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Tag "al-Quds/Jerusalem"

Jerusalem – The Straw that Breaks the Empire’s Back?

by Peter Koenig for the Saker blog When President Trump on 6 December 2017 declared unilaterally Jerusalem as the capital of Israel to where the US Embassy shall relocate, he violated UN Resolutions, international law, common sense and went against all diplomatic efforts to eventually bring peace to the region, not to speak about 130 countries that have already voiced opposition to such a decision. And this, before the Peace

Jerusalem in My Heart

by Israel Shamir (cross-posted with the Unz Review by special agreement with the author) Jerusalem is first of all a symbol, and a potent one; the American recognition of Jewish sovereignty over the Holy City is a sign of the final Jewish victory over Christianity, and it is to be deeply regretted. Richard Coeur de Lion and Tancred would not understand this surrender of the city they fought for, but

Hassan Nasrallah: we are about to liberate Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and all of Palestine

Subtitled video censored by Youtube for alleged “violent or graphic content”. See it on Vimeo: Hassan Nasrallah: we are about to liberate Al-Quds (Jerusalem) and all of Palestine from 7asan saleh on Vimeo. Transcript: […] (Against the decision of Trump), the least (degree of faith) here would be that the Palestinian Authority, the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (who will meet) in Istanbul in two days decree
