6th Sep: Photos appear on twitter showing Abu Bakr al Baghdadi as having been killed in a US airstrikes. However, the authenticity of the photos and the news, which the Pentagon has denied, are being questioned:

However Kurdish Bus news is reporting that he was injured and is being treated near the Syrian Iraqi border:

Iraqi airstrikes and artillery strikes on hospitals in Kirkuk and Fallujah, details mentioned below, could have been a follow up of news of Baghdadi being injured and needing medical assistance or senior members of Daash. There could have been leads suggesting that he was there. Both bombings have resulted in a high number of civilian casualties.
6th Sep: The Iraqi Ministry of Defence states that it has targeted a number of senior leaders of Daash in air strikes in Tal Afar district, west of Mosul.

7th Sep: Baldrouz district in Diyala is facing a water crisis. It has been under Daash siege and water has been cut from the district for 10 days now. Lawmakers are demanding swift action by the government to save trapped civilians.
7th Sep: Haider al Abadi has till Tuesday to form a Government or he risks being dropped and the task assigned to another
7th: Mullah Khalid, of the Sunni Iraqi Scientists Group, calls on all political parties to compromise and speed up government formation
7th Sep: Hussain Al Sharistani, the former Minister of Energy, is tipped to be the next Minister of Education and Scientific Research of Iraq.
7th Sep: Haider Al Abadi asks that the Ministries of Oil and Transport shoud be given to Basra and that political blocs can suggest names of lawmakers from Basra
7th Sep: US airplanes carried out airstrikes on Daash positions on the outskirts of Haditha Dam. The airstrikes are aimed at degrading Daash’s capacity to stage offensive operations against government security forces and tribal fighters defending the dam and the town of Haditha.
The Iraqi army is able to regain control of Barwana town outside of Haditha after American air strikes weaken Daash
7th Sep: Rohani praises the sacrifice of the Iraqi people, the Marjas (Sistani), and points out that without Iranian help, material and “people,” the relative security in Iraq would not have been possible.
7th Sep: Peshmergas retake Zartak mountain outside Mosul in a short battle of 30 minutes that leave between 20 and 25 Daash fighters dead. The Peshmergas gave credit to American air strikes for having made their task “very easy.”
7th Sep: After repeated failed attempts the Iraqi a Army backed by militias us planning to attack Tikrit again. Daash has prepared its defences in anticipation of any assault.
7th Sep: The Iraqi Airforce carries out 11 airstrikes in Anbar and claims to have killed more than 40 Daash fighters and another 35 in Babil
7th Sep: Peshmerga forces attack and kill a would be suicide car bomber on the outskirts of Jalawala. The terrorist tried to target a Peshmerga checkpoint besieging Daash inside Jalawala town.
7th Sep: Mortar attacks on the Al Zarkosh tribe in Hamrin, north east of Baqouba have continued for the seventh day today. Mortar strikes left two young girls dead. The tribe is warning of retribution unless government forces stop “Daash” from continuing the daily attacks.
7th Sep: Iranian Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, states that it is the United States that is not being serious about Daash. He spoke about the two faced approach of the United States where it supported Daash in Syria and has shown little or no seriousness of attacking Daash in Iraq.
7th Sep: The lawyer of Saddam’s former henchman Tariq Aziz Badie Izzat, States that Maliki’s office had shown willingness to allow the release of Tariq Aziz and Sultan Hashim from custody.
7th Sep: Syrian tactics: The Iraqi Air Force bombs Hawija hospital west of Kirkuk while the Iraqi army launches a rocket/artillery strike on a Fallujah medical facility
7th Sep: Daash warns residents of Northern Tikrit district that if they do not pledge allegiance, their homes will be destroyed

6th Sep: Daash executes, by beheading, a second Lebanese soldier it kidnapped in Arsal. Daash stated that the soldier had attempted to escape

Further Reading:
A young Yazidis girl talks about her escape: