Dear friends,

I am having some chronic pain issues which will require me to spend 5-8 days in Jacksonville, FL, in order to run a number of diagnostic tests and hopefully get a treatment at the local Mayo Clinic.  I will be honest and immediately admit that my trust level in modern medicine is pretty close to zero, but these guys are supposed to be better than the rest and I am getting pretty desperate.  Besides, right now I can’t even get a diagnosis, not from regular MDs and not from alternative medicine practitioners (whose treatments also failed me anyway).  The good news for me is that I have have an insurance which will pay for the costs.  The bad news is that I can’t afford paying the kind of prices locals hotels typically charge (especially since being gone for a week or more will result in a corresponding loss of income from my regular, day job).  My question to you is this: do you know/have any kind of cheap place which I could rent/stay at (with my wife) somewhere within, say, 45min by car from downtown Jacksonville for 5-8 days?  I am tentatively looking at the 2nd half of September.

So far, every time I turned to our community for help I got the help I needed.  Will that happen once more?

If you can suggest a solution or can help, please email me at

Thanks a lot!

The Saker