Selections from Godfree Roberts’ extensive weekly newsletter: Here Comes China.   You can get it here:

Further selections and editorial commentary by Amarynth.  This will be a short one, as some links that are necessary cannot be used.  This first video will give you an idea of why.

In a video by Daniel Dumbrill, the true hegemonic ‘other war with China‘, the one of propaganda, becomes crystal clear.  He talks about the true intentions behind the anti-China propaganda campaign push, explains why it will soon increase, and further warning signs.   He plays clips from an Australian think tank who clearly expresses that even in the very unlikely event that China accepts the full US Constitution today, they will gladly put China back to the stone age, as they ‘should not have a peer competitor’.  A good video for everyone (not just those interested in China), on propaganda and power today.

Only one of the questions in the clip and I paraphrase:  Can we get the American people ‘exercised’ enough that they are willing to fight in specific situations?  The United States is so good at thread inflation and fearmongering that we have no problems with that issue.

Biden’s nuclear threat. President Biden and Japan’s PM Suga said China actions “are inconsistent with the international rules-based order peace and prosperity in the region. “The alliance between Washington and Tokyo has become a cornerstone of peace and security in the Indo-Pacific region and around the world. Japan resolved to bolster its own national defense capabilities…The United States restated its unwavering support for Japan’s defense… using its full range of capabilities, including nuclear”Read full article →

And to contrast the warmongering message in the previous two reports, Belt and Road Studies:

This is the overview of Belt and Road.  The thinking that BRI is simply a trading mechanism, is not accurate.  It is an alternative development path for the world that works in a multi-lateral and non-hegemonic framework and it is a Zone B initiative. Xi Jinping states that “the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a public road open to all, not a private path owned by one single party.”

This first link is a thorough overview, almost up to the minute as to the progress of this massive initiative.

And here is a fact box style – where most questions can be answered.

As some of us expect a sea change in the economics of the world, this is a not-to-be-missed reading from Asia Times, with the headline of China’s digital yuan displaces the dollar.

The economic penny is dropping.  You will find comments by all the western self-styled ‘economic greats’.  Although you should read the article, it can be summarized with this quote:

China’s dominance in digital currency will follow naturally from its position as the world’s top exporter. And because the digital yuan will be the largest currency in international trade, and China will have a market leader advantage in introducing CBDC’s, other exporters will use the digital yuan as a matter of convenience.

This would be of minor consequence to America’s world position, except for the fact that the United States now must borrow 15% to 20% of its GDP each year to finance its internal budget deficit, and also must attract about $1 trillion of capital inflows to finance its growing current account deficit with the rest of the world.

So no need to spell out where this is going.

A quick clip from a tweet to illustrate:

And finally Sino-Serbian relations:

Sino-Serbian relations under the “microscope”: China’s footprint In Serbia

Cover Image:  The “O” Tower – Danish architecture studio BIG has designed the O-Tower for Chinese smartphone manufacturer OPPO in Hangzhou.The circular skyscraper will surround an open courtyard. It will be built within Hangzhou’s Future Sci-Tech City and act as an “iconic landmark and gateway” to the business district. The tower will be built alongside a natural lake and a 10,000 square-meter park. Read full article → 

This is but a fraction of what I gleaned from the Here Comes China newsletter.  If you want to learn about the Chinese world, get Godfree’s newsletter here: