Dear moderators,

Of course, I could drop by and try to get in touch with some of you though our usual space at unseen, but I wanted to reach you *all* and I wanted to say what I had to say to you in public.

First, THANKS SO MUCH for the phenomenal job you are doing.  I really mean that.  Every day or so I go and check the trashbin and I wonder and all the work you have to put into making hard judgement calls.  Today, for instance, one of you did move to the trash a post because even though prima facie it did not violate any of the basic rules, the sources used by the post clearly showed where this was all coming from.  And you did the right thing to trash it!  Rule are, of course, guidelines you cannot replace common sense, and you guys are using a lot of common, and even less common, sense and doing a fantastic job.  Also, you do put up with a lot of ugly shit, pardon my French, and not to mention some plain stupid comments.  So, again, THANK YOU for what you are doing.

Second, I want to apologize to all of you for how little I interact with you.  Frankly, I am completely overwhelmed with work and I suffer from a nasty case of chronic fatigue on top of that.  Two jobs and chronic fatigue are, I assure you, a nasty combo.  So what I do is I work as a fire brigade: I go where it burns.  A crisis here, another one there, something goes south on blog X, or somebody simply disappears.  You have no idea how much of that stuff I have to deal with.  And so you, the moderators, are paying the price for *not* having a massive crisis of some kind, which is really unfair.  I interact with you the least because you are the most reliable members of our community.  But I can also sincerely tell you that for all 10’000 times when I did not have to deal with some kind of crisis I also had 10’000 grateful thoughts for all you do.  Frankly, without you guys I would either burn out, or end up in a loony bin or both :-)

You are the best

So, dear mods, forgive me for being so out of touch and thank you for all you are doing

Cheers and hugs,

The Saker