Army Command: Syrian air defense forces shoot down Israeli warplane and drone after attack in Quneitra

Quneitra, SANA – The General Command of the Army and the Armed Forces announced on Tuesday that the Israeli enemy’s air force attacked a Syrian military position in the countryside of the southern Quneitra province at 1 am on September 13, 2016.

The General Command said in a statement the Syrian air defense forces responded to the attack and shot down an Israeli warplane to the southwest of Quneitra and an Israeli drone to the west of Sa’sa’ town in the southwestern countryside of Damascus.

It noted that the Israeli attack came in support of the armed terrorist groups and in a desperate attempt to raise the deteriorating morale of their members due to the heavy losses they have suffered in Quneitra.


This is not the first enemy’s fighter jet, the first fighter jet that was shot down on August 21st with two Israeli helicopters.  The downed fighter jets were attacking the SSA and providing an air support to Al-Nusra terrorists.

Israel denies everything, claiming that they are “fighting with terrorists” rather than helping them. No matter how many Israeli jets Syria shots down, Israel is going to claim that “nothing happened” and that they have not had any losses.

This  moment when an Israeli jet meets the Syrian missile


FSA terrorists beg Israel for help against the Syrian army in south Syria


Foreign Ministry: Israeli attack desperate attempt to boost terrorists’ morale

13 September، 2016

Damascus, SANA – The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry on Tuesday sent  two letters to the UN Secretary General and the Security Council’s Head on the recent Israeli aggression, considering it as “a desperate attempt to boost the deteriorating morale of the terrorist organizations after the losses inflicted upon them by the Syrian army in Quneitra Countryside and across Syria.

“Within the framework of its direct support to terrorists, Israel launched a series of flagrant attacks on the Syrian territory and the Armed Forces during the past few weeks,” said the Ministry, adding that these attacks came in line with the strategic alliance between the Zionist entity and the armed terrorist groups, particularly Jabhat al-Nusra (Fateh al-Sham).

The Ministry noted that the Syrian government has informed the UN Secretary General and Head of the UN Security Council about the ongoing Israeli aggressions on Syria.

“In the early morning of Tuesday 13th, 2016, the Israeli enemy’s air force attacked Syrian military positions in the countryside of the southern Quneitra province. The Syrian air defense forces responded to the attack and shot down an Israeli warplane to the southwest of Quneitra and an Israeli drone to the west of Sa’sa’ town in the southwestern countryside of Damascus. There is no doubt that the Israeli attack came in support of the armed terrorist groups and in a desperate attempt to raise the deteriorating morale of their members due to the heavy losses they have suffered in the countryside of Quneitra and across Syria,” added the Ministry in its letters.

The Israeli cooperation with the terrorist groups has been so clear through supplying them with arms, facilitating the movement of terrorists and their weapons and equipment within occupied territory, and helping them in their attack on the UN forces along the zone of separation.

The Ministry said that Israel did not hide its support to the armed terrorist groups and the treatment of more than 2000 terrorists in the Israeli hospitals is clear evidence on such support.

The recent Israeli attacks revealed once again the deep relationships between Israel and the terrorist groups in Syria which we have repeatedly warned about in the letters addressed to the UN Secretary General and the UN Security Council’s Chairman.

It added that Syria demands the UN Security Council and the UN Secretary General to take all procedures, stipulated in the UN Charter, to punish Israeli entity for its offenses and force it to halt its aggression and immediately suspend its support to terrorists and armed groups, particularly Jabhat al-Nusra which was included in the Council’s list of terrorist groups and entities.

It is not possible for some UN Security Council members, who adopted defending the Israeli entity as a principle, to ignore the serious threat posed by the Israeli alliance with Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization, the ministry concluded.

  1. Raslan / Ghossoun


It looks like every time an Israeli aircraft is entering the Syrian airspace it is being shot down by the Syrian airspace defense systems.

The Americans know about this, but their lips are sealed.

It also reminds me the situation over Donbass in the summer of 2014, when in effect a no-fly zone was created by shooting down every NATO- Ukro forces aircraft. Ukraine in interim was left without any air forces.


I will keep updating this SITREP during the day with new materials, if any.
