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Tag "AngloZionist Germany"

Commentary on Prosvirnin’s “The Russian appeal to Germany”

Yesterday when I posted Egor Prosvirnin “appeal” I knew that I would catch hell for it. Also, and to be really honest, I had some reservations of my own about the content of this appeal. Still, I assumed that most readers would be aware that I sometimes post things here which I do not necessarily agree with, but which I find important, or interesting, or a good way to trigger

The Russian appeal to Germany

My name is Egor Prosvirnin, I am the chief editor of the Russian site which advocates European values. I’ve heard that one of the aspects of life that Europeans, and Germans especially, cherish is history. If we were to recall recent history, we would remember that a vast army of 300,000 Soviet troops along with 5,000 tanks, 1,500 aircraft and 10,000 artillery pieces (including tactical nuclear weapons) simply left
