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Tag "anti-Russian propaganda"

America’s troops love Russia, and Kremlin mind control is to blame – Pentagon officials

Originally posted by the RT FILE PHOTO: US troops cheer President Donald J. Trump as he addresses his remarks to military personal at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, November 28, 2019, © Global Look Press / White House A Reagan Institute survey has found that nearly half of all American military households view Russia as more of an ally than a threat. Pentagon officials reckon they’ve been brainwashed by the Kremlin. The

How the Western Media invented the “mysterious murderers from GRU”

Source: Translated by Scott Humor The New York Times has published another article “to expose the subversive work” of the GRU in Europe. We are talking about nothing less than the activities of an entire military unit, the purpose of which is to conduct “subversion, sabotage and murder.” What does this military unit actually do, and how convincing are the published accusations? In fact, the topic has long grew

Navy Brief 1/18 January 2018

by LeDahu The UK politicians and senior military officers at the helm of defence these days, seem to excel at outpourings of Russian scaremongering soundbites, which the UK MSM are too willing to relay, without any discussion or any criticism. I’m kind of wondering if there isn’t something in the water in Whitehall, that has led to a rash of anti-Russian outbursts of late. The UK media readily amplified the

Bloody Monday: Grandnephew of GULAG organizer stabbed the Echo of Moscow editor (MUST READ!)

Note by the Saker: a huge THANK YOU to Scott for an outstanding piece of research which he did literally overnight!  This is fascinating and most important, so I added the “MUST READ” tag to Scott’s article.  The Saker On November 23, 2002, fifty armed jihadi terrorists, or “freedom fighters” as they were called by the West, seized the Dubrovka Theater in Moscow taking 850 hostages. The liberal radio station Echo

Fake news? Nobody beats the western media

I love the western Ziomedia.  Not for what they write, but for showing their true face.  Finally.  After decades of pretending like they have some high professional or ethical standards, after years and years of pseudo-objective reporting, these folks have finally dropped their masks and are showing their true face.  We already saw the hysterical, truly maniacal, hate campaign against Trump (and it ain’t over by a long shot) and
