This comment was selected by Mod HS from the Commenter Corner post “Competition To Control Energy Supplies”. The moderator believes it gives a brief overview of how the same behaviours to destroy Russia come back again and again in different formats. The “West” will not stop.

Comment by Peter J.Antonsen

” P.S. Balkans will be stable and secure only when a Balkan Federation or some kind of economic/political/military pact between Bulgarians, Serbians (in the grand meaning of that, like Yugoslavians), FYROMians, Romanians and Grecians comes in existence.”


I. The Germans could not attack Russia without first destroying Yugoslavia and neutralizing their Serbian cousins.

In 1940, for the Axis, (Fascist Germany and Italy) to dominate South East Europe, and enable them to attack Russia, is was necessary for them to break up and occupy the Balkan nations. The fascist imperialists had to destroy Yugoslavia, which stood in their path, and by its existence, blocked the Southern approach and prevented any attack on Russia.

Balkans WWII April 1941

military map link
II. The Americans cannot not attack Russia without first destroying Yugoslavia and neutralizing their Serbian cousins.

In 1990, the Zionist American Fascists once more destroyed Yugoslavia. The planned atomization of the Ballkan peoples weakened their natural resistance to outside political and economic domination, — and opened the road for the expansion of Zio-American NATO and future invasion of the Kievan Ukraine, (where Russia was born).

III. Historic Pattern: First destroy Yugoslavia – Next attack Russia.

A. Economic Sanctions: are an act of War.

1. After the absorption (some might write – liquidation) of the Ukraine, it has to become a staging area for surrounding, and, future direct attacks upon Russia. It is the imperialist triggered confrontation over the fate of the Russian population of the Ukraine, that has enabled their Oligarchs to institute a whole range of (new) Economic (as well as military), Sanctions against Russia.

2. The latest version of the economic sanctions against Russia is the attempt to completely Divorce Russia from all economic connection to Europe and the Americas.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) of the imperialists has just ruled that (essentially) no nation need repay its Debts to Russia. Their first ruling was that their Ukraine Junta need not honor their contractual commitments with Russia. They can hold onto the $3 Billion loan from Russia, and never repay it. By translation, the Zionist American Oligarchs will support any nation that wishes to renege on its contractual obligations to repay Russian loans. Therefore, Russia is as cut off from the lifeblood, of world human and economic commerce, with the rest of the planet, as is the Moon. A Death Sentence by any other name.

How will Russia do business now? By Barter? You give us 1000 Oranges, and we will give you a Tank?

China, might be the next to receive this treatment, if it allies with Russia, rather than come over to the Dark side.

3. This ruling by the Zionist American IMF, (as I wrote on this forum some 2 weeks ago), as completely separates Russia from Europe and America, and most of the rest of the world, as a Direct Declaration of War. Imagine, a husband and wife being told they can no longer have sexual relations. What effect do you think that order might have on their marriage?

In military terms, The IMF ruling is the real body blow, and the downing of the Russian bomber, a mere jab.

The Road to Freedom – is through a VISION.

Yours or mine; it does not matter, as long as it is well thought out, and contains some love.

1. The Russian leaders must uphold their Republic and imprison their Oligarchs!

2. They must show some empathy for the growing Resistance in Europe, beginning with that in France. If Vladimir Putin can manage to say some positive things about that American counter-insurgent agent, Donald Trump, then what is his problem with noting the far more principled courage of the Le Pens and their National Front?

Is he aware of the Zionist turn in his media, and Russian foreign policy? It is not about Jews; it is about right and wrong; it is about the Vision, without which, as explained in Orwell’s “1984,” there is no hope or possibility for a happy future. Tolkien’s forces of Good triumph because of the courage (and human vision) of the ‘little’ Hobbits.