by Ghassan Kadi

The enemies of Syria have been gleefully watching Syria getting dismembered, its people killed and its infrastructure destroyed for five long years.

Every time an icon was destroyed, they leaped with joy. Every time they conjured up a plot to widen the scope of the war and involve NATO, they impatiently sat in front of their televisions waiting and bracing to hear that the presidential palace has suffered a direct hit. This was not to happen, and the resilience of Syrians, their resolve and the manner in which they honed on President Assad was and continues to be something that enemies of Syria were neither prepared for nor ready to accept.

And now, as Syria is emerging triumphant, and as Saudi Arabia finds itself facing huge difficulties, domestically, regionally and internationally, and as the stupid and short-sighted policies of Erdogan have moved terrorism into the heart of Turkey, and as the EU is reaping the fruit of the evil seed it planted in Syria, the enemies of Syria are desperately trying to find a reason to put a smile on their faces.

It is not at all surprising then to see them celebrate President Putin’s decision to pull troops out of Syria.

Putin’s decision came as a surprise to all of us. Some of us were quicker than others in analysing it properly. And whilst the haters of Syria and Russia, as well as those who personally hate presidents Putin and Assad were quick to make the event look like a turnaround in the relationships between Syrian and Russia, even a failure, the decision was not as surprising as first seen.

I asked a number of friends, the opinions and views of whom I highly respect, the following question:

“What’s your take on the Russian withdrawal? I am fully aware it could be a tactical action, one that is reversible etc etc.. What I’m worried about is a possible conflict between Moscow and Damascus. Are you aware of any such thing?”

The “conversations” were private, and my friends had no idea that I asked that same questions to others, so the responses were not only independent, but also done spontaneously without any editing or need for holding back any concerns.

Here is the first response in its entirety:

“Hi Ghassan, I am more worried about a rift between Lavrov and Putin than between Putin and Assad, however remote that may be. This leads to my definite belief that Russia and Syria have orchestrated this whole process down to a T. No chance or possibility of a disagreement between Syria and Russia. And I can splurge and say that Russia is preparing the political ground for a greater conflict and consequent comeback because they do not have faith in US/Saudi/Turkish reaction to their gesture of goodwill, after clearly demonstrating their incredible firepower”.

This was the second response, also quoted in its entirety:

“Everything is possible, of course.  But I see no signs of conflict.  But, if there was such a conflict, we would not know about it, right? But the key thing is that I don’t see the Syrians being in any position to argue with the Russians and, besides, the Russians would have other means of pressure other than withdrawal. So no, I really don’t see any reason at this point to suspect a rift. Do you?”

Both responses were heart-warming and reassuring indeed, and then, I received a response from a true hero; a Syrian NDF operative. I had in the past relied on this particular friend to give me information of events as they happened on the ground, and at times, before they happened. He gave a very long answer, and I will skim it down to its core. This was his response (without any corrections):

“Don’t worry. Perfect and absolute understanding between Moscow and Damascus. Syrian army rejuvenated and best trained and equipped with Russian and Iranian expertise. Major weapons remain..specially S 400. Decision made between all parties. Readiness remains. Bases remain. Only part leaves. Part stays. Russia delivered ultra.modern equipment. Withdrawal..pragmatic…Diplomatic. .tactical…ellusive..many reasons… it is not a total withdrawal.

No one touches Syria. They can’t… anytime very quickly Russians can and will come back . Russians remain on the ground as usual. There is no conflict. How could there be….this is friendship. ..strategic survival necessity… its pipelines.’s prevention… its defence….IT’S A VITAL FRIENDSHIP BASED ON COMMON VIEWS. .COMMON HEARTS…COMMON CULTURES..COMMON INTERESSTS…COMON EVERYTHING.

Russians keep their word. This is extrem important for the public and institutions…in Russia and worldwide. There is no necessity staying right now. We all saw how fast they can come. Part of russian forcea will stay.

Syrian army trained and supplied by russian army. What conflict ? The cooperarion has never been tighter !!!

From the start itvwas agreed upon a 3 months intervention. It h been prolonged. .. 5..6months… longer than that it would be regarded as occupation..understand. many pragmatic reasonable reasons. NEVER EVER CONFLICT BETWEEN SYRIA AND RUSSIA. Soulmates don’t dissagree.”

One can almost smell the adrenalin in this last response; which I dearly treasure.

As The Saker put it bluntly in his article yesterday, he trusts Putin, and so do I. Putin is not going to cut and run, even if there is indeed some dispute between himself and the Syrian leadership, which is very highly unlikely.

President Putin is not going to blemish his impeccable record of certitude, strength and resolve by walking out and away.

The troglodytes can keep on wearing their ugly toothy grins, but for as long as Russia and Syria uphold their principles and what unites them, their enemies shall not pass.

The September 2015 Russian initiative in its initial form is over, but Russia’s role is not over and out.