The Main Naval Parade in St Petersburg
July 30, 2017

An entire parade in two minutes


St Petersburg
Vladimir Putin arrived in St Petersburg on Navy Day to review the Main Naval Parade held in the Neva and inner harbour of Kronstadt.

In accordance with the Presidential Executive Order of July 27, 2017, the Main Naval Parade was held for the first time in Russia’s modern history. The parade featured the passing of ships and a marine air force unit overflight. Sailors from the Baltic, Black Sea, Northern and Pacific fleets and the Caspian Flotilla participated in the parade.
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Speech at the Main Naval Parade

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Comrade sailors, midshipmen, petty officers, officers and admirals,
Dear veterans,

My congratulations on Navy Day!

This holiday is celebrated in each Russian region and with special solemnity, at the bases and in the garrisons of the Northern, Pacific, Baltic, Black Sea fleets and the Caspian Flotilla.

Russia’s history is inseparable from the victories of its courageous and fearless Navy. Our country’s status as a strong marine power has been achieved through the brave acts of sailors and officers, the inventive talent of our shipbuilders and the daring exploits of sea explorers.

Throughout the centuries, the fortitude and tenacity of Russian sailors was tempered in battles. Both on land and at sea, they mastered their military skills, strengthened the traditions of their unique naval brotherhood.

During the Great Patriotic War the Navy fought to the bitter end on the coasts and sea borders of our native lands. The Battles of Odessa and Sevastopol, heroic deeds of the Northern Sea Fleet sailors, legendary raids by Soviet submarines, the defence of Leningrad and the impregnable Kronstadt have been forever enshrined in the chronicles of history.

The Navy and commitment to Fatherland are inseparable. As Admiral Nakhimov used to say, a sailor has neither an easy nor difficult path, but rather a glorious one.
And everyone currently serving, in our ground forces and submarines, in the marine air force, in the coastal defence, and those who work in the shipbuilding industry, all are faithful to these vows. Their high moral and professional qualities have been and will remain the foundation of successful service in the Navy, and the state will offer its full support.

Much is being done today for the development and renovation of the Navy. New ships are being commissioned, the fleet’s combat training and readiness are being perfected.

Seamanship is chosen by the vigorous and strong-willed, by those who dare to defy the elements, who cannot imagine themselves without the sea, without difficult and noble service to their Fatherland.


Today the Navy is not only solving its traditional tasks but is also nobly responding to new challenges, making a significant contribution to the fight against terrorism and piracy.

The children and grandchildren of today’s sailors will take pride in their forefathers. Of this I am certain. Because your exemplary training, promptness and discipline are borne out during both training exercises and combat operations.

I want to express gratitude to those who wait for you in your homes and keep you warm with their love.

Thank you for your readiness and your ability to solve the most complicated tasks, for your worthy service and your unwavering allegiance to our Motherland and to our people.

Glory to the Navy!
Happy holiday!




Visit to Naval Cathedral of St Nicholas in Kronstadt

On Navy Day, Vladimir Putin visited the Stavropegial Naval Cathedral of St Nicholas in Kronstadt accompanied by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and Russian Defence Minister Serge Shoigu.

The President toured the cathedral and spoke with sailors and Kronstadt residents there.

Ahead of Navy Day, on July 27, a shrine with the relics of Saint Blessed Warrior Fyodor Ushakov was brought to the cathedral from the Sanaksar Monastery of the Nativity of the Mother of God. This year marks the bicentenary of Ushakov’s demise. The President came up to kiss the relics of Admiral Ushakov and Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

The Stavropegial Naval Cathedral of St Nicholas was laid down in the fortress city of Kronstadt after Emperor Nicholas II’s 1903 decree in honour of the bicentenary of the Russian Navy and was blessed in Royal presence in 1913. In 1929 the Cathedral was closed down and pillaged. In 2002, Alexis II, the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, blessed the resurrection of the Naval Cathedral in Kronstadt. Restoration works ran through the spring of 2013. The grand blessing of the cathedral was conducted on May 28, 2013 by His Beatitude Theophilos III, Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and His Holiness Patriarch Kirill. The abbot of the cathedral is Archimandrite Alexei Ganzhin. The cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is protected by the state.


Russia Celebrates Navy Day With a Majestic Parade in Saint Petersburg (VIDEO)

The celebrations to commemorate Russian naval victories are traditionally held on the last Sunday of July, with parades of the Pacific, Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets as well as the Caspian Flotilla.

You can find more about the history of the Russian Navy here.

Putin reviews Naval parade in Petersburg, greets crews

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS

ST. PETERSBURG, July 30. /TASS/. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin on board a boat reviewed the vessels, which lined up for the Main Naval Parade on the Navy Day on the Neva River.

For the first time in history of the naval parades in St. Petersburg, the event will feature more than 5,000 sailors of the Baltic, Northern, Black Sea Fleets and the Caspian Flotilla.

In total, about 50 ships and submarines will take part in the parade, while more than 40 planes and helicopters of the naval aviation will fly above the city.

Guests of the parade will see the Northern Fleet flagship, the Pyotr Velikiy battlecruiser; the world’s biggest nuclear submarine, the Dmitry Donskoy; and a number of the Russian navy’s newest warships, including the Ivan Gren landing ship, the Admiral Makarov frigate, as well as the Veliky Novgorod and the Vladikavkaz submarines.


Celebration of the Russia’s Navy Day in Sevastopol, Crimea


Russian Navy Parade in St. Petersburg [Many great photos]

Absolutely without a precedent in history.

No country ever had this kind of naval parade

100+ military vessels take part in Russian Navy Day celebrations, incl in Syrian port (PHOTOS)

 St Petersburg marks Russia’s Navy Day with fireworks