The US-proposed resolution received 93 votes, with 24 countries opposed and 58 abstaining.
The only other country ever to be expelled from the UN Human Rights Council was Libya, in 2011, as NATO bombed the North African country to help militants overthrow the government of Muammar Gaddafi.
If Saudi Arabia is a US-protected member like Israel it is better for Russia to stand alone
Saudi Arabia is not in a closed friendship with USA right now.
They have, at best, tense relations.
Anyway, this “voting” is pure comedy. EU is just vassal states, and there is lot of mini states here.
Also, most of the other countries who voted yes are not independent at all. They vote yes under a very big pressure.
Only big and strong countries dare to be independent. If Argentina would not be in a debt trap probably would vote against.
If Serbia would not be surrounded by NATO and UE countries also.
But if they vote against they will be economically destroy by EEUU and the EU.
That is the reality of the “democracies”
It happens even within the European countries. Spain has a Minister that 8 years ago was condemning Ukraine for bombing the Dombass.
Today he is silenced, he don’t dare to say anything. Probably under personal threatening.
Or just remember that almirant of Germany who told that Ukraine have to accept that Crimea will never be back to them. He was obliged to resign days after
Agree. Personally I am very happy that I don’t live in the West anymore. I made a smart decision to get out just in time. Also I feel particularly sorry for the countries that rely on tourism as big part of their revenues like Spain, Italy, Portugal. There’s going to be a revolution there. Those Western countries’ citizens that voted yes to this stupid resolution from now on will be subjected to unlimited covid injections, health passport, gender fluid culture and soon must only order maggot-based juicy hamburgers at their local restaurants courtesy of Bill Gates’ insects meat manufacturing co. They also must keep their heads down and stay quiet like zombies, lest they see their digital bank accounts frozen. For sure many in zone A will try to immigrate to Zone B just to enjoy natural food and live normally.
Dmitry Medvedev’s post 07.04.2022 Google translation
United Nations Human Rights Commission. Formed in 1946
Since 1967, it began to actively intervene in the affairs of sovereign states. All this led to a loss of confidence in it and the quiet death of the Commission in 2006.
The Human Rights Council was formed in 2006 instead of the Commission.
On April 7, 2022, the UN General Assembly decided to suspend Russia’s participation in this Council due to the position of a number of countries.
Immediately after that, Russia terminated its participation in the Commission and its powers due to the politically motivated demonstrative punishment of a sovereign state member of the UN.
How long will the UN Human Rights Council live after this?
Could this lead Russia also to an expulsion of UN Security Council? Bad news…
Also Imran Khan will have to face the non confidence vote on Saturday as top court says dissolution of parliament was unconstitutional.
Super bad news for Chinese / Russia Eurasia plans
I do not think there is any way a country can be expelled from the UNSC.
A wonder how much the CIA paid the judges.
Allegedly during the Orange revolution in 2004 the constitutional court judges got $5million each.
The UN Charter would have to be changed as the permanent members of the council are mentioned in it. “The Charter of the United Nations can be amended. According to Article 108 of the Charter, amendments must be adopted by two thirds of the members of the General Assembly and ratified by two thirds of the members of the United Nations, including all the permanent members of the Security Council.” — which means Russia would veto it.
Article 6 of the Charter talks about removing a nation as a UN member, but again it would have to be on the Security Council’s recommendation, which Russia would veto. “A Member of the United Nations, which has persistently violated the Principles contained in the present Charter, may be expelled from the Organisation by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council,” Article 6 of the charter states.
In short there is no way to remove Russia from the Security Council without Russia’s agreement.
Wrong. If you look at the list, no Asian countries except Fiji, Myanmar, South Korea and Japan (both US Colonies with no independent foreign policy), 42 out of 53 African Nations voted against or abstained, and South America’s most important economy, Brazil, abstained. No Middle Eastern Nation apart from Israel and Turkey voted for, all the rest abstained, including Saudi Arabia. So No, there is no super bad news for Russia/China. On the contrary, that almost evenly divided vote gives the contours of the emerging Non-western controlled multi Polar World Order led by Russia and China, and all the big economies outside Europe and the US voted with Russia/China or abstained. All the rest were either US Vassal States or in the EU. Very good news indeed for Russia/China.
Also Singapore took the neutral stance for once. I guess they finally woke up and saw where the wind was blowing.
Fiji as not an Asian nation. it’s a Pacific island nation.
The UN Human Rights Council we know is a joke and an arm of the US/Israel. They could care less about human rights and atrocities. Much suffering for Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, etc. No acknowledgement. Screw them! UN Security Council is a joke as well. Nearly every country is run by the same cabal. No one seems to have the courage to stand against this. Everyone is paranoid and rightly so of infiltrators.
The bastards in Pakistan selling out their country for shekels is also appalling. Kahn and his few allies had a great plan and the others sold out to the US. Traitors!
Things are definitely getting really ugly and Russia and it’s band of resistors should turn up the heat or…turn it off. (pun). I’m depressed today I will admit. Hail Russia!
The expulsion of USSR from the League was in violation of League charter. Laws do not present a serious obstacle when you make up rules as needed.
But yes, it’s not possible to expel RF from UN, not lawfully.
Taiwan was on UNSC…and now China is. Perhaps the bigbigplan of nazi is to replace RF with Ukie on the UNSC…wave magic wand and sprinkle happy dust and golden bullets … presto!
BTW art 51 of Charter seems to justify RF police action …Action denazi-Ukie is probably quite legal.
The UN is destroying itself by gradually removing top members. After Russia, you don’t think China will be “removed”? And when China goes, how MANY other countries will follow China? I can tell you, it will be more than HALF. What happens next? China and Russia will likely create another UN. Based in Shanghai and St Petersburg.
Isn’t that the Human Rights council that has Saudi-Arabia as a member?
It should be considered honorable not to be a member of that club.
I think the countries are rotating, 47 at the time in the council, or something like that, each country for 3 years.
Russia had one more year to go, before being “rotating” out anyway.
It is not a super big thing in itself, but the aim was to humiliate Russia, but of course Russia is not letting herself be humilated, the whole vote is just embarrasing and pathetic for the countries that voted “for”. They are now being called out for their cowardice by the growing multipolar global community (although I know that some representatives have been severly “arm-twisted” by USA, even their family members threatened…)
And USA, which killed around 11 milion people since the 90s, is still in HRC. UN is just a one big joke. But at least we have yet anothet opportunity to count Russia’s allies.
Yep, that’s the most useful part: Making lists to know who actually stands for what. Also who will chicken out, just like the RINOs in the USA.
How I hate the west with all their hypocrisy, lies, and deceit ….
Me too..
Genocides, hypocrites, thieves, shameless from centuries
Moi aussi ! Que la Russie méprise et aille son chemin ! Le diable emportera les apostats “oxydantaux” !
Deepl-translate from Mod:
Me too! Let Russia despise and go its way! The devil will take away the “oxidizing” apostates!
Probably ‘Occidental’
Change the UN , Unipolar’s Nations, to MN, Multipolar Nations, and all it’s subsidiaries.
The US tried but could not expel Russia from the UNSC – that name change could be tricky.
It doesn’t need to be “changed”. It needs to be rendered irrelevant by nations leaving in droves, instead of one country after another.
Don’t wait for them to cancel you. Collectively cancel yourselves and do your own thing. None of those globalist bodies have any legitimacy, when half the world isn’t represented.
India, China, Russia are represented – that is the majority of mankind
Collective security to the advantage of all is the goal – exactly as Russia’s negotiating points specify.
Basically D.C. has ordered Kiev to stand in the way of a huge Multipolar world shift, poor guys.
It is not fair – Ukraine cannot stop the tide!
It is Britain that effectively declared the UN redundant, blocking it’s role investigating Bucha.
It is the US that declared the Petrodollar is dead, first stealing reserves, gold.
The Unipolar Petrodollar was done in by it’s very own caper!
You still don’t get it, so let me make it extra verbose:
None of those globalist bodies will have any legitimacy, when half the world pulls out and does its own thing.
The trick is all need to pull out together, not one after another slowly over time.
In general, “cancellation” old works when it looks like individual punishment and isolation. When instead everyone voluntarily cancels himself and forms new alliances, it’s not cancellation but a boycott and declaration of non-confidence.
I see you do not agree with Russia’s collective security proposal, a 5th or 6th columnist?
Nations are free to collaborate, Multipolar not Unipolar and arrange security agreements.
The day of London’s Global Britain are numbered.
Insane. So mass murderers from USA and UK remain?
Nice to see my country for third time not voting at all and also considered one of seven countries recommanded for russian tourists starting April 9.
What is your country?
Good to know there is a neighbor on this blog dissecting through Zone A’s madness, greetings from Algiers.
But wait, not only Montenegro, also Serbia voting yes?
The beginning of the end of the United Nations began during the Yugoslav civil wars where the first clear international breach of international law occurred. The United Nations peacekeeping forces were essentially replaced by NATO. Since when is NATO part of the United Nations. It is even more disappointing to see Serbia vote against Russia, Vucic the puppet cowering under EU pressure. Was it not Russia that defended Serbia not being labelled a Genocidal nation?
But Russia did help the coup of the Serbian government in 2000. It threatened to cut off Serbia’s gas supplies, for debt, just before that, which heaped extra pressure in addition to what the U.S. & EU were doing, and that after the severe NATO bombing the year before. And Russia kept saying it was fine with a pro-EU Serbian government. It also went along with the ICTY kangaroo court (& funded that), as well as the sanctions on Yugoslavia in the early 1990’s and it didn’t veto the NATO (U.S., British, Dutch) air strikes on the Bosnian Serbs in 1994 and 1995. Russia also sold and smuggled arms for the Croats and Bosnian Muslims through Slovenia.
Russia from the turn of the century time yet was too weak to stop the USA.
They are not week, they are humans with great souls, which will make them the winners in the end. Chers, Russia! Love and much luck.
I don’t give a “merde ” shame on you Serbia. The Russian volunteer who defended my village against the Ustase nazis in the last war will turn over in his grave. Where was Republika Srpska “Jadna vi Majka”. you voted with those who killed your children and with the Nazis who are Killing Russian children . CCCC how hypocritical
No not hypocritical, just the reality that I tried to explain to the so-called Serb debil in the other Thread.
Serbia sold its soul to the Great Satan in 2000 and reaps what it has sowed. Happy 5th October to those brain dead zombies that believed overthrowing Milosevic would bring honey and milk as our ancestors would cry if they saw what has become of our once proud nation!
Those who believe Vucic and Co. about supporting Russia-China need to wake up as its easy to make a statement come election time or visit Putin-Xi but when the time comes the current mafia always stab Russia in the back!
As for UN institutions, allowing Saudi Arabia to chair the HRC whilst it indescriminatingly bombs Yemen speaks of the importance of that institution so no major loss for Russia.
I see this as the beginning as the West and its vassals will push to remove Russia from more institutions such as IOC, UEFA, FIFA when presented the chance.
“Happy 5th October to those brain dead zombies that believed overthrowing Milosevic would bring honey and milk as our ancestors would cry if they saw what has become of our once proud nation!”
Yes, but Russia at the time almost seemed eager for the Milosevic government to fall. They were saying, before it did, that they weren’t opposed to a “pro-EU” government, and they also threatened to shut off gas to Serbia for debt it had accrued. They never helped the Milosevic government repair the NATO damage, even though Serbs tried to get them interested – Serbia flew a delegation of Russians in to see their rebuilding efforts, and though the Russians observed and remarked on how quick it was, they didn’t do anything to help.
Then, as soon as that government fell, (and who knows if the DOS won as the ballots were burned in the run-off), so it looks like the west wasn’t taking a chance that Milosevic would win, I noticed the Russians, which had been mainly quiet, saying ‘why should we help Serbia when it has chosen to go to the side that bombed it?’. They seemed relieved that they no longer had the pressure or expectations to help Serbia.
I always thought if Russia could have helped Serbia rebuild from mid-June 1999 to October 2000, that perhaps the Milosevic government wouldn’t have fallen. The vote was so close that any significant help may have prevented the fall for the time being.
Russia also forgave Afghanistan billions of debt a few years later, and it has done the same for other countries, but never for Serbia, even after the NATO mauling.
And there were Serb volunteers and trainers in Donbass, helping it survive from the start. If you praise Russia for that one volunteer then what about all the Serb volunteers who helped Donbass?
I agree with you on the fact that Russia at that time had worked against Milosevic due to perceived support to the Communists who tried to overthrow Yeltsin in the beginning and subsequent Russian support to Milo Djukanovic for the stolen Montenegro independence referendum to leave the union proved a mistake as Milo quickly turned his back and allied with NATO.
Putin was keen to support Djindjic’s Serbia asking for his government to fund Russian Peacekeepers in Kosovo but things quickly went bad once Boris Tadic sidelined Russia and UN SC Resolution 1244 by choosing to use the EU as mediators in talks between the breakaway province of Kosovo and his government after Kostunica told Martti Ahtisaari and the EU to bugger off! Even Tadic bulked at pressure from Frau Merkel to recognise Kosovo’s independence which then allowed the US-EU to steal the election for the SNS party of Nikolic-Vucic who then accelerated the EU mediated talks to include huge concessions to the Kosovo Albanians, tantamount to treason.
As for Russian volunteers, many of them served with the Serbs heroically in Republika Srpska around Sarajevo, Podrinje including Igor Strelkov if I’m not mistaken?, as well as some in Kosovo with the late Albert Andijev the most prominent one – glory to them and the eternal kingdom of heaven!
Sadly Vucic was pressured by the US Embassy to introduce a law prohibiting Serbian volunteers from joining conflicts overseas which prohibited volunteers from Serbia going to Donbass and the few that did were automatically put on lists for arrest if they returned back home. Donbass Sniper Dejan Beric speaks of this in his recent Q&A on his YT channel.
The Uncle Shmuel seems to have been quite busy lately distributing bribes to countries here and there just to buy the votes.
You are posing a very good question!
It just so happens that when you consider the agreements with the Germans during the 1944/1945 Allied conquest of Western Europe and the eventual unconditional surrender something springs out:
” This act of military surrender is without prejudice to, and will be superseded by any general instrument of surrender imposed by, or on behalf of the United Nations and applicable to GERMANY and the German armed forces as a whole.”
Whut? Who are these United Nations?
Those are the Allied powers in totality who signed up for the Atlantic Charter of 1942. The military arm of this Charter is SHAEF, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force.
This SHAEF structure was dissolved after the war, yet remained in force in Germany within the borders of 31-12-1937consisting of Free French, UK, US, according to Vol I of the Control Authority (=Free French, UK, US, USSR).
Some of the countries within this SHAEF structure allied within WUDO. Later NATO was set up and WUDO was canceled.
So, NATO is still the military arm of the Atlantic Charter, the United Nations.
Yes. Even Hungary voted yes. This is politics. It doesn’t matter right now
I am not a serb and feel ashamed to see serbia voting against. Morocco which is in north Africa refused to not vote at all, why can’t serbia and montenegro do same?
Who cares? This is like voting for Russia not to get dessert after dinner. Be real…
Jojo, lets not remind people that Russia is not infallible there’s a war going on lol
Russia cares. No one likes backstabbing. Russia did a lot for Serbia in recent years when it comes to protecting Serbian interests in UN, in relation to Kosovo.
Morocco isn’t totally surrounded by NATO and NATO countries. Morocco wasn’t bombed for 78 days and nights by at least 10 NATO countries. Morocco doesn’t have the threat of being bombed, sanctioned or invaded like Serbia does.
Jojo, it has nothing to do with being surrounded by NATO or not…first it has to do with Morocco’s disputed ”western sahara” and Morocco is paying back Russia for abstaining at the UNSC.
Morocco knows better.
Montenegro is thinking of joining of Nato.Hasn’t it already. Mod.
Serbia is encircled by NATO countries and, while, people wouldn’t vote for this but the government had to make a decision because they are encircled by NATO. They regularly participate in NATO exercises, probably against their will. This might break at some point…
My guess is that countries like Serbia and Hungary are under considerable pressure from the EU and the US. So they take the council to “pick your fights”. Better use the limited freedom that they have for issues that matter rather than this kind of symbolic issues where their vote doesn’t make a difference.
This is my take too.
Yes it’s disappointing but it apart from being symbolic does it actually damage Russia ?
Anything Serbia did was discussed beforehand with Russia. This where the greatness of Russia shines.
Z, you are outright lying! No agreement in smSerbia voting against Russia has ever made. The Quisling of Serbia maintained his grip on power and managed to gaslight people of Serbia thanks to playing the pro-Russia card knowing that his voter base is 95% pro-Russian. Russia played along and Putin provided that visit or call every time elections were on.
Grand Quisling of Serbia or Grand Clown of Serbia has now backstabbed Russia three times at the UN. Every time Serbia could have abstained due to an enormous amount of moral stand Serbia has due to the criminal bombardment and support the same West who is pressing Serbia to commit suicide had for the terrorist Albanians in Serbia.
This will not go down well. Russia will survive without Serbia, but Serbia without Russia won’t.
We , what pressure? Are they going to bomb Serbia again? If you as President of a country cannot withstand pressure from abroad, resign, bring someone who can.
As Larchmonter445 once said about Pres Vucic after the signing of that monstrous ‘agreement’ with the Trumpster clowns: “A tall gelding.”
Chinless, spineless prick who has so much dirt on him and is afraid of hundreds of millions of euro/dollars he and his crazy family have stolen which makes it easy for the Satanists to blackmail him. As if he is going to get to enjoy the spoils he earned as the Gauleiter of Serbia.
He has Resolution 1244 and the Dayton agreement which are ironclad to shield him but he pretends those agreements do not exist. He has the majority of the population that is pro-Russian to hide behind and tell the EU to f*ck off grandly but the spineless supine worm is wriggling like a little byatch. Plus the West bombed Serbia illegally! That fact alone when brought up in any conversations with the Satanists should suffice.
Once the Russian counterattack started he came out on TV and said that Russians will be thrown out of the UN and said that “Russians have no money”. I could not believe it! Such vulgar and provincial vocabulary is epic. Andrey Martyanov correctly said that every nation has the leadership it deserves.
It took 20 years of sanctions (btw, for which Eltzyns Russia voted back in the early 1990’s), a genocidal NATO bombardment, 22 years of betrayal and gaslighting, reneging on election promises by the voted-in politicians but the Serbs have finally buckled. We are tired and unable to see clearly. Sad but true. It is partially the fault of the Russians for allowing themselves to be double-crossed by Montenigerian and Serbian crooks. They should have kept distance from the Serbian political sewage perhaps working on promotion of Russian culture and language. Once the dust settles, the Russians will have to put down everything on a piece of paper and summarise everything and figure out where they could have done better. They too were unable to see past the West until a month ago. I hope that is not the case anymore.
EU-NATO illegally shut down the pipelines bringing energy from Russia to Serbia, this could be one fo the reasons…
And Libya voted for!
Libya now has a pro-NATO puppet regime.
Russia and China let Libya fall. Putin along with Israel and US fighting against forces FOR the CIA agent Hafter.
How low one can sunk? Russia does not have a bright past, only served zionism and the evil empire.
Serbia&Hungary 👍 😎
Come here to gloat, troll? Enjoying it?
He is enjoying high prices for heating gas, oil, electricity, food and commodities. So gloating on the internet is what is left for him.
Serbia and Hungary made a deal with Russia so that EU parasites will leave them alone. The place is a JOKE look who belongs UK and USA . There was a vote in the UN two years ago on the issue of NAZISM. Adoption of the Combating Glorification of Nazism, Neo-Nazism and other Practices that Contribute to Fueling Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance Resolution The vote was to condemn Nazism in all its forms2 voted against this motion USA, and UKRAINE
I think its reasonable to say ow that the UN has ceased to exist even as a flimsy pretense of its stated, chartered mission. Anyone who cant see the class characteristic of the present global order, isn’t t paying attention. This is not a merely a conspiracy of US political ambitions , it is an expression of the nature and function of the global ruling class, which are uniting behind the criminal leadership of the US and NATO., to defend their class interest -not “law” or any objective “rules order” or even their own national interests. – which are objectively in conflict with the interests of their own peoples
Who cares ..?.Being a member of this hypocrite bunch is a joke. The US is running out of steam.
Ciò dimostra che lo zio Sam incute paura,
Pertanto se la Russia vuole riequilibrare il sistema deve distruggere l’ucraina militarmente e possibilmente anche alcuni vertici della nato,
Oltre chiaramente a chiudere tutti i rubinetti del gas
Un Europa in ginocchio e alla fame non avrà più tanta voglia di sostenere lo zio sam
Deepl-translate from Mod:
This demonstrates that Uncle Sam instills fear,
Therefore, if Russia wants to rebalance the system must destroy the Ukraine militarily and possibly even some leaders of NATO,
In addition to clearly close all gas taps.
A Europe on its knees and starving will no longer have much desire to support Uncle Sam.
Sad but true.
@Alessandro Cagliostro
Yes, I hope this may be the plan, because unless EU feels the pain, will never decide to turn its back to US.
I hope president Putin may do it soon…
Nothing to see here to be honest. The outcome of this US-proposed resolution was never in doubt. Its emotional grandstanding for the cameras… basically cheap theatre. Russia has much more important battles to fight.
US doing this because it knows it lost ukraine. These stunts mean nothing, as the UNHCR is a bunch of BS. It is not a serious body if it has saudi arabia on it, as well as the US, and any EU/NAT countries
Interesting: In the Spanish world, Cuba, Nicaragua and Bolivia voted against (only ones). Clarin in Buenos Aires says “93 votes in favor, 24 against and 58 abstentions”. So it was 93-92. All considered, that’s a lot of friends for Russia.
Look at the ones that didn’t vote as well. Most of them would be abstain at best.
It’s amazing that Venezuela didn’t vote, that it chose to stand in-between, as if at the same distance from Russia and the U.S. This Hugo Chavez wouldn’t have done. On February 22, Nicolas Maduro said: “we repudiate and reject all plans to surround Russia militarily and strategically. Russia has to be respected as all the peoples of the world have to be respected.”
“Venezuelan president Maduro voices support for Russian move on Ukraine”
I think Venezuela can’t vote at the moment? Something to do with unpaid UN membership fees?
Same for them in the OAS
That makes more sense, thanks. I didn’t know that and took it at face value. It should not be in the table. Maduro is like in the quote (above), a straight shooter; it’s understandable why Chavez picked him without vacillation.
But still not very “unanimously” in favor of USA, to say the least
If you add the 18 that didn’t vote onto the 82 (24 against+58 abstentions), that’s a total of 100 against,
otherwise they would have voted “for”.
You can also be sure that a great many that voted “for” only did so because the US threatened them with things like “We know where your children are”, which is, in effect, against the law, but, hey, when has the US ever bothered about law.
If, as a rough estimate, 50% of the countries that voted “for” only did so because the US threatened them, then the picture is more like, 146 countries “against” and 47 countries “for”, so the vote is, in fact, meaningless.
If you want to know what’s happening, just revisit the playbook the war party used in the destruction of Yugoslavia 1990-2001. The war party is attempting the exact same strategy.
The difference this time is no one trusts the War Party anymore – The Empire of Lies.
As the false flag has been highly successful, expect more and more on a continuing basis until substantial pushback happens.
This will lead to open-season pogroms against Russian speakers in Ukraine.
And it may lead to open conflict between the US/NATO and Russia.
This can only be countered by an intense emotional publicization campaign of Ukrainian atrocities against civilians. Explanations have little effect at this point; you have to show intense videos, to appeal at a gut emotional level.
Only in this way can Europe and America be saved from suicide by brandishing. Put. The War. Down.
Israel has a Human rights vote in this?…If nothing else, it serves as a list of who’s who under the Zionist empire’s thumb….
BTW, Israel did 9/11…beyond a shadow of doubt, then got away with it…
Z for Victory!
Israel voted in favor! Good for a solicitous Putin. I think it was an error of Biden to present this for a vote. It was almost 50-50. Hard to see that as the kind of success such a vote is supposed to represent. In time, it could easily happen that countries among the 93 start going to Moscow “hat in hand” to get advantages they see the 92 getting. Also, it’s always an advantage to know who is your friend and who is not. A vote like this is for a 90-10 vote count, at least 70-30. Not 93-92! It “can’t be” that half think you’re out of it, so it was a mistake.
Notice that Hungary and Serbia voted for it, like good lackeys. The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and the Gulf states abstained.
Actually, China went further than the others and voted against. Arab world almost entirely abstained.
Its easy politics, this is a meaningless gesture that gets the Empire and the lemmings off their back for empty calories. I would have made the same decision. Saves capital for when the harder decision has to be made. I.E. “We won’t sanction Russia or impede their movement.”
Vucic said that Serbia was blackmailed by the West into voting against Russia.
Serbia is blackmailed and have his own terrible territorial difficulties to resolve. The West can exert pressure on Kosovo’s Serbs, the West can organise a new Jihad in Bosnia. Russia is still far away and Serbia is not sure that Russia will protect her in case of erupting war in the Balkans.
Argentina -Yes
Bulgaria – Yes
Cyprus – Yes
Greece – Yes
Hungary – Yes
Myanmar – Yes
Serbia – Yes
Turkey – Yes
Member states of NATO will of course vote for…its countries like Serbia that’s a surprise. Russia has no friend left in the balcans.
More names for the unfriendly countries list.
Wondering whether Russia will make distinctions between poor countries completely under US boot, and those actively hostile.
It will have to.
What a joke the UN is.
Yes, that’s what it is.
And the ones that voted in favor, how stupid they are,, they don’t see what Is coming?
Deluded people who are detached from the reality were saying “NATO is losing it”, “NATO is being desperate”, “people are waking up and they do not buy the anti-Russian propaganda”. Those people were claiming PR wars are not important.
Just because someone tells the uncomfortable reality doesn’t mean they are against Russia. Attacking those who tell uncomfortable reality does not do Russia any good. So many people here do nothing but wild prophecy and wishful thinking, keep shouting what they want to believe, what they want to happen.
People commenting here, you are a very very tiny minority. You don’t represent “the people”. You should learn how to distinguish you and other people. Just because you think that way doesn’t mean people think the same way. The people outside this site aren’t like you.
I support Russia. However keep saying wild prophecies like “NATO is a paper tiger”, “West is done”, “West is falling” don’t do any good. People need to look at the reality, not at their dream.
The best comment here yet… What you wrote is exactly true. But on this and, unfortunately, several other pro-Russian websites, not just harsh criticism, but almost ANY criticism, of the weak and timid actions, visible blunders, fallacious strategies, incompetencies, and delusional beliefs/doctrines of the present Russian government is enough to get people branded “5th or 6th columnist”, called silly names like “shekel-collecting”, and openly insulted etc. – although the criticisms actually come from a PRO-RUSSIAN viewpoint that wants to see Russia succeed in this conflict. It’s like: “Putin and his current coterie are omniscient, omnipotent demigods who never err; and if you utter the slightest criticism of them, you’re a 5th-6th columnist or troll working for the other side”. No “We’re both on the same side, so let’s just agree to disagree”.
To the people who engage in this primitive and psychologically immature behavior, I would like to say this: It doesn’t matter if the criticism is correct, only partially correct, or even completely wrong. With this behavior, you are not only NOT helping the Russian cause, but actually you are actively DAMAGING it by:
1. Alienating, angering, and driving away people who are genuine, heartfelt supporters of Russia (maybe even driving them into the OPPOSITE camp due to frustration and disillusionment) – in a world where, now more than ever, Russia needs all the REAL friends and supporters that it can get;
2. Discouraging and actively squelching free debate and airing of ideas which might, if adopted, help Russia win (or win with less losses and suffering).
“Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum”
“Let justice be done though the heavens fall”
BRICS, SCO, and related organizations (zone B) should give up on zone A and start their own organizations and excluse all the haters and liars from these new organizations. A parallel world for kindred and loving people, f@ck the exceptional lemmings!
Gutted. Even Serbia voted in favour. Can’t believe it.
Well golly, you have to expel any honest proescutor from the International Guild of (Crooked) Prosecutors.
Even with all of the usual arm-twisting, bullying, and extortion that the Empire does to influence votes at the UN, there were nearly as many No votes and abstentions as there were Yes votes. The breakdown of the countries had some interesting features:
Hard to say which was more pathetic — the Yes vote from Serbia or “neutral” Switzerland
israel’s Yes vote is typical of their sleazy, duplicitous, two-faced sociopathy. I hope that Russia will remember this and act accordingly.
A resounding No from China and abstentions from India, Brazil, and South Africa are huge.
Abstentions from Mexico, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and even traditional US/UK satrapies like Jordan, Bahrain, Singapore, and Thailand are a pleasant surprise.
So even though the US and its UK lapdog are still able to pad their vote totals through coercion of powerless Caribbean and Pacific island nations and European non-entities (Grenada, Tuvalu, Lichtenstein, San Marino, etc.), it looks like an increasing portion of the world is gaining sufficient stones and common sense/decency to resist the diktats of the Evil Empire. The unanimous solidarity of the “International Community” in isolating Russia appears to be a bit exaggerated.
I see Serbia sided with the hyenas too. Didn’t even have the backbone to abstain if they were too afraid to vote no.
Serbia is surrounded by NATO states and have no chance in war against them all. So, it easy for you to judge so comfortably. We have no nuclear weapons, not big enough manpower, not strong economy… Russia don’t want to fight against NATO. It would be a nuclear war and the end of all of us.
No one,not even me expected Serbia to vote with Russia,though I hoped they would. But I did expect they would abstain as 58 other countries did. No one would have attacked Serbia if they abstained.
Serbia gets attacked by default. Lets not play pretend. If it was Serbia in the shit and Russia was voting Putin would have done the same thing bc its a smart move. In fact jojo is here spouting off how Russia was a terrible “ally” during the Yugoslav wars and the fallout. So… to paraphrase Putin, “Serbs can’t be bigger Russians then Russians.” Except he said it I believe when Serbia was hoping for Russian assistance to de-coup Serbia and he basically told Serbia to save itself… thanks Pal.
And they painfully have done so,(save themselves), but I have yet to see anyone who is late to the party, get rewarded for being so, and yeah i’ve been to California too.
In quantitative terms, it might look bad to Russia but that’s not important. Apart from the unfortunate example of Argentina, only Zone A and its minions (insignificant statelets in Europe and Oceania) voted to expel Russia. All the truly important nations for the 21st century either abstained or voted against. Qualitatively speaking, things are not as bad as Western MSM would have us think.
The question remains: will the West destroy the United Nations or will the United Nations put the West to its correct standing?
“. . . only Zone A and its minions (insignificant statelets in Europe and Oceania)”. You forgot Latin America. The greatest lacjkeys are over there.
Yes, you are quite right and I am Latin American. Although it must be said that the issue going forward is not so much the Anglo-Saxons but in fact the Vatican, in which Western Christianity is concentrated and exerts pressure on the region.
Wall of Shame! for some.
For others, both my country of birth and the country where I reside in the Latin Americas – Both abstained, not wanting to give this pretend process any significance.
Peru? Let the hegemon suck you up!
Antiqua, Argentina .. let them eat you!
Philipines – how much were you threatened?
Well, no more, but Wall of Shame!
This is the end of the UN.
Now, the multipolarity will take over. All of the rest .. stay behind. Just stay behind. You’re a disgrace to humans in this world and a traitor to your own!
Who is going to speak for Cuba? Who is going to speak for Venezuela? Who is going to speak for those that are not strong to speak for themselves? Russia spoke for and with them!
It’s just a distraction and desperation from AZE, we should actually see this as good news. They changed the music track on the sound system of the USS Titanic.
As Uncles Larch & Auslander told us, the War Crimes Tribunals are being organized for June (just two months away) and the Desperados are muddying the waters, trying to paint Russia with their own bloody colors.. and also getting a formal polling of who they still own. This latter is dwindling fast.. now a clear numerical majority either abstained, opposed or didn’t vote.. and I am proud of my Africa!! 👍🏼💪🏼😊
The reality is the UN lost honor and legitimacy long before i was born. Some say it was when Dag Hammarskjöld was blown out of the sky, some when Korea was gang-savaged, and some when FDR was gotten rid of and his vision corrupted and the UN became an appendage of the 4th Reich Empire..
Serbia voted for the resolution?
Take to arms.
It is not surprise that Serbia voted YES.
Serbian ruling elite is deeply anti Russian, they are just acting that they support Russia because the population is pro Russian.
Russia will have to fight this war alone.
Slavic brothers from Serbia are cheaply bought by the West.
And Serbia had to fight alone with NATO as Russia couldn’t or wouldn’t help it.
I thought the least Russia could do was to help Serbia rebuild after the NATO strikes. While still under the non-coup government, Serbia was working night and day to repair everything and was doing a good job rebuilding bridges, power plants, utilities, etc. It tried to get Russia interested by bringing in a delegations of Russians to observe, and the Russians did observe and were apparently impressed but they weren’t interested in helping. Then before the elections between Milosevic and the western-backed DOS Russia threatened to cut off gas to Serbia for its debt. This was just another blow which led to the collapse of the non-puppet government.
I always thought that Russia could have helped Serbia rebuild and try to keep the government from falling, but it seemed almost to want the Milosevic government to go, and once it did Russians seemed relieved to wipe their hands of the pressure to help Serbia.
Only the UNSC has any power. Every other part of the UN is practically powerless.
The fact that Albania has a vote says it all!
All members of NATO will vote. Albania is a NATO member..the current war is onbehalf of NATO
Mostly the Western world plus tiny countries from Pacific Ocean and poor countries from Africa that vote yes. It is understandable that these later groups dare not stand up to the bully.
A bit disappointing to see India abstains.
On the other hand, it is probably equally disappointing for the empire’s supporters to see South Korea and Saudi abstain.
I am glad Egypt did not go along with the farce. Abstain is the safeest position to be pro Russia.
I am no India affairs specialist, but I an educated enough to discern things. India better be careful. There is a regime change psyop underway. With that plot failing, Uncle Schmuel has gone for India to force India away from Russia. Arnab Republic TV flipped to the Uncle Schmuel (was taking the modi governemnt stance) side aftrer the failed US plotted coup vs Khan in Pakistan. He flipped out and ranted against pakistan’s push with China and Russia and has as of today now vehemently pro Ucraine, shouting “We are all Ucranians” to Zelensky and de facto calling Modi is a coward on global TV. Watch here. I could not go through with it and ended up skimming the interview AND the staged pro Ucraine debbate.
India is no Pakistan, so psyop it will take a different modus operandi. Hence Arnab sudden shift (and hence, in the pockets of the West). Arnaub and Republic TV has 5 million subscribers alone on Youtube.
Monaco voted in favour. World shaking event. What a creep that Prince is.
Shame on duplicitous and false Serbia 😔😔
I am Serbian and it is shameful. Watched Vuchic weasel about that topic last night…”oh the pressure was immense” and “but we didn’t sanction”. F.. off you dirty weasel cuck. Honestly Russia is too good to Serbia, it shouldn’t give any more preferential price for gas and let us lick the eurolemmings boot even harder.
Russia should give a statement and say that it is disappointed in the Serbian stance, and that it will re-evaluate its position vis-a-vis Serbia.
Serbia isn’t behaving like a friendly state to Russia, period. We really do deserve what’s coming, to be the very last in the euro bread line, without gas, without industry, with a degenerate PM and annual “pride” parades.
When the day of reckoning comes I hope Russia and the true resistance judges harshly, many idiots in Serbia will be bewildered but soon they will know what they have voted for and what they are reaping.
In an Asia Times article just last week, some paid “columnist” was gloating that Vietnam is snubbing Russia and being cozy up to US. Here came the truth.
Nowadays, you just can’t trust any “columnists”. They are all “virgins in the West whorehouse”.
This is not even going to slow this train at all. An act of desperation.
And…what belonging to the UNHRC means?
We, peoples in the West have our human and basic rights suspended fro two years in a round.
Today it is the day many of us have the passports inhabilited by our governments with no crime commited whatsoever while we reamin working hard and paying our taxes…
If we are going to continue holding this charade, then, take it easy…
What part that we live in a who9le neolanguage world the people does not understand?
The other day, Zelensky in a video appearance at the Spanish parliament compared the Russian campaign in Mariupol with the Guernica bombing…The whole parliament cheered, with the president of parliament, Meritxell Batet, stating we are all urkainians and labvelling Zelensky a hero…
Well, Guernica was bombed to smithereens by the Spanish fascist air force helped in that endevour by the Luftwaffe and Mussolini regime air force…just the allies of those Zelensky represents today…
With respect to being Ukrainians us all, depending, I am fully in solidarity with the inocent Ukrainian population both from the slaugghtered for 8 years Donbass, and also those whom the junta resulting from the Maidan coup keeps sqeezing through astronomic prices in electricity, gas and fuel, the same treatment being applied by the allies of Zelensky in the EU ( that is all the EU governemtns except may be Hungary…) that has been now extended to all EU taxpayers….
Then it will come, as in the Ukraine has been impossed during the Russian SMO, the digital ID to receive a conditional government subside once all turned poor of solemnity…
I am not definitely these Ukrainians, for the information of this clearly unadequately positioned woman…Back to university to study history and back to the neurologist for a brain exam, please!
We will not be surprised to discover that the full Spanish parliament have been promised something like this…
Hague Invasion Act – look it up, US are fucking hypocrites!
Seems like Latin America are Uncle Schmuel’s whores except for Nicaragua, Bolivia, Venezuela (who didn’t go there to vote) (3). Fence walkers are Brazil, El Salvador, Mexico (3). Whores (13)
Caribbean scenario is different: Stand Tallers (1-Cuba). Fence walkers (6) Whores (6).
One can interpret my term “Fence Walking” many ways. An open ended term at this moment in time.
Disgusted that my country said yes. Disgusted.
He turned his back on the U.S. in Moscow while he was asking Putin for not just help, but asking him to be like a new patron, to begin to replace the U.S. role., so speaking more like a beggar than a head of state – big contrast with Bolsonaro in Moscow, which I also watched on RT. (Putin noticed, dissimulated well.) Now he votes for this saying that it’s a “tradition” to take this righteous stand. Half of him wants attention for Alberto…Maybe Moscow also didn’t give him as much as he asked for, one of which did not even make sense. It was that Argentina be the conduit through which Russia would grow its commerce with the other South American nations. He tried to sell him the Golden Bridge. It’s possible that Putin will ignore his vote…
With the Empire of Lies presence how can this council have any pretence of protecting human rights anyway? Its a contradiction in terms. Natostan countries have destroyed the even basic “right to life” many million times. Its a total sham.
Why is everyone so surprised about Serbia’s vote?
Because you didn’t think Vucic is a stooge?
I’m not surprised. Its a smart empty vote that buys you good capital to make harder moves later. The UN is a pointless forum where nothing good happens. Only a fool wastes a golden opportunity to buy wiggle room with this vote.
93 voted for it and 72 did not. Russia’s expulsion is the will of the international community will be the narrative — in said international community.
Should one laugh or cry, molesters care about human rights vilation
I think Pepe Escobar summed it up:
“And here’s the Wall of Shame.
The Empire of Resentful Cowards and Liars, who’s starving millions of Afghans to death and weaponizing the genocide in Yemen, got the UN General Assembly to suspend Russia from the Human Rights Council.”
and the Russian MFA said this:
From Intel Slava Z:
“On April 7, Russia will prematurely terminate its powers in the UNHRC, said the Deputy Representative of the Russian Federation to the organization.
He noted that Moscow considers the resolution of the General Assembly an illegal and politically motivated step.”
Despite all the bullying and threats the majority didn’t vote for this illegal resolution. 17 Countries were absent for the vote too.
The one’s that stood out for me were:
Argentina – Why? Russia came to their aid during covid with Sputnik V.
Serbia! – disgrace when Russia supports them on Kosovo
Libya – ? requested Russia’s help – then this.
Myanmar! – Russia has supported them
Philippines – as above but US has a base there……
The only two in the Middle East/central Asia to vote in favour – …..Turkey (shown not neutral & has its terrorists to protect) and Israel – both countries have such brilliant human rights records….
The one shining light from all of this is the US/EU/UK are losing their power – the majority didn’t vote for it. Sadly the UNHRC will be a sorry place without Russia.
Latest comment from Gennady Gatilov of the Russian MFA:
“The resolution adopted by the #UNGA today is a US attempt to subjugate various spheres of interaction between states in the international arena, including the UN HR mechanisms. It discredits the @UN_HRC, inflicts irreparable damage to its reputation and undermines its credibility….”
Myanmar! – Russia has supported them
Myanmar also voted yes to the last vote against Russia. This is a direct indicator of blackmail, it can’t be anything else.
– Myanmar currently has armed US/UK trained and supported proxy terrorists who at this very moment are fighting a large scale offensive against the government (thousands of fighters, hundreds killed);
– there are many US and UK militry trainers and military advisers on the ground supporting insurgents and helping them kill Myanmar soldiers and pro-Myanmar ethnic soldiers;
– the US/UK are running a mammoth propaganda campagne using illegal in-country broadcasts which have a devastating effect;
– the US/UK have created – and help to hide – a full-blown Guido-style illegal “alternative government” with its own terrorist military force – the misnamed “Peace Defence Forces” which bomb schools, holspitals and other soft targets because they are too cowardly to fight genuine targets;
So it would seem impossible to explain the Myanmar double Yes vote in other way than outright blackmail.
Serbia has come out today to explain their vote at the UNGA and also to give some further information on provocations with civilian planes by NATO – in Russian airspace – and bomb threats to Serbia:
The two posts are at 04.45 and 04.52
“Serbia will send official requests to Russia and NATO over an incident in which a fighter jet, presumably a NATO one, used a civilian plane of Air Serbia to enter the Russian airspace, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told the national television…………”
“Serbian president explains why Serbia was amongst the countries who voted for the expulsion of Russia from the UNHRC: “People ask why we have not voted against or have not abstained. But if we abstain, other countries will be against us, the pressure on us will increase. At the same time, right today, a decision on the destiny of Serbia – whether we will be excluded from the oil sanctions – is being made.” Vucic said.”
We are all well aware that all these countries are being blackmailed and forced to vote this way by the US/NATO.
Also in regard to BiH it seems their Ambassador made a personal decision in regard to the vote:
“Milorad Dodik continues to block any actions directed against Russia.
The leader of the Bosnian Serbs said that the vote of BiH for the suspension of Russia’s membership in the UNHRC was cast illegally. Since the Presidium did not discuss this issue, which means that this is the personal position of the Ambassador of BiH to the UN, which is not the position of the country.
Earlier, he also confirmed that he would not allow any sanctions against Russia to be introduced.”
1. Most European nations (including Serbia and Hungary) voted to kick out Russia
2. Majority of African nations abstained or even voted against expelling Russia (a tiny number voted in “favour” to satisfy the US/UK/French masters)
3. Asia mostly abstained or voted against
4. Latin America mostly voted in favour of (with exceptions like Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia, Cuba, El Salvador, Belize, Guyana)
5. Caribbean poodle-states mostly voted in favour (excluding countries like Barbados, St Vincent, Trinidad & Tobago)
Serbia has has a puppet government since the 2000 coup, but Russia helped push Serbia to fall, when in 2000 it threatened to cut off Serbia’s gas supplies due to debt – and this for a country which had been savaged by NATO for 78 days and nights in 1999. Russia never helped Serbia rebuild while they still didn’t have a coup government. Russia’s threat to cut off the gas, along with EU and U.S. backed “protests” and strikes, along with Russia saying that it was fine if Serbia had a “pro EU” government caused it to collapse into a puppet regime since then.
Serbia is surrounded by NATO yet is not in NATO itself, none of the other countries which voted no or abstained is in such a position, and none were also severely bombed by 10+ NATO countries at once.
It is in our nature not to abandon our friends. It is better to be poor in $$ than poor in spirit.
8 of those who voted against are African countries and over 20 of abstentions are from Africa.
I am disappointed in my own country, South Africa for abstaining instead of voting against.
From the moderator: I second that.
Exactly my point, South Africa is the only BRICS country that didn’t vote against.. very disappointing.
South Africa is not exactly a bastion of human rights considering that there are more race-based laws against whites in the country than under apartheid, in other words technically speaking the country is in breach of the UN resolution passed against South Africa in 1973 with regards to apartheid – if you look at the wording of that resolution which did not even reflect what was happening under apartheid. This was discussed here on The Saker Blog in this article:
Moreover, South Africa has been placed under pressure by the western nations, calling South Africans ‘confused’. The ANC sits between two fires – 3 actually. It has very good relations with Russia, Ukraine and all of the West (very good indeed).
Personally I think abstaining is the right decision.
It sounds like total disintegration of the UN in the filthy NY, will be coming up next. Good riddance. The US / Zionists and their lgbtq followers could keep their useless organization all for themselves. There’s the need for a true UN and related international bodies led by China, Russia and other responsible countries of the Zone B. Hopefully, some of the initial missions of the True UN, would be return of the Golan Heights to Syria and criminal prosecution of those behind the 911, Corona pandemic …
without an offensive political strategy of defending itself, russia will always be defending itself. never let an enemy regroup, they will never stop threats. removing all top leaders, financiers and political opposition by force at once is needed for peace to prevail. either fight the planners and spokemen or they propagandize citizens for deeds. they have already declared war, it us time to annilate the enemy until they surrender, than nuke them just like they would do. negotiating with nations builton centuries of war does not know but war. they stall for resupply and lie to citizens. destroying them is only possible outcome.
why let them manufacture weapons? why let them regroup?
with usa mil stockpiles limited to 30days munitions, opening up a campaign for invasion is realized as minerals for resupply are zero and machinery retooled would take years. a blockade of resupply lines is inevitable with a fraction received. time till overthrow only 30days while usa would self detonate itself as only defense. a draftof troops would take 3-6 months training to deployment while communication is zero. usa lacks defensive infrastructure for invasion whereby attacking allied countries capitol would delay any reinforcement by allied supplies into usa. mainstream propaganda networks limited by distribution back to newspapers.
Serbia votes against Russia. Bravo Vucic, may you root in hell.
For the ethernal shame of all EU parliaments, this is the crap you support and label as heros of Ukraine and of the “International Community”…You are a sahem and will be as long as I am alive!
These will be in any case like you, but no way these are like us, at least part, of the people of Europe.
Thus, what the UNHRC serves of?
Isn’t much of a human rights council when US, British, saudi and zionist war criminals sit there.
Russia lays into delusional Israel for lack of self introspection over Palestians and Syria yet critices Russia for Bucca
Break up?
Russia telling Israel some home truths! Great replies back by Sergey Ivanov, head of the department of diplomacy and consular service at the Foreign Ministry’s Diplomatic Academy, who wrote a scathing critique of Israel on Wednesday. Might explain why they voted for the resolution today against Russia.
The fact that they believed the Bucha massacre without any proof – there still hasn’t been any (its all beginning to fall apart) – and they accept Neo-Nazi’s in Ukraine is reprehensible. It desecrates the memory of all the Jews who died in the Great Patriotic War/WWII.
The only reason that Palestinian lands were given was because of WWII – now Israel is in bed with Nazi’s in Ukraine………
Looks like Israel’s relations will be deteriorating very fast with Russia. (Z)Elensky won’t be getting his bigger Israel.
It seems Israel has made its decision to chose a side by training the Ukrainian forces against Russia and the people of Donbass. Probably explains why the Russians (Sergey Ivanov) were so forceful in their response:
@12.15 is the post and photos – just scroll up:
“March 23, 2022. Ukraine. Training camp and training of Ukrainian soldiers under the guidance of Israeli military specialists from the combat units of the IDF.”
….cut out the cancers of the west…before it infests the rest of the world dominion it believes that is theirs… cut out the curruption from that rotten body of western illiberalism..rebuild the world.. the rest will stew in their own s**t .
China voted against, India abstained, as did Brazil. Across Asia, only Japan and South Korea voted against, with Thailand (considered to be in US orbit) also abstaining. In the Mediterranean, Egypt abstained. In Africa and South America, many were in favour of Russia or abstained.
NATO aside (and various little islands), the countries that count were ALL pro-Russia. Final tally 93 to 82.
Although it is clear that it makes one indignant.
This is another meaningless “victory” for the US. If you add up the No votes + the Abstentions + the black squares which are, I think, Not Present , the result you will get is different, is it not?
17 Not Present + 24 No + 58 abstentions, equal 99.
Russia can rightfully, just shrug this off.
The US/NATO will score the vote a Win, which is what they need , as they back away from another war they will not win.
That is my theory and I am sticking to it. Unless and until Actual events on the ground convince me that I am on the wrong path.
“The only other country ever to be expelled from the UN Human Rights Council was Libya, in 2011, as NATO bombed the North African country to help militants overthrow the government of Muammar Gaddafi.”
The Human Rights Council itself should be expelled from the United Nations.
Human Rights itself as a principle has become a modern day Western Civilizing Mission–a propaganda pretext for the destabilization, destruction, and colonization of nations targeted by the American Empire of Evil and its Western crime partners.
The fact that Libya was expelled from this council even as the NATO nations were waging a war of aggression based on lies reveals the true political character of this Human Lies Council.
Today, Libya is a failed state, racked by sectarian violence, with open-air slave markets.
Moreover, why has no Western nation like America, the Anglosphere nations, or Europe been expelled from the Human Rights Council for their many wars of aggression like against Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Serbia, and many “low-intensity” or drone wars for the past generation?
To America and the self-styled Free World: F*ck you and your phony “human rights.”
You are Human Rights hypocrites and Human Rights imperialists all.
Well, it’s unfortunate. Almost 3/4th population of the world reject the idea to suspended Russia from human rights council, though it is just a policy body.
Now this is time to suspend Ukrain from world map. Now it is essential that Russia take some ‘really bold
bold step’ to show his might.
I am little bit happy the result, in previous 2 vote USA and his belt get some 140 vote in favour. Now this is declining 93. Decreasing rate is fascinating.
This time, China said a big ‘NO’. Love it
Can anyone told is Russia inject new column in Ukrain? Heard a significant army is waiting around border. What is your assumption, when will Moscow decide to start 2nd phase? Or already started
When does a guy who went from a government salary to being arguably the richest person in the world admit a colossal error? I just don’t know.
This was a necessary step for the “Empire” to avoid facing Nuremberg 2, as the evidence of its crimes in Ukraine and around the word are there for all to see…as well is there for all to see the complicty of our governments in all this.
A warning on what is falling over us. I am not surprised at all as no “Defender of the People” in Europe took the lead to defend any of those many under mass harassment by the media and submitted to apartheid by their governments during the past two years.
The ECHR, in the same line, did not find any problem with what we were suffering in Europe…
Thus, these are organs in defense of human rights only in name, as Zelensky is a “freedom hero”…
Fake news, fake history, fake narrative, fake names, fake labels…..
“The only other country ever to be expelled from the UN Human Rights Council was Libya, in 2011, as NATO bombed the North African country to help militants overthrow the government of Muammar Gaddafi.”
A quick search shows that Libya was expelled on March 1, while the NATO-led bombing commenced on March 19. Just a minor point in a way, but this vote does give NATO (in its mind) the moral high ground to do whatever it feels capable of regarding Russia.
Also notable is that China voted “NO” instead of its previous (and probably this time expected) abstentions on anti-Russia resolutions.
Hopefully Serbs will protest Vucic, and it would be great if he was overthrown, but are there any non-western puppet politicians or leaders in Serbia to replace him?
They will but he got nearly 60% of the vote so his political maneuvering is accepted by the vast majority of the country. What was his bumper sticker slogan? Peace, Stability, Vucic. If that doesn’t change he won’t be going anywhere.
As a Serb myself I am ambivalent. For the Rock and a hard place situation Serbia is in… he is within my range of acceptability as long as he doesn’t cross Serbia’s red lines in terms of Kosovo recognition and NATO accession.
If I’m lucky the EU will collapse soon too.
Some here do no homework, like Greta of CO2 fame :
Major fight and all niceties dropped :
And that after Bennett telling Z to accept Russia’s 4 points.
Fascinating to already know or to examine closely the human rights record of EACH AND EVERY country that voted in favour of that US-proposed resolution!…
In this shameless world, hypocrisy reigns supreme while self-respect remains nowhere to be found.
Some curious observation:
Noticed my country (Malaysia) abstained from the vote. I guess our local politicians are too busy robbing from the people to pay attention to world politics at the moment so they just abstained.
However, the more curious one is Singapore as they abstained. Singapore is one of the countries that put sanctions on Russia. Their PM Lee Hsien Loong even went on a pilgrimage recently to Washington DC. I thought they would have voted Yes on the resolution.
Only Myanmar voted Yes from among the ASEAN countries.
All in all, this shows that many countries still not dare to go against the “Omnipotent” Collective West.
Am a little bit disappointed with my country South Africa abstaining, the only BRICS country that didn’t vote against.
I am so disgusted with Washington and it’s puppets I can’t even describe it. These are the real war criminals. The real butchers of Ukraine and Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia. I think we should just start calling the Anglo-American led West, the 4th Reich. These are the Real Nazis and now in Ukraine they don’t even hide it. It is sickening.
Babylon is pushing Russia out.
Time for a new human rights council. Moreover, it is time for a new and reformed UN
I got yer “rule based order” right here. You really mean a global dictatorship run entirely by the USSA, one in which guilty verdicts and punishments precede any semblance of due process, one in which mere accusation without the slight bit of hard evidence, and the concomitant pro forma dismissal of all contraindicating evidence is simply standard operating procedure. Lovely system wherein the Russian state and all of its citizens are summarily condemned in a sweeping agenda of issues without any examination of evidence or data, but rather simply by virtue of their ancestry and citizenship. America’s “new world order” is as close to Nazi fascism as this world has ever seen. The pricks that have seized control of the American state in purely cosmetic elections and its global military juggernaut with a senile old man who couldn’t find his ass with both hands ostensibly in charge and making every manner of baseless but quite threatening allegations now think they are like gods. The system has been put into a highly metastable state. It will not take many more perturbations to set off an unstoppable chain reaction of exothermic, chaotropic and spontaneous hyperinflationary entropic events (everything go boom!).
It is NATO voting, not UN.
This is “The West” right now….