Posted by Amarynth for the Saker Blog

… kept the real goodies for this day, a day after the talks.

The news is breaking now.  Medinsky says in a presser with Rossiya-24 broadcaster, that for the first time, Kiev is ready to fulfill the key demands from Russia.

These stories are still in development both on RT and on Sputnik.  I quote from RT:

“Yesterday, for the first time, the Ukrainian party announced, not only orally but also in written form, that it’s ready to fulfill a number of the most important conditions for building normal, and, hopefully, good-neighbourly relations with Russia in the future.

Let me remind you that after the 2014 coup d’état in Ukraine Russia has been making these demands to the Kiev regime, to its patrons, especially the United States, for years. Russia proposed negotiations, proposed to conclude various kinds of agreements that were supposed to guarantee Ukraine’s security and provide Russia’s national interests in this area.

All these demands had been ignored for years. And the North Atlantic Alliance has also been creating an anti-Russian foothold from Ukraine, more precisely, from Ukrainian territory, for years.

Ukraine’s entry into NATO, the creation of NATO military bases on its territory seemed to be a settled issue. It was a matter of time.

I’ll note, and this has already been proven, that there were also efforts on creating biological weapons. Moreover, the issue of Ukraine’s acquisition of nuclear weapons was also made public knowledge.

All these years, the Kiev regime has carried out an open genocide against the residents of Donbass. There’s a lot of evidence for this. There’s irrefutable evidence that Kiev was planning to launch an offensive against Donbass in the near future. In that case Russia would have had to stand up for tens and tens of thousands of our Russian citizens living there anyway.

Under these circumstances, Russia was forced to launch a pre-emptive special military operation.

Yesterday, for the first time in all these years, the Kiev authorities declared that they are ready to negotiate with Russia and conveyed the provisions of a possible future agreement, which states the following:

• the refusal to join NATO, fixation of Ukraine’s bloc-free status;

• the renunciation of nuclear weapons;

• an obligation to conduct troop exercises only with the consent of the guarantor states, which must include Russia.

That is, Ukraine stated that it’s ready to fulfill these demands that Russia has been insisting on all these years.

If all these obligations are fulfilled, the threat of creating a NATO bridgehead on Ukrainian territory will be eliminated.

That’s why it’s so important to agree upon this treaty at the highest level.

However, the negotiations and our work continue.

I’d like to stress that Russia’s position regarding Crimea and Donbass remains the same.”

A reminder of Lavrov’s talks with the Serbian Media

💬 FM Sergey Lavrov: What matters the most right now is to stop indulging the Ukrainians who want to use talks and solutions as a smokescreen. They have succeeded in this posture when they derailed the Minsk Agreements immediately after signing them in February 2015. In the end, they said that they refused to fulfil them. We know how good they are at pretending to be involved.

This time, they will not get away with it. We need to make sure that the talks yield results, and once they do, the Presidents will formalise them.

(Excerpt from the Minister’s interview ( with the Serbian media, Moscow, March 28, 2022)

There is of course another piece of news widely reported, and I quote from Pepe Escobar (in true Escobar style) Telegram channel:


The Vatican Bank used 10 million euros to BUY RUBLES from the Russian Central Bank so they could pay for their gas.

They followed the instructions by the Russian Federation government to the letter.

If this multinational organization In Nome del Padre, Figlio & Spirito Santo can do it, why not some bloody Germans?