By Amarynth for the Saker Blog

I want to add my voice to Andrei’s request for funds. It is time again that we have to replenish our coffers in order to stay online and effective because my friends, Its All Going Ugly! and I have only dust left in the bottom of the ammunition boxes.

At the Saker blog, none of the principle stances are changing or will change.

We are still offering ORIGINAL material with a regular original analysis by The Saker, and shorter pieces with commentary as developments require. In addition, a group of guest writers on various topics keep us informed regularly. We’ve even done the unthinkable, totally jumped the shark, and now have regular Sitreps on China as a foil and resistance to the warmongers. These get cross-posted regularly even within China. The Saker’s pieces are now regularly cross-posted in Russian sources.

We are still fully user-supported and have managed to stay clear of all commercials or paywalls. Despite all this, we still have readers and we still grow. The independent Saker Blogs still regularly post their work. The main Saker blog still regularly gets referred to in other work, and complete analysis still gets picked up by a range of other independents.

This means nobody can tell The Saker or his blog what to do, what to publish, or what tack to take with anything. It keeps us honest, but it also keeps us really vulnerable and believe me, there are enemies out there. We are still one of the few independent blogs in a time where everybody is squeezed to take money from those that want to control the message.  This is in an environment where even the US State Department has canceled many of our friends, our fraternal blogs. Our own workload to simply monitor our own work to stay clear of these critters has increased tremendously. What do you think is going to happen with all these sanctions? Chaos, and off course some of them will influence us. We sometimes dance on the head of a pin to say what we want to say, without setting alarm bells ringing across the worlds of the nasties.

The time of Covid-19 materially influenced us all and we are into what may be a post Covid world and now the piper has to be paid and it looks like the financial fallout is going to be horrendous. At times, counting from the previous fundraiser, the blog was under severe stress, simply because all of us had to deal with the fall-out. We lost volunteers, we ourselves became tired and despondent, and some days we did not want to continue as it felt like events would overtake us all!


I remember this piece written by The Saker for a previous fundraiser and want to repeat it now!

This is an appeal to those who, by the will of God, are not living from paycheck to paycheck. Friends, I *know* that you are reading this blog simply because statistical averages tell me that in the millions of pages served each month here, some must be read in beautiful homes and elegant offices, right?  Okay, well then, let me submit the following to you: God has given you the means to easily do that which hundred of thousands of your fellow readers cannot.  There are A LOT of “poor widows” out there who donate to me “in all that they have, even all their living” . You know that all of the efforts of Andrei and all of the efforts of the rest of the blog are aimed at counter-acting multi-billion dollar propaganda campaigns (special appropriations for that have been passed in many western countries recently!) and you expect me to counter that with donations coming only from poor widows?  Really?

But the reality is what it is: We badly need your help especially in a context where a major war is a very real possibility (and has been since 2014!).

We need to keep the blog online for the duration. Just this morning I went to look for a Tweet Stream from a reliable Donbas reporter, and, it was simply gone with the Ubiquitous Account Suspended message. The information flow is being throttled (even RT, no matter how much we complain about them in Germany and today the Brits are starting a cancellation process) and more and more we will have to rely on our personal contacts to continue publishing uncontaminated information.  The Russian message, the Chinese message, the Iranian message, the messages from our other Zone B fraternals will be seriously attacked, as the schizophrenic western-influenced masters do not want us to know what those messages are.  One major objective is that they are trying to blame their own demise on ‘Russia and the Ukraine’.

If we look toward a change in our world order to multi-polarity, it is now the time to stand together like never before and support the multi-polaristas across the world working against warmongering hegemony.

We need to be able to pay for our technical infrastructure during what may be a very uncertain future with challenges that we cannot always even foresee. 

Remember all of the Saker books are now still available for free download here.

There are so many ways that you can be a stronger part of The Saker Blog.

  • Kindly donate to us which is now the most important.
  • If you have a few hours free and can donate time, contact moderation (email on bottom of page) in the event that we need moderators, and we need moderators now.
  • Write your local sitrep for us, within the guidelines, so that we can remain informed.
  • Keep the commenting to a high standard. You may be burning to say something, but someone has to read that before we can post it.
  • Spread the Saker Blog far and wide. Help us work on the ripple effect which is currently in full force, but we are a small fish in a very big world pond. Yet, we are surprisingly influential, and that is why we still grow.

If you can donate, it is so welcome right at the moment.  But if you cannot donate, please pray for us.  And if you can do both, that would be perfect.

Let us not be canceled!
