To all our American progressive friends:
We are writing this note to you from Cuba with a heartfelt desire to let you know about the formation of the Cuba Committee, which presently manages the campaign for a better treatment and a possible pardon for Ana Belen Montes
She is an American citizen who was able to sense a different future between our country of Cuba and the United States. A future where both nations would procure to conduct with each other within the parameters of a relationship based on friendship. Ana Belen was able to foresee a change of the United States government policy toward Cuba that “would bring our government back in harmony with the compassion and generosity of the American people. It would allow Cubans and Americans to learn from and share with each other. It would enable Cuba to drop its defensive measures and experiment more easily with changes. And it would permit the two neighbors to work together and with other nations to promote tolerance and cooperation“, as we are slowly learning to do since December 17, 2014.
However, and in spite of these changes, Ana Belen Montes continues to be in isolation at the Fort Worth facility in Texas where she has thus served 14 years from her original 25-year sentence, even though her original sentencing was supposed to allow her to have the right of supervised communication. As we see more progress in the United States and Cuba bilateral relations, the isolation imposed on Ana Belen Montes’ prison conditions becomes more and more obsolete and draconian.
In obedience to her conscience, Ana Belen broke US law and she has undergone boldly and stoically the painful consequences of her actions defending Cuba from attacks. Yet, by the nature of her covert work she prevented the triumph of extremist political ideas purporting a supposed “danger posed by Cuba to the US national security”, and essentially she was the American woman who, at the risk of her own life, helped to save many of your own young compatriots who would had died in vain in our Cuban beaches, if the political extremists were allowed to be successful in exciting a confrontation, driven by uncompromising propaganda and an error similar to the faults of Intelligence that brought up the hostilities in Iraq. Since a foolish and unnecessary war would have separated us forever, you may consider that the progress that has been made between our two countries since December 17th, 2014, would have never had a chance to become a reality without the vision and selfless sacrifice of Ana Belen Montes.
She is an American progressive interpreter of the soul of America, the great nation that emerged as a Revolution against the monarchy and British imperialism, as it has been proclaimed in the first declaration of the Rights of Man and in the drafting of the first U.S. Constitution. Many Americans with her convictions have died to abolish slavery and fighting fascism. When it was necessary to stand for peace, people like Ana Belen Montes resisted the Vietnam war, where wounded American lads and Vietnamese children lost life and limbs unnecessarily. She, as many others in the US, opposed the abuse and intolerance of the nineteenth century, and the belligerent concepts of the military-industrial complex of the XX-XXI century. People like her are today heirs to great figures of American history, such as John Brown, Frederick Douglass, Levi Coffin, Abraham Lincoln, Clara Barton, Mark Twain, Helen Keller, Martin Luther King Jr., Lucius Walker and many others, to name only a few.
In the nineteenth century, while Cuba was fighting for its independence, more than 300 American volunteers came to fight against Spanish colonialism with our Cuban “Mambi” army. This is why a century later, Cuba has named the doctors brigade offered to the Unites States during the hurricane Katrina, “Henry Reeve”, in honor of this heroic American internationalist. Cuban doctors are ready to serve wherever they are called to serve, in remembrance of his example. We honor those who are willing to forsake their own lives as many of those idealists have previously done. Acts like these shall always be a catalyst for joining, rather than separating us. The pacifist and daring Ana Belen Montes has joined us in this struggle for a better world, and continues to unite us even more. She needs us today. Let us fight the good fight for her, a fight which is bound to succeed first in the improvement of more fair living conditions in prison, and later in a possible pardon by the US government to our latest American “Mambisa”.
Cuban Committee for Humane Treatment for Ana Belen Montes
for background info, please see:
A beautiful story about a beautiful womam.
The Empire has always hated womem and has turned most womem into women; in other words female bodies with male souls.
If the clock were turned back far enough, Ana would be burned at the penis stake like Joan of Arc. But we’ve come a long way, baby, in our methods of torture and crowd control.
For the patrix-matrix complex, killing animals didn’t quite cut it. A deeper cut was needed. Womem needed to be cut down to women. The hearts of womem were sacrificed on penile pyramid altars with halters of marriage, porn and profit. But that was not enough. Women were made to believe that it was all their fault. A thousand stories arose of Eve throwing a rotten apple at the pure sexless Godfather.
I don’t hate men. I am him. I hate patriarchal men who murdered my mother, raped my sister and forced my lover into the brothel business so they could make money. It’s still happening on much vaster scales but we now have scales over our nose and ears so we can’t hear the wails or smell the pails of bloodlust. Deceit now wears the designer clothes of decency.
Anna Karenina was allowed to commit suicide by Tolstoy who himself committed a kind of suicide in the Russian winter, driven away from his home by the cold dead hand of patriarchy. In a psych ward, and I’ve worked in many, Ana Moreno does not have even that option. Even if she had, she wouldn’t do it because it would be construed as guilt. When she is finally freed, what a free womam she will be. But sadly, patriarchy may not even allow her that. For a true bred patriarch, the only good woman is a dead one, after she’s produced enough male heirs, and the millions of Ana’s across space and time may not be allowed that.
Surely you say, it can’t be as bad as all that. No, it can’t. It’s much worse.
I very much like what you wrote, I could have written the same thing.
I actually believe there should be an organized cause for understanding for Beautiful Girls. Cue Van Halen song, but I mean it. They have a lot to go through. Everybody thinks they’ve got it easy, they don’t. They’re born with a burden, most men couldn’t give a damn. And “I am him”, too.
Some of us marry them, if we’re (absurdly!) lucky. And most of my closest friends are women, funny, that. I trust them more. That’s how it goes and I’ve lived with them my entire life.
Merry Christmas & thanks for a great post!
This woman is not in a pindo torture chamber because she is pretty or because she is a woman. I consider your attempt to bury this persecution under some irrelevant man vs woman division psyops not only disrespectful to Ms Montes and what she is going through, I also consider it exploitative for your own selfish agenda.
I can not agree more, mr Vot Tak!
For this Christmas, I would like to share some music of another great Cubana, according to me one of the greatest, but almost unknown singers of the 20th century:
Celina González passed away earlier this year.
Spoken like a true patriarch. I’m a patriarch too. It takes one to know one. I am so blind and heartless. I’m not here to argue with you, Rootman and any other man. My agenda is to stand up for women. When I do I feel like a man. Call it selfish if you will. Patriarchs have been saying that about women forever. I’m proud to take some of the heat so other women don’t have to. In any case let Ana herself decide if I am using or abusing her. I just wish patriarchal men and femen would allow her to receive this post and respond but they hate freedom of expression that does not agree with their agenda. I agree with you that there is another game going on that does not seem to involve sex. But that’s deceptive too because at the root of man (pun intended) is sex; always was and always will be. If men can’t see or accept this, it’s not my job to change them. Using ad hominems like calling me selfish doesn’t help except insofar as it illustrates part of the patriarchal propaganda program.
Vot, I understand your anger, I get it, but I didn’t mean anything that way and I don’t think Dennis did either. I can get (I think) your anger and what you said, I hope you can reflect on whatever Dennis or I expressed, in my case rather ineptly. The Holidays can be emotional and things get expressed and comments can be interpreted in all kinds of ways and I actually have been following the C5 for years now. Sometimes some stuff slips in and I didn’t mean to trivialize a thing, I really dig what you post almost all of the time.
“Dropping defensive measures” is unwise.
There are fanatic Cuban-Americans who stand in the way. Some of these fanatics had a hand in Dallas, 1963.
It will take much more thaw in relations for some resolution of this case.
Obama would let hundreds of Isalmist terrorists out of GITMO before he would let her free.
Probably, a change in the administration with Trump could end this situation. He’s non-ideological, a realist.
Ana Belen Montes is a heroine who deserves to spend her remaining days, in freedom.
The post Republic (November 22, 1963), Zionist owned and controlled America, is not the kind and gentle place it is portrayed as – in Hollywood, or “The New York Times.”
Pedro Albizu Campos and the other Puerto Rican Nationalists, Martin Sostré, and so many other Freedom Fighters, have suffered (as you put it) “draconian” prison sentences, in the largest and cruelest Gulag on the Planet.
I visited Sostré in Manhattan’s West Side Jail, and Joel (who has written comments on this website), in Danbury Prison (where he did 3 years for refusing to murder Vietnamese).
Snowden is in exile. Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy, and Manning is serving a life sentence. Many others have been murdered.
However, the Zionist spy, Pollard, was recently released. He was a real Traitor, and a 24 carrot Spy.
If I can be of help, Let me know. Contact me through this forum, or the Saker.
Radio Havana Cuba, on every night at 6000 kHz, shortwave radio, English (USA evenings… also check the pirate frequencies this weekend for amusing escapades, which means 6925 and 6800-7000 kHz.) RHC has some great music programs and they talk about the Cuban 5 a lot. They’re not forgetting this.
For this Christmas…
Here’s a love story for u. An Alawite Muslim marries a Sunni Muslim & they live happily ever after. This is my Syria
SAA #Muslim Soldier with #Christian cross on his rifle butt, at the battlefield of #Jobar,
Muslim soldiers praying in church.. with respect..
The real moderates protecting secular Syria – The Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah
USA, THE banana republic of the banana republics.
Hi Saker ! thanks for keeping Ana in mind – especially at Christmas – I had never heard of her before I came here. I hope in the next year or two she will be released.
By the way, I noticed on Catherine’s webpage, that she has suggested that there really is some change taking place inside the Empire, to do with a few serious issues, such as Monsanto – a couple of trials have been judged in favor of the victims of Monsanto – and there is so much even in MSM about that black hole in Chicago where there are secret renditions….
Maybe change is in the air ?
American law has no justice nor mercy. The whole society is brainwashed.The acts america has done in the name of freedom and democracy want to make me laugh. God have mercy on them for they know not what their government is doing in their name.
What does say the Amnesty international about this brave woman Ana Belen?
If she was one of the Pussy Riot all “western” newspapers would rise up to defend her.
Blessed be mambisa and those in the same role as her.
Ah Ana, I need to send you an anagram since telegrams, letters and emails don’t get through to the black box your in.
I wrote about you based on what some people supporting you said here at a site called the Saker Vineyard. Perhaps this site will somehow penetrate your prison walls.
I am a man. I’ve worked in psychiatric wards mainly in the US Veterans Administration as an RN and visited prisons but I only have a vague idea of what you endure.
I used your situation to illustrate patriarchy’s treatment of women. If you could visit this site you could see what I wrote.
I have been accused by a couple of people of using you for my own selfish purposes. These two appear to use pseudonyms so I don’t know what sex they are. One is Root-man so I assume it’s a man. I responded to them as if they were men with patriarchal values which may be a false patriarchal judgement.
I suggested that you should be the one to judge whether I had used you inappropriately. If so I would be acting as a patriarch towards you.
Your friends told your story in a public forum so they were using your case with an agenda in mind. I am assuming that you agree with them and gave them permission. Those who put you in prison had an agenda and those working to set you free have another one. You are being used either way.
I wonder how you feel. In a free society you could tell us.
My agenda is to speak freely but that has consequences as you know? Your case may or may not be related to sex. We don’t know. You are one woman out of billions. Each woman has her own story to tell.
You may fall into a rage, perceiving me to be insensitive to your feelings or may hate me just for being a man. This would not be the first time for me. Generalization is always false and insensitive because of its very nature and yet it is part of our human nature. When it goes too far it turns patriarchal.
I have admitted time and again that I am patriarchal. That annoys people who have a different tone or vibration. I also say I am a recovering patriarch which in my mind says I am an aspiring woman lover.
None of this may interest you and may turn you off. And unless you can read anagrams, you may never know of it.
I live in a patriarchal world, a black box prison, so I’m bound to be ignorant and insensitive. If all goes well, you’ll be set free in a dozen or so years. At 76 I have a dozen or so years left before I am released.
I thank you and your friends. If I’ve used you wrongly I won’t apologize because what good what it do? Like you, I do what I do. If others want to use me, be my guest. Abuse is another thing altogether.
I have been pondering wether to react to your post more than a day now.
Señora Belen Montes is beautiful, yes, but her unique beauty is her courage and selfless sacrifice for truth and justice. She would probably laugh at your concept of ´patriachy´, expressed by misspelling of the word for female gender.
Have you listened to the youtube mid century recordings of ´La Reina de musica campesina´? (Celina, the queen of the music from the Cuban lands). Try to understand some of the text, and allow your heart to be moved and elevated! The inspiration of this music can even heal very damaged souls!
Santa Barbara is Cuba´s patron saint (Latin countries are Roman catholic, but enriched by a living African tradition, in Cuba called Santería). Sta. Barbara and her ´husband´, Chango! are the same force, male and female. Their main qualitiy is courage!
Señora Belen Montes is a true but also traditional Cubana hero, and an example for all of us! And yes, most of us men should just shut up for a moment, think about it and show some respect! Before you go off to try another post-modern post about ´patriarchy´, please learn from these traditions and wisdoms!
I did listen to the link you provided. I was moved by the strength and beauty of her voice. I don’t understand Spanish so had to rely on feeling the emotion.
True, I am a damaged soul but I know something about traditions. I live some twenty-five miles from another Santa Barbara in California.
I never thought of my distinguishing womem from women as post-modern but you’re probably right.
I also agree that men should show respect by listening.
But how can I stand by in silence in the face of so much evil? The Saker surely does not.
As Ted Cloak notes below, we don’t know what Ms. Montes wants since she’s been silenced. She may indeed laugh at my post-modern language since I do myself.
Does anyone know what Ms. Montes wants her well-wishers to do? It’s possible that she just wants to be left alone to accumulate good time (54 days per year served) to shorten her sentence.
This has nothing to do with “patriarchy” as some commenters would make it. This is about one brave person taking steps to oppose the murderous and unconstitutional US interventions in Latin America. If, as the government alleges, a US soldier died as a result of Montes’ “espionage” it is not her fault, but the fault of those who set up the secret base in El Salvador. Montes should be pardoned immediately.
Agree with all you wrote. I think (?) Dennis was just speaking his heart on Christmas eve. If you’re a musician, you tend to riff off your musicians if you know how to improvise and maybe that was inappropriate on this subject. I think what you wrote and what Dennis wrote were both valid, just not linked necessarily. My very best, fellow SouthWesterner.