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Tag "al-jazeera"

What role is al-Qaeda playing in Libya?

Al-Jazeera is biased beyond any hope about the NATO war against Libya, and they are a de-facto active propaganda mouthpiece for pro-NATO Gulf States, but nonetheless, this discussion is interesting as it does reveal that al-Qaeda and Algeria are on a collision course with Libya now playing a role similar to what Pakistan plays in Afghanistan: a safe-heaven for al-Qaeda types. Anyway – listen to the discussion, and “read between

WikiLeaks to release Israel documents in six months

The Peninsula reports:DOHA: WikiLeaks will release top secret American files concerning Israel in the next six months, its founder Julian Assange disclosed yesterday. In an excusive interview with Al Jazeera, Assange said only a meagre number of files related to Israel had been published so far, because the newspapers in the West that were given exclusive rights to publish the secret documents were reluctant to publish many sensitive information about

Where to get information about the war on Gaza

Both al-Jazeera and Press TV have been making a very commendable effort to cover the Israeli war on Gaza and both stations are streaming live in English 24/7. They have also created a special page on their websites for those interested in following the events on the ground: Press TV “Gaza under fire“Al-Jazeera “War on Gaza“ The Isreali newspaper Ha’aretz also regularly publishes very interesting analytical pieces. That’s all I

Interviews of Pat Buchanan and Cynthia McKinney on Al Jazeera

Great stuff indeed; Pat Buchanan and Cynthia McKinney interviewed by Riz Khan: Part 1 Part 2: Small note: I had no idea Buchanan liked Palin. The thought struck me as so obscenely stupid that I almost decided not to post the first part of the interview with him. But then I still decided to post it. For all his wrongs, Buchanan is at least a real old style conservative, not

Sami El Haj, Al Jazeera Journalist, Tells His Story

By Silvia Cattori via Information Clearing House Standing straight and tall, an impressive and deeply introspective man, Sami El Haj walks with a limp and the help of a walking stick. Neither laughter nor smiles light up the refined face of this man, old before his time. A deep sadness pervades him. He was 32 years old when, in December 2001, his life, like that of tens of thousands of
