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Tag "Australia"

Australian Lowlifes – American Empire’s Bitches

By Allen Yu for the Saker Blog I have picked on America for some time … and for good reasons … because American leaders and media on the world stage have been tragically hypocritical and arrogant for too long. Just look at the recent murder of Iran’s top nuclear scientist – Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. Imagine if a top scientist in the U.S. (or U.K. or France or Germany for that matter)

You thought that all ADL/AIPAC-type of crazies where in the USA? Think again!

Jewish outrage over Christian sisterly plan with Bethlehem-Palestine A SYDNEY council`s decision to form a sister city relationship with Bethlehem has outraged members of the Jewish community, who say the move is akin to supporting terrorism. Marrickville Council, in Sydney`s inner west, has had an in-principle agreement since 2001 with the Palestinian city believed by some Christian scholars to have been the birthplace of Jesus Christ. The agreement is due
