Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov, commander of the CSTO grouping in Kazakhstan.

Briefing on Kazakhstan. 07.01.2022

1. Citizens of Alma-Ata are urged to stay indoors and observe the state of emergency until the remaining militants are shot. Given the ongoing shooting, this is in the interests of the citizens themselves. Authorities warn that trained guerrilla snipers are operating in the city. More than 3,000 people have been arrested and dozens killed. There are still corpses on the streets which have not been removed.

2. Tokayev announced that the operation in Alma-Ata will continue until all militants have been exterminated. Concerning the question whether the protesters or not, everything is simple here – a group of unidentified people has been carrying on organized firing squad with the police, guards and the army of Kazakhstan, who have been suffering losses in killed and wounded for three days now. Accordingly, the main task is the physical destruction of the enemy who has occupied part of the center of the city. Some of the militants, who are lucky, will simply be captured, followed by a conviction. The rest will be destroyed.

3. Kots writes that in Tokayev’s appeal the question of complicity of some high-ranked law-enforcers linked to Nazarbayev (who is still keeping silence) to what happened will be raised, which actually legitimizes the version that the main mechanism of what happened was not gas prices but the struggle of Tokayev and Nazarbayev’s groups for power. We are waiting for Tokayev’s official interpretation of what happened. Nazarbayev remains silent (is he still alive? Is he sick? Is he arrested? Is he isolated?)

4. The CSTO grouping in Kazakhstan is commanded by Lieutenant General Serdyukov. All Russian units sent to Kazakhstan have practical combat experience. The Kirghiz have also joined today and will send 150 people under the command of the deputy head of the Defense Ministry of Kirghizia. More than 70 military transport aircraft were involved in the operation to redeploy the contingent of Russian and Belorussian Armed Forces. It was a good test for the ATA to move a substantial contingent over long distances. I am sure it will come in handy in the future.

5. Regarding the operations of the grouping. The Russian military is already at the airport of Alma-Ata and controls it in conjunction with the local military. The Kazakh military also holds the TV tower. On the roads they finally started systematically putting up roadblocks. Within 1-2 days they need to deploy a full network. Gradually, the process of localization of major protest areas and suppression of armed resistance by Kazakh military forces will be implemented. The sane protesters in the cities, where there were no pogroms, are likely to be simply negotiated with.

Source:  Telegram ColonelCassad Channel (Boris Rozhin)