Dear friends,

Selection_001On Wednesday I went hiking in the beautiful Florida wilderness.  The hike itself was great, and I came home elated and, I would even say, intoxicated with the beauty of what I had seen.  Yet somehow, I managed to sprain my ankle.  I did not feel that on the day of the hike thanks probably to a combination of good hiking boots, the heat (over 100F/38C) and all the adrenaline slushing around my system.  But the next day the pain got worse, and today it is much worse.  I can barely move around my room.

That should not affect the blog too much unless, of course, it get’s worse.  There is also the possibility that this is a rare case of gout inside the ankle, in which case it will get worse before it gets better.

Finally, as per Murphy’s law, I need to go on a fairly important trip tomorrow to meet somebody I wanted to meet for a long while.  6 hours by car with a sprained ankle does not sound like fun.

Anyway – all this is to say that should I “disappear” for a day or two or be slow to reply to emails, please cut me some slack and don’t be upset, ok?  I hope to be back to normal, God willing, by Sunday.

Hugs and cheers!

The Saker