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Tag "assault on Gaza"

Pillar of Impotence

by Gilad Atzmon In the past week, the people of Gaza have been subject to some serious Israeli attacks. Some Hamas leaders and militants have been murdered and many more Palestinians – innocent civilians, babies, kids women and elders – have lost their live. Yet, Gaza is celebrating with the Hamas leadership never more popular. So here is an interesting anecdote that deserves our attention. During the recent clashes Gazan

Israeli hardware defeated by Palestinian morale

Assuming the ceasefire holds, it is now time to assess the preliminary results of the Israeli attack on Gaza, and I would score this one as a definite victory for Hamas.  Why?Because it is pretty clear that the IDF was deterred from entering into Gaza whereas the usual orgy of violence unleashed by the Israelis on the Gaza Strip did not deter Palestinians at all.  It is also pretty clear

Israel’s Leaders on the Run

by Gilad Atzmon Senior officials in Israel confirmed reports on Monday that a British court issued a warrant against opposition leader Mrs. Tzipi Livni for her role in orchestrating Israel’s military offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip last December. British sources reported that though a British court had issued an arrest warrant for Livni over war crimes committed in Gaza, it annulled it upon discovering she was not in

ICC evaluates Israeli war crimes case

Press TV reports: The Palestinian Authority has recognized the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court to investigate Israeli war crimes in Gaza. Acting Palestinian Justice Minister Ali Khashan sent a brief letter to the court on Jan. 21, in which he recognized the authority of the world’s first permanent war crimes tribunal. The court made the letter public Tuesday, APTN reported. On Monday, the office of the International Criminal Court,

Black Flag

by Uri Avnery A SPANISH JUDGE has instituted a judicial inquiry against seven Israeli political and military personalities on suspicion of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The case: the 2002 dropping of a one ton bomb on the home of Hamas leader Salah Shehade. Apart from the intended victim, 14 people, most of them children, were killed. For those who have forgotten: the then commander of the Israeli Air

Iranian students offer $1.5m reward for Mubarak execution

The Guardian reports: Radical Iranian students have angered Egypt by offering a $1.5m (£1m) reward for the execution of its president, Hosni Mubarak, after accusing him of failing to oppose Israel’s bombardment of Gaza. The bounty has been put up by the Students’ Justice-Seeking movement, which last week staged a sit-in at Tehran’s Mehrabad airport demanding to be sent to Gaza as pro-Palestinian volunteers. The group has labelled Mubarak an

Israel braces for war crime charges

Press TV reports: Israel prepares to respond to possible war crimes charges after its soldiers admitted to having used chemical weapons against Gazans. Israeli government sources revealed on Friday that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had tasked an inter-ministerial team to clear Tel Aviv of possible war crimes charges relating to its three-week-long assault on Gaza. Israeli Justice Minister Daniel Friedman will spearhead the efforts to coordinate a legal defense for

IDF censor bans naming officers involved in Gaza op

Ha’aretz reports: The Military Censor is applying strict restrictions preventing the media from identifying officers who participated in the Gaza Strip fighting and information about them that may be used in legal proceedings against them abroad. There is growing concern at the Defense Ministry and the Ministry of Justice that Israeli officers will be singled out in a massive wave of suits for alleged human rights violations. The new instructions

Iranian Journalist Interviews Gilad Atzmon

Bring justice to the Israeli criminals, today! Interview by: Kourosh Ziabari published at Palestine Think Tank Gilad Atzmon is unique in his stance, unprecedented in his voice and unequivocal in his statements. As an Israel-born jazz musician and anti-Zionist activist, he propagates and chants his anti-Israeli contemplations explicitly and once he finds the opportunity. As a musician who plays soprano, tenor and baritone saxophones, clarinet, sol, zurna and flute, Atzmon

Hamas to Fight On if Israel Ceases Fire Unilaterally

Al-Manar reports: This unilateral ceasefire does not foresee a withdrawal” by the Israeli army,” Hamas’s representative in Lebanon Oussama Hamdan said Saturday. He stressed the resistance group will fight on if Israel orders a unilateral ceasefire in Gaza. “As long as it remains in Gaza, resistance and confrontation will continue,” he said. Speaking at a conference in Beirut, also attended by European representatives supporting the Palestinians, Hamdan added that Israel’s

Ismail Haniyeh: My message to the West – Israel must stop the slaughter

I write this article to Western readers across the social and political spectrum as the Israeli war machine continues to massacre my people in Gaza. To date, almost 1,000 have been killed, nearly half of whom are women and children. Last week’s bombing of the UNRWA (UN Relief Works Agency) school in the Jabalya refugee camp was one of the most despicable crimes imaginable, as hundreds of civilians had abandoned

Gilad Atzmon – Israel Has Managed to Lose Again

by Gilad Atzmon for Palestine Think Tank Haaretz reported today that IDF Senior officials “believe that Israel should strive to reach an immediate cease-fire with Hamas, and not expand its offensive against the Palestinian Islamist group in Gaza.” This shouldn’t take us by great surprise. Though Israel has proved beyond doubt that it is rather capable of conducting large-scale genocide, it also proved that its military forces do not have

IDF targets hospital, UN compound and journalists

Ha’aretz reports: The Al-Quds hospital in Gaza City was engulfed in flames on Thursday after it was caught in the fighting between Israel Defense Forces troops and Hamas. Just before, the IDF shelled the main United Nation aid compound in the city of Gaza, drawing harsh criticism from visiting UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and a subsequent apology from Defense Minister Ehud Barak. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency

ICC overlooks Israel’s war crimes allegation

Press TV reports: The International Criminal Court prosecutor says it lacks jurisdiction to investigate possible Israeli war crimes committed in Gaza. The ICC prosecutor said in a statement Wednesday that the “court’s jurisdiction is limited to war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of genocide committed on the territory of, or by a national of, a state party while Israel is not a member state. Tel Aviv launched Operation

‘Full Red Alert’: Hezbollah Ponders Gaza Role

By Franklin Lamb for Palestine Chronicle “The Resistance is one project and the resistance movement is one movement and has one course, one destiny, one goal, despite its different parties, factions, believes, sects and intellectual and political trends…Resistance movements in this region, especially in Lebanon and Palestine, complement one another and (Hezbollah and Hamas) are contiguous groups.” — Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah, 7/18/08 “In Lebanon, we, the Islamic Resistance,

Edited transcript of Khaled Meshaal’s speech on day 15 of the war on Gaza

Press TV reports: In a speech from Damascus, Khaled Meshaal, Hamas’ political leader spoke on the events arising from Israel’s ongoing 15-day raid on the Gaza Strip: The edited text of the Saturday televised address follows: The Zionists wanted to impose a humiliating defeat on us because the only obstacle to confront them is resistance, especially in the Gaza Strip. Perhaps the Zionists, because of the difference between the resistance

Will Hizballah intervene in the Gaza conflict?

by Amal Saad-Ghorayeb for The Electronic Intifada While Israel fervently attempts to terrorize the Palestinians into submission in Gaza, many observers have started to wonder why Hizballah has refrained from stepping in militarily to assist its brothers-in-arms, Hamas. Such musings fail to take account of the constraints on Hizballah’s room for action, as well as the circumstances under which Hizballah would ignore such constraints. The question that should be posed

Qassam Brigades: We’ve Killed 12 Israeli Soldiers Friday

Al-Manar reports: On the 15th day of Israel’s onslaught on the Gaza Strip, the Zionist entity killed more than 806 Palestinians and injured more than 3150 others, yet the goal to break the will of the people and the resistance has been futile. The Israel occupation army has been stunned by the Palestinian resistance’s fighting techniques, capabilities and determination. On Saturday morning, the Quds Brigades, the military wing of the
