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Tag "Ana Belen Montes"

Open Letter to Barack Obama in support of Ana Belen Montes

To the President of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama, From the International Movement of Solidarity with Mrs. Ana Belen Montes. Through this letter, hundreds of citizens of the world, not representing any Government, are asking you to first, assure more humane conditions to Mrs. Ana Belen Montes, inmate 25037-016 in the Federal Medical Center Prison in Carswell, since: 1) This woman, already close to 60 years of age, has

Appeal about the fate of Ana Belen Montes

To  all our American progressive friends: We are writing this note to you from Cuba with a heartfelt desire to let you know about the formation of the Cuba Committee, which presently  manages the campaign for a better treatment and a possible pardon for Ana Belen Montes She is an American citizen who was able to sense a different future between our country of Cuba and the United States. A

Does anybody know who Ana Belén Montes is?

by the Cuban Committee for Humane Treatment for Ana Belen Montes Does anybody know who Ana Belén Montes is? The pain caused by prison is the hardest one, the most devastating one, the one that kills your intelligence and dries out your soul, leaving scars imprinted in it, which will just never go away’. José Martí Does anybody know who Ana Belen Montes is? A question frequently asked by friends

The forgotten lady who gave her life for Cuba

There is one specific aspect of the recent thaw between the US and Cuba which nobody has mentioned and that bothers me a lot.We have all heard about the Cuban 5, the last three of which were now freed and we heard about the Jewish American spy Alan Gross who has now returned to the USA.  The media has also reveled the name of the top US mole in Cuba
