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Tag "Baaz"

World SITREP October 2nd, 2016 by Baaz

World War III       The US will exploit non-diplomatic options in the war with Russia ‘Russia will continue to send troops home [from Syria] in body bags’ – US State Dept   Pentagon chief outlines preparations for nuclear war with Russia, by Bill Van Auken The thrust of Carter’s speech was a defense of the Pentagon’s proposed $348 billion plan to rebuild Washington’s so-called nuclear triad of strategic bombers, missiles

World SITREP August 22, 2016 by BAAZ

RUSSIA Russia: Kalashnikov opens own-brand store at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport Russia Defense Report: Nukes, Bugs, and Gas in Hybrid Wars Russia: Four militants killed in anti-terror op in St. Petersburg – officials Launch of Kalibr cruise missiles from Mediterranean Sea against Jihadists facilities in Aleppo World’s Best Portable ManPad missile Russian Verba The Russian Ministry of defense published the first official video of the fifth generation PAK FA Sukhoi T-50
