This video has its source here and was subtitled for the Saker Blog by Eugenia


If one does not want a video to be available, you strike it with a copyright strike and it goes offline until things can be sorted. But a commentator (Thank You!)  printed out the transcript from the closed captions, and this is copied below.

Note by the Saker: I guess that for the folks running the original channel (Red Button) money and views are much more important than getting the message across to a worldwide English speaking audience.  For some people peace is a cause, for others, just a source of income.  We won’t be using any of the materials from that YT channel anymore.  All this just leaves such a bad taste in my mouth, I want to brush my teeth…


Subtitles as a whole (timestamps stripped):

Kind: captions
Language: ru

The Red Button

The plan of the General Staff (equivalent of the US Join Chiefs of Staff) of the RF Military shocked NATO

The news from Russia.

Within a few weeks, the piers of the main bases of the Northern, Pacific, Black Sea, and Baltic Navies will be almost empty.

As reported by the Russia Defense Ministry, at the end of January and in February, almost all battle-ready ships and submarines

as well as supporting boats will simultaneously depart for comprehensive military exercises to the Mediterranean, Northern, and Okhotsk seas,

and to the north-eastern part of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

What is the plan of the Russian General Staff for these exercises?

We draw you attention to the fact that almost at the same time an active phase of a massive joint Russian-Belorussian military drill “Allied Resolve-22”

is unfolding in Belorussia at the border of Poland and Ukraine.

The territory where these maneuvers take place could not be more impressive: from the river Bug to the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

As the Deputy Defense Minister of Russia General Fomin explained, Russia will have to prepare to act not only inside the limits of its responsibility

but also to be ready to solve an unexpected crisis in any location.

Furthermore, there could be a situation when the strength of a local military force would be insufficient

and the military potential of both countries (i.e., Russia and Belorussia) would be required for the reinforcement.

According to General Fomin, this is the reason why troops, equipment, and command structures from the Eastern Military District,

which is located behind the Ural, in Siberia and in the Far East, will be transferred to Belarussia via air and rail by February 10th.

It is already known that “Allied Resolve-22” will include the troops of the Southern and Central Military Districts as well as Airborne and Air-Space Forces.

Thus, Moscow gives a more than clear hint. Moscow considers a direct military confrontation with the NATO forces in the Western strategic region more and more probable.

According to this scenario, the main events are likely to take place in Poland and on the territories of Belorussia and Ukraine.

It would be very strange if, in anticipation of a strike by NATO and its allies, in addition to the land forces, airborne divisions and aviation, the Russian Navy would not be put in an appropriate position.

At least, it should be positioned within the range of fire at the Western European targets by the sea-based precision missiles Kalibr.

As we can see, the Navy is being prepared. Besides, Moscow decided to move everything that can move away from the Russian piers closer to the location of the drill

and do so over the gigantic territory of the three oceans, the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic oceans.

As announced the Russian Defense Ministry, this includes 140 battleships and supporting vessels.

Some of the Russian Navy ships are still undergoing repairs (e.g., the single aircraft carrier Admiral Kusnetsov);

others are being modernized, such as large anti-submarine ships “Admiral Chebonenko” and “Admiral Vinogradov”.

Clearly, the Navy also has a good number of small missile and anti-submarine vessels, which are not included in that count.

However, these vessels will also go to sea from all locations in January-February by the start of “Allied Resolve-22”.

To be able to put out to sea simultaneously in three oceans all these ships, the Russian General Navy Staff would have to make a significant effort.

Such measures are normally taken when a conflict is deemed imminent. Apparently, that is how the situation is perceived today in Moscow.

As a result, within a few weeks at the start of “Allied Resolve-22”, in the Mediterranean, the soft underbelly of the NATO, there will be a concentration of the Russian Navy power not seen since the Soviet times.

Now at the beginning of January, the Russian squadron based in the Syrian port Tatrus looks as usual and is composed of about a dozen of ships and submarines.

However, very soon Tartus will get a lot more crowded, because today two large groups of the Russian Navy ships are heading for Tartus from the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

Simultaneously 6 large landing ships will go through the English Channel and Gibraltar, 3 from the Baltic Sea, “Korolev”, “Minsk”, and “Kaliningrad”,

and 3 from the northern seas, “Geogii Pobedonosetz”, “Petr Morgunov”, and “Olenegorskii Gornyak”.

The eyewitnesses say that they are fully loaded, although we can only guess what they are loaded with. Potentially, each can carry up to 10 middle tanks and up to a battalion of marines.

It should not come as a surprise to anyone that Tartus might serve only as an intermediate port for this Baltic-Northern sea group;

after that, these 6 ships might turn toward the Black Sea and Crimea close to Ukraine, which is becoming more and more hostile every day.

The American publication “The Drive” worries that in this case the landing potential of the Russian Black Sea Fleet would increase at least twice.

Who knows, these ships heading for Tartus might carry missile launchers instead. Let us not guess but wait. Everything will be settled soon enough.

The cruiser guards “Varyag”, the large anti-submarine ship “Admiral Tributz”, and the large tanker “Boris Butoma” will soon sail from the Pacific to Syria through the Red Sea and Suez Canal.

It is clear that the Gulf of Oman is not their destination. Instead, they seem to be heading to the Mediterranean and then, possibly, to Sevastopol.

There these Far-Easterners would engage in a mock conflict with NATO in the Western strategic area.

Overall, the scale of these plan of the General Staff is impressive, almost like the exercises “Ocean-70” in the time of the Soviet Union.

At that time, the Soviet Navy also acted simultaneously in the Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Atlantic Oceans.

Professor of Sovietology in the Joint Military Intelligence College in Washington, DC, Bruce Watson believed then

that “Ocean-70” was used for testing all of the newest Navy technologies in the Soviet Union.

Those maneuvers had been intended to combine a strategic Navi operation with the surface, submarine, and air components based on precise intelligence data, and they achieved that objective.

It is understood that today the role of the Russian Navy is diminished as compared to that achieved by the Soviet Navy in the 70s.

However, 10 years ago we could not have even dreamed of doing what we can do today in the world’s oceans. These are our news.