Dear friends,

I have good news:  It is now possible for you to talk directly with me on my Telegram channel!

As I have already explained in the past, my have canceled my mailing list and replaced it with a Telegram channel.  I have spoken to my friend (Fedor) who so kindly created the channel and we decided to add a interaction capability to the channel.  However, and especially in these times of massive troll actions, I have also decided the following:

  1. The channel will be open to ALL to read, but
  2. ONLY those who will sign-up will be allowed to participate in the conversations

In other words, the CONTENTS of that channel will be open to all, as per the Saker Community ethos, but only those vetted by me personally will get to participate in conversations.

This is how this will work:

Those of you how want to participate in our conversations will have to email Fedor at the following email address:

These emails will then be forwarded to me and I will decide on a case by case basis.

I fully understand the problems associated with this approach.  First, only those whom I have already got to know in the past will be allowed to join (at least initially, see below).  So if you want to join and we never interacted before in the past, you will have to introduce yourself to me and I will decided whether you qualify or not.  Obviously, anybody either acting like a troll or trying to spam the channel will be immediately and permanently kicked-out.

I am sure that some of you will not like these limitations and as the (horrible) expression goes when a US corporation lets you down or screws you over, “we are sorry for any inconvenience” (just joking, I really hate this expression).  Seriously, I will say this: if you can think of a better way to include as many people as possible while EXcluding all the trolls and other PITAs then, by all means, post a suggestion below and I will absolutely consider it.

Okay, your turn now.  Please let me know what you think and if you like the idea, please email Fedor with a sign-in request.

Stay safe and kind regards to all

The Saker

PS: FYI – my friend Smoothie has opened a unmoderated COVID19 board here: