Dear friends, today I am posting an email (with permission) describing the situation of another political prisoner in the UK, not Assange and not the, apparently held incommunicado, Skripal father and daughter.  I thought that it was important to post it here
Dear Saker,

You probably don’t know that Julian Assange is not the only political prisoner in the UK.

Craig Murray was from 1984 to 2004 was a very successful member of the British Foreign Office. At an early age his promoted British Ambassador to Uzbekistan. There he was shocked by the human rights situation and sought to protect the victims of government oppression. Boiling prisoners to death in vats of hot water was a local a specialty.

Anxious to appease their US masters, the UK Foreign Office dropped him heavier and heavier hints that he should stop his activities in the cause of the human rights that the West proclaims and above all stop writing and talking about it within the Foreign Office. He refused.

Eventually the US lackies in London forced his resignation. In the end he won a considerable amount of compensation. Of course the establishment have never forgiven him.

Since then he has had an eventful career as an author, journalist, human rights supporter and an activist for Scottish Independence. He is an active supporter of Julian Assange.

The Scottish government and judicial authorities, no doubt egged on by London, got their own back by alleging on the most specious grounds that his very fair, discrete and accurate reports of a high profile very political trial of a former Scottish Prime Minister for sexual abuse of female staff, were contempt of court.

At the same time the main stream media were allowed to report the same information because they were proper journalists and Murray only wrote on the internet.

Murray, who is a not very healthy 62 year old, was duly convicted of contempt of court and has been imprisoned for his journalism in Edinburgh since August 12th this year. He is about as much danger to the public as my Granny.

Scandalously, to the astonishment of all lawyers, the UK Supreme Court refused to hear the case on a point of law concerning freedom of speech.

His imprisonment conveniently stopped him giving evidence in Spain in an important trial involving the CIA.

Naturally his life in prison is not easy. It would be great if any of your readers felt like send him a letter or postcard of comfort and encouragement. Nothing inflammatory, just support for what he stands for. Here is the address: —

157095 C Murray
H M Prison Edinburgh
33 Stenhouse Road
EH11 3LN

He is a role model for all right thinking citizens, in the West, who want to preserve their freedoms. At the same time he is suffering for it. He has a wife and young family and is unable to earn, even by writing, whilst in prison.

I hope you will be able to publish this letter or the information it contains.

Best wishes and thank you for all you do,


Robert Harneis
Journalist Strasbourg