Dear friends,

Lots of thing on my mind today which I need to share with you.  But first, for starters, the good news:

I have made my book “The Essential Saker: from the trenches of the emerging multipolar world” now available for unlimited free download!  Not only that, but I am releasing it under the Creative Common License BY-NC-ND which means that you are allowed (encouraged even!) to copy and redistribute the books in any medium or format!

You can grab a copy of the book (in various formats) right here:

I hope that many more of you will enjoy this book!

Which brings me to the next item on my agenda: my second book.  It’s full title will be “The Essential Saker II – Civilizational Choices and Geopolitics: The Russian challenge to the Hegemony of the AngloZionist Empire“.

The book is pretty much ready.  But this time a long list of problems with the first book made me go another route about publishing it.  My only dilemma is that I have pay upfront for all the costs which, for 1000 copies ordered (that is the optimal amount) look to be in the range of $8000-$9000.

So here is my question to you:

Assuming a paper version of 19 dollars and an ebook version of 7 dollars (this is not set in stone, but this is our best guesstimate), which one would you be interested in purchasing?  Please reply by clicking on the poll here:

Depending on your answers we might have to release the book in ebook version only.  I think that this would be a crying shame, but I simply cannot afford to pay the printing and shipping costs (the book would be printed in Malaysia) upfront and out of pocket.

One option would be to find a sponsor willing to pay for our upfront costs.  If you are interesting in exploring this option, please email my assistant Amarynth at <>.

So, dear community, we decided to turn to you to see what you have you to say.

Hugs and cheers to all,

The Saker