Almost a year ago I added an additional ‘news’ page on our website. The ‘search news feeds’ feature on this page has been only used by the most adventuresome of our readers, as it was never announced and only found by exploration.
This page is accessed by the ‘NON MSM NEWS’ button on the home page. On this page is an RSS feature that allows readers to review the news feeds from a selected list of news sites. To give a taste of how this appears … here are several links
webmaster’s seleccted news sites
Russia news in russian — Saker’s list
This RSS feature can be accessed by click on the ‘NON MSM NEWS’ button the home page (far right…below the Iceland Saker Image) and once on the news site click on the ‘Submit Query’ (far right) within the ‘Search News Feeds’ box.
Within the ‘Search News Feed’ box 4 different news lists can be selected … in addition a search term can also be entered, entering ‘Trump’ or ‘Putin’ will almost always get a hit.
The rss feeds only go back 3 days .. as after three days they are no longer ‘New’.
Additional ‘News lists’ for displaying/searching can be readily created as needed or desired … so we are not just limited to the 4 that are currently displayed.
Herb Swanson (Webmaster)
Question: How do the articles on the Non-MSM News page relate to what is returned via the searches by the illustrated controls?
The news page contains 3 different sections of ‘news’.
The 1st sections is contain in central body of the page … these contains news links that our own readers have found and posted here.
The 2nd is the ‘Search news feeds’ (which is what this article covers) this grabs the rss feeds of an edited list of sites, these sites have been selected by myself or Saker.
The 3rd section is on also the far right below the ‘search’ box .. these are links to Saker’s approved web sites.
“webmaster’s seleccted news sites” – A useful list of news sites to bookmark, thanks.
Was surprised to see Victor Davis Hanson on the list.
Once described as “a blood-and-guts classicist and one of Vice President Dick Cheney’s favorite dinner guests,”[1] Victor Davis Hanson is a fellow at the Hoover Institution, the hawkish Stanford University-based think tank that, alongside the American Enterprise Institute, served as one of the George W. Bush administration’s key recruiting grounds (though Hanson has not served in the government).[2] Like Donald Kagan, Hanson is a neoconservative writer who specializes in ancient history and has a penchant for finding parallels between current events and antiquity—for example, comparing the Iraq War to the Peloponnesian War.[3]
– Right Web
However, I myself find it useful to get a broad view, reading from the left and right, desirous of peace and otherwise.
I recommend people read Zero Hedge regularly. Though it is pro-guns, anti-climate, if you cull with discernment you will find articles that you appreciate. For example, just this morning:
Wikileaks: To Weaken Iran, US Undermined Democratic Elements of Syrian Opposition to Empower Radical Groups
First two paragraphs:
A recently uncovered U.S. government document published by WikiLeaks has revealed that the U.S. directly advocated for undermining “democratic” elements of the so-called Syrian “revolution” of 2011 in order to ensure the dominance of authoritarian, sectarian Sunni groups within the Syrian opposition.
The document, written by the United States Marine Corps (USMC) Intelligence Department in late 2011, further asserts that empowering these radical Sunni groups over democratic and secular ones would be ideal for the United States and its regional partners, as ensuring the decline of the current Syrian government, and with it a secular Syria, would harm Iran’s regional clout.
Thanks Herb, for pointing at this existing feature.
Links to interesting articles can be a guide to broaden insight. Not that I read them all. Dashing through the headlines is already something.
May I also point at the top menu (black background)? Clicking on ‘articles’ you get all the articles chronologically, unrefined on category. At ‘RSS’ you get all the comments chronologically, unrefined on subject.
That also gives an idea about the amount of work of the moderator group, keep up the good work ;-)
Cheers, Rob
Bravo! Didn’t look for this app but glad to discover it. Congratulations on your web site.
Is there a search facility for the articles on The Saker? Using google search and site to my old sitreps or what the Saker wrote on some subjects isn’t much fun.
On the right hand side of the home screen are two sections entitled ‘Search articles’ and ‘Search Archives’ , just below the ‘Donate button’. Give this a try …. remember that the site has almost 9K posts and the search of articles may take awhile. … mod
Not nitpicking, please, but it does not say “Search Archives”, it says “Saker Archives”, or did I miss something?
When you click “Saker Archives” you can select a particular month and manually page through the list of articles.
I tried “Saker Archives” to see if I could find the article that changed me into a dedicated reader of this site.
…And there is was !
Hey, August 2008, ten years ! … have to say that again, Ten Years !
Thx, Saker !
I do not use fascist Google any longer (unless I really have to), I use DuckDuckGo.
You can use DuckDuckGo like Google to search the archives:
If you have a pretty good idea of the specific month you can search like this:
Else, search the entire year like this:
Hope that is helpful.
Hi LeDahu,
As suggested above – I just went into “search articles” and put your name and got several articles from 2017 to the present written by your good self :)