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Tag "AngloZionist aggression against Syria"

Missile strikes on Syria tonight: do not rush to conclusions + please post here what you hear

Okay, I am getting flooded with email of tweets and FB reports and articles about missiles strikes in Syria.  My first reaction EVERYBODY WAIT! DO NOT JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS! We have no facts.  Some reports say that the USA attacked, other that it was Israel or even France.  The truth is that we won’t know for sure for at least 24 hours.  Whoever attacked will present that as a huge

His master’s voice (or how an obedient dog goes to war)

This is really pathetic, but it no less dangerous.  First, there was the order given from Above: Israeli officials: the “U.S. must strike in Syria” because “Assad is the angel of death, and the world would be better without him” Then there was the summoned servant’s immediate reply: Trump: “Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by
