Russia’s UN Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya Comments on Salisbury Case in the UNSC:

Remarks and reply by Ambassador Vassily Nebenzya, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, at the UN Security Council meeting regarding the March 13, 2018 letter from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, New York, April 5, 2018


Mr Chairman,

On March 14, the Security Council had an open meeting on the letter from the British Prime Minister Theresa May. It contains monstrous and absolutely unsubstantiated accusations against Russia over the use of chemical weapons on the territory of Great Britain.

Representatives of the United Kingdom promised to regularly brief the Council on the progress of the investigation. However, none have occurred. And so let us brief you in detail.

Today marks one month since Russian citizens Sergey Skripal and his daughter Yulia were found unconscious in the British town of Salisbury.

If chemical weapons were in fact used, this is a threat to non-proliferation and deserves consideration in the Security Council, particularly as we have what to say to our British colleagues and questions to ask.

So, what do we know about the crime and the victims?

Sergey Skripal, convicted in 2006 for espionage for Great Britain, had lived in that country since 2010 after being pardoned and retained his Russian citizenship. He was regularly visited by his daughter Yulia, a Russian national. According to the theory spun in the British media, Russia never forgave him for his treason and decided to take him out, even though he clearly presented no threat to Russia.

This gives rise to a number of questions. First of all, if we are to be entirely cynical about it, why should we wait eight years and decide to do this two weeks before the Russian presidential election and just several weeks before the FIFA World Cup in Russia? Why was he let out of the country at all?

Why take him out in such a strange, high-profile manner that poses danger to the perpetrators and bystanders?

Anyone familiar with detective stories (for example, the Midsomer Murders series, well into its 20th year) knows there are hundreds of relatively simple ways to cunningly dispatch a person. However, the assassins of Sergey Skripal and his daughter chose an extremely toxic chemical, that is, the most risky and dangerous method. And they did not even finish the job, as the victims, by all appearances, are alive and Yulia, thank God, is rapidly recovering.

This case involves a lot of murky questions. And the deeper you go, the more there are.

To be continued…