by Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Belgrade for The Saker Blog

Relentlessly, as if his life depended on it (as it well might) the Serbian tyrant Alexander Vučić is setting the stage for the final act of grand treason that he had obligated himself to commit in exchange for an appearance of power and an opportunity for graft and plunder. His regime is making final preparations for signing away the spiritual and cultural heartland of Serbia, Kosovo.

On Monday, August 3, at 10 am, Vučić’s fraudulently elected “parliament” is scheduled to assemble and hold its inaugural session. It is notable about its composition that regime vote-counters awarded Vučić’s SNS party 188 seats out of 250, while satellite parties SRS and SPAS got a total of 43. The balance of the seats went to ethnic minority groups with guaranteed representation in parliament. Not a single opposition party was allowed in.

Why is that important? For a very simple reason. The preamble of the Serbian Constitution states that Kosovo is an inalienable part of Serbia and the Serbian President, when taking office, explicitly pledges to keep it that way (Article 114). According to Article 203, for the Constitution to be amended and for the language in the preamble and Presidential oath referring to Kosovo to be done away with, two-thirds of parliamentary deputies must vote for it. No constitutional amendment, no Kosovo giveaway. Or, rather, Vučić can sign any piece of paper to that effect but his signature on it will be legally inconsequential.

Those who made him President and to whom he has made certain treasonous promises are aware of that, and so is he.

So now the big picture and the contours of Vučić’s scam are coming into focus.

Corona or no corona, since Kosovo pressure from his foreign sponsors was building up, Vučić had to do two things: (1) figure out a way to get a new parliament elected where he would have a controlling two-thirds majority to change the Constitution to suit his purposes, and (2) practice fraud of unprecedented scope in order to achieve that objective.

As we have pointed out in earlier Sit-Reps, the board of medical charlatans (Crisis staff, as they are known) who are mismanaging Serbia’s response to the corona crisis are corrupt political appointees ready to do the regime’s bidding. On cue from Vučić and his health minister Lončar (popularly known as “Dr. Death”, having apparently assumed the mantle of Dr Kavorkian in the US), the regime medical charlatans declared the corona pandemic over in Serbia at the end of May, clearing the way for the rigged elections on June 21. As soon as the elections were over and the ballots counted, many brought over in sacks by party activists from who knows where, again on cue the pandemic re-emerged, literally a day later, with a vengeance, and in magical

synchronization with Vučić’s further political agenda. On June 27 an important Kosovo meeting was scheduled to take place in Washington where Vučić and Kosovo KLA terrorist leader Thaci were expected to put finishing touches on a “comprehensive mutual recognition agreement” under US auspices. Thaci’s unanticipated indictment by the Kosovo tribunal at the Hague, the result of transcontinental intrigues between the US and the EU, an event wholly outside of Vučić’s foreknowledge or control, took the wind out of that meeting and another one was scheduled to take place in Brussels later in July.

Acting on what he knew at the time (masters do not always share all the details with their servants), and encouraged by the apparently compliant attitude of the population during the previous corona lockdown, Vučić decided to redramatize the medical situation. His objective was to cage the people safely again in a new lockdown, while he went off to fine tune the “comprehensive agreement” he was instructed to deliver, untroubled by concerns about the popular reaction. He went on nationwide television and announced a reintroduction of the lockdown. That miscalculation marks the beginning of the drastic deterioration in his current political fortunes. He tweaked the tiger’s tail one time too many.

Unexpectedly, the populace reacted massively, their revulsion at the regime and resolve not to be caged again by the psychopath overcoming their fear. The rest is, as they say, history and it was faithfully recorded and illustrated in our previous Sit-Reps.

As we pointed out, a determined group of several hundred “keepers of the flame” has been conducting a regular vigil in front of the Parliament building in Belgrade. Any spark would be sufficient for the citizenry to return in force. Many groups have announced that they are preparing a suitable “welcome” for Vučić’s bogus parliamentarians on Monday morning. How it pans out, we shall see. But it is highly unlikely that Monday’s contemptible gathering of regime political prostitutes will even remotely resemble a dignified and decorous event.

Vučić knows it and, ominously for him, his masters have grasped it as well. His usefulness is near expiration and soon even Upper Volta will be disinclined to entertain his asylum request.

Belgrade Parliament update: Because of hurricane Isaias, the Saker was not accessible in time to post our Sit-Rep before the event. On Monday morning Vučić’s illegitimate, fraudulently elected deputies were officially instated. Their sole legislative task in the near term will be to amend the Serbian Constitution to legalize the official recognition of Kosovo’s separation from Serbia and to allow Vučić to keep his bargain with the devil. It is a false parliament of traitors, convoked to serve the nefarious purposes of the blackmailed Serbian tyrant who is himself guilty of grand treason.

The people of Belgrade evidently are of that opinion because they turned out in front of the Parliament building early Monday morning to put the phony “deputies” on notice, as they were arriving one by one in luxurious government vehicles, that they are illegitimate and do not represent anyone. The protest was entirely peaceful, though at times quite noisy. The tyrant’s police arrested former deputies and protest leaders Srdjan Nogo and Zoran Radojićič on the way from their homes to the protest site. Police ambushes at key points throughout Belgrade harassed people they thought were on their way to join the protest and tried to intimidate them to stay away. That was just a day after 1,3 million people in Berlin and other German cities manifested their opposition to government policies completely unhindered by the police or any other authorities. Comically, but unsurprisingly for a paranoid dictatorship, in front of Parliament a woman was arrested after the police found an egg in her shopping bag, the police evidently fearing that she might try to use it as a weapon against regime targets.

Serbia has now sunk to the darkest depths of the Middle Ages. Needless to say, it is not a revival of the brilliant medieval period of the Nemanjić dynasty. It is the descent of a proud country and noble nation into the malodorous septic tank of Alexander Vučić’s insufferable tyranny.

Note to our gentle readers: Alert readers must have noticed that with each new Serbia Sit-Rep there is seemingly an exponential increase in “comments” by the tyrant’s trolls and bots. Serbian readers will not be surprised. They can easily identify and “cancel” them because they must deal with these obnoxious pests on Serbian websites all the time, whenever a critical word is uttered. As Serbian readers are well aware, the practitioners of this dishonourable profession of jamming other points of view in Serbia are known condescendingly as the “sandwich people.” In devastated and impoverished Serbia, they typically sell their souls for a sandwich, with perhaps a Coke thrown in, in return for spending hours patrolling the internet and trying to discredit and drown out voices that stray from the official line.

But this is a matter that needs to be clarified for the benefit of non-Serbian readers. They should know why, bizarrely, a squad of English-speaking sandwich people has apparently been assigned to monitor our reports from Belgrade. It is because Serbia has been plunged in total media darkness and all news are tightly controlled by the regime. With the exception of a few portals and internet television sites, operated by some very brave individuals, all the remaining media outlets are directed either by the regime or by the NATO/Soros cartel. The latter are mildly critical, not enough to endanger the system, but just enough to send signals to Vučić to let him know what is expected of him. They know the “elections” were fraudulent and Western embassies and chancelleries are perfectly aware of it as well, but they still need Vučić to complete the tasks for which they installed him. They are holding their heavy fire for later, when he will have become completely useless and the decision is made to replace him. The regime, however, is unaccustomed to criticism so it reacts regularly with paranoid fury to the slightest public exposure of its malfeasance, especially abroad. They dare not swing too hard against the media outlets of their sponsors, so they vent their fury on targets they think are safe. Hence the intense reactions of regime apologists who obviously are not Saker readers and do not share the values of this web portal. Their comments are garbage, but the fact that they are paying attention and are busy trying to repair their sandwich maker’s tarnished image is a tribute to the Saker, more than to your humble servant, this reporter.