
“Russia has long been at the forefront of the fight against terrorism. This is a fight for freedom, truth and justice, for the lives of people and the future of the entire civilisation”.
I have real concerns about an imminent attack by the AZ empire on Russia.
The French military campaign in Syria is just a Trojan Horse to position France immediately in the Syrian conflict.
The Germans and British have also conveniently inserted themselves into the battle. The Germans unwilling to share reconnaissance information with Russia.
Before that, we witnessed the unprovoked attack on a Russian SU-24 aircraft in Syrian airspace by Turkey. Turkey is in a combative mood along the Bosporus strait. Turkey is amassing serious numbers along the Syrian border for an invasion of Syria protected by NATO air cover. The moment a NATO plane gets shot down by the S-400 defence system, the Russian aggression MSM media hysteria will will do the bidding for an all out war on Russia and the US will enter the fray.
I certainly hope that Russia has plans to take NATO by surprise and immediately neutralize this warring regime to render it obsolete. I’m sure there will be widespread anger, not targeted at Russia, but against the true aggressors. Maybe this will be the trigger the Western world needs to rise up against the criminal AZ establishment.
The AZ establishment must be held accountable for the tragedy they will create. They have escaped unscathed for their misdemeanours in the two prior WWs.
Putin begins his speech to the federal assembly. I will be posting live tweets from the Kremlin
pres. begins speech with tribute to #ruaf, military personnel killed in #Syria
it seems allah has decided to punish #turkey bacon depriving its leadership of sense and reason
turkey will not get away with downing #ruaf jet with a mere tomatoe embargo. We will continue to remind them of what they did
we will not forgive turkey’s backstabbing, and their cosy relationship with terrorist
we know who in #turkey is buying #isis oil, providing them with money to fuel global terror (paris attacks for example)
syria operation proving #russia military effective & modernized. President thanks engineers, military
global terror threat growing as world becomes ‘more open’. Mid east anarchy fueling it all
we can’t just sit and wait for oil prices to rise back up: now is our chance to break through economically
economic situation difficult, but no longer critical. Inflation fall & currency stability a sign that crisis is over
judiciary & courts must be made more transparent and independent.
corruption still a major factor holding #russia back. Prosecutors must be more vigilant to govt employees misdeeds
state will assist those in financial distress; the vulnerable, the disabled and others.
govt will assist truly competitive businesses – forget about milking the state with badly designed and low quality goods.
russia sovereignty and independence depend on being debt-free – our 2016 budget must not exceed a 3% deficit
russian agricultural exports bring in 25% more money than weapons exports. Congratulations to farmers
neuro-science, unmanned transportation, energy networking: #russia has huge business potential and know-how advantage
from free trade zones to the new chinese silk road: #russia must build partnerships everywhere
russia far-east development a top priority: govt pushing tax-free trade ports and free land handouts
Some countries in the Middle East and North Africa, “which used to be stable and relatively prosperous” – Iraq, Libya, Syria – “have turned into zones of chaos and anarchy that pose a threat to the entire world,” Putin said.
“We know why it happened. We know who wanted to oust unwanted regimes, and rudely impose their own rules. They triggered hostilities, destroyed statehoods, set people against each other and simply washed their hands [of the situation] – giving way to radicals, extremists and terrorists.”
Speaking about Turkey and Islamic State militants, Putin said that Russia will never forget Turkey helping terrorists. “We have always considered betrayal a very shameful thing,” he added.
It appears Putin didn’t pull many punches in his speech today. That comes through even on the RT report of it (RT is bad about “sugar coating” some of the statements sometimes). I’m glad he “told it like it is” . Here are a few quotes. I doubt the ability to accomplish,what he says in the last quote. And I hope he knows that too. Trusting the West would be a bad idea :
“We were prepared to cooperate with Turkey on most sensitive issues and go further than their allies. Allah knows why they did it. Apparently Allah decided to punish the ruling clique in Turkey by taking their sanity,”
“We will not forget this aid to terrorists. We have always considered betrayal the worst and most shameful act. Let those in Turkey know it who shot our pilots in the back, who hypocritically tries to justify themselves and their actions and cover up the crimes of terrorists,”
“Some countries in the Middle East and North Africa, which used to be stable and relatively prosperous – Iraq, Libya, Syria – have turned into zones of chaos and anarchy that pose a threat to entire world,”
“We know why it happened. We know who wanted to oust unwanted regimes, and rudely impose their own rules. They triggered hostilities, destroyed statehoods, set people against each other and simply washed their hands [of the situation] – giving way to radicals, extremists and terrorists.”
“We are facing a destructive barbaric ideology again and we have no right to allow those new obscurants to achieve their goals. We have to abandon all differences, create a single fist, a single anti-terrorist front, which would act in accordance with the international law and under the aegis of the United Nations,”
While it is encouraging that Russia is rising against the West, the regime in Moschow has neither revolutionary aims nor has any alternative economic programs to neoliberalism.
It is a bonapartist opportunistic regime controlled by a small oligarchic elite that cares mostly about it’s own interests . It accepts the continuation of a capitalist economy with many neoliberal policies implemented (such as
the entry into WTO, the signing of various free trade agreements, the transfer of the state corporations under the control of incompetent oligarchs etc).
The aim of Russian elites was to integrate with the West as “equals”. That means that Russia would have become fully integrated into the neoliberal globalised economy as part of EU , NATO or as part of a large free trade area such as TRANSATLANTIC Partnership (” A united europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok” as Putin used to say)
But USA did not accept this for their own reasons and they have encircled Russia. They want Russia only as a vassal. So the Russian regime started to become more antagonistic to a Western bloc that puts immense pressure into Russia.
Things are not positive for Russia.
It’s economy is not self sufficient as the soviet one and It doesn’t have allies as the Warsaw Pact countries. Ussr with all these advantages collapsed.
Another sinister outcome is that Globalization is in full force nowadays with 80% of global trade controlled by multinational corporations.
This wasn’t the case during the soviet union existence.
Washington violates treaty on prohibition of intermediate-range missiles: Moscow
“We have grounds to regard land-based Mk 41s as cruise missile launching systems and their deployment on the ground as a direct INF violation by the US side,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday, Sputnik news agency reported.
Several of them are now stationed in Romania by the US military and will be later redeployed to Poland.
In July 2014, the US accused Russia of breaching the deal when Moscow allegedly developed and tested a banned ground-launched cruise missile.
On Tuesday, Brian McKeon, the US principal deputy undersecretary of defense for policy repeated Washington’s claim about Russia violating the treaty, saying, “The evidence is conclusive. Russia has tested this ground-based system well into the ranges covered by the INF treaty.”
However, the Wednesday statement rejected the accusations as “baseless,” and underlined that such remarks are Washington’s attempts to justify its activities.
“The aim of this deceptive move is obvious – it is to cast a shadow on our arms controls and to deflect attention from US actions. The situation with the treaty is shamelessly used to escalate the atmosphere of chronic military tension across the Euro-Atlantic space,” the statement further read.
The United States is boosting its rotational forces and military exercises in NATO’s eastern flank, including Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Bulgaria, and deploying military hardware in Europe.
No wonder Cameron is so desperate to get in the melee..
And everyone, read Flowery’s link above – from Christof Lehmann at nsbc.
My guess is the US Embassy in Ankara (and likely the British and French too) has been the conduit for the money laundering operation, using diplomatic immunities as cover.This would certainly explain Erdo’s attempt to call Putin’s bluff..
Now, I wonder as more of this gets out how the NATO ‘foots’ are going to take it? That they are effectively being used to facilitate a gang of criminals using their political status for an oil – smuggling/money-laundering op?
Funny how people are quick to start attacking Erdogan and Turkey for stealing and plundering…The plundering is exactly what US, UK, France, European countries, did in centuries past , and are doing to the rest of the globe now ( and always do..) by plundering other people’s resources, change governments… killing others in the process so that their corporations can function in these countries. they loot, rape, kill the local people so that corporations can syphon off local resources so that the European and US populations can enjoy a higher standard of living .Only this time Turkey failed to make it less obvious…like a cover for democracy, etc. But this plundering trading model..all EU countries and US (and people) are guilty of.They are part of the same matrix I suppose.
Putin accusing Turkey of buying oil from ISIS, and Jewish Lobby accusing Erdogan’s son making a fortune by buying and selling ISIS oil. But have you heard of Israel buying oil from ISIS? Well, Israel’s Wall Street mouthpiece, The Globe, did admit that on November 30, 2015.
removed link to Rehmat personal website … edging close to spam – mod-hs
Absolutely correct. In full complicity with their kurdish breathren. Allies for a greater israel and kurdistan
I actually enjoy Rehmat’s links to his site….why not ? By the way, he’s Palestinian.
The desperation of Turkey.
The PM – who coincidentally admitted to giving the order to shoot down the jet rushes to Azerbaijan. The question is will the Azeri’s put a target on their own back by dealing with the current Turkish Govt? Dangerous for them – I hope they don’t and stay close to Iran/Russia/China and out of this.
Turkstream suspended
Also in Putin’s State address he made it pretty clear how Russia feels about the current Turkish Elites who have the oil/blood on their hands:
Those EU countries which are cullpable must be desperate to cover it up – no doubt we will hear lots of denials about having any evidence……Oh Germany has already started just like US State Department……
They make me feel sick. These terrorist accomplices. Evil.
They are signing their own death warrants by that. If war does come they’ll pay a stern price because of that. The old saying is always true “you lay down with dogs,you get fleas”.
It seems Russia has chosen Syria to make a stand. Every time US or its proxies escalate, so does Russia. US has to either backdown or escalate all the way to a major war.
Force projection – how far is it across Russia from west to east? Russia holds snap exercises moving forces this distance. Much closer to Syria.
The ground Russia has chosen is right on Israels doorstep. The Israeli leadership is crazy but Israel survival and expansion is what they are about. Do they want lots of stray bullets and possibly nukes from the coming dustup to be flying about in their neighbourhood?
Perhaps Israel will be putting pressure on the US to backdown?
yes…they will step on toes of they past favor neo-cons. Military persons 9israelis) will do that ,but that’s omly mine filing…
Russia Israel relation with respect to Syria appear to be surprisingly good. I haven’t heard of many anti-Russian statements or propaganda coming from Israel recently.
Israel hates what Russia is doing in Syria, but, it will not confront Russia directly.
Because Israel, is really a bully, and like all buĺlies, they are wary of picking a fight with those who can fight back.
Whatever disagreenents with Russia – for the most part- will be out-sourced to surrogates like the US and the UK etc.
Harbor no illusions, Russia’s biggest opponent in Syria right now is Israel.
But it gets the US and others to confront Russia on its behalf. Stealth and deception, with behind the scenes pressure applied by big money lobby groups are the hallmarks of Israeli statecraft.
It is not the US and its allies that are insisting that ” Assad must go”, it is Israel.You might not want to believe this, but thats how it is….
Jaro-vime to….
@Because Israel, is really a bully, and like all buĺlies, they are wary of picking a fight with those who can fight back.
You should rephrase: “they are wary of picking a fight with those who CAN’T fight back”.
I can’t imagine that Israel entertains the illusion that the Russians are in that category.
Yes, but wizoz your correction makes it sound like Israel is scared of picking a fight with those who can’t fight back…rather than, always picking a fight with those who don’t have the money to buy military industrial equipment like the Palestinians…except that ~~~
Palestinians always fight back because they’re gutsy Arabs …Yayayay
“Perhaps Israel will be putting pressure on the US to backdown” ?
Don’t be fooled by Israel. They are as much behind the regime change “project” in Syria as Erdogan is. It is well documented even by the UN itself the intimate relations Israel has with the head choppers operating in Syria. They provide assistance wherever they can to the rabid jihadists even to the point of conducting bombing raids on the Syrian Arab Army whenever the islamofascists are under pressure from them, they treat the wounded rats in their hospitals in Israel and Im pretty sure provide them with weapons and other logistics support too.
You have never for once heard of al-Qaeda or ISIS taking any action whatsoever against Israel or even threatening them in any shape or form.
Israel is in this up to its eyeballs alongside the usual suspects, they just keep it ultra low profile is all.
They pretty much have to. Any supposed muslim-fanatic organization that was obviously backed by Israel would have maybe a tiny bit of difficulty attracting recruits.
That said, I’m not sure Israel wants to see a winner in this. They love ISIS causing trouble and making Syria grind to a halt. They might not be quite so happy with ISIS as the new Syrian government. If chaos is, to a fair extent, the US brand, it’s even more Israel’s brand; the more chaos, the weaker everyone around them is. But if someone goes and wins, that’s a problem for them; stability might break out, and the winner would no longer need them and probably wouldn’t like them.
To those who stand a bit of astrological contemplation on politics:
I like to point at the synchronicity of the great constellation of the ejector Mars in square/opposition
with the heavenly square of 2013 – 2015 between sacrificer Pluto and man-god Uranus.
Mars is not only the aggressor and ejector, he is also the revealer of the hidden by birth into the light of the day. So the revelations of the Russian MOD appearing “straight in time” – even the promised details at the peak of the constellation next week.
Russia works with the gods.
The Russians and Americans have been fully aware of this for years yet the Russians said nothing until Turkey shot down their plane. Why did they wait so long?
The US was complicit because they knew their ally Turkey was engaged in funding ISIS through the sale of stolen Syrian oil. The Russian’s were complicit because they knew all about it from day one and said nothing until now.
Because as long as Turkey was behaving as a friend (somewhat),it was better to not spill the beans. Russia also thought it would be useful information to hold if Turkey stopped being a friend.
As I put in a comment a few days ago, Russia would have been working diplomatically behind the scenes to get Erdogan to back away from ISIS with no loss of face. Much better if something like that can be done diplomatically rather than militarily.
Erdo wouldn’t play so Russia bombed his oil convoys. Next Erdo shoots down a Russian plane. now Russia has sanctions on Turkey which was a major trading partner.
Would have been much better if Turkey had of used the diplomatic door that Russia/Putin opened for them.
He revealed it to the participants of the G20 (Nov 16th?). It was the big reveal that unfortunately did not make the Western News outlets.
Right after the reveal US started bombing the oil tanks/trucks and Russia started bombing them, then came Turkey and the downing of the Russian plane.
Yes finally, US bragged that they shot 100 oil trucks but they also dropped leaflets telling rebels to flee giving them 45mins to escape.
They did not do anything because they were waiting for the right moment when the veil of “plausible deniability” would be lifted and the culprits caught red-handed.
Unmasking the Hegemon: Oh, and this is just the first section of the expose. I await the publishing of world banking records which will probably be the last act of this wonderful presentation.
“murder will out” Yes, murder most foul.
This has to be presented, trial-like, at the UN Security Council and point the finger at Turkey and pull an Adlai Stevenson (https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/adlai.htm)
To paraphrase:
All right, sir, let me ask you one simple question: Do you, Ambassador Çevik, deny that Turkey has purchased and is purchasing oil from the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) in Syria? Yes or no—don’t wait for the translation—yes or no?
To which Zorin should have replied, “Yes, You have been pointing your Jupiter C missiles at our country the USSR, all the while keeping it a secret. Yes or No?
That might have shut the US ambassors mouth.
The US is extremely worried and extremely incompetent. I recently watch the latest Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing with Joseph Dunford (CJCS) highest commander in the US military and Ashton Carter Defense Secretary and Head of the Pentagon. It appears to me to be a case of Dumber and Dumber extraordinaire.
When asked by one of the senators to Carter to quote “can you confirm the CJCS is still supplying weapons to the moderate rebels” Carter umed and aaahed and then gave him a blank look and said “I am not familiar with that acronym” and looked directly at Dunford (the CJCS) who had been sitting beside him for the past 2 hours. No shit.
If that isn’t bad enough he was then asked by Tulsi Gabbard “how many nuclear warheads does Russia have aimed at us and how many do we have aimed at Russia” he did it again, uummed and aahhed then said “I DON’T KNOW, I’ll have to get back to you that” this is the head of the Pentagon?????????????? WTF Dunford piped up at that stage and said “Russia has a massive nuclear arsenal” he mentioned nothing about the US but did look rather worried.
“Here comes da judge.”
Putin is a very legalistic guy. Could have been a great District Attorney or Prosecutor in any legal system.
He’s pissed off and that is not a good thing for the Turks.
A nice apology and signing up for the Turkish Stream, and shutting down ISIS will seem like a small price to these Islamic Turk government officials who think they are going to get away with murder.
Imagine the culprits responsible for 224 dead Russians on the downed airliner. Putin will uproot whole nations (Qatar) to get to the source of that crime.
Time for a Turkish plea bargain.
“Imagine the culprits responsible for 224 dead Russians on the downed airliner. Putin will uproot whole nations (Qatar) to get to the source of that crime.”
Red Ryder, this comment, and those like it, I believe to be exaggerative, thoughtless, and unfortunate. I think it important to consider that all wars kill countless number of innocents – women, children, the elderly, etc., no matter how sophisticated and carefully directed the munitions. What is worse, these horrific effects are witnessed by thousands of men and young men who swear on the graves of their relatives to kill those who have murdered their loved ones. Thus, the revenge that is contemplated in this statement against the people of Qatar will simply beget more war, but in this case it would be against Russia. Where will it all end?
You interpret legal prosecution as “war”.
Your soft heart has softened your mind.
Putin, I postulate, is legalistic. Look up the meaning of words.
Have a nice day.
Qatar is hardly a nation…
Gas station with a TV network and billions of dollars protected by Exxon and US Military.
Red Ryder,
Qatar.. isn’t that where the film was produced that faked Tripoli, Libya’s fall/attack by rebels? if so we could also call them film producers…or was it Dubai?
It will end when these people learn they wont get away with it any longer.
Wimpout just wont cut it anymore. Times have changed.
Becides wouldnt these people be more upset with them that caused the mess then
the ones that ended it.
Rupert, no matter what Russia does the Fascist International is determined to destroy it, split the country into fragments and pillage its riches. These are insatiably greedy psychopaths who live to kill and destroy. The world has, inevitably, reached the situation where these forces of Evil must be destroyed, or they will destroy every independent society on Earth. The fascists NEVER negotiate in good faith, and must NEVER be trusted. That was true of the Islamofascist Erdogan, as it is of al-Sisi in Egypt, trained and supported by the USA, and declared a ‘hero of the Jewish people’ by a visiting Israeli minister. Trusting al-Sisi would be a fatal error.
Gordon Duff has another slant on the Airbus A321:
“The close working relationship between Ukraine, Turkey and the ISIS and al Nusra terror groups will now focus the real and covert investigation into the downing of the other Russian aircraft, the Airbus 321 with 224 passengers and crew on Turkey and Ukraine and not Israel and Saudi Arabia, as so many Western intelligence agencies had carefully leaked”
A commentator on SyrPer has something similar on the Airbus A321. He doesn’t give a link.
not verified, but something I saw on another place
“O.k folks, my dad just told me something in the Arabic news paper which could be true, apparently the Egyptians have concluded that the bomb placed in the Russia airliner must have been placed in it before it landed in Egypt, and where did this plane land before Egypt? Turkey, if true Erdoghan is in big big trouble.”
Here’s a list of pre crash flights of russian Aurbus A321: https://web.archive.org/web/20151031101952/http://www.flightradar24.com/data/airplanes/ei-etj/
Times seem to be changing. Surprising article here in Reuters.
Washington said on Tuesday it would send troops, expected to number around 200, to Iraq to conduct raids against the ultra-hardline Sunni Muslim militants who have seized swathes of the country’s north and west and neighboring Syria.
Abadi said hours later that any such deployment would require his government’s consent, comments that may have been made for public consumption at home.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry maintained on Wednesday that the Iraqi government had been fully briefed on the plans and said the two governments would consult closely on operational details…
…..Resistance to any expansion of the U.S. role in the country, no matter how limited or gradual, stems in part from absolute mistrust among Iraqis and their leaders of Washington’s intentions.
Naji said he feared that once deployed, U.S. special forces might eventually turn their attention to pursuing Hashid Shaabi commanders and key Shi’ite politicians, some of whom are on the U.S. terrorism watch list…
Forgot to put my name to that one about the Reuters article.
I’d go for A, and you don’t have to make a total disclosure in 2017, the ideas you carry and share are more important
Bless :-)
Off topic but good news.
Putin just arrived in Krimea. He visited “KrimeaEnergo” company and turned on first part of Kuban-Krimea line on recently build power brige.
This event involved only the test of the first cable, actual activation will be in another week or ten days. Until then we are where we were yesterday.
The BBC, in its ‘comment free’ web page, basically had its foreign correspondent call Russia “liars” over this issue. Anyone thinking British forces are heading to Syria (actually, they have always been in the region in Qatar, Jordan, Turkey and Israel) to “help” Russia is a total fool. The great Western powers (Germany included) are all going to Syria in readiness for the coming war between Russia and Turkey, to ensure that war rapidly evolves into Russia vs The West.
ISIS is a creation of the West, just as the NSA and GCHQ spy on every piece of electronic communication, and have done so for decades now. People who proclaimed the latter before Snowden were derided as tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy nut-cases. Today, the same psy-op is used against those that state clearly the origins and purpose of ISIS.
ISIS is first and foremost British created. It is Britain that made the modern Middle East and it is Britain, via old Empire contacts, that has the greatest influence in Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel and Turkey. The USA doesn’t come close to having the same ‘deep’ clout. But the British monsters, led by Tony Blair, use the power and rabid pro-zionist of the people that control the USA to get the plans properly underway. The British monsters win by apparently lacking the visible infrastructure, making fools dismiss them as ‘harmless’.
I recall years and years ago as a kid, when current affairs programs on British independent TV ran exposes of mega-extremist Islamic schools being set-up in Pakistan by apparently respectable British businessmen. The producers of the show could not understand why anyone would want to do such a thing. This was before Russia ‘invaded’ Afghanistan, and very conveniently provided the extremists that would fight the Russians there, and then go on to become the ‘Taliban’. British monsters understand the idea of ‘long term planning’ better than any other body in Human history.
Tony Blair invaded Iraq precisely to create the circumstances from which ISIS could arise. Scholars of ISIS know its upper tier western trained leaders are not Islamic extremists, but secular Sunni military officers from armed forces apparently destroyed by invasions by US led forces. ISIS was ‘gifted’ to Saudi Arabia with the promise of spreading Wahhabi influence across the Middle East, North Africa and Asia in partnership with Israel (Israel has always deemed modern secular muslim states to be its greatest enemy).
Better thinkers see the Wahhabi zionist thing as a distraction hiding the true purpose of events- namely creating the right circumstances for a World War. Eugenicists and left-leaning ‘social scientists’ in the USA have been calling for a serious culling of the Human population for decades now. They want our numbers to be three billion or less- something only a World War can accomplish. And yes, such desires sound like the mad fantasies of a James Bond Villain, but many of America’s richest and most powerful people want to see the culling in their lifetime.
We know Putin and the Russian leadership don’t want this outcome, but they are being gradually manoeuvred into a position where they will play their part perfectly.
You articulate my grave un-ease about the perfidious Anglo’s “going to fight IS”.
The Brits especially – who skulk in the shadow of their ‘merican military juggernaut, but have never changed their spots since the Opium Wars, and are committed to their ZioStan Hitlerian scale ambition expansion colony need for neoSykes Picot fragmentation & depopulation of all it’s neighbours.
Well, what have the Anglo’s been doing for the past 14+ months “fighting IS” ..as we witnessed greatest gains being made by these proxy forces ? What will be different now?
Apart from flattening Kobane (for a future gas hub?!), the most accurate hits have been ‘accidental’ arms drops …amidst reports of helicopters transporting terrorist leaders around Iraq, and Iraqi troops ‘accidently’ led into ambush .. not once, but several times.
Whilst in Syria, what’s been killed are grain silos, Aleppo electric power station … and Brits admitting having SAS ‘infiltrated’ behind IS gloves and masks as well as doing back door bombing in Syria.
I don’t trust France either.
Apart from leading the fray in the beyond heinous obliteration of Libya (and grabbing the aquifer water project there), 5yrs they have flown their colonial ‘FSA’ flag, had Legionnaires in there alongside ‘moderate cannibals’, feted the Orwellean termed ‘Friend’s of Syria’ group as fondly as the Brits have; sold billions worth of weapons to the ‘Friends of Syria’ funders of the Wahhabi invaders …. and still categorical about ‘Assad must go’..
An instant complete about face based on a ‘manufactured consent’ 1311 terror event .. hmmm? … or a NATO Trojan Horse … Along with Germany sending over 1000 ‘advisers’ (???) so we have AngloZioNATO amassing in middle east to fight …. Who?!
If these NATO parties are under orders from Dr Strangelove / Breedlove, I cannot see ‘IS’ being their priority target.
But sure hope I’m wrong.
I find myself praying a lot these days.
Of course the whole of NATO has been behind ISIS and all the other rat-groups fighting against Syria and Iraq. In other news, water is wet.
This is how the pawns are currently moving:
a) Turkish armor, artillery and infantry are massing on at least two parts of the Turkish-Syrian border. Some sources say up to 55,000 Turkish troops with some of their best tank regiments.
b) US 6th Fleet moving in the region.
c) Around 16 British Tornadoes.
d) French Aircraft carrier, along with a couple dozen Rafales.
e) 1500 German “advisers”.
Theoretically, we can also add all the other assets at the disposal of NATO-GCC-Israel in the region and we can see that Russia is badly outgunned, even if a couple more air bases are opened and more troops, weaponry and missile systems are brought in.
So, what are the aims of the NATO build-up?
a) As rumors on the internet have exploded in relation to NATO’s support for ISIS, they must show themselves to be doing something for the sheeple in Europe and North America.
b) Keep Russian forces in check.
c) The US/UK/FR air forces will probably provide air cover for a Turkish invasion of Northern Syria with the aim of establishing their longed-for safe haven for the jihadi-mercenary proxies.
d) The German “advisers” will possibly be acting as human shields for the Turkish soldiers. As Russia is trying to push through Nord Stream II, this complicates things even more for Russia.
There is even the possibility that NATO is gearing for a major false-flag/escalation so as to get rid of Russian forces from the region, or even force Russia into a forceful response that will terrify the populations of the West.
Things are moving fast and we are merely trying to predict. Time will tell.
There will be alot of hardware on the bottom of the Mediterranean.
Likely the Moskva!
No way Russia went in there wo a couple aces up Her sleeve and and an exit strategy. This is the great “delusion” that is about to play out.
Will be hard and fast.
Britain is a mouse. They gave all their power to USRael after WW 1
Russia needs to counter the moves of Germany & UK and fast.
There is still time – probably – one would doubt they’ll set the whole lot of fireworks off in or around Christmas, but early in the New Year – watch out.
I would suggest moving Russian tactical nukes to Syria to use against any force invading Syria uninvited, or any State which is an aggressor towards Russian or Syrian assets in theatre.
Make the consequences clear and present and dangerous and the costs high.
Clearly the West is at present not put off by any Russian deterrent in the region and believes Russia will lie down meekly and accept whatever outcome is handed to them.
If Russia wants to avoid that fate, they should stand up now and make clear the costs will be far higher than posited in Western capitals.
Really an excellent comment anonano.
Thank you.
I think the nations rushing to join Turkey will do their best to scuttle Russian plans for the short term but will eventually hang the Turks out to dry — same as everyone else who aspires to deal profitably with the devil.
I think this will also be the fate of Israel.
Perfidious Albion indeed. It will be the UK which delivers the nuke that ultimately destroys the Zionist colony. I know it sounds crazy but when you know who is responsible for the enactment of the final solution then you’ll better understand why things are not necessarily so hopeless.
The mass cull of humanity is already underway, via slow kill methods at home including gmo, ‘generic’ pharma and unavoidable chemicals which selectively sterilize mostly the middle and lower classes, such as BHA on receipts or the carefully designed chemicals added to processed food.
It will be the joos of course who are blamed and while they may earn an appropriately disproportionate quantity of blame they are not the primary instigators of the Anglo-Zionist strategy for genocide on a planetary scale.
This is why the term Anglo-Zionist, coined by Saker and resisted by so many, is so very, very important for our fight to save ourselves, as it fingers the main culprits in this maniacal plan to exterminate the weak and the meek.
When the targetted assassinations of select individuals becomes far more endemic, it will become apparent that the Israelis have turned on the AZ elite. Whether the number is 80, 300 or 1/10th of the One Percent, when these guys begin dying you will know this awful game is nearing its end.
Knowingly or unknowingly, this is the path Putin must walk if he is to achieve victory against the AZ worshippers of the ‘light.’
Well we know it was the British SAS controlling the mercenaries in Libya and Putin said nato special forces were the ones who killed the body guards of Gadhafi after which he was handed over to the terrorists. So those who need to know already knows this. It is only the brain washed westerners who think their government is doing gods work.. It is just amazing but it shows that no matter how intelligent you are and what level your education is, common sense and critical thinking are not part of what gives you the smarts.. That ability needs that small link where you can put 2 and 2 together to see a whole picture.. Seems the vast majority of humans do not have this little ability.
Watch out for the attack on one of the French, US, UK, German warships in the Eastern Mediterranean by the Syria Arab Army!!! (SAA to blame!)
NATO Article 5 invoked immediately against Syria and all it’s allies – including of course Russia.
Turkey then immediately closes the Bosphorus and woopee – we’re there. What do Russia do in that scenario? They are basically cornered and forced to escalate once the Bosphorus is closed.
Oh, and who actually attacked the French, US, UK, German warship? Oh, probably Turkey or Israel of course.
I can see this happening Q1 2016 almost certainly.
How to prevent it?
I can think of a few possibilities.
Overt stationing of tactical nukes in Syria to defend the Syrian Government – with the express promise that they will be used should Assad be attacked against any aggressor.
The stationing of 50,000 Chinese troops in Syria to give China “skin in the game”. Like the US troops in South Korea. If the West/ NATO is 100% aware they have to go through China to carry out their plans, they may reconsider because it seems like it’s full steam ahead at the moment.
Why wouldn’t China do this? Well, looking from the Chinese point of view, they want Russia as an ally, but also, if Qatar gets to build that pipeline to Europe that cuts Russian gas out of Europe – suddenly negotiating those gas contracts with Russia becomes a hell of a lot easier doesn’t it. Given that – I wouldn’t trust Chinese intentions vis-a-vis Syria one bit until they prove their commitment to multi-polarity by putting their skin in the game with a battalion of troops and some warships in the Eastern Mediterranean.
What else could be done? Phone calls to the weak-kneed Europeon leaders Francois Hollande and Angela Merkel just to warn/ threaten them that if a conflict breaks out between Russia & NATO their legacy will include the smoking piles of radioactive ash in place of the once great cities of Paris & Berlin (and others) that they will be responsible for.
There are a few things Russia can do, but I also feel time is short. Early in the New Year strikes me as a great time to launch this whole conflict, and at present, Russia remains in a very vulnerable position without overt Chinese support and without a firm belief in Western capitals that Russia has a nuclear deterrent and will use it.
I can foresee that their gamble is if the conflict is contained to Syria Russia will not dare use their nuclear weapons.
I would also add, Russia should firmly tell Western leaders that if they decide it’s alright to launch an attack on Syria, Russia will immediately send their tanks to Kiev.
The very same day.
China won’t fight unless they are directly threatened. They will support Russia I believe. But not with troops. China’s whole history (ancient and modern) shows a reluctance for foreign gambits outside her immediate borders. I don’t see any change there. Which makes it difficult for anyone counting on China for military help. Diplomatically,economically,even maybe with military equipment. But with actual troops to fight,that I won’t believe until I see it. The problem is,that just as I’ve seen that,so has the empire,and realize it too. Hopefully Russia does as well.
Jesus, this guy is reading a crappy machine translation of the Russian? Why the hell can’t they find someone who actually can translate Russian into English?
Some breaking news just in :
“Authorities in San Bernardino, California are responding to an active shooter situation involving three gunmen which has reportedly resulted in multiple casualties. There are also reports of police responding to an explosive device. The suspects are reportedly at large after fleeing the scene in a vehicle”.
This just might be “convenient” trigger event the empire of chaos needs to get the sheeple behind them and justify a full scale invasion of Syria, to “fight ISIS” of course. The incident has only just occurred and not a lot is “known” about it at the moment, but if it turns out to have even the faintest whiff of jihadis or ISIS being behind it you can bet your last penny its yet another false flag attack.
The full story can be read below :
Wasn’t it only just a few days ago that the psychopath-in-chief was reported as saying that according to his intelligence there was no danger of a terrorist attack on American soil ? Hmmm. Anyone who looks and follows closely will soon learn to join the dots.
Those were just trucks bringing milk and fresh fruit juice to little children — who are now going hungry because of Russia’s cruel destructiveness. Erdo will tell you…
In the meantime
San Bernardino Shooting: Reports of Up to 12 Dead at Center for Developmentally Disabled, Official Sources Say
By Meghan Keneally
Dec 2, 2015, 4:39 PM ET
false flag wiping out mentally disabled – USrael mentality is these people (disabled) should be in the ground anyway.
British MPs vote 397 to 223 in favor of launching airstrikes against ISIS in Syria, 174 majority.
A very interesting article in Fortruss today and if true its long past time the Syrian army did something like this and I sincerely hope they do :
“A high-ranking officer within the joint operation room in Damascus (consisting of Russia, Iran, Syria and Hezbollah) said “Damascus received sets of S -300 advanced Russian missiles, ready to enter active service. Soon, Syria will announce that any country using the airspace without coordinating with Damascus will be viewed as hostile and will shoot the jet (s) without warning. Those willing to fight terrorism and coordinate with the military leadership will be granted safe corridors”.
Now the vultures are gathering around Syria (the British parliament has just voted to join in airstrikes in Syria) this move by Assads forces will finally make them break the miniscule cover they have left and make their true intentions known. No way in hell are they going to co-ordinate anything with the SAA and next thing you know they will be saying they have to get rid of Assad to get rid of the head choppers and people being so stupid will probably fall for this upside down logic. World war III here we come.
Full article can be read here :
Uhhm, so now (Dec 3rd) that the British MPs have passed Cameron’s vote and the UK has started air strikes against Syria, and now that Damascus has reportedly declared a no-fly zone, aren’t we just waiting for a UK bomber to get shot down by a S-300 missile?
And then what?
As much as I hope its true I doubt it. Unless they have Russia and Iran’s backing for that . I doubt that is more than rhetoric.
Wait… so you mean that Syria has taken delivery of these S-300 missiles but if NATO enters their air space to bomb they’re not actually going to use them?
When would they use the missiles then? I mean, are they saying their air space is their own, or not?
That’s exactly what I mean. If they used them on NATO planes (maybe Turkish they could get away with). The US,Britain,France,etc,would go into open war with Assad. Russia would either have to fight NATO directly in a WW3,right then. Or sacrifice Syria to prevent WW3. Assad and Russia don’t what to be faced with that choice. So I strongly doubt they will shoot down NATO planes,minus maybe Turkish (they should I agree,but won’t).
I am also concerned about this, but the key word in the announcement from Syria is “soon”. Why are they waiting? Why didn’t they announce this already?
The Su-24 was shot down on Nov. 24th, and according to the IBT, the S-300 was deployed to Syria already on Nov. 5th, after KGL 9268 was bombed over the Sinai:
If Damascus had announced their intention to shoot down any hostile aircraft BEFORE the UK voted to start bombing Syria, it would have been clear that the UK is now knowingly sending their planes into harm’s way. But now that that UK bombing in Syria has already started, for Damascus to declare a no-fly zone and/or shoot down a NATO plane will appear an unambiguous “act of aggression”.
I thought chess was about seeing how the game plays out ahead of time. Am I missing something here?
Deputy defense minister Anatoly Antonov at the press briefing on Wednesday:
“… The president of Turkey Tayyip Erdogan does not admit his guilt, even though his face is all smeared with stolen oil …”
“The green light for the use of ISIS brigades to carve up Iraq, widen the Syria conflict into a greater Middle East war and to throw Iran off-balance was given behind closed doors at the Atlantic Council meeting in Turkey, in November 2013, told a source close to Saudi – Lebanese billionaire Saad Hariri, adding that the U.S. Embassy in Ankara is the operation’s headquarter…”
Syria got control codes to active their S300 which was taken away after Syria shot down a Turkish jet in its air space.. Thanks Erdo for making the Russians see reason..
S-300 fully in service in the hands of Damascus and two Iranian squadrons to the T4 in Homs serviced by Russia
After receiving and deploying the S-300, Damascus will announce: Any aircraft not coordinating with us will be considered hostile
Two Iranian squadrons ready to participate in the Syrian war.
Original article via @alraimediagroup :
Elijah J. Magnier: @ejmalrai
A high-ranking officer within the joint operation room in Damascus (consisting of Russia, Iran, Syria and Hezbollah) said “Damascus received sets of S -300 advanced Russian missiles, ready to enter active service. Soon, Syria will announce that any country using the airspace without coordinating with Damascus will be viewed as hostile and will shoot the jet (s) without warning. Those willing to fight terrorism and coordinate with the military leadership will be granted safe corridors”.
In another development, according to the same source, “Iran is preparing two squadrons of Sukhoi to engage the war in Syria. These will be stationed at the T4 Syrian military airport in Homs, very close to Palmyra (Tadmur), previously known as Tiyas. The Iranian Air Force will join the Russian Air Force in their war against extremist terrorist Kafeeree in Syria”.
“The alliance of Russia, Iran, Syria and their allies like Hezbollah, the Iraqis and others are all directly involved in the battle. Russian armed forces, including ground troops, the Navy and the Air Force are supported by air defense system using TOR M 1 / M2 medium-range missiles, accompanied by Pantsir S- along with their most advanced S-400 missiles to create an air umbrella coverage over the Russian forces in the country. Another airport in Homs, al-Sha’ayrat, has been prepared to host newly arriving Russian Air jets.
On the S-300, the source concuded: “Syrian air defense crew completed their training on the S -300 missile system in Russia and received the full sets agreed with the government the Syrian forces. The Russian-made S-300s, which can engage 12 targets simultaneously at distances of 200 kilometers and heights of up to 27 kilometers, will be deployed in the liberated areas to cover the full Syrian geography. Damascus is expected – said the source – to announce, soon, that every unidentified jet flying in the sky of Syria will be considered hostile and will be shot down if no previous coordination have been made with the Syrian authorities. Syria is ready to provided safe corridors for those willing to strike terrorism”.
•Sha’ayrat airport:
•T4 Military Air Base (known as Tiyas)
Good. Iran flying in combat support will bring three nations’ with aircraft intent on killing the ISIS scum—Syria, Iran and Russia. The West’s phony collation of US, British, French and whoever else the US props up should work on Iraq. Pretending to be bombing ISIS in Syria has been a 18 month scam.
And we know Turkey has a war with the Kurds it fights. And they are in cahoots with the devils of ISIS, so they should stick to their side of the border.
The momentum against ISIS will be seen by the New Year. December will be a great month for Christianity, not just to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but to watch the destruction of these Takfiri lunatics.
Well, it’s going to get interesting now that Jolly Old is about to enter the bombing fray with their ‘galloping buffoon’ Typhoons. Who will they bomb, do you think?
Russians, Turks, US, French, Brit, Kurds, CIA &special forces and all manner of mercenaries plus the Iranians, Hezbollah, Syrians and Gulf countries etc. I probably forgot somebody -ah! Israel!
What could go wrong? Especially if Turkey was responsible for the A321 bomb. I never did believe the single pop can bomb unless it was a shaped charge directed at the belly tank. Maybe a case of pop?
RT is probably going to catch a lot of flack for their new “promo”. But its great,I can see Washington fuming already:
Well the dissembling British Bloviator Korp. has stepped up their MI6 propaganda messaging so something is up.
Listen to this hogwash with the condescending title:
Syria air strikes: What you need to know
“David Cameron has said there at least 70,000 Syrian opposition fighters – principally the Free Syrian Army – with whom the UK could co-ordinate attacks on IS.
That is based on Joint Intelligence Committee figures which draw on Foreign Office, open source and intelligence agency assessments, officials say.
Independent experts say the 70,000 figure is broadly accurate…..”
And the usual smear job on Putin:
Funny, I thought judo was defensive -using an attackers aggression and turning it against them. Acccording to the BBC judo is also deceptive and treacherous -‘guile’ . Perhaps only for Putin?
Note the bold highlighted meme subtitle:
“Russian President Vladimir Putin, a judo black belt, appears to symbolise two of the martial art’s key qualities – guile and aggression”.
No major changes, Seems the SAA is bent on clearing safe zones for the 4 Russian air bases of militants.. And once ground support air craft are setup and then only will any further offensives take place..
Syrian Army officially in full control of the third largest Syrian city:
Homs was the third largest city in Syria (both size and population) before March 2011, but as the country drifted into a violent conflict; this provincial capital became the battleground for some of the bloodiest battles plaguing the civilian population.
In 2013, satellite images were released of Homs, showing the once thriving Syrian city in complete rubble – the images depicted a city that resembled Dresden and Tokyo after the Allied bombing campaign in 1944 and 1945.
Map of factions as of Dec 2nd 2015…
S-400 successfully intercepted a/targets “Kaban” flying on the complex flat ballistic trajectory over training area
Russia’n Recon Team on GAZ-2975 “Tigr” near Palmyra
More propaganda..
Russia resumes dropping ammunition to PYD
Russian military drops 5 tons of ammunition to outlawed PKK-affiliated PYD group in northern Aleppo, rights group says
The Local Coordination Committee of Syria, a human rights group, said in a statement that a Russian military cargo plane dropped five tons of ammunition early in the morning on the PYD-controlled Sheikh Masoud area in northern Aleppo.
This was the second delivery of weapons from Russian military to PYD after the downing of a Russian fighter jet by Turkish military after it violated Turkish airspace on November 24.
On Monday, a Russian military helicopter delivered heavy weapons to the group in Arfin town of Aleppo. After the downing of the Russian jet, Russia started cooperating with the PYD on the battlefield, as a move against Turkey.
Putin must really be mad, he has stopped bombing IS fortifications and moved to bombing erdo’s terrorist’s fortifications.. With the SAA on one side, the ISIS on the other side and the YPG on a third front, Erdo’s terrorists are being popped like a bad case of zits’icide.. Lots of news about RuAF being ISIS air force.. In the next few weeks the SAA will meet ISIS in the middle of the former zits’icide colony that used to host Turkmen terrorists..
Really how can Erdo stay calm when his terrorists are getting pummeled like this?
moaooaaaa bombs scotty..
aye aye capn.. its gonna blow like a giant oily zit so stay back…
Killing the Russian pilot was the worst mistake Erdo made in a long time.. And the guy only seems to makes bad decisions if he makes any at all..
Reports #ISIS has unfortunately taken large parts of Kafrah & al-Bal in N #Aleppo following heavy clashes w/ rebels
Here very interesting from ZH:
Leaked Memo Reveals EU Plan To Suspend Schengen For Two Years http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-12-02/end-europe-leaked-memo-reveal-eu-plan-suspend-schengen-two-years
(How the EU deals badly with its own annexed Orthodox Christian member state Greece versus supports one of the main creators of the problem and ISIS with a new 3 Billions!)
Hegemon vassal ‘British Bloviator Crassness’ is ramping up the anti-Putin propaganda on cue from MI6:
Vladimir Putin: Russia’s action man president
Count the lies, distortions, condescension and smear.
I’ll just comment on the first ‘bold’ subtitle; as a boy I practiced judo but had no idea I was engaging in treachery and deceit (guile) -or aggression for that matter.
Reading that I thought they were talking about themselves in the third person. It is how they made their empire.. They even killed others using guile instead of facing 3rd worlders with bow and arrows.
great article on the syria-turkey border:
Seen in this light, Obama’s recent request for Turkey to deploy “30,000 (troops) to seal the border on the Turkish side”, (See: Wall Street Journal) should be viewed with extreme skepticism. Clearly, Washington has not relented in its “Assad must go” policy at all, in fact, Obama reiterated that mantra less than a week ago.
That means the Obama crew may be hoping that Turkish ground forces can succeed where his jihadi proxies failed, that is, that the 30,000 troops will be used to clear and hold a 60×20-mile stretch of Syrian territory that can be used as the proposed safe zone. All Turkey would need is a pretext to invade and a little bit of air cover from the USAF. It wouldn’t be the first time a false flag was used to start a war.
The bottom line is this: Putin had better move quickly before Washington and Ankara get their ducks in a row and begin to mobilize. The time to seize the border is now.
Have anyone gotten too see the evidence?
Pictures wont really convince mainstream anyway.
But i hear there is actuall videoes.
“Earlier on Wednesday, the Defense Ministry, during a briefing, showed evidence that the Turkish authorities are buying oil from the militants of ISIS. As proof, the Russian agency showed a video from the drones and some satellite photographs, which shows the entire journey of illegal movement of oil.”
Are there videoes (identifiable) of the whole journay all into turkey side? So it can become HARD evidence that the west cant just talk away.
Rus said that in a few days it will complete the expose by giving the financial trail………
Dec 3 story some more details—says look on Russia’s defense site!:
In response, President Erdogan dramatically vowed to leave office if any proof is provided that Ankara has been buying oil from the terrorist group Daesh (ISIL).
Hours later, the Russian defense ministry presented the first batch of hard evidence to show Turkey’s involvement in the ISIL crude scandal. The Russian Defense Ministry held a major briefing on new findings concerning ISIL funding in Moscow on Wednesday.
At the briefing the ministry presented photos of oil trucks, videos of airstrikes on ISIL oil storage facilities and maps detailing the movement of smuggled oil. More evidence is to be published on the ministry’s website in the coming says, Rudskoy said.
“In war, truth is the first casualty”, Aeschylus
“All warfare is based on deception”, Sun Tzu
Western war makers are great fans of these old Greek and Chinese quotes. Who could even guess how many times these powerful words of guidance on warfare has been quoted at West Point, Langely etc…
But Truth is more powerful. It reaches into ones heart with more power than even the most masterfully crafted lies ever could. Lies, the larger in scale require more complexity. There is simplicity in Truth that reaches to the soul of man. It is unpredicatable how both honorable and bought men will react to it, making it the most feared of all weapons in the world by the corrupt and evil.
Russia’s decision to expose President Erdogan and his family to the world with Truth, I think, will go down in history as one of the most pivotal events of our time.
This is the first step in:
Isolating one of the most corrupt and vile current leaders of a country from the people of that country
Isolating Turkey (with it’s current Regime) from NATO or isolating NATO from the rest of the world if NATO continues to support the current Turkish Regime.
Isolating Current US President Obama from the world and forever placing Obama in history books as supporting Erdogan’s murder of Russian service men who died in honor, fighting the most vile terrorists in recent world history. (Obama the Noble Peace Prize winner)
Beyond the strategic significance of this in the geopolitical chess match, it shows Russian honor and heart in this coming war for civilization many are seeing as shaping up to be inevitable. It is brave to speak the truth. Make no mistake, even as a powerful country in the world as Russia is, this opens a pandora’s box of total warfare.
Already, this has spread to Iraq
Iraq as a sovereign nation with democratically elected and recognized government is beginning to exercise it’s rights as a sovereign nation. Much pride will come from this and they need a boost in pride in their country. Good for you Iraq. May God smile upon your bravery.
The Truth is getting out; it is penetrating our state run Medias
Zerohedge is a popular financial blog in the US and the below post was by far one of the most read and commented on of the day.
Because of sites like Zerohedge above, mainstream media cannot ignore this:
Noteworthy in my opinion:
Russia called on investigative journalists of the world to help investigate the sources of financing of terrorism and gave tribute to the journalists and honorable military men who stopped aid trucks at the Turkish border bound to terrorists in Syria and were arrested by Erdogan’s corrupt regime.
The Turkish people now have a choice to make to define the future of their nation. To continue to support Erdogan, the blood of innocents can no longer be denied to be on the hands of Turkish citizens who continue to support him. Russia basically stated they cannot make that decision for the people of Turkey, it is up to them to either continue to turn a blind eye to the horrors their country is creating or stand and fight for Truth and what is right. All evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing. I do hope the Turkish people make the right choice as the welfare of their country depends on it and I could not say I would have much sympathy for the consequences that will come of their continued support of this regime.
NATO has choices too. None of them great. Continue to support Erdogan who has now completely lost all credibility in the world as a NATO ally in fighting terrorism thus destroying NATO credibility. Or remove Erdogan and expeditiously replace him with someone else with credibility. How quick can they find a replacement they can control? Can they control an election or will “freedom” rear it’s ugly head and a wild card honorable man step up and win?
Obama has choices too. Continue the “Assad Must Go” while ignoring The Evils of Erdogan? Feign previous ignorance and lack of “intelignece on Turkey and distance himself from Turkey, thereby isolating Turkey against Russia, Iraq and Iran? A replacement to Erdogan may possibly emerge prior to Obama’s own departure from office which would be a further stain on Obama. (All Obama and his supporters care about now is him getting out of office quick enough to write nice things about him in our history books) Obama personally cares nothing for the war, deaths of innocents or the country as a whole he was elected to serve. It’s just about image, legacy and doing the master’s bidding along the way.
American’s can no longer use as an excuse they know not what their government does in their country’s name. Our government has openly admitted to funding/arming/training and supporting mercenaries in Syria who have plundered and murdered their way across the country. Americans are facing a choice too. We have not spread freedom and democracy. The American way we have spread is a corrupt and powerful nation exploiting, destroying and killing people across the world in the name of Crony Capitalism and corruption in its most horrific forms.
As an American (and Former US Marine) I am appalled by what this nation has become. There has always been corruption and hidden agendas but, the good guys used to outnumber the bad guys in government. This is no longer the case anymore. The US needs to clean its own house but this will not happen short of financial collapse/major war. Politics is controlled by money in the hands of the elites and good candidates are simply not supported and never make it to any level of significant power. Don’t bother mentioning Trump to me.
Keep making it about Erdogan. It is he who has made him an illegitimate President and turned Turkey into a nation which supports terror.
Remind the world of a former US President’s words in the fight against Terror. Bush with us or with the terrorists: https://youtu.be/3sfNROmn7bc
Please everyone share this video. It was not so long ago that we were supposed to be the honorable ones.
Stay professional, do not get snide about Erdogan. Relentless yes, Emotions yes. But never snide as this is the utmost of serious topics.
Eventually the path of Truth will lead to uncomfortable Truths. Be prepared for those. There is too much relating to this to expand here. Maybe later : )
I posted Nov 25 5:42 am Anonymously and again at 3:52 as ActivePatriot suggesting disclosing the truth about Erdogan. Nice to see my thoughts are similar at times to Russians : )
Turkey has killed and jailed investigative journalists so this wont go far.. Remember the PressTV reporter that was killed by Turkish intelligence after she took pictures of Turkish intelligence officers handing over trucks full of weapons to terrorists..
Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:18
Washington Left in the Dust: Russia Flies Strategic Space Warfare Missile
TEHRAN (FNA)- Moscow carried out the first successful flight test of its new anti-satellite missile last month, becoming just the second nation to arm its military with space warfare weapons.
Russia’s direct ascent anti-satellite missile, known as Nudol, was successfully tested on November 18, according to defense officials familiar with reports of the test. It was the first successful test in three attempts, the Washington Free Beacon reported.
Russia now joins China as the only nations with strategic space warfare weapons. In October, China conducted a flight test of its anti-satellite missile, the Dong Neng-3 direct ascent missile.
Analysts say anti-satellite missiles could cripple US intelligence, navigation, and communications capabilities that are critical for both military operations and civilian infrastructure.
It seems that several East European countries are trying to get the EU to cancel the Nord-2 pipeline project. They spout a lot of crazy reasons for canceling it. But it really boils done to “its good for Russia,so we hate it”. If they succeed ( a real possibility),I think Russia should stop trying to figure the problem out. They’ve stopped South Stream and are now trying to stop the Nord-2. So really why keep trying. Russia has the Nord Stream,and at least temporarily the lines through Ukraine. Just simply tell the EU that the only gas they will get from Russia is through those points. And if the Ukrainians steal it “too bad,so sad”.They will still have to pay for it. Make all the gas coming through Ukraine on pre-paid terms.Have the EU pre-pay for whatever amount they want through there. Then there is no question.If the gas is stolen its all on the EU to get it back. Russia can just sit back and watch.Going crazy trying to figure out ways to please the EU is just plain a waste of time.Russia needs to get over being a mostly gas exporting country,and use the oil and gas inside Russia. As painful as it is to change over it will be better in the long run. If the EU wants to commit suicide,there is no reason to try to stop them.Maybe if given the hard choices of either getting cheap Russian gas,pay double or triple for other gas,or do without and freeze.The EU will “wise up”.But Russia can’t count on that.So quickly move to other economic developments. And still sell your oil and gas to Asia.
That 1/2 of the equation is indeed so. Bad for the EU. The question remains about the other 1/2. Would Russia’s sales of gas & oil to Asia be sufficient to satisfy its urgently needed to expand military budget (and other budget)? In the near future that is, not a pie-in-the-sky future. Omnia mutandur … including China’s energy needs (we just read something about those going sharply down, not clear is that only temporary or a trend). Concerning quickly (re-)building industry (and actually using, rather than selling gas & oil to others), Russian economy is not Soviet economy, no Five year plans, no Stalin. Or, perhaps, that may change too, as anything does…
Good points. But I think that is the point. Russia needs to totally (or near totally) restructure her economy. Start to use her resources in her own economy. And re-industrialize herself. As well as build trade with other surrounding countries. Depending on the West,was (is) a bad idea from the beginning. It was certain to lead where we are today (why Russia didn’t see that is a mystery.Even I could see that years ago). As for China,natural growth,will lead to the need for more energy imports. Most economic predictions (especially the Chinese government’s) say the growth will be 6.5 to 7.0 a year. And the Chinese want to get away from coal. So gas,is certain to be needed. The best and safest source for them to get oil and gas from is Russia. With the US’s continued aggression against China she will need sources for her energy needs outside US control. And with India’s energy needs,I believe, much of the Central Asian gas,will probably be going there. So that also adds to the importance of the Russian gas for China.The answers to Russia’s problems are clear. Its why they aren’t being implemented quickly that isn’t clear.I suspect the main answers there are pro-Western 5th column treason. And the easy and profitable path for her elite, being to follow the West’s directions. Once again (if we didn’t already see that a million times already),for Russia to be independent and survive she must depend on her own people and strength to do that.
Why Turkey Stabbed Russia in the Back -Pepe Escobar
“ROOTIN’ FOR PUTIN” this very American site… “I’ll say it straight out: Russia’s Vladimir Putin is the only one fighting a Just War in the Middle East right now”
Thanks, Anonymous for the link to Chuck Baldwin’s excellent editorial Rootin for Putin.
Don’t cynically neglect the North American Flank! Things are stirring, and not completely under the surface.
Meanwhile, check out this call by Charles Hurt in the Washington Times for invoking the 25th Amendment after Obama exhibits loss of touch with reality in Paris:
A few excerpts:
Has our president officially lost his ability to discharge the powers and duties of his office?
Anyone who listened to President Obama speak to reporters in Paris on Tuesday would reasonably conclude it is high time to start drawing up the papers to transmit to Congress for his removal.
If you are one of the millions and millions of literate Americans out there who have simply tuned this president out the past three or four years, that is certainly understandable. But if you tuned in to the long, rambling, empty press conference, you would have been truly alarmed.
Without the use of the teleprompter, his speech can be described only as “halting.” It was impossible to count the number of times he seized up, able to deaden the silence with only a drawn-out “uh,” “um” or “ahhh.”
Asked about the “mass shooting” where a nut job shot three people at a Colorado abortion clinic, President Obama once again became exasperated with the American people:
“I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings: This just doesn’t happen in other countries.”
He actually said this. In Paris. Not three weeks after gunmen mowed down 129 people enjoying freedom in the French capital.
Either the man is incapable of remembering Islamist terrorist attacks or he’s simply losing his marbles.
‘Great partners’: Pentagon rejects Russian evidence of Turkey aiding ISIS
Anyone remember that Iranian Noshir Gowadia the US put in jail because he designed stealth Chinese missiles.. He also principal designers of the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber, who conceived and conceptually designed the B-2 Bomber’s entire propulsion system and billed himself as the “father of the technology that protects the B-2 stealth bomber.. He was born in 1944 and he got 32 years in jail means he will die in jail.. The evidence was he sold US secrets to China but all he did was design the stealth for the Chinese missile.. It is assumed that only US has the technology.. Even though he was the one who developed it. The proof is in the eyes of the beholder.. Where absolute proof or lack of any proof does not matter in the guilty verdict. The prosecutor got a medal and promotion since he was able to get a conviction without any evidence.. More American tech stolen from a naturalized U.S. citizen which is now american. His conviction says it was stolen and sentenced to death since he was not allowed to work in his field for anyone else and he will die in prison..
Russian goodies in thehands of the SAA…
From Russia to Syria, and the new missile launcher artillery systematic shipment of armored vehicles..
Russia delivering 2S19 MSTA-S 152mm SP guns & TOS MLRSs 2 Syria. Apocalyptic firepower.
The Russian leadership lazkiye hamimi airport near fell by terrorists because of missiles, 36 miles-range 152 mm in Diameter 2 s19 msta-s and the new ding missile launcher systems sevketmeye Syria has begun..
Car 8 rounds a minute has the capacity to do it..
Baghdad When you’re on a covert op. for IS but your Emir didn’t allow you to remove this unibrow
Putting lipstick on a pig..
Kremlin: UK airstrikes against #ISIS are welcomed
Brimstone rockets, which were used on Monday, cost £100,000 each and are so accurate they can be fired from 20,000ft and seven miles away and still go through a small window.
A bunch of women beating up some IDF guy.. or it could just be foreplay before rough sex..
I just saw this. Russia has a history of saving people from the Turks. This is just one of many times:
“St. Tsar Nicholas the II and the Armenian Genocide. I did not know this:
“100 years ago in 1915, during the Armenian Genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire, by the direct decree of Tsar St. Nicholas the 2nd the Russian-Turkish border was opened, and as a result 375,000 Armenians were saved from death.
Mr. Ter-Markarian, about the terrible crime of the Turks, wrote: “At the very border, under the open sky, many tables were set up, at which Russian officials accepted Armenian refugees without any formalities, gave them a royal ruble for every member of the family and a special document that gave them the right for a whole year to settle any where in the Russian Empire without any obstacles and with free travel by any means of transport. In the same place the hungry people were given food from field kitchens and clothing for those who needed it. Russian doctors and nurse gave out medicine and provided emergency help to the ill, wounded, and pregnant. The total amount of people allowed over the border to find refuge and salvation in Russia was over 375,000 Armenians from Turkey.”
In 1990 Prof. Pavel N. Paganucci also wrote about this: “75 years have passed since the Tsar saved 23% of the Armenian inhabitants of the Turkey…no one before or now has remembered what he had done for the Armenian people. For this act of saving he can be added to the list of saints”
In connection to this date, at the end of October 2015, the Armenian Museum in Moscow opened a monument to Emperor Nicholas the II. ”
Thank you for translating it, Uncle Bob. Link doesn’t work, at least on my computer, but this one does
Thank you,but I can’t take the credit for that. Where I read it had already done the translating.
Every year Vladimir Putin gives his State of the Nation Address to Russian MPs and dignitaries, where he shapes up Russia’s strategy for future development and sums up the results of the year. This year it is set for December 3;
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/russia/20151202/1031097262/putin-annual-address-quotes.html#ixzz3tFL2gE8q
Good move. I only wish they’d found a reason to do this 1 year ago.
MOSCOW, December 3. /TASS/. Russian Federation Council’s International Affairs Committee Konstantin Kosachev has said UK airstrikes against terrorists in Syria can be welcomed only in case they hit the announced targets.
Russia’a airstrikes cause twofold decline in IS oil production in Syria — general
Islamic State’s pilots are trained in Libya — media
Deployment of troops in Iraq without country’s approval unacceptable — PM
Berlin won’t share IS intelligence data with Russia but will coordinate flights — minister
Kremlin: Early to speak about progress on creating anti-terrorism coalition
“Though this decision (UK involvement in the military operation against Islamic State terrorist organization), just like other actions of the so-called US-led coalition on Syria, have no international legal grounds (while Russia undoubtedly has them), every airstrike against terrorists, if it what it is, hits the sought target that corresponds with our targets,” Kosachev wrote on Thursday on his Facebook page. “And this can be welcomed. But I will repeat, only if these airstrikes hit the announced targets,” he added.”
uk planes therefore have flown over Syrian airspace, could do anything on their journey……crash, accidentally drop load, get jammed which could lead to an incident if flying anywhere near Rus bases, flight paths, SAA……….
what happenz if they hit Syrian Arab Army who may already be on the ground in that targeted or any other area, and Rus intelligence recontoo how is Rus-iraq-iran Centre watching them,presumably uk info will not be shared with Rus, is Rus gonna light up s-400 every time they fligh over, or will Uk planes have transponders on so they are not mistaken for hostile Turkish planes…..above kinda hints they should tell Rus prior what the intended targets are going to be , so success rate can be monitored so maybe others can join in on joint action? Any air traffic control out that way, or gonna be some near misses or collisions which could be interpreted as hostile action, different countries planes fly at different heights/ Can planes flying near Turkish border of any country act as a cover for Turkish planes to take down more Rus planes ooops we made another “genuine’ mistake?
Of course, none of these answers were available for the vote in UK yesterday, least of all, that the Iraq Chilcott Report should have been published and appraised, to learn lessons, before any other action in the middle east again……………………..Iraq Minister said yesterday said he wasn’t happy about UK planes……………
Is Rus-USA co-ordination line actually gonna work now?
I think uk planes targeted oil facilities in Syria, not lorry convoys…………………chance for Erdogans tankers to get home……………
© Alexander Scherbak/TASS
Russia FM ready to meet with Turkish counterpart in Belgrade
BELGRADE, December 2. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said it would be sad to hear nothing new at the meeting with the Turkish foreign minister in Belgrade.
“As regards a possible meeting with the Turkish foreign minister, in response to strong requests of the Turkish side, we are ready to envision such a meeting,” Lavrov said.
“We want to understand what our Turkish partners who are insistently seeking a meeting can say in addition to what they have already said publicly,” he said.
“It will be sad if we hear nothing new,” Lavrov said. “But in any case, we would like to pose a few questions to the Turkish side as well, including on the attempt to distort the contents of my phone conversation with the Turkish foreign minister on November 25.”
Greek Defense Ministry confirms Russian Su-24M bomber was downed in Syrian airspace
Closing Syrian-Turkish border is crucial but hardly achievable goal – analysts
Pentagon warns Russia’s against arming its warplanes in Syria with air-to-air missiles
Russian diplomat assigns part of blame for blame Su-24 downing to NATO
Syria FM says incident with Russian plane act of aggression against Syria’s sovereignity
“In particular, the leaks in Turkish newspapers claim that during the conversation he proposed creating a hotline between the military departments of the Russian Federation and Turkey, and we stepped aside. It’s untrue, because such a line was created at the earliest stage of the Russian Aerospace Forces’ operation on a Russian initiative. But the Turkish side has not used the line a single time,” he said.
“The leaks also claimed that during the November 25 phone conversation, Minister [Mevlut] Cavusoglu suggested establishing a coalition between the Russian Federation and Turkey to fight the Islamic State [terrorist group], and we did not display enthusiasm. It’s also untrue,” Lavrov said.
“It was President [Vladimir] Putin who speaking at the UN General Assembly proposed creating a united front against terrorism,” he said.
BAKU, December 3. /TASS/. Bilateral cooperation and regional problems will be the focal points of the Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu’s official visit to Azerbaijan and talks with President Ilham Aliev and Prime Minister Artur Rasi-zade.
© AP Photo/Vahid Salemi, File
Iran says it is in talks with Azerbaijan on joint gas exports
Diplomatic sources in Baku say Aliev and Davutoglu will make a statement for the media upon the end of their talks.
The two sides do not plan signing any bilateral documents.
There are no official comments on the visit. Since this is Davutoglu’s first official visit to Azerbaijan after the formation of the new cabinet in Turkey, the sides are likely to review the entire spectrum of bilateral relations. It is not ruled out that the two sides will consider the implementation of joint energy resource transportation projects including the Trans-Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) for supplies of Azerbaijani gas to Turkey and to Europe and the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK).
or try to cut off supply routes Rus has going through to Iran?
Ukrainian Wikileaks: CIA can’t control all the ISIS factions and the Turks elbowed the Russians for ISIS oil – Saakashvili
an unproven conversation?
gas with Quatar gas………………………………
“Qatari special forces have been trained by NATO countries and its security services have strong ties with its western counterparts. Since the beginning of the 2010s, Qatar has been actively engaged in the modernization, re-equipment and improvement of the combat capability of its armed forces. Its main supporters are the US, France, and Germany.
Despite their support of the army of Islamic extremists, the control of which Qatar is struggling primarily with Saudi Arabia, Qatar is seriously concerned about the threats that originate from both the Saudis and their main opponents – the Iranians. In addition, Qatar strives to strengthen its military presence and show its military force and ambitions in other regions, participating in anti-Houthi operations in Yemen, and earlier in the Libyan adventure………….
Russia clearly understands the role of Qatar and so it can become one of its major military targets. Unlike the Turkish case, these actions against Qatar can be supported by Iran, which is Qatar’s main adversary in the region. Indeed they confront each other not only in Yemen and Syria. The very existence of a Wahhabist and US-backed Qatar guarding the Persian Gulf is a threat to Iran’s national security.
Qatar and Turkey will make the most of its subversive anti-Russian and anti-Iranian terrorist networks in the Caucasus, in the Volga region, Central Asia, Afghanistan, and South Azerbaijan. In the need for military means to resist the alliance, is exactly where Turkey and Qatar, and possibly Saudi Arabia, will participate against Russia, and Russia will push for a closer alliance with Iran. Since Iran is not interested in a significant deterioration of relations with Turkey, it will try to use this chance to defeat potential Turkish allies in the Middle East, meanwhile trying to salvage relations with Ankara. However in the case of Qatar, unlike Saudi Arabia, the use of a traditional local Shiite factor is limited because of the numerically small Shiite community in the country.
We Will Not Engage in Military Sabre-Rattling With Turkey – Putin
We Will Not Engage in Military Sabre-Rattling With Turkey — Putin
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/russia/20151203/1031170132/putin-state-address-turkey.html#ixzz3tFSk3GMB
but maybe it depends if T does crazeeeeee, maybe VP will lay down boundaries, conditions, planned response?????
but maybe depends on sea access Black Sea to Med??
MOSCOW, December 3. /TASS/. Turkey will lose up to $440 mln a year if the Black Sea straits are closed for transportation of Russian oil, head of Russian oil transportation company Transneft Nikolay Tokarev said on Thursday.
© Yuei Smityuk/TASS
Kremlin hopes for inviolability of international law on Black Sea strait shipping
“What does the closure of the straits mean? That means that $110-115 mln tonnes of oil and oil products should go through some other outlets and won’t reach consumers via the straits. Turks also know how to count: in average transportation of one tonne of oil costs $3 not more than $4. Let’s multiply 110 million tonnes by $4 – that is what Turkey will lose,” – he said.”
MOSCOW, December 3. /TASS/. Coordination of struggle with the Islamic State terrorist grouping (outlawed in Russia) was discussed in the course of a telephone conversation on Wednesday by the Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Gen Valery Gerassimov, and the Chief of Staff of the French Armed Forces, Gen Pierre de Villier, the Russian Defence Ministry’s information department said in a report.
The conversation was held at the initiative on the French side.
In the course of the conversation, the sides exchanged opinions on the prospects for collaboration in the struggle with the Islamic State in Syria. The sides agreed to continue contacts.
er-DOG-en is protected by UKUSA regimes.
Putin’s speech today:
“Russia has long been at the forefront of the fight against terrorism. This is a fight for freedom, truth and justice, for the lives of people and the future of the entire civilisation”.
I have real concerns about an imminent attack by the AZ empire on Russia.
The French military campaign in Syria is just a Trojan Horse to position France immediately in the Syrian conflict.
The Germans and British have also conveniently inserted themselves into the battle. The Germans unwilling to share reconnaissance information with Russia.
Before that, we witnessed the unprovoked attack on a Russian SU-24 aircraft in Syrian airspace by Turkey. Turkey is in a combative mood along the Bosporus strait. Turkey is amassing serious numbers along the Syrian border for an invasion of Syria protected by NATO air cover. The moment a NATO plane gets shot down by the S-400 defence system, the Russian aggression MSM media hysteria will will do the bidding for an all out war on Russia and the US will enter the fray.
I certainly hope that Russia has plans to take NATO by surprise and immediately neutralize this warring regime to render it obsolete. I’m sure there will be widespread anger, not targeted at Russia, but against the true aggressors. Maybe this will be the trigger the Western world needs to rise up against the criminal AZ establishment.
The AZ establishment must be held accountable for the tragedy they will create. They have escaped unscathed for their misdemeanours in the two prior WWs.
Where is Pepe Escobar when you need him?
On Sputnik France! Spirited 15 minutes interview covering Syria, Turkey, France, Oil Smuggling and then some.
Putin begins his speech to the federal assembly. I will be posting live tweets from the Kremlin
pres. begins speech with tribute to #ruaf, military personnel killed in #Syria
it seems allah has decided to punish #turkey bacon depriving its leadership of sense and reason
turkey will not get away with downing #ruaf jet with a mere tomatoe embargo. We will continue to remind them of what they did
we will not forgive turkey’s backstabbing, and their cosy relationship with terrorist
we know who in #turkey is buying #isis oil, providing them with money to fuel global terror (paris attacks for example)
syria operation proving #russia military effective & modernized. President thanks engineers, military
global terror threat growing as world becomes ‘more open’. Mid east anarchy fueling it all
we can’t just sit and wait for oil prices to rise back up: now is our chance to break through economically
economic situation difficult, but no longer critical. Inflation fall & currency stability a sign that crisis is over
judiciary & courts must be made more transparent and independent.
corruption still a major factor holding #russia back. Prosecutors must be more vigilant to govt employees misdeeds
state will assist those in financial distress; the vulnerable, the disabled and others.
govt will assist truly competitive businesses – forget about milking the state with badly designed and low quality goods.
russia sovereignty and independence depend on being debt-free – our 2016 budget must not exceed a 3% deficit
russian agricultural exports bring in 25% more money than weapons exports. Congratulations to farmers
neuro-science, unmanned transportation, energy networking: #russia has huge business potential and know-how advantage
from free trade zones to the new chinese silk road: #russia must build partnerships everywhere
russia far-east development a top priority: govt pushing tax-free trade ports and free land handouts
Some countries in the Middle East and North Africa, “which used to be stable and relatively prosperous” – Iraq, Libya, Syria – “have turned into zones of chaos and anarchy that pose a threat to the entire world,” Putin said.
“We know why it happened. We know who wanted to oust unwanted regimes, and rudely impose their own rules. They triggered hostilities, destroyed statehoods, set people against each other and simply washed their hands [of the situation] – giving way to radicals, extremists and terrorists.”
Speaking about Turkey and Islamic State militants, Putin said that Russia will never forget Turkey helping terrorists. “We have always considered betrayal a very shameful thing,” he added.
It appears Putin didn’t pull many punches in his speech today. That comes through even on the RT report of it (RT is bad about “sugar coating” some of the statements sometimes). I’m glad he “told it like it is” . Here are a few quotes. I doubt the ability to accomplish,what he says in the last quote. And I hope he knows that too. Trusting the West would be a bad idea :
“We were prepared to cooperate with Turkey on most sensitive issues and go further than their allies. Allah knows why they did it. Apparently Allah decided to punish the ruling clique in Turkey by taking their sanity,”
“We will not forget this aid to terrorists. We have always considered betrayal the worst and most shameful act. Let those in Turkey know it who shot our pilots in the back, who hypocritically tries to justify themselves and their actions and cover up the crimes of terrorists,”
“Some countries in the Middle East and North Africa, which used to be stable and relatively prosperous – Iraq, Libya, Syria – have turned into zones of chaos and anarchy that pose a threat to entire world,”
“We know why it happened. We know who wanted to oust unwanted regimes, and rudely impose their own rules. They triggered hostilities, destroyed statehoods, set people against each other and simply washed their hands [of the situation] – giving way to radicals, extremists and terrorists.”
“We are facing a destructive barbaric ideology again and we have no right to allow those new obscurants to achieve their goals. We have to abandon all differences, create a single fist, a single anti-terrorist front, which would act in accordance with the international law and under the aegis of the United Nations,”
From Kremlin
Putin’s Speech
Russian special forces are training SAA in urban combat using tactics learnt on gronzy for last 2 weeks..
Kuweires Military Airport will be the 4th air operations base..
Putin said :”The sanctions against #Turkey won’t be only economic”. This is going to be the most expensive #Su24 in the history.
Hezbollah #IRGC #SAA enlarged to 4km the security perimeter of #kuweires air-base on all sides defeating #ISIS. +
The sec perimeter will not only allow #Russia to use the military airport soon but also is opening the race to #Raqqa where #ISIS group is.
SAA Expands Buffer-Zone Around #Kuweires Military Airport: Rasm Al-Abid Grain Silos Captured: http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/tiger-forces-expand-the-buffer-zone-around-the-kuweires-military-airport-rasm-al-abid-grain-silos-captured/ … via @thearabsource
Russia-#Syria military exercises prepare for #Idlib battle, The Stronghold of #AlQaeda Terrorists
4th air base will use mostly attack helicopters for ground support to take Raqqa and Idlib close to the Turkish border..
Turkey will lose up to $440 mln a year if #BlackSea straits are closed for #Russian oil http://buff.ly/1lxUbIM
Russia attacks #ISIS oil facility #Syria, says there are 8500 oil tankers & will present proof of #Turkey involvement to UN.
Photo Appears Pro-Government #NDF #Christian Commander Wear The #Russian Patch In #Suqaylabiyah City Of #Hama
Russian New gear and #GAZ Tigers vehicles have arrived in #Daraa 9th Division #Syria #SAA #syrianarmy.
PHOTO: Awesome looking Rifle carried by an #NDF heavily customized AK-74 w/M4-style telescoping stock, silencer, scope + RPK 45-round mag.
Erdogan now says that he has proof of #Russia-n involvement in #IS illicit oil trade #Syria
Pretty interesting map of conflict areas shows action that took place by time line. As long as someone updates it by date
So any news that comes it and an icon is placed on the area with the information on the strike.
Unfortunately, Russia is not USSR.
While it is encouraging that Russia is rising against the West, the regime in Moschow has neither revolutionary aims nor has any alternative economic programs to neoliberalism.
It is a bonapartist opportunistic regime controlled by a small oligarchic elite that cares mostly about it’s own interests . It accepts the continuation of a capitalist economy with many neoliberal policies implemented (such as
the entry into WTO, the signing of various free trade agreements, the transfer of the state corporations under the control of incompetent oligarchs etc).
The aim of Russian elites was to integrate with the West as “equals”. That means that Russia would have become fully integrated into the neoliberal globalised economy as part of EU , NATO or as part of a large free trade area such as TRANSATLANTIC Partnership (” A united europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok” as Putin used to say)
But USA did not accept this for their own reasons and they have encircled Russia. They want Russia only as a vassal. So the Russian regime started to become more antagonistic to a Western bloc that puts immense pressure into Russia.
Things are not positive for Russia.
It’s economy is not self sufficient as the soviet one and It doesn’t have allies as the Warsaw Pact countries. Ussr with all these advantages collapsed.
Another sinister outcome is that Globalization is in full force nowadays with 80% of global trade controlled by multinational corporations.
This wasn’t the case during the soviet union existence.
You keep on believing that…
Washington violates treaty on prohibition of intermediate-range missiles: Moscow
“We have grounds to regard land-based Mk 41s as cruise missile launching systems and their deployment on the ground as a direct INF violation by the US side,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday, Sputnik news agency reported.
Several of them are now stationed in Romania by the US military and will be later redeployed to Poland.
In July 2014, the US accused Russia of breaching the deal when Moscow allegedly developed and tested a banned ground-launched cruise missile.
On Tuesday, Brian McKeon, the US principal deputy undersecretary of defense for policy repeated Washington’s claim about Russia violating the treaty, saying, “The evidence is conclusive. Russia has tested this ground-based system well into the ranges covered by the INF treaty.”
However, the Wednesday statement rejected the accusations as “baseless,” and underlined that such remarks are Washington’s attempts to justify its activities.
“The aim of this deceptive move is obvious – it is to cast a shadow on our arms controls and to deflect attention from US actions. The situation with the treaty is shamelessly used to escalate the atmosphere of chronic military tension across the Euro-Atlantic space,” the statement further read.
The United States is boosting its rotational forces and military exercises in NATO’s eastern flank, including Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Bulgaria, and deploying military hardware in Europe.
The ‘financial trail..’
No wonder Cameron is so desperate to get in the melee..
And everyone, read Flowery’s link above – from Christof Lehmann at nsbc.
My guess is the US Embassy in Ankara (and likely the British and French too) has been the conduit for the money laundering operation, using diplomatic immunities as cover.This would certainly explain Erdo’s attempt to call Putin’s bluff..
Now, I wonder as more of this gets out how the NATO ‘foots’ are going to take it? That they are effectively being used to facilitate a gang of criminals using their political status for an oil – smuggling/money-laundering op?
There could be revolt in the offing…
Funny how people are quick to start attacking Erdogan and Turkey for stealing and plundering…The plundering is exactly what US, UK, France, European countries, did in centuries past , and are doing to the rest of the globe now ( and always do..) by plundering other people’s resources, change governments… killing others in the process so that their corporations can function in these countries. they loot, rape, kill the local people so that corporations can syphon off local resources so that the European and US populations can enjoy a higher standard of living .Only this time Turkey failed to make it less obvious…like a cover for democracy, etc. But this plundering trading model..all EU countries and US (and people) are guilty of.They are part of the same matrix I suppose.