Reports are pouring in of provocations.  These are routinely reported to various monitoring organizations relatively without fanfare, but the Russian press (in English) is carrying this widely.

Peskov:  “We can see that provocations are taking place. We have seen reports from the self-proclaimed republics about an exchange of strikes on the line of contact and the first strikes came from Ukraine. This is very alarming information,”

Donetsk, February 17. /TASS/:  The forces of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) had to open retaliatory fire to suppress the Ukrainian army’s weapons and protect civilians, spokesman for the DPR people’s militia Oleg Nikitin said in a statement on Thursday.

“In order to protect civilians, our defenders had to open retaliatory fire to suppress the enemy’s weapons,” the spokesman said.

The data on civilians wounded and civil infrastructure facilities damaged in the bombardments is being specified. The ceasefire breaches were promptly brought to the notice of the Ukrainian side’s representatives in the Joint Ceasefire Control and Coordination Center “in order to take measures against the offenders and rule out the instances of falsifying the registered data on ceasefire violations by the Ukrainian military,” the spokesman said.

“We call on international observers and the leadership of the OSCE [Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe] to register yet another fact of the gross violation of the ceasefire by the Ukrainian side that is purposefully provoking the resumption of hostilities in Donbas,” Nikitin stressed.

Lugansk:  February 17. /TASS/. The situation at the line of engagement in Donbass has significantly aggravated over the past 24 hours, Yan Leshchenko, head of the Lugansk People’s Republic’s (LPR) Militia said on Thursday.

“Over the past 24 hours, the situation at the line of combat engagement has significantly escalated. The adversary, following direct orders of Kiev’s military-political leadership, is undertaking attempts to aggravate the conflict. <…> We are urging international observers to record the facts of aggressive actions on the part of Kiev’s militants and undertake immediate measures to prevent bloodshed in Donbass,” his emergency statement published on the LPR’s People’s Militia’s Telegram channel said.

Earlier, the representatives of the LPR at the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of ceasefire (JCCC) reported that Ukraine’s armed forces violated the ceasefire four times since midnight. The areas of the Zolotoye-5, Sokolniki, Veselenkoye, and Nizhneye Lozovoye communities were shelled. Additionally, the Donetsky settlement was shelled by mortars.

Kindly use this as an open thread and only for reporting of factual information or a link to factual information with a short description of your link.  If you do not have factual information, then you should not respond here.  

Expect accusations and counter-accusations and we will not know anything for fact for a while yet.   Here is an example: A report from RT:  

The information sources that I follow,  say nothing stands as confirmed yet.


Posted by Amarynth