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Tag "Asia Times Online"

A two part Pepe Escobar report on the China, Pakistan and the new Great Game

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with The Asia Times – here and here – by special agreement with the author) The new Great Game on the Roof of the World On top of the graceful Baltit Fort, overlooking the Hunza Valley’s Shangri-La-style splendor, it’s impossible not to feel dizzy at the view: an overwhelming collision of millennia of geology and centuries of history. We are at the heart of Gilgit-Baltistan, in

Two more excellent analyses from the Asia Times Online

Two more excellent analyses from the Asia Times Online: one from Pepe Escobar about China (“China stitches up the (SCO) Silk Rd“) and one from M K Bhadrakumar about Russia (“Putin eyes Obama’s Iran file“).  Frankly this tag-team of Escobar & Bhadrakumar is so good that I recommend that everybody check out what they write on a daily basis.  They area light-years ahead of the competition.Cheers,The Saker
