Russia’s secret war by Time Forward! project and Evgeny Super
Translated by Scott Humor and captioned by Leo.
We have discovered that Russia has been waging a secret, carefully concealed war for the past 7 years. It is a war against corruption and unfair income distribution. You find this hard to believe? We will tell you in detail immediately after the selection of positive news of the week.
News Time
In Lipetsk, a factory for manufacturing industrial safety systems was opened. The investments are 1 billion rubles ($15.2 million).
Modernization of production worth 500 million rubles ($7.6 million) is completed at the Serov mechanical manufacturer.
In the Stavropol Krai (territory) Russia’s first lactose production was launched with investments of 400 million rubles ($6.1 million).
In Moscow – new production of cable systems.
In the Nizhny Novgorod region was launched a new workshop for the production of special vehicles.
The first industrial park was opened in the Novgorod region.
The first assembly production of milking robots in Russia was opened in Bashkiria with investment of over 400 million rubles ($6.1 million).
In Veliky Novgorod – a new production of mixed fertilizers.
The key stage of testing the Poseidon unmanned multi-purpose strategic underwater combat weapon has been successfully completed.
The Russian Army has adopted the new combat robotic complex “Uran-9”.
A modern mobile radar complex “Resonance-N” with elements of artificial intelligence has been deployed in the Arctic.
Russian schools specializing in physics and mathematics will now receive federal funding under the national Education project. This will allow them to upgrade their infrastructure and take more students on a budget basis.
Anti-corruption actions
This past week front pages of the largest mass media outlets decry the subject of corruption. One of the reasons for their interest was the publication of the Corruption Perceptions Index by the Transparency International, according to which Russia has worsened its position to the 138th place next to Papua New Guinea, Lebanon and Mexico.
Of course, there is corruption in Russia, but the objectivity of this rating is questionable. It is compiled by the international organization Transparency International on the basis of “expert assessments,” which in turn are based on questioning the citizens regarding their personal perception of corruption. That is it. They do not reflect the level of corruption itself, but its perception – hence its name.
It’s true. Russian society really considers corruption to be one of the main problems, and sees the fight against it as being insufficient. But is this really the case? Let’s take a look at this graph.

Statistics of criminal investigations opened against high profile government officials
These are statistics of criminal cases opened against high-ranking officials. You see that since 2012 the purge of corrupt bureaucrats had actually begun. The second graph shows that it is not ostentatious and that the convicts receive real jail terms of 5 years and more.

Image of jail term statistics
If we ignore the comparison of Stalin’s purge, then nothing like this has ever happened in the history of our state.
2019 is likely to become even more harsh towards the corrupt government officials. Just this week only we witnessed the arrests of a Senator, a Lieutenant Governor, a chief of staff of the Interior Ministry, a Mayor, the first Deputy of the Mayor, the head of the regional Cadastral Chamber, the chief of regional Department of the Ministry of Interior and others.
*Video clip plays*
Well I swear to you, I didn’t take the bribe!
– Enough.
Here, I have this…
– Everything’s alright. Sit down, drink some water.
*Starts crying* I didn’t take anything!
*Video clip ends*
Why don’t most citizens know anything about this? Because the government doesn’t make a show out of it, but acts quietly and carefully, almost secretly. Meanwhile, all sorts of populists only talk about the problem and ignore to report on systematic efforts to combat it. Therefore, citizens perceive corruption as an invincible evil, so the Transparency rating may well reflect real sentiments, but not reality as such.
As an illustration, this week’s proposal to introduce the concept of “forced corruption” was discussed by everyone in the media, but only a few mentioned the presidential bill to allow the Prosecutor General office to check on the ownership of foreign accounts and foreign holdings by civil servants. The first concept will have very minimal consequences and a rare application with very specific exceptions, and the second law will bring the purge of corrupt government officials to a fundamentally new level.
Now the main question – how does all this struggle affect the citizens of Russia?
Economic Time
An interesting study of world inequality was published by experts of the Paris School of Economics. Unlike Transparency International, this study is based on transparent statistics and is trustworthy. Now, inequality in income distribution remains a universal problem – the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. However, Russia is not a world leader, and the level of inequality in Russia is lower than in the US, Canada and other regions. Additionally, it is obvious that the situation with income inequality in Russia is improving.

Image of income inequality from 1905-2005
Take a good look at this chart. It shows how the level of wealth of the Russian 10% super-rich, 50% of the middle class and 40% of the least wealthy citizens changed. The huge rise of the super-rich in the 90s and the impoverishment of the rest are obvious.
Since about 2010, the trends reversed themselves, the super-rich began to lose and the rest started to gain. Another source that analyzes the income of the very top-1% of Russian rich people shows exactly the same picture.

Image of 10% income
Let’s compare this data with the anti-corruption crackdown on the elite and see that they almost coincide in time. This is how the income of the super-rich is gradually being redistributed. Of course, the income equality process isn’t just fueled by the fight against corruption. But it certainly contributes to the restoration of what we call social justice.
It is very important to understand that this delicate law enforcement work cannot be done in one swoop, otherwise tomorrow not only corrupt officials, but the law abiding business would flee the country frightened by what is happening. What was possible in the last century can do more harm than good today. Therefore, the war against corruption, cleaning the top, and reconfiguring the distribution of federal funds is going on very carefuly without much public talk about this.
View from the outside
On February 2nd, Russia celebrates the day of military glory on the 76th anniversary of the victory in the Battle for Stalingrad – one of the key battles of the Great Patriotic War. Commemorative events were held in Russian cities and in some countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). But here, the modern German press (DW News) did not miss the opportunity to write that the Battle of Stalingrad had only a psychological and propaganda significance.
Twitter image – “DW in the Russian language: 76 years ago, on 2 Febraury 1943, was the day that one of the biggest battles of World War 2 ended – the Battle of Stalingrad. A German historian believes that the meaning of Stalingrad was more psychological. The battle had a great significance in the point of view of propaganda.”
We would like to respond by quoting the publication in the American newspaper New York Times of February 7, 1943. The author wrote: “Last week ended the defeat of the remnants of the German Army at Stalingrad and summed up the battle, whose chronicle will be passed down from generation to generation. The fierce power of the attackers and the unyielding resistance of the defenders were unmatched in comparison, there was no other such siege in this war, even near Leningrad.
When the conclusion drew closer, German propaganda tried to surround the dying Nazi army with a halo of heroism, which rightfully belongs to Russia. Without a doubt, some of the German divisions fought bravely. But, the German soldiers also surrendered en masse. After the last call to surrender on January 10th, the army began to break up rapidly. This defeat will affect the further course of the war.”
Extremely voracious and accurate article. Read the full translation on our website, Time-Forward!.rus.
We wish you a cheerful and good week! You can find the text of the issue and links on our website. Join the Club “Time-forward!” and take a part in the development of our project!
Translator’s notes: The New York Times is hiding this article behind the paid subscription wall, but here are some other free sources that reference it.
- On Feb. 2, 1943, the remainder of Nazi forces from the Battle of Stalingrad surrendered in a major victory for the Soviets in World War II.
- 2, 1943 | Nazi Forces Surrender at Stalingrad
Russians Liquidate Last Stalingrad Pocket. Nazi Army Beaten. More Generals Captured in Final Assault on Axis Survivors. Siege Cost 500,000 Men. 2,500 Officers Among 91,000 Prisoners — Soviet Units Freed for Offensives
The most corrupt state is England and it’s five satellite Anglo looters nations.
They print dollar and pounds and force others to accept that frad ulent currency.
Besides England is the centre of money laundering of wealth being stolen by oligarchs of other nations.
I reckon that Austfalia would given Blighty a run for its money. Here we have just had an inquiry into corruption by the Big Banks, an investigation that was ferociously opposed by the ruling hard Right regime. It skimmed the surface of bankster theft, fraud, cruelty and sheer parasitic viciousness. The arrogance of the banksters and their hatred and contempt for their victims was pretty undisguised. And one salient feature was that the ‘authorities’ that were meant to police these parasites according to law, had done NOTHING for years to prosecute the thieves and brigands.
When the final report came down, the other day, bank shares boomed, because it was apparent that the inquiry had been cleverly designed so that the final recommendations are a white-wash, just as numerous similar investigations over recent decades were white-washes that allowed the parasites to return to blood-sucking almost immediately. The essence of capitalism is blood-sucking exploitation and parasitism, and the financial apparatus is the most corrupt and morally depraved of all capitalist thuggery. Russia would need to be very corrupt indeed to reach the depths of Austfailia, but could not, I believe, ever reach our level of hypocrisy and mendacity.
@bank shares boomed
Wasn’t a manipulation in order to show that the ‘people’ trust the banks?
In no way can you compare Australia to the City. London is the world’s number 1 when it comes to foreign exchange, not to mention the turnover in criminal & corrupt monies into London.
New York, with the Fed Reserve, is number 1 for dodgy money creation.
It is always refreshing to get some facts about Russia, as opposed to the cheap propaganda shots of the US media.
How refreshing to see a proper government tackling corruption with vigour.
In the EU and US the very opposite seems to be true.
Individuals who have a propensity for child rape, lying, murdering and stealing on a huge scale and who are easy to bribe, rise to the top of the political tree.
Any decent individuals who “whistleblow” on corruption or establishment pedophilia or massive financial crimes, are persecuted and often as not murdered.
A rule of thumb regarding the EU and US might be – the more morally degenerate and psychopathic an individual is the higher the office he/she will be likely to achieve.
There are literally hundreds of examples of this.
I wonder if one reason for the difference between the west and Russia might be that whilst Russia despite it’s imperfections, has chosen Christ as it’s exemplar, most western leaders are out and out satanists.
The not so secret truth concerning the Western capitalist kakistocracies is that, under the influence of neo-liberal capitalism, neo-conservative foreign aggression and ‘Exceptionalist’ arrogance and the cult of ‘Western Judeo-Christian (the latter quite oxymoronic, but who cares?) Civilization’, the psychopath is the preferred type. The clinical features ie grandiose egotism, preference for violence, duplicity, insatiable greed etc, are all there in virtually all the ruling elites in politics, business and the totalitarian brainwashing systems. Whenever a non-psychopath appears, by chance or accident, and nears the seats of power eg Corbyn in the UK, the ruling elites combine in a totalitarian hate campaign of sufficient viciousness to destroy the threat. Corbyn is very nearly finished, but, say that he somehow survived the incessant hate-crazed propaganda, the totally false accusations of ‘antisemitism'(the new Supreme Crime)and the treachery of the Blairites, well he would never be allowed to rule ‘for the many, not the few’, now would he? One way or the other he would be removed. Rule by psychopaths is inescapable-it is humanity’s destiny, its Achilles Heel and its swansong.
You are ‘right on’, Tomsk. Please check out this article about the truly satanic and deceitful Macron: “Unrest in France: No End in Sight” by Guy Millière – Gatestone Institute Feb 2, 2019, linked to by Please pray for the evil plans of our evil “leaders” to completely and totally fail.
You have corruption in every single country in the world. Corruption is part of human nature, as it cannot be eradicated. However, it can be reduced in size.
The Western propaganda machine has for years demonized Putin for his “corruption”, stating absurdly that he embezzled 200 billion dollars, stashing it in a Swiss bank, of all places. Had this been true, the Swiss no doubt would have produced evidence, which would have made front page news. Even Western journalists admitted that this piece of “corruption” was nothing more than disinformation.
The corruption which you have in Russia today is nothing compared to what Russia experienced under Yeltsin. Placing Russia next to Papua New Guinea is absurd. What about the corruption of the Western elites, headed by private banks and corporations ? They broke any international laws ?
Still to remember is the Kadyrov-like corruption, i.e. the officially approved. This is brought by the vertical of power. What is Chechnya itself?
A kind of social and political arrangement resembling the feudal times. Well, it works. Until Moscow demands only what is accepted by Ramzan.
Follow the latest development regarding the unpaid bills of Gazprom. Will the other regions get a general pardon of that like? In exchange for loyalty? As in the times of the USSR – Russia fed the Baltics, Georgia, Ukraine….
And where is their gratefulness now?
Will the Medvedev’s government succeed in collecting the debts from Chechnya?
The long forgotten and written off debts of GDR, Cuba, Iraq etc. make the common Russian man think about the era of Brezhnev again. Being exploited for the sake of ideology and geopolitics. What does he get in return – safety, allies, return on investments? Not in the long run as the sad historical experience shows recently.
Venezuela soon, Belarus is in the pipe…
What an excellent report – thanks for the translation work and the republishing, Saker team!
Some good points here. The biggest point is that we can’t have internal Stalinist purges anymore because the world is globalized – it’s too easy for people to flee and take their money with them. I don’t know if this is why the anti-corruption measures are in fact done so discreetly or it’s just coincidence, but certainly, hunting works best when you don’t scare the prey.
I read a related point in a recent article about the Gilets Jaunes in France (can’t remember what article), which said that to redistribute the wealth through taxation was no longer possible because the owners of income-producing capital could so easily move it offshore. The point was that only nationalizing the industries could compel them to stay in the country – and so, by extension, only the principles of socialism could counter the corruptions of capitalism.
I think these two things are related, and that governments have to take note of them in this century. The globalized banking system for both white and black money has created a world safe for fugitives and tax-evaders. Measures must change accordingly, and it may well be that nationalizing assets is the only way to compel them to endure regulation.
We know that China is very serious with its anti-corruption flight. I believe it also has an effort outside of China to recapture money and fugitives? I’m very glad to hear this news that shows that Russia is serious too.
I actually think that corruption can be made into a cultural taboo, over time, across generations. As humans, we are all tempted all the time by many things. It;’s our culture and training that creates and supports our character to adhere to an honorable path despite the temptations.
Yes, China is hunting for its stolen Trillions in an operation called Sky Net. The culprits are called “Foxes”.
Much of the loot is invested in London, NYC, Vancouver and other spots where real estate has boomed for the last ten-fifteen years.
China says it lost 11 Trillion dollars over the last 20+ years.
The West calls it Foreign Investment.
Imagine how much leverage China has lost by the West laundering this loot stolen from the Chinese people.
Hi Larchmonter
The Fox hunt, eh? Thanks for this information.
And imagine how much lower real estate and housing prices would be in those areas, if the lawmakers had forbidden such ‘foreign investment’ in the first place. But some people got real rich, and many, many others have to live in their trucks 5 days a week and commute 100+miles home on the weekends. Check out on a maps program the parking lots of NASA Ames, outside San Jose. You’ll find RVs and camper-top pickups of the workers at one of NASA’s premiere facilities; where Google parks its blimp. Or the streets outside Palo Alto, ground zero of the tech venture scene: some streets lined w/campers. Or this vid:
This sheltering of stolen assets has made many areas unaffordable, to the benefit of a few.
Re nationalizing industries:
The Yellow Vests, the Crisis of the Welfare State and Socialism
The only way to keep companies, factories, and their profits in the country is to nationalize them so they can’t leave. To create a durable “redistribution,” that is, true economic equality, the means of production have to be collectively – that is, publicly – owned.
The protesters are calling on the state to “tax big the big ones, and tax little the little ones.” The 40 biggest corporations in France (CAC40) made record profits in 2017 and 2018, and the people know it. But French corporate tax is among the highest in the world (33.3%, though it will gradually drop to 25% by 2022), and the large companies, which already use every loophole they can, could move their headquarters elsewhere, for example to Ireland where corporate tax rates are nominally 12.5% but effectively 2-4%. Companies are taxed based on the location of their headquarters, not where they extract, manufacture or sell their products. The small and medium-sized companies which can’t leave are already overstretched, and some of these business owners are wearing yellow vests on Saturdays. Increasing corporate tax on companies which already have one foot out the door will not save the welfare state.
The yellow vests are particularly angry at the fact that Macron killed the wealth tax on the ultra-rich, as their own taxes rise, their wages and pensions fall, and public services suffer. But the wealth tax only brought in 1.4% of tax revenues in 2017, its last year of existence, and it was more symbolic than significant for the budget. Reinstating or even raising it would not bring back the conditions necessary for the welfare state, and the money of the rich would simply continue to leave. In our current globalized and deindustrialized economies, taxation can’t provide the revenue necessary for the social programs associated with the welfare state. Private wealth necessarily slips away. Only public ownership of the sources of wealth can finance the social programs that the French are used to, and more.
Socialism is the only answer to this situation, the crisis of the welfare state. The only way to keep the results of economic activity inside the country and available for social services is to nationalize the industries, so that they become public goods, owned collectively and not by private individuals and stockholders. The only way to maintain and pay for the public programs that the population cherishes, is to finance them through state ownership of the means of production and distribution. The welfare state is played out, and the yellow vest protests are symptomatic of this. Rather than looking backward and wishing it to return, we should embrace the future by building the conditions for socialism.
The images of alcoholic Russian men coming home to their kushchevskaya apartments to beat their wives regularly, of those same men abandoning their families a few years later, of the countless Russian children who run the streets and sniff glue and other hard drugs, and of promiscuous young girls who dream of becoming mail order brides. Gopniks, vatniks, whores, corrupt oilgarchs……this is what Westerners think of when they are asked to describe Russian society. I would like to think that these are images from the Yeltsin era and have no relevance in 2019.
German propagandists are following orders from London and Washington. It is designed to downplay the role the Soviets had in winning WW2 and to promote D-Day as the “real” reason the allies won. It is a strange balancing act: How can the Empire weaken both Russia and Germany at the same time.
I wish this article would have linked the reduction in the level of corruption to a rising standard of living. What European wants to move to Russia? By the way, It is noteworthy that the income shares chart show the same income levels in 2015 as in 1905. Is the “100 year old freeze” that the Rothschilds wanted finally thawing?
John Helmer has a book review that reveals in details who and how invents those negative images of Russia: children and grandchildren of those who in 1920s moved into center city Moscow apartments after killing their Russian owners.
Europeans seeing us through the eyes of murderers and thieves and their offspring.
It seems to me that considering the US push for the war in Europe, Russians started seeing Europeans as someone who is about to disappear from the face of the earth. Sorry to tell you, but your opinions, suddenly, don’t matter any more.
“What European wants to move to Russia?”
Russians don’t want Europeans moving to Russia. Historically, Europeans in Russia had always worked against Russian national interests, so, let them stay where they are. and think whatever they want.
“I wish this article would have linked the reduction in the level of corruption to a rising standard of living.”
This article doesn’t even scratch the surface. There have been over 40,000 criminal cases of corruption and theft of public funds since 2014. The Sledcom or the Investigative committee reports on these cases regularly, but the liberal media refuses to report on them, since it doesn’t go with the perception of “corrupt government” in Russia.
As for the standard of living, it went from nearly 80% impoverished population in the 90s to about 18% of poor people. It’s a significant improvement.
Perhaps a European from the rapidly burgeoning underclasses and precariat might want to move to Russia.
it’s extremely dangerous to open European immigration to Russia. The Europeans took part in destroying our country three times for the last 100 years. To let people with money and hatred to move into the country means to allow them to act to destroy the country from within. They had this done in 1920s, 1940s and 1990s. Why would we want to let them to do this to us again?
I, personally, believe that only Orthodox Christians should be allowed to come. For us, most Europeans are satanists. They should stay in their own society.
One example of how satanists think. German female journalist travels in Russia and writes about Russian children, about how well behaved they are. Her conclusion: since Russian children don’t have hysterical fits while using public transportation like children in Europe, they should be checked by psychiatrists because, she thinks, only abused children behave well.
We believe that children behave well when they feel loved and protected by their parents.
This should give you an idea why we see Europeans as toxic people.
Scott, I would say that your observations are too generalised. Not all Westerners are greedy, aggressive, egotistical, bullies. Many are not, which is why Russia has so much sympathy in the West, particularly among those impervious to brainwashing. I think most people prefer to stay at home, but as Western states degenerate into neo-feudal Hell-holes, there will be many decent Westerners looking for an out, and they could make good citizens of any non-psychopathic state. And there aren’t many of those left.
Satanists is the right word and it’s hallmark is “inversion”.
Thus in the west, art, for example, instead of being inspiring and creative is disgusting trash.
The legal systems deny people justice, the health systems make people sick. The education system dumbs kids down. Instead of teaching about healthy relationships with the opposite sex, the system promotes sexual degeneracy and perversion. Instead of “truth” the media peddles lies and disinformation.
They preach “diversity” whilst viciously enforcing uniformity.
At the “elite” level where the ruling psychopaths are completely above the law, corruption is so endemic it is can scarcely be calculated.
There are numerous way of looking at the struggles taking place across the planet but in my humble view a key to all this is the spiritual warfare between human innate goodness and a bloody satanic cult whether you call it “illuminati”, Zionist/ freemasonry, lucifarianism, satanism or whatever.
On the one hand their “cover” is being blown and people are waking up, but on the other hand they are enormously powerful and lacking a conscience, there isn’t anything they won’t do.
As a Russian living most my Life in the States I can tell you what kind of person from here would be interested in moving to Russia. Its not the liberal, hypster, educated progressive type, which would be closer to who you are describing. More likely to want to move to Russia is someone who is Christian, family value based, conservative, generally not having a higher education, blue collar, simpleton type. Someone who is not far left leaning and also someone who is not a fire and brimstone kind of Christian (southern baptist or evangelical as an example). Most likely a non denominational Christian. This person can belong to any of the above mentioned groups but is for sure a free thinker.
This is just a picture I put together of my experiences with pro Russian Americans.
If Russia makes it mandatory for anyone who wants to move there to declare that “Jesus is Gods son” then I think theyll be safe.
But how is Russia to survive without Euro-trash staging faggot parades and colour revolutions all over the place? Our legendary anti-authoritarians will bring Instant Heaven in the form of ”post-industrial society” — do reconsider!
“Why don’t most citizens know anything about this? Because the government doesn’t make a show out of it, but acts quietly and carefully, almost secretly.”
Is this because the operations are ongoing and they want to catch as much of these corrupt people as possible, without them knowing ?
If that is the case, then it sounds like a good plan.
‘Birthplace’ of Russia’s first president Yeltsin to be turned into firewood
“They suggested we tell the locals that if they need to, they may use the remaining walls as split wood,” they said, as cited by local media.”
Fitting epitaph to a corrupt time.
One of the most Evil Quislings in history.
At least it seems that he gave Russia Putin. Might have been in a sober moment?
Not only that, but as a “devoted communist” he went around Sverdlovsk Oblast blowing up the remaining functional churches “for public safety”. He had them declared unsafe structures. He also cheerfully demolished Ipatiev House, the place of the slaughter of the Tsar, his family and Court officials.
A clear case of another heinous RCAH (Russian Crime Against Humanity). Dear courageous Russian Liberals: Please don’t let Putin and his ilk get away with spiritual arson, for crying out loud.
In the west the corruption is institutionalized in ruling circles.
Contribution to political party, lobbying, non profit corporation and few other examples downright to sliding suitcase of cash across desk. Corruption doesn’t have to be only in bribes. Consider a corporation being fined $50M by ruler for looting say $100M, that’s loot sharing and it is even reported to stupid public who feels satisfied lol.
What about government contracts, never on budget, never on time? Whoa! That’s good one.
And of course elitists conducting public speeches for a fee.
What about highway robbery called civil forfeiture.
Ok, I am stopping here
You can not stop without mentioning the
21 trillion missing from the Pentagon.
It amazes me how the very people that btch about giving food stamps to poor folks totally ignore things like this.
$21 Trillion dollars is missing from the US government. That is $65,000 per person – as much as the national debt!
Ps; thanks for informative article
hmmm. Clintons haven’t been prosecuted, or even charged with corruption yet, nor the DNC, nor the Pentagon for somehow losing $21 TRILLION under a state of total surveillance, which also surveilled the overdose deaths of 72,000 Americans last year, in the mists of a national heroin epidemic. Obviously, this is Putin’s fault. Since 15 million people with security clearance, have had to protect Americans from Russian cat videos. There are just way tooo many cat videos. extremely time consuming!
Great news. Thanks for the update. Reality is not easy to find between junk MSM and manipulated statistics.
This is a good story, I hope more people go to jail.